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‘Lacking Cognitive Ability’: Gen Z
Voters’ Concern over Biden’s Mental
Fitness Grows

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Posted By: Imright, 12/25/2023 2:56:29 AM

The concern Gen Z voters have about President Joe Biden’s mental fitness and so-called “retiree” lifestyle is growing as his approval rating plummets to an all-time low, polling and voter interviews show. The latest Monmouth University poll revealed that 61 percent of respondents across all age groups disapproved of Biden’s job performance. His 34 percent approval rating is down from 44 percent in July, making it the lowest of his presidency. (X) Gen Z voters joined Fox & Friends First on Wednesday, and one first-generation Nigerian-American university student predicted that young people do not want a president who seems “retired.”

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Reply 1 - Posted by: NullUnit60 12/25/2023 4:49:08 AM (No. 1623797)
But when Biden proclaims in front of all of those mics that he is running for re-election because (enter mindless dreck here) and then off camera quietly withdraws in favor of Gov. Year-Twenty-Of-Ten-Year-Plan-To-Eliminate-Homelessness Newsom, won't that confirm that Biden IS the Potemkin Puppet he always has been? Oh heck, who am I kidding? They ain't hiding a thing anymore.
6 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: mifla 12/25/2023 5:59:20 AM (No. 1623801)
Joe has gotten to the point that he says something stupid every time he is in front of a camera. He may want to run in 2024, but the DNC doesn't want him.
6 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Msquared112 12/25/2023 7:05:49 AM (No. 1623829)
They’re just figuring this out, that he’s mentally inept?
6 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: franq 12/25/2023 7:45:38 AM (No. 1623844)
"...So I want to wish everyone, as the verse in the book of Palms says - Merry Trunalimunumaprzure! To each and every one of the billion three hundred million trillion three hundred million people on this Earth! Stand up, Chuck!"
4 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: bpl40 12/25/2023 8:02:08 AM (No. 1623853)
Joe Dementia was never the sharpest knife in the drawer. Age is now making it unconcealable. What is happening is elder abuse.
8 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: Venturer 12/25/2023 8:22:58 AM (No. 1623868)
Gee: Just imagine the Gen. Z kids are starting to see what is unfolding before their eyes. You know things are bad when these spoiled and brain washed children are waking up.
3 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: red1066 12/25/2023 8:51:23 AM (No. 1623877)
If Biteme makes it to the November 2024 election, he'll still get at least 81 million votes and those votes will all be real according to the DNC and the MSM.
4 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: Strike3 12/25/2023 9:23:42 AM (No. 1623892)
That's an amazing revelation considering that the intellectual makeup of Gen Z type humanoids is far closer to that of Joe Biden than to the normal people in the country. It's either a severe vitamin deficiency or thousands of careless mothers dropped their babies on their heads.
3 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: mc squared 12/25/2023 9:31:41 AM (No. 1623895)
Confusing headline?
2 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: Laotzu 12/25/2023 10:45:32 AM (No. 1623934)
Yeah, that's how I feel about Gen Z voters.
6 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: southernboy 12/25/2023 12:31:04 PM (No. 1623994)
"Concern?" They are "concerned?" They should be panic-stricken that the fool is actually signing policy documents thrust in front of him by denizens of the Deep State!
3 people like this.

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Posted by Imright 12/27/2023 3:38:14 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 12/27/2023 3:28:03 AM Post Reply
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0 replies
Posted by Imright 12/26/2023 11:38:34 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 12/26/2023 11:32:09 PM Post Reply
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2 replies
Posted by Imright 12/26/2023 11:27:49 PM Post Reply
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5 replies
Posted by Imright 12/26/2023 10:36:06 PM Post Reply
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Michelle Obama Absolutely Is Political 19 replies
Posted by Imright 12/26/2023 9:23:43 PM Post Reply
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‘Blasphemous’: Church Slammed For
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13 replies
Posted by Imright 12/26/2023 9:19:44 PM Post Reply
A church in Italy took considerable backlash for its “dangerous” and “blasphemous” nativity scene featuring a figure of a second woman — in place of Joseph — alongside the figures of the Virgin Mary and the baby Jesus. The Church of Saints Peter and Paul, in Capocastello di Mercogliano, is under fire after Father Vitaliano Della Sala decided it would be a good idea to have a “more inclusive” nativity in his church, Reuters reported.“I wanted to show with this scene that families are no longer just the traditional ones,” Della Sala told the outlet.
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Posted by ladydawgfan 12/26/2023 7:12:10 PM Post Reply
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Posted by RockyTCB 12/26/2023 9:06:31 AM Post Reply
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Posted by ladydawgfan 12/26/2023 6:44:52 PM Post Reply
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Posted by ladydawgfan 12/26/2023 5:33:39 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Hazymac 12/26/2023 8:08:22 AM Post Reply
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Michelle Obama Absolutely Is Political 19 replies
Posted by Imright 12/26/2023 9:23:43 PM Post Reply
Upon hearing the notion that Michelle Obama may be the presidential candidate for Democrats in 2024, many Republicans reflexively recite the mantra that she is enjoying her life and is not political. Let me make one thing clear: Michelle Obama is a political animal. Republicans must quickly begin to prepare for her candidacy. Michelle grew up as the daughter of a Chicago Democrat party precinct captain. She has written about making the rounds with her father from age 4, visiting homes in her area to get out the black vote for the white liberal Chicago Democrat party machine.
With support for Biden fading, and the
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19 replies
Posted by Moritz55 12/26/2023 3:01:02 PM Post Reply
"I have decided that I will no longer be a candidate for president in the 2024 election." Most Democrats and the vast majority of voters overall hope that Joe Biden will utter those words sometime before the party’s national convention, which convenes in Chicago next August. It could happen. More importantly, it should happen. Polls show that Biden is deeply unpopular. Beyond serious concerns about his advanced age and diminished mental acuity, his job performance on every major policy issue that Americans care about is a dismal report card of inept management or misjudgment.
Donald Trump’s 2024 Vice President 17 replies
Posted by earlybird 12/26/2023 2:17:32 PM Post Reply
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14 replies
Posted by Beardo 12/26/2023 1:37:34 PM Post Reply
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Hitler Wasn't Available: New York Times
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14 replies
Posted by Hazymac 12/26/2023 8:28:56 AM Post Reply
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14 replies
Posted by Hazymac 12/26/2023 8:17:57 AM Post Reply
Kanye West apologized to the Jewish community early Tuesday for his series of “unintended” antisemitic “outbursts.” The “All of the Lights” rapper shared the message, which was written entirely in Hebrew, on Instagram in the final hours of Christmas Day. “I sincerely apologize to the Jewish community for any unintended outburst caused by my words or actions, it was not my intention to hurt or disrespect, and I deeply regret any pain I may have caused,” read West’s message, translated from Hebrew. “I am committed to starting with myself and learning from this experience to ensure greater sensitivity and understanding in the future.” West, 46, concluded his nativity note
‘Blasphemous’: Church Slammed For
Same-Sex Nativity Scene
13 replies
Posted by Imright 12/26/2023 9:19:44 PM Post Reply
A church in Italy took considerable backlash for its “dangerous” and “blasphemous” nativity scene featuring a figure of a second woman — in place of Joseph — alongside the figures of the Virgin Mary and the baby Jesus. The Church of Saints Peter and Paul, in Capocastello di Mercogliano, is under fire after Father Vitaliano Della Sala decided it would be a good idea to have a “more inclusive” nativity in his church, Reuters reported.“I wanted to show with this scene that families are no longer just the traditional ones,” Della Sala told the outlet.
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