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Demo-rats are jumping the Biden ship

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Posted By: Big Bopper, 9/26/2023 9:37:12 AM

Most Americans say they will vote against Joe Biden next year, even if four-time indictee and twice-impeached Donald Trump is the Republican nominee. Most Americans say Biden was on the take from foreign governments – they think he accepted bribes directly or through his criminal son. And most Democrats think Biden is too old to be president. A recent poll by ABC/WaPo (not exactly “far-right-wingers” as the media likes to label dissenters from their narrative) puts Biden’s approval rating at 37% overall, in the low 30s on economics, and in the low 20s on immigration.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: snakeoil 9/26/2023 10:16:20 AM (No. 1563729)
Need to be careful. Don't want Quid Pro Joe to drop out. The dims might replace him with someone with a pulse. We want to run against a potted plant that yells.
12 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: offrope 9/26/2023 11:04:31 AM (No. 1563759)
I wonder what the threshold is when vote fraud wouldn't work?
7 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Hazymac 9/26/2023 11:24:29 AM (No. 1563768)
My favorite line in this essay by Beaton is the last: "I relish the humiliation of these grifters." Don't we all?
8 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: MickTurn 9/26/2023 11:01:05 PM (No. 1564111)
Correction: Demon Rats
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Law is women’s work, and so is lot more 8 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 12/3/2023 2:31:26 PM Post Reply
I don’t mean women are just as good as men at lawyering. I mean they’re better. Let me explain. But first a story. I have a distant connection to recently deceased former Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor. O’Connor grew up on an Arizona cattle ranch. Her home was nine miles from the nearest paved road and didn’t have running water or electricity until she was seven. She was very smart. At age 16, she left the ranch and went to Stanford to earn a degree in Economics. In 1952, she graduated third in her class from Stanford Law School. (That was back when Stanford was still teaching law
We’re going extinct because guys like
porn and pot more than they like women
24 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 12/1/2023 12:51:29 PM Post Reply
Americans are reproducing at a rate that is too low to replace themselves. At this rate, Americans will go extinct. It’s like the situation in Italy where Catholics have become so adept at violating the Church’s prohibitions on birth control that they’ll be gone soon. I figure the only way to save Italy for the Italians is for the Church to permit – nay, mandate – birth control. If there’s one thing Catholics have learned over 2,000 years, it’s that their highest spiritual calling is to disobey their infallible-ish Pope. Only if the shepherd requires birth control will his flock
Thank Joe Biden for pulling an egotistical
Ruth Bader Ginsburg
12 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 11/28/2023 9:52:34 PM Post Reply
Ruth Bader Ginsburg was a Supreme Court Justice and a darling of the left. She was endearingly referred to as “Notorious RBG” for her strident opinions invariably siding with the Democrats on political issues. But she grew old. She also grew feeble physically and, sadly, to some extent mentally as well. She started breaking Court tradition by giving television interviews, where she unfortunately spoke intemperately about political issues. Shortly before the 2016 election, she told a reporter that Donald Trump was “a faker.” And then she said something to the reporter that apparently came into her head at that moment because she really had an ego.
What happened to male cheerleaders? And
female ones?
10 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 11/26/2023 10:04:42 AM Post Reply
Back in my day, cheerleaders were hot and gorgeous, at least at the University of Colorado/Boulder where I watched them. They were the best-looking girls on campus, and that was saying a lot at the time in Boulder. After I graduated and left Boulder, they were evidently unable to attract the same quality without me. In fact, they resorted to male cheerleaders. There were sniggers that the male cheerleaders were probably a bit light-footed, if you know what I mean. That was before light-footedness, if you know what I mean, became the Next Big Thing. But male cheerleaders mostly faded away over the years. We see few male cheerleaders now.
Joe can’t BS his way to a second term 7 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 11/22/2023 2:13:42 PM Post Reply
Joe Biden has always been considered not very bright and not very honest. Beyond that, he’s thin-skinned and hot-tempered according to White House staff. His ability to remember and his ability to think – never very good – are worsening. He’s spent 40% of his time in the White House not in the White House, but on vacation at the beach in Delaware. He has a creepy thing for other people’s young daughters which an irate dad might someday react to in a way Joe doesn’t anticipate. As for his casual relationship with facts, he certainly lies on occasion, as when it comes to his family influence-peddling
Deion Sanders and Taylor Swift get married,
Nikola Jokic is bridesmaid
9 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 11/19/2023 11:18:12 AM Post Reply
Exclusive to The Aspen Beat: Deion and Taylor got married. It was a low-key affair, by their standards. A few million of their closest friends. Taylor’s bridesmaid was the indefatigable, impermeable, invaluable, impressive, Nikola Jokic, the best thing to come out of Serbia since that other Nikola whose name was unfortunately appropriated a century later for a vehicle that is self-driving and self-incinerating. Subscribed After the wedding, the newlyweds rode off into the sunset in, you guessed it, a Tesla. They got as far as Ventura County before the juice gave out and the car caught fire. OK, I made all that up. But I had you going, didn’t I?
Hmm, a Christian conversion sans Christ
or Jesus
12 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 11/14/2023 1:23:26 PM Post Reply
The news today is that a prominent and thoughtful Somalian-Dutch-American who left her Muslim faith in favor of atheism some years ago, has now left her atheist faith in favor of Christianity. Welcome to my church, Ayaan Hirsi Ali. You can sit anywhere you’d like. Ayaan published an essay explaining the reasons for her conversion. Her essay describes no epiphany, no encounter on a road to Damascus or anywhere else. Strikingly, neither “Christ” nor “Jesus” appear anywhere in her essay. Instead, she explained that Christianity (and by implication the larger Judeo-Christian culture) is the only framework capable of building civilization as we know it, and protecting it against human depravity.
Antisemitism so atrocious that even the
Jews object
5 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 11/1/2023 10:14:20 AM Post Reply
The news these post-pogrom days is filled with stories of Jews objecting to actions committed in the name of leftism. The left’s darling of the Mideast – Hamas – ransacked towns in the Jewish homeland established by the United Nations 75 years ago, in a display of rape and pillaging unmatched since the Dark Ages. Maniacal, drug-infused, Jew-hating, Hitlerian crazies raped, beheaded, murdered and burned alive Jewish civilians, took others hostage for display, torture and execution, and filmed their carnage to proudly post on the internet. At least Genghis Khan didn’t post on the internet.
This Halloween, ask yourself “What am
I celebrating?”
10 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 10/28/2023 1:25:29 PM Post Reply
It’s all fun and games till they start beheading babies I liked Halloween as a boy because, even then, I was a cheapskate. I loved getting candy, and I loved even more getting it for free. When I was about 11, my three siblings came down with the flu. Oddly, I didn’t. I went out trick-or-treating alone till about 10:30, way past my bedtime, while my sister and brothers languished at home praying to the porcelain god. I took in quite a haul. Two full bags. Probably today’s equivalent of a couple hundred dollars’ worth of candy. I was afraid that night.
Downtown Denver has become a pus-filled
sore in an overflowing post-apocalyptic outhouse
16 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 10/12/2023 7:37:29 PM Post Reply
Denver was my home for most of my adult life while I made a career in law. It wasn’t exactly Paris, but even Paris isn’t exactly Paris anymore. Denver was at least pleasant, clean and fairly safe. Cheapskate that I am, I made a practice of parking about eight blocks away from my downtown office, in the direction of the “bad” part of town. (The parking rate was 10 cents a day – really!) I never had any problems. As many of you know, I then retired and moved to Aspen. About six years ago, I bought a second home in Denver, in a downtown high-rise condo. I get around.
The Western Wall 8 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 10/10/2023 9:54:40 AM Post Reply
Note: I published this piece nine years ago when I was treking in Israel for a while. The unspeakable horror of last weekend prompts me to publish it again, my own small tribute to my Israeli and other Jewish friends. Muslims have the Taj Mahal and Mecca. Catholics have St. Peter’s Basilical and the Vatican. Jews have a wall. The Western Wall is a stack of massive stone blocks a few dozen feet high and a couple of hundred feet long. It’s all that’s left of Jerusalem’s second Jewish temple, a structure that astonished even the Romans. The Romans destroyed it to punish the Jews for their Great Revolt in 70 A.D.
Did the Biden administration withhold
intel from Israel?
18 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 10/8/2023 11:58:47 AM Post Reply
Palestinian terrorists (no, that’s not necessarily redundant) in Gaza launched a brutal terrorist attack on Israel yesterday. They slaughtered at least 800 Israelis, many of them unarmed women and children. Some were taken hostage back to Gaza where they were paraded through the streets and beaten. It was a massive and highly coordinated attack with incursions by land, air and sea. From a thousand miles away, Iran was likely funding and coordinating it. There had to be a lot of cyber chatter preceding the attack. Yet Israel was apparently caught by complete surprise. The question being rightly asked is, how could Israel’s intel operations
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BREAKING NEWS FBI director says US is
facing highest risk of attack in YEARS:
Chris Wray says there are 'blinking lights
everywhere' and warns terrorists will
'exploit' the southern border
42 replies
Posted by Imright 12/5/2023 1:40:34 PM Post Reply
FBI director Christopher Wray has warned that the United States is facing the highest risk of a terrorist attack in years in the aftermath of the October 7 Hamas atrocity in Israel. Wray warned the Senate Judiciary Committee that there are 'blinking red lights everywhere' when asked to assess the 'threat matrix' faced by the U.S. 'The threat level has gone to a whole 'nother level since October 7,' Wray said. His comments come at a time when U.S. forces are being subjected to a barrage of strikes in the Middle East and with Jewish and Muslim communities being targeted at home.
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Posted by Imright 12/5/2023 1:54:03 PM Post Reply
Former Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) said Monday she is exploring a third-party 2024 presidential bid after dramatically losing Wyoming’s congressional seat in the 2022 GOP primary by about 40 points before settling for a professorship at the University of Virginia. If Cheney decides to run, she said the calculation would include how to spoil former President Donald Trump’s path to reelection. She said that plan could entail joining a bipartisan ticket.
'This makes me sick to my stomach!' Outrage
as transgender women take gold AND silver
medal at Illinois cycling championships
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Posted by Imright 12/5/2023 2:14:15 AM Post Reply
A pair of transgender women won first and second place in a female race at the Illinois State Cyclocross Championships over the weekend, sparking fury among advocates for women's athletics. The championships were held on December 3 and were comprised of some one dozen different competitions divided into men, women, and junior athlete categories. But it was two biological men who placed atop the podium for the Women's Singlespeed category.
Report: Defense Secretary Warned Congress
U.S. Troops Could Be Deployed If Ukraine
Aid Is Not Sent
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Posted by Harlowe 12/6/2023 12:14:42 AM Post Reply
Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin warned Congress on Tuesday during a private briefing that if they do not pass more aid to Ukraine, it would “very likely” lead to U.S. troops fighting a war in Europe. “If [Vladimir] Putin takes over Ukraine, he’ll get Moldova, Georgia, then maybe the Baltics,” House Foreign Affairs Chairman Michael McCaul (R-TX) told The Messenger, after Austin and other senior Biden administration officials briefed House lawmakers on their request for more aid for Ukraine. [Snip] Rep. John Duarte (R-CA) told the Messenger that the briefing was “prescriptive and staged.”
America's 250th birthday logo is revealed:
Patriotic red, white and blue ribbon design
was tested on t-shirts, CAKES, and caps
before it was signed off ahead of 2026 celebrations
25 replies
Posted by Imright 12/5/2023 2:01:17 AM Post Reply
A patriotic new logo has been unveiled that will be used to celebrate the United States' 250th birthday on July 4, 2026. The semiquincentennial - which celebrates the anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence - is set to be part of an attempt to unite America around the landmark. The logo uses the number 250 with red, white and blue outlines in a ribbon type font, alongside the word 'America' in a classic black typeface. Sagi Haviv, one of the designers of the new logo, said coming up with the right symbol for the semiquincentennial has been tough,
Gold Bars Discovered in Sen. Bob Menendez’s
Residence During Raid Linked to High-Profile
2013 Robbery
24 replies
Posted by DW626 12/5/2023 10:13:22 AM Post Reply
In a compelling development stemming from an FBI raid conducted last year, a portion of the gold bars found in the residence of embattled Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ) have been identified as those stolen in a high-profile 2013 robbery. In September, Sen. Bob Menendez, the senior U.S. Senator from New Jersey and the former Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and his wife, Nadine Menendez, were indicted on bribery and corruption charges. In October, Bob Menendez was charged with acting as a foreign agent in a superseding indictment. Bob Menendez and his wife are under investigation for their involvement in a bribery scheme from 2018 to 2022.
Senator Dick Durbin Proposes Allowing
Illegal Immigrants to Join U.S. Military
as a Pathway to Citizenship (Video)
24 replies
Posted by Imright 12/5/2023 12:16:04 AM Post Reply
In a controversial turn of policy advocacy, Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) is now advocating for a bold and contentious plan as proposed by another Senator Tammy Duckworth (D-IL): allowing illegal immigrants to serve in the U.S. military as a pathway to citizenship. In his recent address, highlighted the demand for legal immigration, suggesting that illegal immigrants who can pass physical and background tests should be allowed to serve in the military. In return for their honorable service, they would be granted U.S. citizenship. Durbin’s rationale hinges on the military’s current recruitment struggles. He argues that there are illegal immigrants eager to serve
Voting experts warn of 'serious threats'
for 2024 from election equipment software breaches
23 replies
Posted by Harlowe 12/6/2023 12:44:01 AM Post Reply
ATLANTA - An effort to access voting system software in several states and provide it to allies of former President Donald Trump as they sought to overturn the results of the 2020 election has raised “serious threats” ahead of next year's presidential contest, according to a group of experts who urged federal agencies to investigate.[Snip]“The multistate effort to unlawfully obtain copies of voting system software poses serious threats to election security and national security and constitutes a potential criminal conspiracy of enormous consequences,” the group wrote in a letter sent to U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland,
IDF Chief Suggests Israel May Flood Hamas
Tunnels with Seawater
21 replies
Posted by Imright 12/5/2023 8:15:38 PM Post Reply
Israel Defense Forces (IDF) Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi suggested Tuesday that it might be a “good idea” to flood the Hamas terror tunnels in Gaza with seawater, commenting on a report in the Wall Street Journal that Israel was thinking about it. The Journal report stated: “Israel has assembled a system of large pumps it could use to flood Hamas’s vast network of tunnels under the Gaza Strip with seawater, a tactic that could destroy the tunnels and drive the fighters from their underground refuge but also threaten Gaza’s water supply, U.S. officials said.”
Bombshell: Jim Jordan Claims Fulton County
DA Fani Willis Colluded With J6 Committee
to Indict Trump
20 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 12/6/2023 1:02:44 AM Post Reply
Ohio Republican Rep. Jim Jordan’s probe into Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis’ indictment against former President Donald Trump has seen an interesting turn of events. Jordan, who chairs the House Judiciary Committee, has been looking into the indictment over suspicions that it is motivated more by politics than by a pursuit of justice. On Tuesday, Jordan sent another letter to Willis highlighting her refusal to comply with the demands in the previous letter the committee sent. Of particular note, however, is a new revelation that Willis’ office reached out to the Democrats’ House Select Jan. 6 Committee to get information that could aid in her effort against Trump.
Most Americans don’t know they have
prediabetes — here’s how to check
for yourself
20 replies
Posted by AltaD 12/5/2023 2:15:08 PM Post Reply
More than one-third of US adults has prediabetes, a serious condition that can lead to type 2 diabetes. And a whopping 80% of those people don’t even know they have prediabetes, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. But the CDC is pushing back on the rise in type 2 diabetes with a “Be Your Own Hero” initiative aimed at getting people to take a one-minute prediabetes test so they can delay or prevent type 2 diabetes. “Diabetes is a devastating public health problem, and I cannot overstate the toll that it continues to take on millions of people across the United States,” Dr. Christopher Holliday, director of the CDC’s Division
Sick. Presidents of Harvard, MIT and Penn
Tell Congress that Calling for the Genocide
of Jews Does Not Necessarily Violate their
Campus Code of Conduct – Unless It Leads
to Actual Genocide (Video)
19 replies
Posted by DW626 12/5/2023 9:16:50 PM Post Reply
On Tuesday the House Education Committee invited the leaders of MIT, Harvard, and Penn to testify in front of Congress. During their testimony Rep. Elise Stefanik asked the educators if calling for the genocide of Jews violates the code of conduct on their campuses. Not one of the campus leaders could answer the question. Presidents of the University of Pennsylvania, Harvard, and MIT smilingly say that calling for genocide of Jews isn’t necessarily against their code against harassment and bullying on campus. MIT dean Liz Magill suggested it was not a violation unless it led to actual genocide. Wow! It’s open season on Jews at these American universities!
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