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Israel and Gun Control

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Posted By: DVC, 11/27/2023 8:41:17 AM

There are recent headlines and talk about Israel relaxing gun control laws and arming citizens since the Hamas terrorist attacks October 7th. But these narratives can be deceiving. One Israeli tactical expert, Yonatan Stern, has exposed some concerning actions on behalf of the Israeli government that tell a different story. Yonatan Stern was born in Israel in 1984, and joined the Israeli police at age 16, after growing up in Hebron, where he witnessed constant terror attacks. At age 18, he joined the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), where he served for three years. He then attended college, where he studied government and counter-terrorism operations before moving to America


Israelis are almost 100% disarmed, and few that are "armed" have a handgun and maximum of 100 rounds of ammunition, against the fully automatic rifles of the terrorists.
Most Israelis are totally at the mercy of the terrorists, and cannot protect themselves. It is amazing that they think this way in the environment where they live, but they are very anti-gun for civilians.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: chumley 11/27/2023 8:51:51 AM (No. 1605687)
Remind me again why we have wasted one cent of money or one drop of blood defending these people. They dont seem to be any better than the Moslems. I was indifferent to Israel before I started learning about it. My indifference is taking a darker turn lately..
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Reply 2 - Posted by: New Mexico Rider 11/27/2023 9:21:07 AM (No. 1605710)
Don't trust a government that doesn't trust its own citizens. That goes for local entities, too.
22 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Strike3 11/27/2023 10:05:04 AM (No. 1605734)
This guy is correct. Hand guns are effective at close range but try hitting a target at 100 yards. For an AK-47 it's almost a guaranteed bull's eye but the sights on a handgun are geometrically incapable of being accurate at that range. Most people do not realize that the US Military does not typically issue ammunition to all soldiers on bases outside of war zones except for security people, a mere handful. Major Hasan, a Palestinian-American, was able to kill 13 people at Fort Hood Texas when he went off his muslim nut and happened to be the only armed man in the area when a private civilian security guard had to take him down. Makes a lot of sense, doesn't it? As a civilian, I could carry a loaded M-16 plus a 9mm pistol on an Army base in Kuwait that was 10 miles from the Iraqi border but 4,000 soldiers there were not issued ammunition.
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Reply 4 - Posted by: Condor44 11/27/2023 10:42:51 AM (No. 1605764)
You would think that after the slaughter of 3 million defenseless jews during the holocaust, that the israeli govt would have allowed its citizens to be armed.
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Reply 5 - Posted by: hershey 11/27/2023 1:19:39 PM (No. 1605870)
Gah....I can remember during the Cuban Missile crisis, we were ordered to patrol the base fences with M1 Carbines....30 caliber...only problem was the TWO magazines issued to us were duct taped to the butt stock...and that was 1962....
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Reply 6 - Posted by: Proud Texan 11/27/2023 2:36:49 PM (No. 1605912)
It seems that some authoritarian governments that are squeamish about killing their own citizens prefer to simply not let their own citizens defend themselves and get killed off by others. Governments that kill their own people by taking away any means to defend themselves are as guilty of mass murder as the murderers that do the shooting.
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Reply 7 - Posted by: cor-vet 11/27/2023 2:58:47 PM (No. 1605927)
IIRC, The Ukrainian government had to issue weapons to their civilians at the start of Joe's War, because the Ukraine is/was another 'enlightened' country. As corrupt as the Ukraine is, fear of the citizenry might be the reason
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Reply 8 - Posted by: hoosierblue 11/28/2023 7:48:47 AM (No. 1606231)
#4.. I would think that they would mandate for a firearm to be available in every household.
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Reply 9 - Posted by: Sorosisbehindit 11/28/2023 9:14:13 AM (No. 1606288)
Israelis are probably the most well trained citizens in the world, regarding gun safety. All high school graduates serve a brief stint in the military.
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Israel and Gun Control 9 replies
Posted by DVC 11/27/2023 8:41:17 AM Post Reply
There are recent headlines and talk about Israel relaxing gun control laws and arming citizens since the Hamas terrorist attacks October 7th. But these narratives can be deceiving. One Israeli tactical expert, Yonatan Stern, has exposed some concerning actions on behalf of the Israeli government that tell a different story. Yonatan Stern was born in Israel in 1984, and joined the Israeli police at age 16, after growing up in Hebron, where he witnessed constant terror attacks. At age 18, he joined the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), where he served for three years. He then attended college, where he studied government and counter-terrorism operations before moving to America
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Posted by DVC 11/21/2023 9:34:11 AM Post Reply
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Posted by DVC 11/7/2023 6:21:02 PM Post Reply
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9 replies
Posted by DVC 11/3/2023 5:16:25 PM Post Reply
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Sorry, Mom 1 reply
Posted by DVC 10/26/2023 5:35:01 PM Post Reply
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Posted by DVC 10/26/2023 5:24:43 PM Post Reply
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