Canceling Magellan
Power Line,
John Hinderaker
Original Article
Posted By: Hazymac,
11/17/2023 7:17:55 AM
Ferdinand Magellan was one of the world’s greatest explorers. He led the first expedition to sail around the world, although he didn’t finish the voyage, having been murdered by natives in what is now the Philippines. Magellan’s greatness as an explorer and navigator has been recognized in many ways. For example, he discovered the Strait of Magellan at the bottom of South America. And his expedition observed and recorded the galaxies that now bear his name.
But perhaps not for long: Astronomers request retitling of galaxies named after ‘violent colonialist’ explorer Magellan.
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Reply 1 - Posted by:
Venturer 11/17/2023 7:38:36 AM (No. 1600117)
Anything to keep the pathetic liberals happy.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
Jesuslover54 11/17/2023 7:42:26 AM (No. 1600121)
Let's change the name of Mars to Joe Biden.
And Venus to Michelle Obama.
Works for me.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
czechlist 11/17/2023 8:08:22 AM (No. 1600137)
cherchez la femme
de los Reyes is a young female Phillipino immigrant and assistant prof at Amherst.
by her logic she should renounce her name .
I still await Sheila Jackson Lee to do so.
8 people like this.
I recommend the book Over the Edge of the World by Laurence Bergreen, an account of Magellan's voyage. Against-all-odds, epic, heroic story. Coincidentally, I am in the middle of it now. Let these astronomers, ignorant of history, board a tiny ship and sail into the unknown. They could not do it.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
Hazymac 11/17/2023 8:23:37 AM (No. 1600147)
#4's recommendation is a good one. I would also recommend William Manchester's A World Lit Only by Fire (1993). The third section of the book deal with Magellan. The international Left want to destroy history. Will they be stopped? Or will America and the rest of the evanescent free world become an Orwellian nightmare? The destroyers are fanatically dedicated.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
bpl40 11/17/2023 8:54:02 AM (No. 1600162)
This is sheer dogmatic lunacy. But before uttering a casual 'tut,tut..' and moving on, just think. What if this evil intrudes into your family. home and starts policing and dictating what you should teach your children and how you should bring them up. In many ways they are already doing it.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
Encore 11/17/2023 9:22:52 AM (No. 1600176)
These idiots need to be told to ‘sit down and color’. We’ve certainly learned by now, the more we give, the more they want. It’ll never end.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
Phantomll 11/17/2023 9:36:20 AM (No. 1600181)
Hey you idiot astronomers - what happened happened - you cannot rewrite history!
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
RayLRiv 11/17/2023 10:01:50 AM (No. 1600200)
Since these astronomers obviously are so much more intellectually superior than the rest of us I propose they jump in their Delorian time machine with its 1.21 gigawatts' of horsepower, zip back to the 16th century and stop Ferdinand Magellan. That way when 2023 finally rolls in the rest of us won't have anything to worry about since history will have been changed.
/sarcasm off
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
Krause 11/17/2023 10:24:53 AM (No. 1600222)
These astronomers have determined that Magellan was a republican.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
DVC 11/17/2023 11:31:43 AM (No. 1600263)
Without European explorers, the Americas would still not have written languages, the wheel, metal tools beyond a raw gold and silver nuggets beaten into jewelry. Stone knives, stone tipped spears and bear skin clothing isn't the basis for much of a society.
Stagnant, struggling, stone age tribes are just doomed when they come into contact with advanced societies with writing for 3,000 years, advanced mathematics, iron and steel tools, wheeled vehicles for 2 millennia, paved intercity roads since Rome, ocean spanning ships, representative art, soaring cathedrals with beautiful stained glass windows and million of other technological and cultural advances and advantages.
The cultures of the Americas were all failed or failing subsistence living tribes, and they naturally fell to more successful, safe, comfortable and advanced societies. The truth is uncomfortable for those descendants of the stone age tribes to contemplate, even today. So they tell themselves fairy tales and they believe their own propaganda.
The adherents of the "original peoples" don't want to admit how much these cultures were stagnant and not advancing at all. When two whole continents don't hold even one person innovative enough to invent the wheel over thousands of years, or one society that developed an alphabet and even one culture which would recognize either as an advancement and immediately spread it far and wide is just substandard, stagnant, stuck in the rut of history by tribal songs and travel by foot with only what you could carry or drag on a travois. Somehow a spark of innovation was not present in the minds of the people or perhaps it was extinguished by dysfunctional cultures. Either way, they didn't advance significantly for 5,000 years or more. When the sum total of advancement for a society is better grade flint chipping of tools for 10,000 years - that is just sad.
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