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Antisemitism so atrocious that even the
Jews object

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Posted By: Big Bopper, 11/1/2023 10:14:20 AM

The news these post-pogrom days is filled with stories of Jews objecting to actions committed in the name of leftism. The left’s darling of the Mideast – Hamas – ransacked towns in the Jewish homeland established by the United Nations 75 years ago, in a display of rape and pillaging unmatched since the Dark Ages. Maniacal, drug-infused, Jew-hating, Hitlerian crazies raped, beheaded, murdered and burned alive Jewish civilians, took others hostage for display, torture and execution, and filmed their carnage to proudly post on the internet. At least Genghis Khan didn’t post on the internet.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: bpl40 11/1/2023 10:32:38 AM (No. 1589728)
I will fully support American Jews when they give up Leftism. Liberalism involves defending the right of your opponent to hold the opposing view. Leftism embodies increasingly violent intolerance. Jews of all people ought to be able to tell the difference.
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Reply 2 - Posted by: Big Bopper 11/1/2023 10:45:04 AM (No. 1589733)
No. 1: That seems a bit tribal. You won't support a group's exercise of their religion unless they join your political party???
9 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Quigley 11/1/2023 10:45:26 AM (No. 1589734)
Just after Trump moved the American embassy to Jerusalem, I was having lunch with a group. An older Jewish lady was saying how Trump was "just like hitler" for moving the embassy, I believe she thought that because of the "outrage" it would foment. I think I asked her if Trump had killed 6 million Jews, and if not, then he was not just like hitler. And now the Dim have invited genocidal antisemites into the party. I wonder if she thinks they are "just like hitler." Another friend said he thought Trump would get us into a world war with all his irresponsible statements. I told him I wondered what he was referring to. I got no reponse. And here we are. When will facts (i.e., people in the Dim party want to exterminate Israel and Big Bidet has gotten us into at least two wars and Trump got us into none) overcome the Propaganda Narrative?
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Reply 4 - Posted by: formerNYer 11/1/2023 11:46:49 AM (No. 1589767)
I just hope the Jewish voters will rethink their vote for the D'Rats, they're NOT your friends.
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Reply 5 - Posted by: NorthStar 11/1/2023 11:56:40 AM (No. 1589772)
They seemed to like it when they could make it a criticism of anyone and everyone on the right, now they are looking afraid. Will they be able to make the leap of faith, or keep mindlessly vote for the left?
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Antisemitism so atrocious that even the
Jews object
5 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 11/1/2023 10:14:20 AM Post Reply
The news these post-pogrom days is filled with stories of Jews objecting to actions committed in the name of leftism. The left’s darling of the Mideast – Hamas – ransacked towns in the Jewish homeland established by the United Nations 75 years ago, in a display of rape and pillaging unmatched since the Dark Ages. Maniacal, drug-infused, Jew-hating, Hitlerian crazies raped, beheaded, murdered and burned alive Jewish civilians, took others hostage for display, torture and execution, and filmed their carnage to proudly post on the internet. At least Genghis Khan didn’t post on the internet.
This Halloween, ask yourself “What am
I celebrating?”
10 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 10/28/2023 1:25:29 PM Post Reply
It’s all fun and games till they start beheading babies I liked Halloween as a boy because, even then, I was a cheapskate. I loved getting candy, and I loved even more getting it for free. When I was about 11, my three siblings came down with the flu. Oddly, I didn’t. I went out trick-or-treating alone till about 10:30, way past my bedtime, while my sister and brothers languished at home praying to the porcelain god. I took in quite a haul. Two full bags. Probably today’s equivalent of a couple hundred dollars’ worth of candy. I was afraid that night.
Downtown Denver has become a pus-filled
sore in an overflowing post-apocalyptic outhouse
16 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 10/12/2023 7:37:29 PM Post Reply
Denver was my home for most of my adult life while I made a career in law. It wasn’t exactly Paris, but even Paris isn’t exactly Paris anymore. Denver was at least pleasant, clean and fairly safe. Cheapskate that I am, I made a practice of parking about eight blocks away from my downtown office, in the direction of the “bad” part of town. (The parking rate was 10 cents a day – really!) I never had any problems. As many of you know, I then retired and moved to Aspen. About six years ago, I bought a second home in Denver, in a downtown high-rise condo. I get around.
The Western Wall 8 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 10/10/2023 9:54:40 AM Post Reply
Note: I published this piece nine years ago when I was treking in Israel for a while. The unspeakable horror of last weekend prompts me to publish it again, my own small tribute to my Israeli and other Jewish friends. Muslims have the Taj Mahal and Mecca. Catholics have St. Peter’s Basilical and the Vatican. Jews have a wall. The Western Wall is a stack of massive stone blocks a few dozen feet high and a couple of hundred feet long. It’s all that’s left of Jerusalem’s second Jewish temple, a structure that astonished even the Romans. The Romans destroyed it to punish the Jews for their Great Revolt in 70 A.D.
Did the Biden administration withhold
intel from Israel?
18 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 10/8/2023 11:58:47 AM Post Reply
Palestinian terrorists (no, that’s not necessarily redundant) in Gaza launched a brutal terrorist attack on Israel yesterday. They slaughtered at least 800 Israelis, many of them unarmed women and children. Some were taken hostage back to Gaza where they were paraded through the streets and beaten. It was a massive and highly coordinated attack with incursions by land, air and sea. From a thousand miles away, Iran was likely funding and coordinating it. There had to be a lot of cyber chatter preceding the attack. Yet Israel was apparently caught by complete surprise. The question being rightly asked is, how could Israel’s intel operations
But wait, I thought walls didn’t work! 7 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 10/5/2023 2:54:17 PM Post Reply
We were told by illegal immigration activists for years that walls don’t work, Oddly, however, they lobbied vigorously against a wall along our porous border with Mexico. If walls don’t work, I wondered, why are the pro-illegal immigration activists so dead set against them? And if walls don’t work, I further wondered, why did the Berlin Wall succeed in imprisoning freedom-seekers for decades? Why are there walls around prisons? Why is there a wall around the White House? But I’m not a wall scientist, so I figured there must be good answers to those questions but the answers were beyond my ken.
Demo-rats are jumping the Biden ship 4 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 9/26/2023 9:37:12 AM Post Reply
Most Americans say they will vote against Joe Biden next year, even if four-time indictee and twice-impeached Donald Trump is the Republican nominee. Most Americans say Biden was on the take from foreign governments – they think he accepted bribes directly or through his criminal son. And most Democrats think Biden is too old to be president. A recent poll by ABC/WaPo (not exactly “far-right-wingers” as the media likes to label dissenters from their narrative) puts Biden’s approval rating at 37% overall, in the low 30s on economics, and in the low 20s on immigration.
This conservative is canceling his subscription
to the Wall Street Journal
13 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 9/22/2023 12:26:09 PM Post Reply
I’ve been a moderate conservative for over 40 years. My principal source of news has been the Wall Street Journal. Its investigations, reporting, writing and opinion work have been without parallel. (I’ll admit that my regard for the Journal may have been heightened when they published a piece I wrote on mountaineering.) But no more. Yes, sometimes they still do very good investigative work. And the opinion pages are still very good and mostly conservative. (And their mountaineering stuff is fabulous, albeit limited.)
Iranian hostage-takers should be treated
like Barbary pirates and Palestinian terrorists
– kill them
1 reply
Posted by Big Bopper 9/20/2023 12:01:39 PM Post Reply
The Barbary pirates were a ragtag gang of North African pirates who terrorized Europe for centuries. They pirated commercial shipping, raided as far north as Ireland and Iceland to abduct and enslave Europeans –especially women – for the harems of the Middle East, and exacted tribute in exchange for safe ocean passage. In two wars, the new United States of America put an end to them. The first was in 1801-1805. The second was ten years later and lasted just a few days, permanently putting the barbarian Barbarians out of business. America and Europe finally stopped paying tribute and ransom and enduring slave raids.
There’s so much more to Deion than neon 7 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 9/9/2023 5:48:48 PM Post Reply
The University of Colorado football program over the years often contended for the Big 8 title. It was the home of great athletes like Kordell Stewart, Darian Hagan, Eric Bieniemy, Rashaan Salaam, Dave Logan and Cliff Branch. But it fell on hard times the last few years. Last year, they finished 1-11, lost their last four games by an average of over 30 points, and fired the coach. Then they did something bold. They hired a guy whose coaching experience was limited to several high schools, one of which was plagued by scandal, and then a historically Black college that played second division football.
I dare the establishment to bring back
lockdowns and mask mandates
16 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 9/8/2023 3:44:43 PM Post Reply
There’s another COVID variant on the loose. Yawn. But it’s no yawn to the virtue signalers and the control freaks and the teachers’ unions and the socialist politicians and the “work” from home crowd. They see it as another chance to signal virtue, exercise freakish control, avoid real teaching, redistribute more wealth, and “work” from home forever. They had a ball last time. Yes, it damaged a generation of children, cost the country trillions of dollars (the repayment of which we’ll bequeath to those damaged children), sparked a lawlessness that still endures, elected a mean, stupid, senile, bribe-taker to the presidency
If you strive for “work-life balance”
you’ll fail at both
6 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 9/4/2023 11:08:47 AM Post Reply
This Labor Day, the new buzz is about balancing work with life. It comes at a time when fewer people are employed than before the pandemic, and many of those who are employed are gaming the system by “working” from home in their PJs while surfing the internet and doing house work (oops, no, they pay others to clean their house). Productivity figures still lag pre-pandemic times. Weirdly, they think even their part-time, disengaged, goal-less so-called work, in the absence of any accountability or supervision, is too much. It interferes with what they call life.
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Posted by Imright 11/2/2023 12:10:40 AM Post Reply
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Posted by ConservativeYankee 11/2/2023 12:36:48 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Beardo 11/2/2023 1:01:51 PM Post Reply
Representative Ken Buck (R-CO) said Wednesday on CNN’s “The Source” that he is not running for election because Republicans “keep lying” about the results of the 2020 election and what happened on January 6, 2021. (snip) "we continue to talk about and lie about the 2020 election as if it was stolen, as if Joe Biden wasn’t the real winner of that election. We keep lying about January 6 and the prisoners from January 6, the defendants who are not political prisoners but rather committed crimes. They assaulted police officers. They damaged government property. So I don’t think we can have the credibility we need with the American public"
DeSantis Suggests RNC Not Nominate Trump
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Posted by SouthTxRat 11/2/2023 4:47:06 PM Post Reply
Republican presidential candidate Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis suggested former President Donald Trump should be removed from the GOP primary if he is convicted in any of the cases against him. “Do I think somebody under those circumstances could get elected president? The answer is no,” Mr. DeSantis told MSNBC's "Morning Joe" on Thursday. “That will not happen. I think that Republican voters will understand that as we get closer to voting. But it is—it would be fatal in a general election, and I don't think the party should—should nominate in that situation.”
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Evidence of Democrat Ballot Fraud
25 replies
Posted by Beardo 11/2/2023 12:28:37 AM Post Reply
In Bridgeport, Connecticut, State Judge William Clark has thrown out the results of the September Democrat primary election and ordered a new primary to be scheduled and conducted [Court Order Here]. The issue was ballot harvesting and ballot fraud – both violations of state law. (snip) Both Ms Geter-Pataky and Ms Martinez participated in absentee ballot fraud, ballot harvesting and ballot stuffing at drop boxes. Both women invoked the Fifth Amendment when confronted as witnesses by the judge.
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Posted by Imright 11/2/2023 7:16:06 PM Post Reply
Columbia University students walked out of Hillary Clinton’s lecture on Wednesday evening in protest of the public shaming of the pro-Hamas students showcased on the ‘doxxing truck.’ Pro-Hamas students from Columbia, Harvard and other universities have been identified by non-profit org. “Accuracy In Media” and advertised on ‘doxxing trucks.’ (X) Hillary Clinton was hired as a professor at Columbia University earlier this year. Clinton was hired to teach in their School of International and Public Affairs. According to the New York Times, 30 of the 300 students attending Hillary Clinton’s lecture walked out.
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a THOUSAND people in 24 hours to 7,000
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migrants how to cross US southern border
20 replies
Posted by Imright 11/2/2023 12:14:48 AM Post Reply
The migrant caravan heading to the U.S. has grown by over by a thousand in just 24 hours, as social media teaches Chinese citizens how to reach the American dream. Hundreds more have joined the caravan of migrants in Mexico bound north, one of the organizers said, bringing the total number to about 7,000 as the group traveled through the southern state of Chiapas. Organizer Irineo Mujica said on Tuesday the caravan had swelled since Monday by about 1,000 to more than 7,000 people, although a spokesperson for the Chiapas government said state authorities still estimated its size at around 3,500 participants.
Hamas killers 'roasted babies in an oven'
during October 7 terror attack, Israeli
first responder claims
16 replies
Posted by Imright 11/2/2023 6:42:50 PM Post Reply
An Israeli first responder to the October 7 terror attack has claimed that Hamas terrorists roasted a baby in an oven in shocking video testimony. Asher Moskowitz, of the United Hatzalah first responder group, published a video of himself speaking to a camera, delivering his witness account. In it, he claims he saw the remains of a baby who had been baked to death in an oven at kibbutz Kfar Aza, where more than 100 civilians were killed.'The sights that we saw were horrendous,' he says, explaining that he was among a group that saw corpses arriving
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13 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 11/2/2023 8:08:54 PM Post Reply
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13 replies
Posted by NorthernDog 11/2/2023 7:24:43 PM Post Reply
Democratic California Rep. Adam Schiff has reportedly been living in Maryland for two decades, documents that surfaced Wednesday showed. Mortgage records revealed Schiff claimed his 3,420 square foot property in Maryland as his primary residence, according to CNN. The congressman also reportedly claimed his 650 square foot condo in Burbank, California, as his primary residence to reduce his $7,000 tax bill. (Snip) Along with public records and past comments, pictures previously shared on his public social media indicate Schiff’s main residence is at his Maryland property, CNN noted. The Maryland home was reportedly listed as Schiff’s primary residence in 2003
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in aid to Israel by cutting IRS funding:
12 Democrats join Republicans to push
through plan Biden has ALREADY said he
will veto
13 replies
Posted by Imright 11/2/2023 6:03:48 PM Post Reply
The House passed a bill to send emergency aid to Israel on Thursday to help in its campaign to eradicate Hamas. The $14.3 billion bill passed 226 to 196, garnering 12 Democratic votes and losing two Republicans. Reps. Thomas Massie, Ky., and Marjorie Taylor Greene, Ga., voted against the bill on the Republican side. The House passed a bill to send emergency aid to Israel on Thursday to help in its campaign to eradicate Hamas. The $14.3 billion bill passed 226 to 196, garnering 12 Democratic votes and losing two Republicans. Reps. Thomas Massie, Ky., and Marjorie Taylor Greene, Ga., voted against the bill on the Republican side.
The EPA's War Against Cars 13 replies
Posted by Hazymac 11/2/2023 11:01:53 AM Post Reply
Americans justly love cars, for necessity, for pleasure, and everything in between. In all we drive more than three trillion miles per year, in 290 million registered cars, of which some 287 million are internal combustion engines. Today’s cars are without doubt among the most highly evolved, reliable, innovative and efficient forms of production ever witnessed. Exactly the prime target you would expect from the Biden administration. The EPA has announced planned emission regulations that will end the U.S. automotive industry as we know it, while simultaneously forcing Americans into EV cars they manifestly do not want. The proposed regulations are being called “the single most important regulatory initiative
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