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From Fox News - Internal docs show Biden
admin waived taxpayer safeguards to boost
offshore wind project

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Posted By: FlyRight, 11/29/2023 10:16:41 AM

The Biden administration quietly granted a request from an energy firm developing an offshore wind project off the coast of Massachusetts to waive development fees designed to safeguard taxpayers, according to internal documents reviewed by Fox News Digital. The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) informed Vineyard Wind that it had waived a financial assurance for decommissioning costs fee in a June 15, 2021, letter obtained by watchdog group Protect the Public's Trust (PPT). Federal statute mandates that developers pay that fee prior to construction on their lease, a potentially hefty fee designed to guarantee federal property is returned to its original state after a lessee departs its lease.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Gordon Mills 11/29/2023 11:03:25 AM (No. 1607138)
Ever since the BSOB began to rule by diktat and was not slapped down by the weak, spineless, worthless r's and courts this kind reckless governing has gotten increasingly worse. We are on our way to ruination and collapse if it does not stop.
21 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: seamusm 11/29/2023 11:11:01 AM (No. 1607146)
It's that ChiCom money talking again.
17 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: JimBob 11/29/2023 7:25:34 PM (No. 1607354)
Typical Democ'RAT behavior. Ignore any laws that they don't like.
20 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Strike3 11/30/2023 8:37:14 AM (No. 1607613)
The real wind originates in Washington and by the time it reaches the thousands of windwills that blight our landscape and our shores, it can't get them spinning.
6 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: walcb 11/30/2023 8:48:37 AM (No. 1607622)
Not to worry, these windmills will be scrap after the first hurricane passes through.
7 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: walcb 11/30/2023 8:49:40 AM (No. 1607623)
Never underestimate Biden's ability to f things up.
10 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: janjan 11/30/2023 9:52:36 AM (No. 1607694)
This is the result of being governed by unelected bureaucrats who are given free rein to shape the laws to their own liking. If we had a functional Congress that was doing their job this wouldn’t be happening.
7 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: Zigrid 11/30/2023 10:47:02 AM (No. 1607746)
Take heart folks...oil production is on it's way...and these wind jokes will be dismantled...even if china wants them up...killing whales and birds....
8 people like this.

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Posted by FlyRight 11/30/2023 6:33:38 AM Post Reply
Awad Darawshe, 23, an Arab-Israeli paramedic, remained behind, refusing [on October 7] to abandon the wounded. "I speak Arabic. I think I can manage," Darawshe said, supposing that he could reason with the terrorists. Perhaps he thought they would not harm a fellow Muslim Arab. He was wrong. "I never felt that I'm deprived in any way.... Stop the nonsense. It is empty whining. I don't believe in that. Everyone here can get where they want. What – the country doesn't let them study? Y'allah, be a lawyer, be a teacher. Does anyone stop you? Even in prayer. Does anyone stop you praying?
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Posted by FlyRight 11/30/2023 6:25:07 AM Post Reply
With the Iowa caucuses less than 50 days away, one of GOP presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy's top political advisers is leaving to work for former President Donald Trump's campaign, according to multiple sources familiar with the move. Brian Swensen, who served as Ramaswamy's national political director since the spring and was a key player in the campaign's work in New Hampshire, confirmed to CBS News he is leaving and directed further questions about his future role to the Trump campaign.
From Fox News - Internal docs show Biden
admin waived taxpayer safeguards to boost
offshore wind project
8 replies
Posted by FlyRight 11/29/2023 10:16:41 AM Post Reply
The Biden administration quietly granted a request from an energy firm developing an offshore wind project off the coast of Massachusetts to waive development fees designed to safeguard taxpayers, according to internal documents reviewed by Fox News Digital. The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) informed Vineyard Wind that it had waived a financial assurance for decommissioning costs fee in a June 15, 2021, letter obtained by watchdog group Protect the Public's Trust (PPT). Federal statute mandates that developers pay that fee prior to construction on their lease, a potentially hefty fee designed to guarantee federal property is returned to its original state after a lessee departs its lease.
Watching Media Outlets Die 10 replies
Posted by FlyRight 11/28/2023 8:21:09 AM Post Reply
Journalism is dead; the media is absolutely horrible and it can’t die fast enough. Thankfully, it is dying. Each year there are fewer newspapers and news websites out there, as the market speaks and people flee these left-wing propaganda machines and wither on the vine. Don’t get me wrong, if these outlets did what they’re supposed to do – actually report the news honestly and without bias – I wouldn’t celebrate their demise. But they don’t, so to hell with them. I find it difficult to not respond to various reporters announcing layoffs in their newsrooms with a resounding “learn to code” swipe, but I mostly succeed.
Judge Gives Trump Campaign a Victory 14 replies
Posted by FlyRight 11/28/2023 5:03:06 AM Post Reply
Former President Donald Trump's 2024 campaign has been given a boost after a federal judge dismissed a case seeking to remove the ex-president's name from the ballot in Rhode Island. U.S. District Court Chief Judge John J. McConnell Jr. on Monday threw out a lawsuit from long-shot Republican Trump challenger John Anthony Castro, according to The Providence Journal. The judge, an appointee of former President Barack Obama, found that Castro had not demonstrated that he is "actually competing with Trump for votes and contributions.
Why the Arabs 'Betrayed' the Palestinians 11 replies
Posted by FlyRight 11/27/2023 10:39:13 AM Post Reply
The stance of the Arabs and Muslims is yet another indication of their disillusionment with the Palestinians in general and Iran's proxies -- Hamas, Hizballah and the Houthis -- in particular. Countries such as Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Egypt and Jordan are as opposed to Hamas as they are to Israel. Hamas is another branch of the Muslim Brotherhood organization, which has long posed a threat to their national security. In 2017, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain cut ties with Qatar after accusing it of providing support for Islamist terrorists, including Hamas and the Taliban, as well as Iran.
The Guy Who Can’t Win v. The Guy Who
Will Lose
25 replies
Posted by FlyRight 11/27/2023 4:53:48 AM Post Reply
Based on the current polls, we may very well have an immovable object meets an irresistible force scenario, except here it is two aging, past-their-prime retreads who, in any normal time, would have retired to enjoy the remaining sands of the hourglass but have decided to instead run again for president. Both have fatal flaws. Under the old rules, we knew the election outcome without a doubt. Trump can’t possibly win, and Biden is certain to lose. But someone has to win, and it will not be that RFK weirdo. This spectacle is not a done deal. Though he’s far ahead today, Trump can still lose the nomination. I
It’s not migrants — saving New York
City requires union concessions
6 replies
Posted by FlyRight 11/27/2023 4:51:12 AM Post Reply
When the public complains about announced cuts to police protection and garbage collection, Mayor Adams weasels back, “Don’t yell at me, yell at DC.” Adams is trying to shift the blame to President Biden and the Democrats’ open-border policy. Don’t fall for it. The surge of migrants accounts for less than half (42%) of the city’s looming fiscal crisis. New York was heading off a fiscal cliff before the surge. Adams’ predecessor, spendaholic Bill de Blasio, is partly to blame. But Adams worsened the crisis by negotiating insane labor contracts — especially with the teachers union — that the city cannot afford.
A Monstrous Conundrum in the Middle East 4 replies
Posted by FlyRight 11/26/2023 10:21:51 AM Post Reply
Rather than be filled with joy that some of the hostages in Israel are released, I’m sick to my stomach at the monstrous nature and sheer audacity of the “deal.” Biden is squarely on the backs of the Israelis, who know better than to become handmaidens of Hamas. Dozens more, perhaps hundreds more of Israel’s soldiers and thousands more civilians in Gaza will be killed as a result of this “kindness.”Seven-plus weeks into what history may eventually consider one of the most sadistic, cruel, and calculated terrorist events in world history,
Mayor Eric Adams rips ‘vile show of
antisemitism’ at NYC school where ‘radicalized’
riot forced pro-Israel teacher to hide
16 replies
Posted by FlyRight 11/26/2023 10:18:20 AM Post Reply
Mayor Eric Adams blasted the “vile show of antisemitism” at a Queens high school Saturday, hours after The Post exclusively reported that a “radicalized” mob of students rioted this week after learning a teacher attended a pro-Israel rally, forcing her to hide in an office. Teenagers at Jamaica’s Hillcrest High School shut down the school for two hours on Monday as they marched through the hallways in a pre-planned protest after finding a Facebook post of the teacher attending a rally holding a sign that read, “I stand with Israel.” The terrified teacher locked herself away as the students allegedly tried to barge in.
Manipulating with Lies and Manufactured
Sob Stories
11 replies
Posted by FlyRight 11/26/2023 5:29:30 AM Post Reply
As has been the case since the barbarous attack on Israel by Hamas aided by Palestinian civilians, international organizations have chosen by their silence to ally themselves with the butchers instead of condemning the 10/7 attack. Canary Mission, which tracks anti-Semitism (and these days it’s not untoward to equate anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism, because it comes from the same fetid font: hatred of Jews and the globalists’ anti-nationalism) notes the silence of those entities from whom we were led to expect more: Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, speaking as head of the WHO (World Health Organization); Amnesty, the International Red Cross, the United Nations High Commissioner on Human Rights,
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Blinken to Israelis: 'I Don't Think You
Have the Credit' to Fight Hamas to Finish
30 replies
Posted by Hazymac 11/30/2023 6:04:46 PM Post Reply
Say what? As bad as we expected the Antony Blinken Lecture Tour in Jerusalem to be, even I wouldn’t have predicted that a US Secretary of State would have said this to a country victimized by a massive terror attack that killed 1400 people. That is, if Blinken actually told the Israelis that they don’t have enough “credit” to fight Hamas to the finish. The transcript comes from the Times of Israel, which translated it from a Hebrew transcript leaked to Israel’s Channel 12 News. Could something have gotten lost in translation? Perhaps, but it’s not the only eyebrow-raising part of the exchange, either. It begins with Blinken
Biden Says That Prices Are Still Too High
so Companies Should Just Lower Them
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Posted by Imright 11/30/2023 6:43:15 AM Post Reply
Joe Biden has apparently noticed that the price of everything is much higher on his watch than a few years ago. He is now asking sellers to just lower their prices. As a viral commercial once said. That’s not how this works. That’s not how any of this works. Companies don’t lower prices just because inflation is politically inconvenient for the president and his party. (X) From the New York Post: Biden admits prices ‘too high’ but blames sellers for 18% inflation President Biden acknowledged Monday that prices are still “too high” and argued that companies should lower them after an 18% jump in consumer costs since he took office.
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Posted by Hazymac 11/30/2023 8:08:13 AM Post Reply
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DeSantis and Newsom will face off in a
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Posted by 4250Luis 11/30/2023 7:14:31 AM Post Reply
California Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom and Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis are meeting in a nationally televised event on Thursday night that will feature two young, high-profile leaders with presidential aspirations who may have to wait for future cycles to realize them. Newsom, 56, has talked about eventually running for president but is backing President Joe Biden ‘s reelection in 2024. DeSantis, 45, entered the 2024 GOP presidential race six months ago as the perceived top challenger to Donald Trump, only to fail to dent the former president’s commanding early lead in the party’s primary.
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Posted by NorthernDog 11/30/2023 2:18:38 PM Post Reply
An FBI special agent was carjacked at gunpoint in Washington, D.C., Wednesday afternoon, according to multiple law enforcement sources. The incident occurred near the 1200 block of Constitution Ave., NE. The agent was driving a blue Chevy Malibu, which contained the agent’s body armor and radio when it was stolen, sources said. The agent was not harmed, sources told ABC News. The car was recovered a short time later, sources said. The DC Metropolitan Police Department is investigating the matter. The FBI Washington Field Office and the Metropolitan Police Department Carjacking Task Force are also investigating, according to an FBI
Vivek Ramaswamy's political director leaving
to join Trump campaign
14 replies
Posted by FlyRight 11/30/2023 6:25:07 AM Post Reply
With the Iowa caucuses less than 50 days away, one of GOP presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy's top political advisers is leaving to work for former President Donald Trump's campaign, according to multiple sources familiar with the move. Brian Swensen, who served as Ramaswamy's national political director since the spring and was a key player in the campaign's work in New Hampshire, confirmed to CBS News he is leaving and directed further questions about his future role to the Trump campaign.
From joyful young women to terrified shells
of themselves after seven weeks held hostage:
Moment two Israeli women - including one
forced to make propaganda video - are
freed by Hamas and paraded through huge
baying mob
13 replies
Posted by Imright 11/30/2023 3:17:07 PM Post Reply
A 21-year-old Israeli woman who was snatched from the Nova music festival and then paraded in a chilling Hamas hostage video has today been released by the terrorists in front of a baying crowd of Palestinians. Terrifying footage shows Mia Schem surrounded by a screaming mob and guarded by masked Hamas gunmen as she was walked from a car and handed over to Red Cross operatives this afternoon. The French-Israeli hostage had been held captive for 54 days since October 7 when she was dragged away in to Gaza.
After criticism for Biden skipping global
climate summit, White House to send Kamala Harris
13 replies
Posted by Ida Lou Pino 11/30/2023 11:12:52 AM Post Reply
After receiving criticism from experts and climate activists over President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris skipping the global United Nations summit in Dubai, the White House has now decided to send Harris. Reuters reported back in October that Biden wouldn’t be attending the annual conference, though he had attended the climate summits in 2021 and 2022. Biden aides told Reuters that conflict in the Middle East arising out of the Hamas terrorist attacks on Israel and the president's reelection campaign were demanding his time.
Woke Oakland residents deny Hamas October
7 massacre and BOO Jewish speakers at
town meeting where they blasted anyone
who disagreed with them as 'white supremacists'
13 replies
Posted by OhioNick 11/30/2023 3:07:58 AM Post Reply
Ultra-liberal residents of the Californian city of Oakland booed their Jewish neighbors and denied the Hamas October 7 attack at a shocking town meeting on Monday night. The city council was voting on a permanent ceasefire resolution demanding peace in the Middle East and residents spent six hours sharing their thoughts, starting with a moment of silence for civilian victims. [SNIP] Among those there was Jewish City Councilmember Dan Kalb, who was eviscerated when he dared to suggest that the wording of the resolution be changed to include the October 7 attack.
Millennial parents claim boomer generation
has ABANDONED them over childcare and
are 'too busy traveling' to help out -
as grandparents hit back and say 'we didn't
have a damn nanny'
12 replies
Posted by zephyrgirl 11/30/2023 9:27:38 PM Post Reply
Boomers are spending far more money on travelling than their parents did - leaving their own millennial kids without childcare as they jet off on vacations. Psychologist and millennial mother Leslie Dobson, 40, said she wishes her dad Ted Dobson, 71, was around to spend more time with her sisters and his grandchildren. But Dobson's dad is busy enjoying retirement on his boat in Mexico, he said 'I haven't spent a nickel less on my kids. I just spent some on me.'
Attorney warned Trump 'it's going to be
a crime' if he didn't comply with subpoena
for classified docs: Sources
12 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 11/30/2023 12:16:21 PM Post Reply
One of former president Donald Trump's current attorneys told special counsel Jack Smith's team that, within days of the Justice Department issuing a subpoena last year for all classified documents at Trump's Mar-a-Lago estate, she "very clearly" warned Trump that if he failed to fully comply -- but then swore he did -- "it's going to be a crime," according to sources familiar with the matter. Sources said the lawyer, Jennifer Little, told investigators Trump "absolutely" understood the warning, which came during a pivotal meeting at Mar-a-Lago with Trump and another attorney, Evan Corcoran, who had recently joined Trump's legal team.
Home Depot Billionaire to Support Donald
Trump Even If Convicted: ‘It’s All
Trumped Up’
12 replies
Posted by Imright 11/30/2023 6:32:14 AM Post Reply
Home Depot Billionaire and GOP mega-donor Bernie Marcus said he would continue to financially back former President Donald Trump even if he is convicted of wrongdoing in the mermaid of legal cases that Marcus called “all trumped up.” Marcus’ loyalty to the former president suggests Trump’s longtime allies are likely to remain by his side as he seeks reelection to dismantle the administrative state. Marcus told Reuters he believed Trump could fix President Joe Biden’s sluggish economy and repair America’s foreign policy, the outlet reported:Asked in an interview with Reuters whether he would still support Trump if he were convicted, Marcus replied,
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