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Deion Sanders and Taylor Swift get married,
Nikola Jokic is bridesmaid

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Posted By: Big Bopper, 11/19/2023 11:18:12 AM

Exclusive to The Aspen Beat: Deion and Taylor got married. It was a low-key affair, by their standards. A few million of their closest friends. Taylor’s bridesmaid was the indefatigable, impermeable, invaluable, impressive, Nikola Jokic, the best thing to come out of Serbia since that other Nikola whose name was unfortunately appropriated a century later for a vehicle that is self-driving and self-incinerating. Subscribed After the wedding, the newlyweds rode off into the sunset in, you guessed it, a Tesla. They got as far as Ventura County before the juice gave out and the car caught fire. OK, I made all that up. But I had you going, didn’t I?

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Reply 1 - Posted by: kono 11/19/2023 11:41:11 AM (No. 1601503)
Hilarious idea from Beaton. If we are to take at face value what Swift about why Kelce is so much to her liking (his absolute lack of need to put on airs or attitude in some misbegotten attempt to appeal to her mega-stardom), we would notice that Sanders seems like precisely what turns her off most. But if we evaluate the legacy news stories in a similar manner, we might notice that so many of them are trying to get us to believe something nearly as preposterous as a Swift-Sanders story.
7 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Kate318 11/19/2023 11:54:11 AM (No. 1601508)
I give it 6 months.
4 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Vaquero45 11/19/2023 11:55:16 AM (No. 1601510)
Beaton’s skewer is especially sharp today...
7 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: red1066 11/19/2023 11:56:45 AM (No. 1601511)
The idea that Taylor Swift would actually get married to a guy is pure fantasy. Toxic Taylor is all about teasing. In high school, we had a name for a girl who would pretend to like a guy just to get something that she wanted usually it was attention. I can't use the name here, but penile teaser comes close. Currently, one of the Kelsey brothers is being used to gain even more attention for Taylor. As if she's needs it. She's just promoting herself to a new audience being with Kelsey. The relationship it will run its course when she's reached her goal and move on to the patsy.
7 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Maggie2u 11/19/2023 1:59:58 PM (No. 1601586)
Oh please Mr. Beaton. Give some of your readers credit, I knew your 'exclusive' wasn't true. I clicked on the story just to see where you were going with it. And it was a good article. Too true and to the detriment of our beloved country.
5 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: Venturer 11/19/2023 2:24:02 PM (No. 1601590)
A lot of people will read the headline and believe it. It's a bad move.
5 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: chumley 11/19/2023 4:01:48 PM (No. 1601644)
I wish them all the best. I dont follow Hollywood types much but based on some of the comments I wont make any longevity bets.
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Reply 8 - Posted by: anniebc 11/19/2023 6:10:06 PM (No. 1601719)
I think Deion likes black wives.
2 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: snakeoil 11/26/2023 9:12:12 PM (No. 1605511)
I like Travis Kelsey. The coach of his football team, Andy Reid of the KC Chiefs, instructed his team to take a knee for Our National Anthem to show their solidarity with whatever. Travis refused. He stands for the National Anthem. He's a superstar and can do what he wants. If Taylor Swift wanted me I wouldn't put up a fight.
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What happened to male cheerleaders? And
female ones?
9 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 11/26/2023 10:04:42 AM Post Reply
Back in my day, cheerleaders were hot and gorgeous, at least at the University of Colorado/Boulder where I watched them. They were the best-looking girls on campus, and that was saying a lot at the time in Boulder. After I graduated and left Boulder, they were evidently unable to attract the same quality without me. In fact, they resorted to male cheerleaders. There were sniggers that the male cheerleaders were probably a bit light-footed, if you know what I mean. That was before light-footedness, if you know what I mean, became the Next Big Thing. But male cheerleaders mostly faded away over the years. We see few male cheerleaders now.
Joe can’t BS his way to a second term 7 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 11/22/2023 2:13:42 PM Post Reply
Joe Biden has always been considered not very bright and not very honest. Beyond that, he’s thin-skinned and hot-tempered according to White House staff. His ability to remember and his ability to think – never very good – are worsening. He’s spent 40% of his time in the White House not in the White House, but on vacation at the beach in Delaware. He has a creepy thing for other people’s young daughters which an irate dad might someday react to in a way Joe doesn’t anticipate. As for his casual relationship with facts, he certainly lies on occasion, as when it comes to his family influence-peddling
Deion Sanders and Taylor Swift get married,
Nikola Jokic is bridesmaid
9 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 11/19/2023 11:18:12 AM Post Reply
Exclusive to The Aspen Beat: Deion and Taylor got married. It was a low-key affair, by their standards. A few million of their closest friends. Taylor’s bridesmaid was the indefatigable, impermeable, invaluable, impressive, Nikola Jokic, the best thing to come out of Serbia since that other Nikola whose name was unfortunately appropriated a century later for a vehicle that is self-driving and self-incinerating. Subscribed After the wedding, the newlyweds rode off into the sunset in, you guessed it, a Tesla. They got as far as Ventura County before the juice gave out and the car caught fire. OK, I made all that up. But I had you going, didn’t I?
Hmm, a Christian conversion sans Christ
or Jesus
12 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 11/14/2023 1:23:26 PM Post Reply
The news today is that a prominent and thoughtful Somalian-Dutch-American who left her Muslim faith in favor of atheism some years ago, has now left her atheist faith in favor of Christianity. Welcome to my church, Ayaan Hirsi Ali. You can sit anywhere you’d like. Ayaan published an essay explaining the reasons for her conversion. Her essay describes no epiphany, no encounter on a road to Damascus or anywhere else. Strikingly, neither “Christ” nor “Jesus” appear anywhere in her essay. Instead, she explained that Christianity (and by implication the larger Judeo-Christian culture) is the only framework capable of building civilization as we know it, and protecting it against human depravity.
Antisemitism so atrocious that even the
Jews object
5 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 11/1/2023 10:14:20 AM Post Reply
The news these post-pogrom days is filled with stories of Jews objecting to actions committed in the name of leftism. The left’s darling of the Mideast – Hamas – ransacked towns in the Jewish homeland established by the United Nations 75 years ago, in a display of rape and pillaging unmatched since the Dark Ages. Maniacal, drug-infused, Jew-hating, Hitlerian crazies raped, beheaded, murdered and burned alive Jewish civilians, took others hostage for display, torture and execution, and filmed their carnage to proudly post on the internet. At least Genghis Khan didn’t post on the internet.
This Halloween, ask yourself “What am
I celebrating?”
10 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 10/28/2023 1:25:29 PM Post Reply
It’s all fun and games till they start beheading babies I liked Halloween as a boy because, even then, I was a cheapskate. I loved getting candy, and I loved even more getting it for free. When I was about 11, my three siblings came down with the flu. Oddly, I didn’t. I went out trick-or-treating alone till about 10:30, way past my bedtime, while my sister and brothers languished at home praying to the porcelain god. I took in quite a haul. Two full bags. Probably today’s equivalent of a couple hundred dollars’ worth of candy. I was afraid that night.
Downtown Denver has become a pus-filled
sore in an overflowing post-apocalyptic outhouse
16 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 10/12/2023 7:37:29 PM Post Reply
Denver was my home for most of my adult life while I made a career in law. It wasn’t exactly Paris, but even Paris isn’t exactly Paris anymore. Denver was at least pleasant, clean and fairly safe. Cheapskate that I am, I made a practice of parking about eight blocks away from my downtown office, in the direction of the “bad” part of town. (The parking rate was 10 cents a day – really!) I never had any problems. As many of you know, I then retired and moved to Aspen. About six years ago, I bought a second home in Denver, in a downtown high-rise condo. I get around.
The Western Wall 8 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 10/10/2023 9:54:40 AM Post Reply
Note: I published this piece nine years ago when I was treking in Israel for a while. The unspeakable horror of last weekend prompts me to publish it again, my own small tribute to my Israeli and other Jewish friends. Muslims have the Taj Mahal and Mecca. Catholics have St. Peter’s Basilical and the Vatican. Jews have a wall. The Western Wall is a stack of massive stone blocks a few dozen feet high and a couple of hundred feet long. It’s all that’s left of Jerusalem’s second Jewish temple, a structure that astonished even the Romans. The Romans destroyed it to punish the Jews for their Great Revolt in 70 A.D.
Did the Biden administration withhold
intel from Israel?
18 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 10/8/2023 11:58:47 AM Post Reply
Palestinian terrorists (no, that’s not necessarily redundant) in Gaza launched a brutal terrorist attack on Israel yesterday. They slaughtered at least 800 Israelis, many of them unarmed women and children. Some were taken hostage back to Gaza where they were paraded through the streets and beaten. It was a massive and highly coordinated attack with incursions by land, air and sea. From a thousand miles away, Iran was likely funding and coordinating it. There had to be a lot of cyber chatter preceding the attack. Yet Israel was apparently caught by complete surprise. The question being rightly asked is, how could Israel’s intel operations
But wait, I thought walls didn’t work! 7 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 10/5/2023 2:54:17 PM Post Reply
We were told by illegal immigration activists for years that walls don’t work, Oddly, however, they lobbied vigorously against a wall along our porous border with Mexico. If walls don’t work, I wondered, why are the pro-illegal immigration activists so dead set against them? And if walls don’t work, I further wondered, why did the Berlin Wall succeed in imprisoning freedom-seekers for decades? Why are there walls around prisons? Why is there a wall around the White House? But I’m not a wall scientist, so I figured there must be good answers to those questions but the answers were beyond my ken.
Demo-rats are jumping the Biden ship 4 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 9/26/2023 9:37:12 AM Post Reply
Most Americans say they will vote against Joe Biden next year, even if four-time indictee and twice-impeached Donald Trump is the Republican nominee. Most Americans say Biden was on the take from foreign governments – they think he accepted bribes directly or through his criminal son. And most Democrats think Biden is too old to be president. A recent poll by ABC/WaPo (not exactly “far-right-wingers” as the media likes to label dissenters from their narrative) puts Biden’s approval rating at 37% overall, in the low 30s on economics, and in the low 20s on immigration.
This conservative is canceling his subscription
to the Wall Street Journal
13 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 9/22/2023 12:26:09 PM Post Reply
I’ve been a moderate conservative for over 40 years. My principal source of news has been the Wall Street Journal. Its investigations, reporting, writing and opinion work have been without parallel. (I’ll admit that my regard for the Journal may have been heightened when they published a piece I wrote on mountaineering.) But no more. Yes, sometimes they still do very good investigative work. And the opinion pages are still very good and mostly conservative. (And their mountaineering stuff is fabulous, albeit limited.)
Most Active Articles (last 48 hours)
Mitt Romney says he would vote for Democrat
over Trump, Vivek Ramaswamy
46 replies
Posted by Ida Lou Pino 11/26/2023 8:30:37 AM Post Reply
Sen. Mitt Romney said he would vote for a Democrat over former President Trump or businessman Vivek Ramaswamy in a potential 2024 general election matchup. “I’d be happy to support virtually any one of the Republicans, maybe not Vivek, but the others that are running would be acceptable to me and I’d be happy to vote for them,” Romney said to CBS news host Norah O’Donnell in a clip which resurfaced online Saturday.
Frightening: Students Rampage Thru High
School to Hunt Down Teacher For Going
to Pro-Israel Rally
25 replies
Posted by Imright 11/25/2023 5:42:22 PM Post Reply
We've seen some pretty horrible actions as an outgrowth of the Hamas attack on Israel and then the subsequent leftist push of the anti-Israel cause. In addition to negatively affecting Israel this push is bringing evil things to this country, mainly among the young, who are indoctrinated by leftist thought. We've seen this at all kinds of rallies and across college campuses. We even see it capturing climate activist Greta Thunberg.We learned about the 1930s and pogroms in school, but we're seeing some of the same things developing in realtime, as a frightening incident in New York City makes clear.
Upwards of 2,500 NYPD officers turned
in their badges in 2023 amid concerning trend
24 replies
Posted by Imright 11/25/2023 9:39:05 PM Post Reply
Budget cut-bolstered attrition set the Big Apple up for a “dramatic turn for the worse” as police officers have turned in their badges in staggering numbers. A microcosm of the managed decline seen at the national level, New York City Mayor Eric Adams’ (D) succession to Mayor Bill de Blasio (D) in putting leftist agendas ahead of basic safety and operations measurably set the city back decades. As resources were reallocated to accommodate the out-of-control influx of illegal aliens, disenchanted and disgruntled members of the NYPD continued resigning in droves, even as they were short of the requirements to receive full pensions, according to the NYPD pension data.
Pennsylvania Voters Reach ‘Peak of Mistrust’
After Voting Machines Glitch for Second Time
22 replies
Posted by Imright 11/25/2023 11:00:46 PM Post Reply
Pennsylvania voters are doubting the integrity of local elections in the swing county of Northampton after issues with touchscreen voting devices arose on the most recent Election Day. The glitches were similar to those seen in the county’s 2019 judges race. Election officials are scrambling to ensure trust in the voting system as voters and local leaders alike are sounding the alarm, a Saturday Politico report revealed.Northampton used Election Systems & Software touchscreen machines for the first time in 2019 and saw a “programming glitch” that caused a significant “undercount” of votes in the local judge’s race, the publication reported. Then, on November 7, 2023, suspicion grew
Pro-Israel teacher hides in Queens high
school as ‘radicalized’ students riot:
‘They want her fired’
22 replies
Posted by Ida Lou Pino 11/25/2023 9:04:11 AM Post Reply
Hundreds of “radicalized” kids rampaged through the halls of a Queens high school this week for nearly two hours after they discovered a teacher had attended a pro-Israel rally — forcing the terrified educator to hide in a locked office as the teen mob tried to push its way into her classroom, The Post has learned. The mayhem at Hillcrest High School in Jamaica unfolded shortly after 11 a.m. Monday in what students called a pre-planned protest over the teacher’s Facebook profile photo showing her at a pro-Israel rally on Queens Oct. 9 holding a poster saying, “I stand with Israel.”
EXPOSED: Bill Gates’s Relationship with
Convicted Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein Revolved
Around a Global Health Investment Fund
21 replies
Posted by mc squared 11/25/2023 12:05:40 PM Post Reply
Earlier this month, I revealed that one of Bill Gates’s most powerful business partners, JPMorgan Chase, had reached a combined $365 million settlement with Jeffrey Epstein’s victims and the U.S. Virgin Islands, which a federal judge approved on November 9./snip/ Over time, Gates and JPMorgan established an investment fund that sought to profit from the development of vaccines and other health technologies. Epstein wanted a piece of the action, and Staley brought Epstein into the Gates partnership. The Gates-JPMorgan partnership was called the Global Health Investment Fund (GHIF) and was created circa 2011. At the time, Staley managed the Epstein relationship for the bank,
Headaches at Fox as Lachlan Murdoch takes
reins from father Rupert
21 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 11/25/2023 6:58:55 AM Post Reply
Lachlan Murdoch has been chairman of News Corporation and Fox Corporation, the parent company of Fox News, for more than a week now after his father Rupert finally officially handed the reins to him. Beyond the titular changes, how much of a transition is in fact being made is open to question. “I hope to continue an active role in the company,” the elder Murdoch, 92, remarked during the company’s most recent annual shareholders meeting. Lachlan Murdoch told investors that there will be “no change” in strategy at Fox News, but earlier this week told a dinner in Australia that this was an era of “generational realignment” that would require “clear vision,
Analysis: Over 23M Immigrants Eligible
to Vote in U.S. Ahead of 2024 Election
20 replies
Posted by Imright 11/25/2023 5:23:23 PM Post Reply
Ahead of the highly-anticipated 2024 presidential election, more than 23 million immigrants to the United States who now have naturalized American citizenship are eligible to cast ballots, new analysis reveals. The left-wing American Immigration Council released the analysis recently, giving a glimpse into the electoral power that the nation’s annual importation of more than a million legal immigrants has given to naturalized citizens.“As more immigrants naturalize and become eligible to vote, they continue to gain political power,” the analysis states. “The number of immigrant voters is only projected to rise in the next decade,
Joe Biden Snubs ‘Almighty God’ in
Thanksgiving Proclamation
19 replies
Posted by Imright 11/25/2023 1:57:21 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden omitted any reference to Almighty God or Divine Providence Thursday in his annual proclamation of the quintessentially American feast of Thanksgiving. In his own 1863 presidential proclamation instituting Thanksgiving as a national holiday, Abraham Lincoln urged his fellow Americans to set apart and observe the last Thursday of November “as a day of Thanksgiving and Praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the Heavens.”Even in the midst of the civil war, Lincoln recalled the many blessings and bounties bestowed on the nation, attributing them all to the Almighty.
Disney Report Warns Investors Social Goals
Take Priority over Profits
19 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 11/25/2023 12:27:29 AM Post Reply
The Disney Grooming Syndicate’s annual SEC report tried to bury its foundational problems in the word salad of all word salads. Thankfully, That Park Place saw right through it. The key takeaway from the report is that Disney, as required by law in these filings, is warning investors that its social goals are more important than profits. “There is in such things a statement of the various ‘Risk factors’ the company may encounter,” explains That Park Place, “all in the obligatory legal way to avoid people later saying ‘You never warned us about this!!’” In other words, in this annual report, Disney must warn stockholders and potential stockholders
Commenters express SYMPATHY for woman
filmed admitting to Georgia beach masturbation
to cops on bodycam and slam officers for
arresting her
18 replies
Posted by zephyrgirl 11/26/2023 3:00:34 PM Post Reply
Commenters have expressed sympathy for a woman who was caught using a vibrator on a Georgia beach and then arrested by cops. Christina Revels-Glick, who was 34 at the time, was approached by cops after families reported her salacious behavior on Tybee Island beach on July 1, 2021. Bodycam footage from the officers who arrested her was released this week, showing her breaking down as she was handcuffed and marched away from the sand.
'Biden Absolutely Sucks,' the Cognitively-Challenged
President's Base Turns On Him Hard
18 replies
Posted by Hazymac 11/25/2023 7:26:45 AM Post Reply
Trouble looms on the horizon for Joe Biden, at least for now. While polling has consistently shown discontent among younger voters, a key base for the Democratic Party, direct testimony isn't saying anything different. The Washington Post visited the campus of the University of Michigan, and the responses were dire for the cognitively challenged president. "The Washington Post recently spoke to several University of Michigan voters who claimed they might support a candidate other than Biden due to the issue, with one voter telling the outlet that she and her friends now refer to the world leader as 'Genocide Joe' because of his support for Israel.
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