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The Biden-Obama divide over how closely
to support Israel

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Posted By: FlyRight, 11/30/2023 6:28:49 AM

In the first weeks of the Israel-Hamas war, President Joe Biden privately pointed to praise for his unconditional public support of Israel, as well as some initial successes in influencing its government, as vindication of advice he said President Barack Obama and his closest aides dismissed, according to five people familiar with his comments. Biden recounted in private that when he was vice president in 2014 and Israel mounted a military assault on Gaza, Obama and his staff rejected his belief, held for decades, that the best way to approach the Israelis is to hug them close but not criticize them, the people familiar with his comments

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Reply 1 - Posted by: thekidsmom66 11/30/2023 7:32:42 AM (No. 1607559)
Oh yes, Joe is so wise... Gag.
17 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: thekidsmom66 11/30/2023 7:34:00 AM (No. 1607560)
Oh yes, Joe is just so wise! Great
9 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: thekidsmom66 11/30/2023 7:34:29 AM (No. 1607562)
^^That should have been gag, not great
10 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: philsner 11/30/2023 7:43:24 AM (No. 1607570)
NBC? Really?
7 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: bpl40 11/30/2023 8:04:50 AM (No. 1607582)
The dispute is not over what but how - poison or stab in the back.
7 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: red1066 11/30/2023 8:57:36 AM (No. 1607631)
Obozo is running the White House, so he's basically arguing with himself.
14 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: Strike3 11/30/2023 9:15:55 AM (No. 1607648)
The ONLY difference between those two, besides age, is that Joe was born in the US.
15 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: paral04 11/30/2023 9:31:01 AM (No. 1607668)
Obama's mission is to destroy Christians and Jews and establish a Muslim country. He did this with immigration of thosands of Muslims who have elected their people to Congress to destroy our culture, what is left of it that is.
15 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: JimBob 11/30/2023 1:29:06 PM (No. 1607847)
Nothing more than a fake 'divide' between the puppet and the puppeteer.
8 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: Venturer 12/1/2023 9:25:06 AM (No. 1608320)
NBC admitting that Obama is running the White House.
3 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: Zigrid 12/1/2023 10:46:23 AM (No. 1608408)
Obama hates israel and proved it many times by snubbing WE the people will support Israel and fly her flag....WE don't need obama and his Iranians in the White determine Israel's future....WE the people will support her....
2 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: LC Chihuahua 12/1/2023 10:59:28 AM (No. 1608423)
After reading the Blinken story, fairly certain Biden and Obama are on the same page. Either that or Biden is being left out of the loop which isn't hard to do. Just send him to Delaware.
3 people like this.

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The Biden-Obama divide over how closely
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Posted by FlyRight 11/30/2023 6:28:49 AM Post Reply
In the first weeks of the Israel-Hamas war, President Joe Biden privately pointed to praise for his unconditional public support of Israel, as well as some initial successes in influencing its government, as vindication of advice he said President Barack Obama and his closest aides dismissed, according to five people familiar with his comments. Biden recounted in private that when he was vice president in 2014 and Israel mounted a military assault on Gaza, Obama and his staff rejected his belief, held for decades, that the best way to approach the Israelis is to hug them close but not criticize them, the people familiar with his comments
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Posted by FlyRight 11/29/2023 10:16:41 AM Post Reply
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Watching Media Outlets Die 10 replies
Posted by FlyRight 11/28/2023 8:21:09 AM Post Reply
Journalism is dead; the media is absolutely horrible and it can’t die fast enough. Thankfully, it is dying. Each year there are fewer newspapers and news websites out there, as the market speaks and people flee these left-wing propaganda machines and wither on the vine. Don’t get me wrong, if these outlets did what they’re supposed to do – actually report the news honestly and without bias – I wouldn’t celebrate their demise. But they don’t, so to hell with them. I find it difficult to not respond to various reporters announcing layoffs in their newsrooms with a resounding “learn to code” swipe, but I mostly succeed.
Judge Gives Trump Campaign a Victory 14 replies
Posted by FlyRight 11/28/2023 5:03:06 AM Post Reply
Former President Donald Trump's 2024 campaign has been given a boost after a federal judge dismissed a case seeking to remove the ex-president's name from the ballot in Rhode Island. U.S. District Court Chief Judge John J. McConnell Jr. on Monday threw out a lawsuit from long-shot Republican Trump challenger John Anthony Castro, according to The Providence Journal. The judge, an appointee of former President Barack Obama, found that Castro had not demonstrated that he is "actually competing with Trump for votes and contributions.
Why the Arabs 'Betrayed' the Palestinians 11 replies
Posted by FlyRight 11/27/2023 10:39:13 AM Post Reply
The stance of the Arabs and Muslims is yet another indication of their disillusionment with the Palestinians in general and Iran's proxies -- Hamas, Hizballah and the Houthis -- in particular. Countries such as Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Egypt and Jordan are as opposed to Hamas as they are to Israel. Hamas is another branch of the Muslim Brotherhood organization, which has long posed a threat to their national security. In 2017, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain cut ties with Qatar after accusing it of providing support for Islamist terrorists, including Hamas and the Taliban, as well as Iran.
The Guy Who Can’t Win v. The Guy Who
Will Lose
25 replies
Posted by FlyRight 11/27/2023 4:53:48 AM Post Reply
Based on the current polls, we may very well have an immovable object meets an irresistible force scenario, except here it is two aging, past-their-prime retreads who, in any normal time, would have retired to enjoy the remaining sands of the hourglass but have decided to instead run again for president. Both have fatal flaws. Under the old rules, we knew the election outcome without a doubt. Trump can’t possibly win, and Biden is certain to lose. But someone has to win, and it will not be that RFK weirdo. This spectacle is not a done deal. Though he’s far ahead today, Trump can still lose the nomination. I
It’s not migrants — saving New York
City requires union concessions
6 replies
Posted by FlyRight 11/27/2023 4:51:12 AM Post Reply
When the public complains about announced cuts to police protection and garbage collection, Mayor Adams weasels back, “Don’t yell at me, yell at DC.” Adams is trying to shift the blame to President Biden and the Democrats’ open-border policy. Don’t fall for it. The surge of migrants accounts for less than half (42%) of the city’s looming fiscal crisis. New York was heading off a fiscal cliff before the surge. Adams’ predecessor, spendaholic Bill de Blasio, is partly to blame. But Adams worsened the crisis by negotiating insane labor contracts — especially with the teachers union — that the city cannot afford.
A Monstrous Conundrum in the Middle East 4 replies
Posted by FlyRight 11/26/2023 10:21:51 AM Post Reply
Rather than be filled with joy that some of the hostages in Israel are released, I’m sick to my stomach at the monstrous nature and sheer audacity of the “deal.” Biden is squarely on the backs of the Israelis, who know better than to become handmaidens of Hamas. Dozens more, perhaps hundreds more of Israel’s soldiers and thousands more civilians in Gaza will be killed as a result of this “kindness.”Seven-plus weeks into what history may eventually consider one of the most sadistic, cruel, and calculated terrorist events in world history,
Mayor Eric Adams rips ‘vile show of
antisemitism’ at NYC school where ‘radicalized’
riot forced pro-Israel teacher to hide
16 replies
Posted by FlyRight 11/26/2023 10:18:20 AM Post Reply
Mayor Eric Adams blasted the “vile show of antisemitism” at a Queens high school Saturday, hours after The Post exclusively reported that a “radicalized” mob of students rioted this week after learning a teacher attended a pro-Israel rally, forcing her to hide in an office. Teenagers at Jamaica’s Hillcrest High School shut down the school for two hours on Monday as they marched through the hallways in a pre-planned protest after finding a Facebook post of the teacher attending a rally holding a sign that read, “I stand with Israel.” The terrified teacher locked herself away as the students allegedly tried to barge in.
Manipulating with Lies and Manufactured
Sob Stories
11 replies
Posted by FlyRight 11/26/2023 5:29:30 AM Post Reply
As has been the case since the barbarous attack on Israel by Hamas aided by Palestinian civilians, international organizations have chosen by their silence to ally themselves with the butchers instead of condemning the 10/7 attack. Canary Mission, which tracks anti-Semitism (and these days it’s not untoward to equate anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism, because it comes from the same fetid font: hatred of Jews and the globalists’ anti-nationalism) notes the silence of those entities from whom we were led to expect more: Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, speaking as head of the WHO (World Health Organization); Amnesty, the International Red Cross, the United Nations High Commissioner on Human Rights,
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Blinken to Israelis: 'I Don't Think You
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Posted by Hazymac 11/30/2023 6:04:46 PM Post Reply
Say what? As bad as we expected the Antony Blinken Lecture Tour in Jerusalem to be, even I wouldn’t have predicted that a US Secretary of State would have said this to a country victimized by a massive terror attack that killed 1400 people. That is, if Blinken actually told the Israelis that they don’t have enough “credit” to fight Hamas to the finish. The transcript comes from the Times of Israel, which translated it from a Hebrew transcript leaked to Israel’s Channel 12 News. Could something have gotten lost in translation? Perhaps, but it’s not the only eyebrow-raising part of the exchange, either. It begins with Blinken
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Posted by Imright 12/1/2023 1:32:55 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 11/30/2023 6:43:15 AM Post Reply
Joe Biden has apparently noticed that the price of everything is much higher on his watch than a few years ago. He is now asking sellers to just lower their prices. As a viral commercial once said. That’s not how this works. That’s not how any of this works. Companies don’t lower prices just because inflation is politically inconvenient for the president and his party. (X) From the New York Post: Biden admits prices ‘too high’ but blames sellers for 18% inflation President Biden acknowledged Monday that prices are still “too high” and argued that companies should lower them after an 18% jump in consumer costs since he took office.
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Posted by Dreadnought 12/1/2023 11:46:32 AM Post Reply
Representative George Santos became the sixth congressman in U.S. history to be expelled from the House of Representatives after many of his GOP colleagues joined a united Democratic caucus on Friday in booting him from the lower chamber. The final whip count was 311 in favor and 114 against, with two members voting “present.” The indicted congressman’s ouster from the lower chamber will usher in an ultra-competitive special election in his Long Island and Queens district that the Cook Political Report has already rated a “tossup.” Once Democratic governor Kathy Hochul sets a date for a special election — likely early next year — local party officials
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Posted by Imright 12/1/2023 6:51:35 AM Post Reply
MSNBC anchor Joy Reid said Thursday on MSNBC’s “The ReidOut” that the reinstated gag order in the New York business fraud case was needed because President Donald Trump is a “thug” leading a violent cult. Reid said, “Donald Trump is a thug. I mean, that is just clear. He’s been a thug from the time he ran for office, getting his crowds to attack protesters inside of the actual, you know, events. He’s now unleashed these attacks on people who aren’t even connected to the case, just married at someone he’s mad at.”She continued, “His initial Truth Social post that prompted the gag order resulted in hundreds of threatening and harassing
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for votes
23 replies
Posted by Imright 12/1/2023 12:54:58 AM Post Reply
'Congratulations! I erased your student loans. Now will you vote for me?' That's what President Biden should have said in an email to more than 800,000 student loan borrowers – because his latest scheme to 'forgive' some of their $1.78 trillion in outstanding debts is nothing more than a bribe. 'Your student loan has been forgiven because of actions my Administration took to make sure you receive the relief you earned and deserve,' read the White House message sent to in-boxes on Tuesday.
COP28: What leaders say about the future
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Posted by Dreadnought 12/1/2023 2:01:40 PM Post Reply
As this year's UN climate conference gets underway in earnest, heads of state and government are addressing the world. Their speeches give an insight into what is at stake during the upcoming two weeks of negotiations. Speakers at COP28 on Friday include Mohammed Bin Salman of Saudi Arabia, a leading oil producer, and Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of India, where sprawling cities suffer from worsening air pollution. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres was among the first to speak. Reiterating his message that unprecedented global heating is causing human suffering, he called on leaders to take urgent action. "We cannot save a burning planet with a fire hose of fossil fuels ...
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Posted by Harlowe 11/30/2023 11:43:22 PM Post Reply
The Princess of Wales brushed off the fallout from a race row this evening as she glistened in a show-stopping gown upon arrival at the Royal Variety Performance. Kate, 41, paired her stunning £1,288 Talina gown from Safiyaa with an equally dazzling smile as she stepped out in Kensington, showing no sign of anguish after a turbulent week for the royal family following the release of a bombshell book.(Snip)The pair identified in the book were named widely by media organisations around the world tonight, including the Guardian and the Times, as King Charles and Kate.
BREAKING: Senate Democrats Throw Out the
Rules to Launch Unprecedented Attack on
the Supreme Court
22 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 11/30/2023 2:05:16 PM Post Reply
Senate Democrats threw out the rules of the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday in order to launch an unprecedented attack on the United States Supreme Court. More specifically, on conservative justices and their friends. For months Chairman Dick Durbin and Democratic Senator Sheldon Whitehouse have been trying to issue subpoenas to longtime conservative activists Leonard Leo and billionaire Harlon Crow. Leo and Crow, both private individuals, are also friends to Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito. Earlier this month, Durbin briefly backed off his conquest to subpoena Leo and Crow. Today, he blatantly disregarded Senate process and voted to do just that.
Appeals court finds Trump can be held
civilly liable for Jan. 6 riot
21 replies
Posted by Imright 12/1/2023 12:25:46 PM Post Reply
Former President Donald Trump can be held civilly liable for the actions of the mob that rioted at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, a federal appeals court ruled Friday. The unanimous decision by the federal appeals court in Washington, D.C., is likely to be appealed and stems from a lawsuit filed against Trump in 2021 by two U.S. Capitol Police officers and several Democratic lawmakers who alleged he instigated violence by telling his supporters that the election was stolen.This is a developing story and will be updated.
Millennial parents claim boomer generation
has ABANDONED them over childcare and
are 'too busy traveling' to help out -
as grandparents hit back and say 'we didn't
have a damn nanny'
21 replies
Posted by zephyrgirl 11/30/2023 9:27:38 PM Post Reply
Boomers are spending far more money on travelling than their parents did - leaving their own millennial kids without childcare as they jet off on vacations. Psychologist and millennial mother Leslie Dobson, 40, said she wishes her dad Ted Dobson, 71, was around to spend more time with her sisters and his grandchildren. But Dobson's dad is busy enjoying retirement on his boat in Mexico, he said 'I haven't spent a nickel less on my kids. I just spent some on me.'
Can Tyranny Be Forgiven? 20 replies
Posted by Hazymac 12/1/2023 7:07:13 AM Post Reply
On a recent episode of HBO’s “Real Time” with Bill Maher, guest Scott Galloway sat across from Maher and the former Democrat governor of New York Andrew Cuomo and said, “I was on the board of my kids’ school during COVID. I wanted a harsher lockdown policy. In retrospect, I was wrong. The damage to children by keeping them out of school longer was greater than the risks. “But here’s the bottom line. Myself, the great people at the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), I’d like to think the governor, (Cuomo nods) we were all operating with imperfect information, we were doing our best. Let’s learn from it.
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