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‘They Can Go to Hell and Hide There’

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Posted By: FormerDem, 12/1/2023 9:18:00 PM

For nearly a generation, media owned by Qatar and Iran have tag-teamed with Hamas to paint a false picture of ideological uniformity across Gaza. While Hamas quashed opposition to their rule, Al Jazeera and other mouthpieces platformed the terror group’s leaders and shills. Take the example of this wounded elderly man at Gaza’s al-Shifa Hospital. When he complained to Al Jazeera last week that Hamas fighters were hiding among the patients—“They can go to hell and hide there,” he said—the reporter immediately turned his back on the man. Why not let him talk?

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Timber Queen 12/2/2023 3:22:56 AM (No. 1608786)
The Hamas death cult is also holding the Palestinian civilians hostage as well. They also want to live. I believe the Israeli's recognize this situation and implemented their corridors of safe passage south for them. It is a difficult situation, similar to taking Germany in WWII. It is fraught with danger, and bad actors will slip through, but on the whole tens of thousands will escape the carnage. Even in war, life matters.
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‘They Can Go to Hell and Hide There’ 1 reply
Posted by FormerDem 12/1/2023 9:18:00 PM Post Reply
For nearly a generation, media owned by Qatar and Iran have tag-teamed with Hamas to paint a false picture of ideological uniformity across Gaza. While Hamas quashed opposition to their rule, Al Jazeera and other mouthpieces platformed the terror group’s leaders and shills. Take the example of this wounded elderly man at Gaza’s al-Shifa Hospital. When he complained to Al Jazeera last week that Hamas fighters were hiding among the patients—“They can go to hell and hide there,” he said—the reporter immediately turned his back on the man. Why not let him talk?
Reports: Senior IDF officer dismissed
pre-Oct. 7 intel on Hamas invasion as ‘fantasy’
19 replies
Posted by FormerDem 11/23/2023 10:52:36 PM Post Reply
Two lower level officers in IDF’s elite intelligence Unit 8200 outlined a mass invasion one month before onslaught; top officers also waved off manual showing plans for onslaught [...] The manual also described a strategy to lull Israel into complacency by holding negotiations for some form of long-term arrangement with Hamas, while at the same time staging frequent drills and carrying out small security incidents on the border on Saturdays and Jewish holidays to lull the IDF into a false sense of security when Hamas forces turned up en masse at the border fence.
Surveillance soldiers charge sexism a
factor in their Oct. 7 warnings being ignored
6 replies
Posted by FormerDem 11/19/2023 10:12:22 AM Post Reply
Senior commanders refused to heed the warnings of the young female surveillance soldiers tasked with watching the Gaza border in the weeks before the brutal Hamas massacre on October 7, and the soldiers believe sexism was a factor in their being ignored, according to a Friday report. Rather than hide its plans for the attack, the Hamas terror group was training in plain sight. Soldiers in the Border Defense Corps who raised the alarm told the Haaretz daily (Hebrew) they believe sexism played a part in the fact that they were not heeded. “It’s a unit made up entirely of young girls and young female commanders,” an unnamed soldier said.
Bahrain crown prince blasts ‘intolerable’
situation in Gaza, demands Hamas release hostages
7 replies
Posted by FormerDem 11/17/2023 4:24:56 PM Post Reply
Bahrain’s Crown Prince and Prime Minister Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa blasts the “intolerable” situation in Gaza and calls on Hamas to immediately release the roughly 240 hostages held in the enclave. “I don’t think any Arab leader has called on Hamas to do this…So it is a time for straight talking,” Khalifa says ahead of the annual Manama Dialogue security summit. He proposes Israel release the non-combatant female and teenage captives currently in its jails in exchange for the hostages in Gaza.
IDF: Hamas blocked 300 liters of Israel-supplied
fuel from reaching Shifa Hospital
7 replies
Posted by FormerDem 11/12/2023 12:46:19 PM Post Reply
The Israel Defense Forces says it supplied 300 liters of fuel for “urgent medical purposes” at Shifa Hospital in Gaza City, but Hamas prevented the medical center from receiving it. Early this morning, troops placed the jerrycans near the hospital, as had been coordinated in advance with officials at Shifa. It says that later, “the IDF received evidence that Hamas officials prevented the hospital from receiving the fuel.” The military publishes a call between an IDF officer and a senior Gazan health official, who says that Yousef Abu-Al Rish, the deputy health minister in Gaza, forbade the hospital from receiving the fuel.
Four Bedouin drove from Rahat to evacuate
their cousin in Be’eri; they rescued dozens
2 replies
Posted by FormerDem 11/11/2023 6:28:40 PM Post Reply
Four Bedouin men from Rahat saved dozens of Israeli lives on October 7 while deployed by their uncle to evacuate his son Hisham from Kibbutz Be’eri. As described by Ismail Alqrinawi in an intense 7-minute video produced by the coexistence organization Have You Seen the Horizon Lately, his uncle pointed at his nephews at about 6:45 that Saturday morning and said, “You four, you’re going to bring back my boy.” They immediately got in a jeep and began what normally was a half-hour trip — but this one was amid the Hamas onslaught that killed 1,400 people, mostly civilians, throughout the area and decimated the kibbutz’s population.
Next pandemic deemed the 'Big One' could
be the most contagious and deadliest disease
known to humanity, scientists warn
69 replies
Posted by FormerDem 11/4/2023 7:40:11 PM Post Reply
The next pandemic, dubbed the 'Big One,' could be 'simmering in the background,' waiting to unleash the most contagious and deadliest diseases known to humanity. The paramyxovirus family has over 75 viruses, including mumps, measles and respiratory tract infections, and was added to the list of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases' pandemic pathogens to watch in October. One of the viruses, the Nipah virus, can infect cells with receptors that regulate what gets in or out of cells that line the central nervous system and vital organs
Can Israel take out the tunnels that Hamas
uses to move its fighters and weapons?
14 replies
Posted by FormerDem 10/14/2023 2:45:47 PM Post Reply
Israel’s air force is getting more U.S.-made bombs to help it destroy the labyrinth of tunnels used by Hamas militants in Gaza to conceal weapons, fighters and hostages. In the aftermath of Hamas’ surprise attack across Israel’s southern border on Oct. 7, Israel has carried out a relentless bombardment of Gaza to try to take out Hamas’ weapons stockpiles and its vast tunnel system. But Israeli ground forces likely will be needed to clear out the tunnel network known as “Gaza’s Metro,” according to former U.S. officials and military officers.
Israel Orders ‘Complete
Siege’ of Gaza Strip Following Hamas
Terror Attack
8 replies
Posted by FormerDem 10/9/2023 2:52:31 PM Post Reply
Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant has approved a “complete siege” of the Gaza strip following Hamas’s massive terror attack on the Jewish state, which has killed over 900 people and wounded 2,500 more, according to reports. State Department spokesman Matt Miller has confirmed the death of nine U.S. citizens. There are over 100 hostages being held in Gaza by Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad, according to the Israeli Prime Minister’s Office. In response to the attack, the Israeli Airforce has struck at least 1,000 terror targets in Gaza. Iran reportedly assisted in the planning and approval of the attack.
Over 100 Ohio Black pastors sign letter
opposing measure enshrining abortion in
constitution: 'Moral issue'
2 replies
Posted by FormerDem 10/5/2023 1:42:08 PM Post Reply
A bipartisan group of Black pastors in Ohio released a letter Tuesday calling on voters to oppose a November measure that would enshrine abortion access in the state Constitution and specifically pointed to the negative impact they say abortion has had on the Black community. "As Black faith and community leaders across Ohio who are called to care for God’s people, we urge our fellow Christians, the Black community, and all Ohioans who believe in the inherent value of every person to vote NO on Issue 1 this November," the open letter, signed by more than 100 Black faith leaders, states.
Democrats Have Become The Party Of Authoritarianism.
They Only Understand Power
13 replies
Posted by FormerDem 9/27/2023 8:50:06 AM Post Reply
The left isn’t bothered by blatant hypocrisy and injustice. So long as they have power, they’re fine with it. Perhaps you saw the news last week that two women in their 70s, Jean Marshall and Joan Bell, are each facing up to 11 years in federal prison for blocking the entrance to an abortion clinic in 2020. You might have also seen, a few weeks earlier, that a 42-year-old North Dakota man who ran over and killed an 18-year-old kid for being a Republican was sentenced to just five years in prison on a manslaughter charge
The 'Dump Joe' bandwagon
is now rolling so fast even deluded Democrats
are jumping on board
11 replies
Posted by FormerDem 9/16/2023 11:45:35 AM Post Reply
A certain conventional wisdom about the 2024 presidential race has dominated political discourse for much of this year: Donald Trump is unstoppable when it comes to winning the Republican nomination but cannot hope to retake the White House come the general election. What endears him to his party’s base repels the independent and moderate voters he needs to win the presidency. So, Joe Biden is clear favorite to be elected for a second term. That conventional wisdom is now smashed to smithereens – and not in a good way, for those who don’t want to see Trump back in the Oval Office.
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FBI Tells Newsweek that Trump Supporters
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29 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 12/2/2023 5:14:09 PM Post Reply
Will Trump supporters start to disappear leading up to and following the 2024 election? The FBI appears to be laying a narrative that hints of unprecedented government actions on American soil. Have you ever voted for Donald J. Trump? Have you ever posted a comment to any social media platform that was even remotely favorable towards Trump? If so, you may be on an FBI watchlist. According to an October 4 report in Newsweek, “the federal government believes that the threat of violence and major civil disturbance around the 2024 U.S. presidential election is so great that it has quietly created a new category of extremists
Pope Francis to COP28: Climate Has ‘Run
Amok,’ Planet ‘Overheating’
29 replies
Posted by Beardo 12/2/2023 10:35:33 AM Post Reply
Pope Francis sent a message Saturday to the COP28 United Nations climate summit decrying the “unbridled exploitation” of the environment by first world nations. (snip) In his address, the pope blamed capitalist greed for the failure to act more decisively to prevent climate change. (snip) Along with capitalist greed, the culprits behind climate change also include nationalists who refuse to get with the globalist program, Francis suggested. “What is the way out of this? It is the one that you are pursuing in these days: the way of togetherness, multilateralism,” he stated.
US commits to shutting down its coal plants
during COP28
28 replies
Posted by Grateful 12/2/2023 2:25:06 PM Post Reply
The Biden Administration is forging ahead with its green agenda by committing the United States to not building any new coal plants and phasing out existing plants. U.S. Special Envoy for Climate John Kerry announced at the annual United Nations climate change summit, known as COP28 and which is being held in Dubai, although no date was given for when the existing plants would have to go. "We will be working to accelerate unabated coal phase-out across the world, building stronger economies and more resilient communities.”
WATCH: Gavin Newsom repeatedly says he
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Posted by Hazymac 12/2/2023 9:18:06 AM Post Reply
Democratic California Gov. Gavin Newsom repeatedly said he was insulted and offended by Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ actions and policies during Thursday's landmark debate on "Hannity," including one tense moment when DeSantis mentioned Vice President Kamala Harris. The Fox News debate between Newsom and DeSantis, a 2024 presidential candidate, quickly got heated when the two attacked each other’s records on hot topics like crime, tax policy and the COVID-19 pandemic response. "That's insulting," Newsom declared after DeSantis claimed Los Angeles had "collapsed" due to crime.
Five Guys customer slams chain for charging
her FORTY TWO dollars for two burgers,
two shakes and one portion of fries: Biden
administration is 'spooked' over price complaints
27 replies
Posted by Imright 12/2/2023 12:07:27 AM Post Reply
A Five Guys customer's video complaining about the extremely high prices of the items at the fast-food chain has resurfaced on multiple social media platforms. Michelle Newell posted the clip to TikTok explaining that she and her husband had paid $42 for two cheeseburgers, a side of fries and two milkshakes. The visibly upset patron told viewers that the couple had visited a Five Guys location on a Saturday afternoon for lunch. Newell shared her anger last year - but a check by Friday evening confirmed it remains just as expensive to buy the same meal.
Protester self-immolates outside Israeli
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26 replies
Posted by snakeoil 12/2/2023 9:40:58 AM Post Reply
Dec 1 (Reuters) - A protester with a Palestinian flag self-immolated on Friday outside the Israeli consulate in Atlanta, authorities said. The person, whom officials did not identify, is in critical condition, Police Chief Darin Schierbaum said at a news conference. A security guard who attempted to intervene was also injured. "We believe this building remains safe, and we do not see any threat here," the chief said. "We believe that was an act of extreme political protest."
John Kerry Scolds World on Climate: ‘Not
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26 replies
Posted by Hazymac 12/2/2023 8:42:01 AM Post Reply
Former Senator John Kerry, climate envoy for the Biden administration, scolded the world for not making enough sacrifices to fight climate change at the COP28 climate conference in Dubai on Wednesday. “There’s too much business as usual still. We have got to bring people to the table who are not yet there. And we will make progress in that,” Kerry said. “Not everybody is doing what they promised to do. And needless to say, that’s a problem and we need to have accountability at this COP, for that lack of follow-through by some,” he lectured. Kerry said the world –
Does Anybody Know What Books Biden Reads?
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Posted by RockyTCB 12/2/2023 7:18:13 AM Post Reply
Time was when the elite media class obsessed over how many and what books presidents read. But since President Joe Biden took office, they’ve completely lost interest. Do they know something we don’t? Before Biden, the press loved to ask presidents about their favorite books. What’s on their nightstand? What are they reading on vacation? It has always been treated as a sign of intelligence. A measure of sophistication. The Daily Beast once compared presidential reading habits to how historians ranked them as presidents. “The results are not surprising
WATCH: Biden Brags He Has Nuclear Code
to ‘Blow up the World’
24 replies
Posted by Beardo 12/2/2023 11:14:41 AM Post Reply
Scared yet? President Joe Biden bragged Wednesday of his ability to “blow up the world” through a special code his staff possess. The revelation came in Colorado as he made light of nuclear weapons during a visit to the world’s largest windmill factory. The president went on to mistakenly call his predecessor “Congressman Trump” in an awkward appearance that saw him stumble from one verbal mishap to the next. (snip) Biden retorted: “Now look, my, my marine carries that. It has a code to blow up the world. That doesn’t, this is not….nuclear weapons is it….alright, ok…you think I’m kidding.”
UAW President Compares Israel to Nazi
Germany as Union Calls for Ceasefire in Gaza
22 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 12/2/2023 10:16:54 PM Post Reply
United Auto Workers president Shawn Fain compared Israel to the fascist nations of World War II in a tweet Friday celebrating the union’s call for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza, after the Palestinian Hamas terror organization violated a seven-day truce. The fascist nations of World War II included Nazi Germany, which murdered six million Jews in the Holocaust; as well as Italy under Benito Mussolini. The Axis powers also included imperial Japan, ruled by Emperor Hirohito, and smaller fascist nations. As the UK Guardian reported, the union — one of the nation’s largest and most powerful
The EU Wants to SEIZE Your Old Car to
Meet Climate Goals
22 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 12/2/2023 4:59:57 PM Post Reply
This is draconian. The EU is now finding more ways to take away your freedoms. They want to take away ownership of your old car and scrap it! Yes, you read that correctly. The EU has something called End-of-life vehicles directive, and they are looking to expand this to become so draconian that it reminds of something that would have happened in the Communist Soviet Union. A new set of criteria will be established that will decide whether you will be allowed to keep your car. If your car does not meet the criteria, the EU will seize your car and scrap it.
NY Times: Don’t Worry About the $112.1B
in Shoplifting, It’s a Right-Wing Narrative
22 replies
Posted by mc squared 12/2/2023 10:54:01 AM Post Reply
The New York Times has developed a well-deserved reputation for gaslighting its readers by scorning narratives that don’t fit its increasingly left bent. Once considered the foremost news organization in the country and possibly the world, it has descended into a woke blog whose stories more often seem to emanate from a fledgling college student rather than from actual expert reporters. To wit, I received the following newsletter in my email recently: “We’re covering claims of a shoplifting boom… Viral exaggerations.” Really, NY Slimes? It’s the right-wing media who are concocting this crisis out of thin air, we’ve “pounced on it," as they love to say—it’s not actually a serious consideration?
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