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State Department bypasses Congress, OKs
sale of tank shells to Israel

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Posted By: Dreadnought, 12/9/2023 1:52:30 PM

WASHINGTON — The State Department used an emergency authority to allow the sale of approximately 14,000 tank shells to Israel, bypassing a congressional review process, the Pentagon said on Saturday. According to the State Department and an online post by the Defense Department on Saturday, the review process is generally required for arms sales to foreign nations, The New York Times reported. The sale of the shells is valued at more than $106 million. Congress has no power to the State Department’s move, the Times reported. In its notification, the Defense Department stated that Secretary of State Antony Blinken had informed Congress on Friday that “an emergency exists

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Mcscow sailor 12/9/2023 2:03:58 PM (No. 1613900)
Another annulling of Congress…from the team that frets about Trump being a dictator
19 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: paral04 12/9/2023 2:13:27 PM (No. 1613904)
Time to cut the State Department's budget to the bone.
14 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: itsonlyme 12/9/2023 2:16:24 PM (No. 1613905)
Once again, Secretary of State Antony "Bubonic" Blinken at the wheel. He was an integral part of the chaotic and deadly withdrawal from Afghanistan. Until he is held fully accountable for his multitude of treasonous and criminal acts against the U.S. Constitution, he will continue. Swift and decisive action should be called upon.
7 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: john56 12/9/2023 2:44:33 PM (No. 1613913)
Well, if Israel needs tank shells, they need them. But it would be nice if we did it the right way. As we've been told Democracy dies in darkness. It's not Democrats operate in darkness.
10 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Birddog 12/9/2023 2:59:45 PM (No. 1613918)
$7541.00 per tank shell...such a deal! I frankly feel that each one of those is a better expenditure than handing that amount to every warm body that walks across our borders. I hope they aim them well and have major effect.
13 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: czechlist 12/9/2023 3:02:07 PM (No. 1613919)
may as well strike Article One from the Constitution. The Cowards in Congress have ceded powers to the Executive Branch.
8 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: Birddog 12/9/2023 3:02:22 PM (No. 1613920)
Though I do find it a mite "Interesting" that Biden's team uses War Powers Act to spend $billions on Climatechange subsidies to heat pump manufactures and installers...but not for Military equipt and aid to War Allies..
6 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: Omen55 12/9/2023 4:43:53 PM (No. 1613941)
They did the wrong thing for the right reason.
3 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: MindMadeUp 12/9/2023 5:56:11 PM (No. 1613961)
I hope they're used to blow up Hamas scum. At least they sold them to Israel. If it had been Ukraine, they'd have just given them away.
7 people like this.

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Posted by Dreadnought 12/11/2023 12:38:25 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 12/10/2023 11:11:03 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 12/10/2023 11:07:14 AM Post Reply
Radical pro-Palestinian demonstrations appear to have developed a new tactic: they are targeting Christmas tree lightings across the country, and other Christian symbols, in addition to symbols of Israel and Jewish institutions. The latest example was Friday’s protest in Los Angeles, where pro-Palestinian radicals marched from a fundraiser for President Joe Biden to an area where there are several synagogues. They sprayed anti-Israel graffiti on the walls opposite the synagogues, and also vandalized a local church. Prior to that, pro-Palestinian activists disrupted the Christmas tree lighting at Rockefeller Center in New York City, clashing with police.
Pro-Palestinian Protesters Target Synagogues,
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13 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 12/10/2023 12:59:33 AM Post Reply
LOS ANGELES, California — Pro-Palestinian protesters vandalized buildings near synagogues, as well as a nearby church, with anti-Israel graffiti on Friday night after demonstrating against President Joe Biden at a nearby fundraiser on Friday night. As Breitbart News reported, the protesters gathered outside a fundraiser near Beverly Hills, waving signs that included “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” — a call for Israel to be destroyed. Some demonstrators also conducted Islamic prayers. From there, some of the protesters went to Westwood, near the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), and marched down Wilshire Boulevard toward an area where there are several synagogues, notably Sinai Temple.
Naked outrage from the left over surrendered
Hamas terrorists in their underwear
23 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 12/10/2023 12:40:25 AM Post Reply
In today's 'oh spare us' news, the left is having an absolute cow over Israeli troops flushing out Hamas terrorists from their snake holes and then forcing them to strip down to their underwear to prove to that yes, they were surrendering, and no, they didn't have a gun in their pants or a shiv in their shoes, or a strap-on bomb in their pocket, or a dynamite pack in some orifice, which is a pretty standard military safety precaution. Get a load of this from Qatar-linked al-Jazeera: Shawan Jabarin, director of the Al-Haq human rights organisation, said he was “shocked”
UPenn President Liz Magill resigns after
disastrous antisemitism testimony
18 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 12/9/2023 4:59:49 PM Post Reply
University of Pennsylvania President Liz Magill – under increasing pressure from both donors and the White House after her disastrous testimony before Congress this week on the school’s failure to protect Jewish students – “voluntarily” resigned her post Saturday, the school announced. “I write to share that President Liz Magill has voluntarily tendered her resignation as President of the University of Pennsylvania. She will remain a tenured faculty member at Penn Carey Law. “On behalf of the entire Penn community, I want to thank President Magill for her service to the University as President and wish her well.
State Department bypasses Congress, OKs
sale of tank shells to Israel
9 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 12/9/2023 1:52:30 PM Post Reply
WASHINGTON — The State Department used an emergency authority to allow the sale of approximately 14,000 tank shells to Israel, bypassing a congressional review process, the Pentagon said on Saturday. According to the State Department and an online post by the Defense Department on Saturday, the review process is generally required for arms sales to foreign nations, The New York Times reported. The sale of the shells is valued at more than $106 million. Congress has no power to the State Department’s move, the Times reported. In its notification, the Defense Department stated that Secretary of State Antony Blinken had informed Congress on Friday that “an emergency exists
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3 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 12/9/2023 9:53:36 AM Post Reply
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4 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 12/9/2023 2:10:38 AM Post Reply
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Hamas ‘beginning to break’ as tense
video shows IDF facing off with terrorists
in ruins of Gaza City school
8 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 12/9/2023 1:31:04 AM Post Reply
Dramatic footage released Friday showed Israel Defense Forces soldiers facing off against Hamas terrorists inside a school — as the country’s defense minister vowed that the group’s hold in the Gaza Strip is finally “beginning to break.” Members of the elite LOTAR Unit, along with the 188th Armored Brigadee’s 74th Battalion, encountered a Hamas cell in the remains of a school building in Gaza City’s Shejaiya neighborhood, the Times of Israel reported. IDF fighters appeared to pursue the terrorists through the building in a tense, bullet-ridden standoff, the IDF clips showed. “The terrorists tried to draw the forces into an ambush, with gunfire and explosives, and were eliminated
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Posted by Hazymac 12/10/2023 6:59:09 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Hazymac 12/10/2023 4:57:59 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 12/10/2023 12:06:11 AM Post Reply
During the interview, Fauci and Kay were walking down the hallway of a building. Suddenly, he pointed out to her the Catholic chapel where he was married. But then he revealed he didn't go there anymore, and that practicing was a "thing that I don't really need to do." (X Video) “A number of complicated reasons,” he said. “First of all, I think my own personal ethics on life are I think enough to keep me going on the right path.”
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Posted by OhioNick 12/10/2023 3:36:45 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 12/10/2023 10:19:20 AM Post Reply
The woman accused of attempted arson at the birth home of Martin Luther King Jr. is a decorated military veteran, according to officials. Laneisha Shantrice Henderson, 26, is a veteran surface warfare specialist in the US Navy and received multiple awards during her service. Henderson received a National Defense Service Medal and a Good Conduct medal during her service. She was also given the Navy “E” ribbon, among other awards. Henderson has been charged with attempted arson and interfering with government property after she was seen on camera pouring the flammable liquid out of a large red fuel containe
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Posted by zephyrgirl 12/10/2023 9:29:45 AM Post Reply
The so-called 'porn Dem,' Susanna Gibson, who lost her Virginia House of Delegates race last month after webcam videos of her having sex with her husband were exposed, says she was victim of 'hit job' and is determined to find out who was responsible for leaking the clips. Gibson, a Democrat whose House of Delegates campaign and personal life were rocked by news reports that she had live-streamed sex acts with her husband on a pornographic website, says she wouldn't wish the humiliation on her worst enemy.
Naked outrage from the left over surrendered
Hamas terrorists in their underwear
23 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 12/10/2023 12:40:25 AM Post Reply
In today's 'oh spare us' news, the left is having an absolute cow over Israeli troops flushing out Hamas terrorists from their snake holes and then forcing them to strip down to their underwear to prove to that yes, they were surrendering, and no, they didn't have a gun in their pants or a shiv in their shoes, or a strap-on bomb in their pocket, or a dynamite pack in some orifice, which is a pretty standard military safety precaution. Get a load of this from Qatar-linked al-Jazeera: Shawan Jabarin, director of the Al-Haq human rights organisation, said he was “shocked”
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22 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 12/10/2023 4:31:54 PM Post Reply
An illegal alien was arrested for the murder of a beautiful 16-year-old Texas high school cheerleader. According to media reports, Medina’s murdered body was discovered in a bathtub by her mother on Tuesday. Medina’s mother Jacqueline told KTRK that she got worried after her daughter never showed up to the Lighted Christmas Parade with her cheerleading squad. Edna Police on Sunday announced they arrested Rafael Govea Romero, an illegal alien, for the murder of 16-year-old Lizabeth Medina. Rafael Govea Romero was arrested in Schulenburg, Texas, approximately 75 miles from Edna. It is unclear where Rafael Govea Romero is from or when he illegally entered the United States.
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22 replies
Posted by Imright 12/10/2023 3:55:50 PM Post Reply
Twice-failed presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton will step into a major role to help Joe Biden’s 2024 reelection bid. According to NBC News, Hillary Clinton hosted a fundraiser at her home last month and raised $1 million for Joe Biden. “People close to Hillary Clinton anticipate she’ll be a tireless campaigner for the Biden campaign, rallying Democratic voters by laying out the stakes and explaining why a Trump victory could subvert America’s democratic norms,” NBC News reported. “Clinton’s role is only expected to grow in the new year, but for now, she is filling a space that at a later point in the campaign season former President Barack Obama will join.
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his wife is innocent and confirms pedophile
who confessed to killing six-year-old
pageant queen as her murderer
19 replies
Posted by zephyrgirl 12/10/2023 9:19:06 AM Post Reply
JonBenét Ramsey's father has confirmed that a new handwriting analysis proves his wife's innocence and points to convicted pedophile Gary Oliva as the real perpetrator who killed his six-year-old pageant queen daughter. Two handwriting experts, Mozelle Martin and Dawn McCarty, conducted independent analyses obtained by the US Sun, finding significant similarities between Oliva's writing and the ransom note of the killer.
New York City officials to charge drivers
to decrease congestion
18 replies
Posted by OhioNick 12/10/2023 6:07:43 PM Post Reply
Driving through Manhattan could soon become more expensive for drivers in New York City, as transportation authorities there have approved a congestion pricing plan. Some critics have criticized the move because it does not exempt taxis and Ubers, passing the cost along to those who don't drive.[SNIP] While it would require most drivers to pay a $15 base fare for entering the central business district south of 60th Street in Manhattan, there will be discounts available for low-income drivers.
UPenn President Liz Magill, board of trustees
chair Scott Bok resign after donor revolt
over disastrous antisemitism testimony
18 replies
Posted by FlyRight 12/10/2023 6:11:02 AM Post Reply
University of Pennsylvania President Liz Magill – under increasing pressure from both donors and the White House after her disastrous testimony before Congress this week on the school’s failure to protect Jewish students – and Scott L. Bok, chairman of its board of trustees, “voluntarily” resigned their posts Saturday in a massive Ivy League shakeup, the school announced. “I write to share that President Liz Magill has voluntarily tendered her resignation as President of the University of Pennsylvania,” Bok wrote in a surprise “University Notification” sent to staffers Saturday.
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