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Election 2024 – It’s the Voters, Stupid!

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Posted By: DW626, 12/18/2023 6:12:49 AM

Former President Donald Trump is barreling toward the GOP presidential nomination according to recent polls and the ruling class establishment is petrified. Trump said he would be a dictator, at least that’s how corporate media framed his words. In a recent interview with Sean Hannity, Trump was asked, "Under no circumstances, you are promising America tonight, you would never abuse power as retribution against anybody?” Hannity asked Trump in the interview taped in Davenport, Iowa on Tuesday. “Except for day one,” Trump responded. Trump said on the “day one” he referred to, he would use his presidential powers to close the southern border with Mexico and expand oil drilling.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Strike3 12/18/2023 6:45:15 AM (No. 1619606)
They are right to be running scared. Trump will correct the illegal wrongdoing that is now considered normal democrat behavior. Corporate media will be among the wrongdoers who will be called out. If they consider that dictatorial, so be it.
12 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: smokincol 12/18/2023 8:38:27 AM (No. 1619669)
"Former President Donald Trump is barreling toward the GOP presidential nomination ... " - not if romney mcdaniel has anything to say about it - talk about knifing someone in the back who was / has been / is continuing to be good to you and - your response is to undermine and undercut his very existence so - who needs enemies when your own party leaders are taking a hammer to your campaign
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Reply 3 - Posted by: Venturer 12/18/2023 8:43:25 AM (No. 1619675)
A one day dictator who close the border? I believe most Americans are ready for that. And ready to see wholesale firings at the Justice department too
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Reply 4 - Posted by: bobmadison 12/18/2023 9:21:45 AM (No. 1619722)
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Reply 5 - Posted by: uforabin 12/18/2023 9:32:18 AM (No. 1619731)
My main takeaway from this article is its affirmation that both major parties have merged into what we’ve been calling the uni-party for years now and that establishment Republicans have abandoned its base by supporting a ruling class full of neocons, big donors, the open borders crowd, and endless wars.
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Reply 6 - Posted by: FLCracker 12/18/2023 10:01:17 AM (No. 1619751)
Does no one but me recognize that Trump is riffing off a meme from years ago: "For just one day, I'd like to see the US be as bad as everyone says it is." I have discovered this is the problem of growing old and trying to communicate with younger audiences - you no longer have a common database of collective and social ideas, books, experiences, TV commercials, famous or notorious people, slang, funny expressions, etc., etc. etc. Heck, we don't even have the same basic education in common.
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Don’t Overplay Plagiarism 6 replies
Posted by DW626 12/19/2023 5:22:48 PM Post Reply
As a sidelight to the December 5, 2023, House Committee on Education testimony of several presidents of elite universities, the media is currently feasting on a debate over plagiarism. Here, I argue that there is a difference between intentionally stealing another’s ideas and simply lazy, borderline-incompetent scholarship. I find that the allegation of plagiarism in this case is unfounded, while the blatantly incompetent scholarship that has led to the allegation is shocking. The congressional testimony of Claudine Gay of Harvard, Elizabeth Magill of Penn, and Sally Kornbluth of MIT reeked of hypocrisy.
'Looks Like an Insurrection': Hamas Sympathizers
Take Over U.S. Capitol Rotunda
8 replies
Posted by DW626 12/19/2023 3:12:13 PM Post Reply
The trend of radical anti-Israel leftists shutting down government buildings to demand a "ceasefire now" — something which would prolong Hamas attacks against Israeli civilians and give the Iran-backed terrorists a hope of survival — reached a new level on Tuesday when the rotunda of the United States Capitol was closed by authorities while they arrested and removed the demonstrators. Scores of individuals demanding Hamas be allowed to survive unfurled a banner and launched into an off-pitch and dystopian sounding "song" — if you can call it that — that was as incorrect as it was punishing on the ears.
You Cannot Make Up This Coincidence Concerning
Bob Menendez's New Attorney
4 replies
Posted by DW626 12/19/2023 12:37:20 PM Post Reply
Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ) remains a sitting US Senator. Congress had to boot Rep. George Santos (R-NY), but gold bar Bob can’t be expelled for obvious political reasons. Sen. John Fetterman (D-PA) has pointed out a point of hypocrisy numerous times, even adding that the New Jersey Democrat’s alleged crimes are more severe than Santos'. If Santos had to go, so should Menendez, which isn’t a ludicrous pointIn September, Mr. Menendez got busted for accepting bribes and acting as a foreign agent for Egyptian officials who showered the Menendez family with cars, offers to pay off their mortgage, and gold bars.
The Real Claudine Gay Scandal 20 replies
Posted by DW626 12/19/2023 5:19:40 AM Post Reply
Dr. Claudine, current President of Harvard University, is one lucky woman or, as she might describe herself a “a lucky woman of color.” She first survived her dreadful testimony before the House Committee on Education and the Workforce, where she refused to unambiguously denounce calls from Harvard students and faculty to kill all Israeli Jews. It was an embarrassing performance filled with weasel words and amorphous defenses such as “it all depends on context” as if genocide might be legitimate in some circumstances. Gay’s second lucky break was to survive clear-cut evidence that she was a career plagiarist, and this scholarly dishonesty far exceeded inadvertent sloppiness.
Is the Bubble You Live In Making You Dumb? 23 replies
Posted by DW626 12/19/2023 5:16:22 AM Post Reply
A comic in a club started to make a joke about President Joe Biden and was promptly heckled by a woman shouting, “Stop it. I like Joe.” I watched the YouTube video of it and once again marveled at the very idea that anyone in 2023 could be so ignorant of Biden’s character. At present, polls show that his approval ratings are the lowest ever for an incumbent president but the very fact that 30% of those polled still believe he’s doing a good job means that idiocracy is now the normal state in America. All right, perhaps, I’m wrong and the average I.Q. in America hasn’t decreased to -50.
We Can Either Go Medieval on Terrorists
or Kiss Prosperity Goodbye
11 replies
Posted by DW626 12/18/2023 3:16:12 PM Post Reply
"Remember we have only to be lucky once, you will have to be lucky always," the IRA warned the world after an assassination bombing at Brighton's Grand Hotel barely missed killing British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher in 1984. The same story is being told today in the vital lanes of the Red Sea, where Yemen's Iranian-backed Houthi rebels are waging a missile war against the world's shipping — and major shippers are getting out before their luck runs out. Oil giant BP is just the latest firm to announce it will "pause" all shipments through the Red Sea due to the "deteriorating security situation," according to a company statement.
Election 2024 – It’s the Voters, Stupid! 6 replies
Posted by DW626 12/18/2023 6:12:49 AM Post Reply
Former President Donald Trump is barreling toward the GOP presidential nomination according to recent polls and the ruling class establishment is petrified. Trump said he would be a dictator, at least that’s how corporate media framed his words. In a recent interview with Sean Hannity, Trump was asked, "Under no circumstances, you are promising America tonight, you would never abuse power as retribution against anybody?” Hannity asked Trump in the interview taped in Davenport, Iowa on Tuesday. “Except for day one,” Trump responded. Trump said on the “day one” he referred to, he would use his presidential powers to close the southern border with Mexico and expand oil drilling.
Why Michelle Obama is as Rotten a Choice
for President as Hillary Clinton
13 replies
Posted by DW626 12/18/2023 5:26:22 AM Post Reply
Democrats are using identity politics again to test the waters for a ballot replacement for Joe Biden instead of finding a candidate with bona fide qualifications -- and integrity. Michelle Obama is being touted a possible candidate who could beat Donald Trump. She was recently publicized as an executive producer of a Netflix fiction movie, along with husband Barack. There was not much of the old Obama hopey-changey messaging in her anti-white Netflix endeavor, however, which left identity politics as her selling point with voters. Per the academic definition, identity politics is a Marxist tactic of assigning utmost societal importance to a candidate’s empowerment of a collective,
Paul Krugman explains economics for us
hysterical conservatives
16 replies
Posted by DW626 12/17/2023 3:43:16 PM Post Reply
In addition to being an insufferable leftist, Paul Krugman is a world-renowned economist. He even has a Nobel Prize to prove it. I’m just a retired engineer who refuses to keep my opinions to myself. I shouldn’t be able to ridicule him on economic matters, but he just makes it so danged easy. It’s seems clear that our Nobel laureate is either economically illiterate or just plain dishonest. I doubt he’s economically illiterate, but I’ll let you decide. Krugman recently ran an article entitled “The Progressive Case for Bidenomics.” Apparently, he didn’t get the memo.
GOP Neocon Senator Lindsey Graham Suggests
Lack of Evidence Against Joe Biden’s
Corruption (Video)
33 replies
Posted by DW626 12/17/2023 2:54:50 PM Post Reply
In a recent episode of “Meet the Press,” GOP Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) appeared to suggest a lack of compelling evidence in the ongoing impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden. When questioned by host Kristen Welker about his stance on the allegations against Biden, Graham indicated that he has not been closely following the proceedings. His comments implied that for the inquiry to hold weight, it must demonstrate that Joe Biden benefited financially from his son Hunter Biden’s business dealings. Graham’s statement, “If there were a smoking gun, I think we’d be talking about it,”
Law Firm Announces it Will No Longer Recruit
at Harvard University Due to President’s
Congressional Testimony
11 replies
Posted by DW626 12/16/2023 2:46:10 PM Post Reply
The fallout continues for Harvard University. A law firm has just announced that it will no longer recruit from the school, due to the controversy surrounding Harvard President Claudine Gay, who failed to flatly condemn students on campus calling for the genocide of Jews. Gay has also been exposed as a plagiarist, but the school is standing by her. It’s amazing how much damage all of this has done to the school’s brand. A law firm will cease on-campus recruiting of Harvard Law students due to the university president’s recent congressional testimony, telling Fox News Digital the move will be in place until there is a “sea change” on campus.
Supply Chain Under Threat As Major Shipping
Company Halts Critical Route Travel
10 replies
Posted by DW626 12/15/2023 12:50:09 PM Post Reply
Major shipping company Mearsk has halted all cargo ship travel through the Red Sea as Iranian backed Houthi terrorists continue their assault in the region. "Container shipping giant A.P. Moller-Maersk A/S instructed its vessels heading for the southern entrance of the Red Sea to pause their voyages after one of its carriers came under attack. The move threatens to undermine the global economic recovery and adds to pressure on the US to improve security along one of the worlds most important trade routes," Bloomberg reports. "Disruptions in the area can snarl supply chains and world trade.
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Pro-Hamas Mob Takes Over NYC’s Penn
Station, Harrasses Travelers
33 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 12/19/2023 12:48:43 AM Post Reply
Another day ending in “y,” another pro-Hamas anti-Israel protest. This one broke out Monday evening in New York City’s Penn Station, where protesters marched into the Daniel Moynihan Train Hall in Manhattan to harass travelers and intimidate anyone who disagreed with their viewpoint. It started around 5 p.m., according to a local news station: The group came from the Port Authority Bus Terminal, and earlier marched down 42nd Street from Grand Central Terminal where the MTA earlier warned commuters about travel restrictions. Police could be seen barricading and blocking entrances to Penn Station around 5 p.m., including a NJ TRANSIT entrance on 7th Avenue, but
Colorado Supreme Court removes Trump from
2024 ballot based on 14th Amendment’s
‘insurrectionist ban’
29 replies
Posted by FlyRight 12/19/2023 6:32:12 PM Post Reply
In a stunning and unprecedented decision, the Colorado Supreme Court removed former President Donald Trump from the state’s 2024 ballot, ruling that he isn’t an eligible presidential candidate because of the 14th Amendment’s “insurrectionist ban.” The ruling was 4-3. The ruling will be placed on hold pending appeal until January 4, pending a certain appeal to the US Supreme Court, which could settle the matter for the nation
Only Six Percent of Americans Approve
of Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s
Job Performance
29 replies
Posted by Imright 12/19/2023 8:13:37 AM Post Reply
We reported earlier about the new Monmouth national poll showing President Joe Biden has dropped to his lowest approval rating ever, earning a meager 34 percent. But voters are even more unhappy with another politician, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), who received an exceptionally low six percent approval rating. Meanwhile, 60 percent of respondents disapproved of the job he's been doing. (X) Monmouth wrote about the McConnell numbers, noting that he’s the only person in the poll who received a net negative score:
Is the Bubble You Live In Making You Dumb? 23 replies
Posted by DW626 12/19/2023 5:16:22 AM Post Reply
A comic in a club started to make a joke about President Joe Biden and was promptly heckled by a woman shouting, “Stop it. I like Joe.” I watched the YouTube video of it and once again marveled at the very idea that anyone in 2023 could be so ignorant of Biden’s character. At present, polls show that his approval ratings are the lowest ever for an incumbent president but the very fact that 30% of those polled still believe he’s doing a good job means that idiocracy is now the normal state in America. All right, perhaps, I’m wrong and the average I.Q. in America hasn’t decreased to -50.
Shocking moment five people hanging out
of SUV during 'street takeover' in Colorado
Springs are CRUSHED after car rolls over
as horrified onlookers try lifting vehicle
up to free trapped victims
21 replies
Posted by zephyrgirl 12/19/2023 12:32:04 PM Post Reply
Five people were crushed after they hung out of an SUV during a 'street takeover' in a Colorado Springs strip mall as the driver preformed donuts. The incident occurred just after 10:15 pm on Saturday in the parking lot of The Market at Spring Creek in southeast Colorado Springs. When police arrived on the scene, they found several passengers severely injured. They were taken to a local hospital, and their conditions are unknown at this time.
The Real Claudine Gay Scandal 20 replies
Posted by DW626 12/19/2023 5:19:40 AM Post Reply
Dr. Claudine, current President of Harvard University, is one lucky woman or, as she might describe herself a “a lucky woman of color.” She first survived her dreadful testimony before the House Committee on Education and the Workforce, where she refused to unambiguously denounce calls from Harvard students and faculty to kill all Israeli Jews. It was an embarrassing performance filled with weasel words and amorphous defenses such as “it all depends on context” as if genocide might be legitimate in some circumstances. Gay’s second lucky break was to survive clear-cut evidence that she was a career plagiarist, and this scholarly dishonesty far exceeded inadvertent sloppiness.
Exclusive: Over 170 of Jeffrey Epstein's
high-profile associates will be NAMED
in court documents set to be unsealed
in the first days of 2024
19 replies
Posted by Imright 12/19/2023 11:55:44 AM Post Reply
Dozens of Jeffrey Epstein's high profile associates are in for a New Year's surprise as they will be named in court documents set to be released in the first days of 2024. The pedophile's powerful friends are set to be exposed as part of a vast unsealing that a judge ordered on Monday will take place in 14 days. That will take the release day to January 1 – but as that is a holiday it is likely the files will be made public the following day. Some 177 people will be identified across hundreds of files which will shed new light on the late financier's sex trafficking operation and
Team Trump Issues Fiery Response After
Radical-Left Colorado Supreme Court Disqualifies
Him from 2024 Ballot and Vows an Immediate
U.S. Supreme Court Appeal
14 replies
Posted by Imright 12/19/2023 8:01:11 PM Post Reply
As the Gateway Pundit reported, President Trump will not be on the ballot in Colorado in 2024 thanks to their far-left Supreme Court. The Court dubiously cited Section 3 of the US Constitution’s 14th Amendment which states public officials who have “engaged in insurrection or rebellion against” the US may be disqualified from public office. Trump did not engage in an insurrection nor has been charged with one. As TGP readers know, this ruling came in response to a suit brought by the George Soros-funded Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics (CREW).
Straw Poll Shows Young Trump Voters Want
Carlson or Vivek as VP
14 replies
Posted by Moritz55 12/19/2023 5:22:57 PM Post Reply
Young Republican voters overwhelmingly want Donald Trump to be the GOP nominee in 2024, and they only disagree on whether he should choose Tucker Carlson or Vivek Ramaswamy as his running mate, according to a straw poll of participants who attended Turning Point Action’s annual AmericaFest. Obtained exclusively by RealClearPolitics, the results provide a snapshot of the youth vote just weeks before the Iowa caucuses. The online poll was conducted by Turning Point Action Dec. 17-18 and surveyed 1,113 attendees at the TPUSA conference in Phoenix, Ariz. The results show Trump as the clear favorite with 82.6% of respondents choosing the former president as their first choice.
Study: Nearly 3-in-5 Illegal Alien Households
Are on Taxpayer-Funded Welfare
11 replies
Posted by Imright 12/19/2023 8:07:46 PM Post Reply
Close to 60 percent of households headed by illegal aliens use at least one major form of welfare, an analysis conducted by the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) reveals. The CIS analysis from Steven Camarota and Karen Zeigler shows illegal aliens and legal immigrants, in general, use “significantly more” welfare than native-born American citizens.For example, about 59 percent of households headed by illegal aliens use welfare and about 52 percent of households headed by legal immigrants use at least one form of welfare. At the same time, fewer than 4-in-10 households headed by native-born American citizens use welfare.
What the Hell Is Going on with Zuckerberg's
Hawaii Supervillain Lair?
11 replies
Posted by Hazymac 12/19/2023 6:01:22 PM Post Reply
If you want to know what's going on with Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg's massive Koolau Ranch compound on the Hawaiian island of Kauai, there's no use asking anyone involved in its construction — they're all bound by strict nondisclosure agreements. According to an anonymous former contract employee who was willing to risk life and limb — not really (?!?) — to talk to Wired, "It’s fight club. We don’t talk about fight club." More ominously, he added, “Anything posted from here, they get wind of it right away.” And you thought Zuckerberg just had algos scanning your Instagram feed for wrongthink. Sources differ on the size and expense of Zuckerberg's compound.
Mexican President Obrador: Mexico to Challenge
New Texas Immigration Laws
11 replies
Posted by Imright 12/19/2023 5:16:10 PM Post Reply
From the glassiest of glass houses, Mexican El Presidente Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador is threatening legal action against Texas over new immigration laws. Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador on Tuesday said his government was preparing to challenge a new Texas law allowing state law enforcement to arrest suspected migrants, which he called "inhumane." On Monday, Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed the law giving local officers powers long delegated to the U.S. government. Migrants who enter the United States illegally can already be charged with illegal entry or re-entry under federal laws, but the governor
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