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Initial election results point to overhaul
of Seattle City Council

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Posted By: Ron_lfp, 11/9/2023 11:52:31 AM

Initial results from Tuesday's general election point to an overhaul of all Seattle City Council district councilmembers. District 2, 6 and 7 include incumbent city councilmembers racing to retain their seats, but as of the initial votes, none are leading against their respective challengers. (snip) In District 2, the Incumbent Tammy Morales is losing to Tanya Woo in the council seat representing the International District, Beacon Hill and Rainier Beach. Initial results show Woo at 54% of votes counted so far. Woo is a community activist who helped launch the Chinatown-International District Community Watch, which conducts safety patrols and provides aid to homeless people.


Seattle is turning around! Fentanyl on city buses and drug camps on school grounds; police quiting by the dozen - too much! Incumbents favored continuing the downward spiral.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Rotten in Denmark 11/9/2023 2:16:31 PM (No. 1595298)
Lest we forget, there’s the dumbonion or similar cheating/counting machines to contend with…pray the vote turns out right.
3 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: NorthernDog 11/9/2023 2:42:27 PM (No. 1595313)
A few of the lunatics on Seattle's city council are going down to defeat. It will take some time to undo their disastrous policies.
5 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: DVC 11/9/2023 2:55:06 PM (No. 1595327)
What? Insane, destructive and hateful aren't so popular any more?
3 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: downnout 11/9/2023 3:09:53 PM (No. 1595339)
Maybe some of the residents of Seattle are clearing their heads of all that fog and mildew.
4 people like this.

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Initial election results point to overhaul
of Seattle City Council
4 replies
Posted by Ron_lfp 11/9/2023 11:52:31 AM Post Reply
Initial results from Tuesday's general election point to an overhaul of all Seattle City Council district councilmembers. District 2, 6 and 7 include incumbent city councilmembers racing to retain their seats, but as of the initial votes, none are leading against their respective challengers. (snip) In District 2, the Incumbent Tammy Morales is losing to Tanya Woo in the council seat representing the International District, Beacon Hill and Rainier Beach. Initial results show Woo at 54% of votes counted so far. Woo is a community activist who helped launch the Chinatown-International District Community Watch, which conducts safety patrols and provides aid to homeless people.
Triggered Seattle UW students throw hissy
fit after ‘free speech’ flyers posted
10 replies
Posted by Ron_lfp 12/3/2022 9:41:24 PM Post Reply
Libertarian students posted flyers promoting free speech rights at the University of Washington in Seattle. Some Huskies were triggered. At UW, you either toe the left-wing line or become the target of harassment, intimidation, or bullying. Huskies for Liberty is a new student-run organization at UW. One of their goals is to promote an open exchange of ideas. The group posted dozens of flyers around campus noting that “UW is the lowest ranked public school for free speech.” (snip) But at the UW, left-wing students don’t support speech they disagree with. Not understanding irony, students have been vandalizing the flyers.
Seattle Councilmembers are trying to defund
the police again
12 replies
Posted by Ron_lfp 11/26/2022 5:42:30 PM Post Reply
Despite a rise in crime, some on the City Council are trying to defund the Seattle Police Department again. Too bad it’s getting scant or disingenuous coverage. The council is currently debating Mayor Bruce Harrell’s budget. Anti-police councilmember Teresa Mosqueda, who once defended a man threatening to murder police, is looking to cut funds from the SPD permanently. She just doesn’t want you to realize it’s part of the defund movement.
Electric truck stops will need as much
power as a small town
27 replies
Posted by Ron_lfp 11/22/2022 11:15:52 AM Post Reply
Next month, Tesla plans to deliver the first of its electric Semi trucks — able to haul a full 40 ton-load some 500 miles on a single charge. These massive batteries-on-wheels may accelerate the transition to electrified transport, but those responsible for delivering the power are starting to ask: Are we ready for this? Probably not, according to a sweeping new study (snip) conducted by utility company National Grid. (snip) As more electric trucks hit the road, the projected power needs for a big truck stop by 2035 will equal that of a small town. Even the authors who planned the study were caught off guard
After budget mistake, homelessness agency
seeks help from Seattle
3 replies
Posted by Ron_lfp 11/18/2022 12:44:35 PM Post Reply
An initial budgeting error from the King County Regional Homelessness Authority risked funding for core homelessness services, such as outreach, shelter and housing. In an already tricky budget year, the homelessness authority is asking the Seattle City Council to add funding promised to 12 agencies (snip) A summer proposal by the homelessness authority, a young intergovernmental agency designed to lead solutions for homelessness in Seattle and surrounding suburbs, asked the city of Seattle and King County to fund a 2023 budget that mistakenly assumed $9.4 million in federal one-time pandemic relief money would be available.
Testimony: Biden Takes Air Marshals Off
Flights, Deploys them to Conduct Welfare
Checks on Illegal Aliens
20 replies
Posted by Ron_lfp 11/16/2022 10:43:14 AM Post Reply
President Joe Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is taking Federal Air Marshals off domestic commercial flights to have them conduct welfare checks on border crossers and illegal aliens, Rep. Jeff Van Drew (R-NJ) said in congressional testimony on Tuesday. In July, Breitbart News exclusively reported that Biden’s DHS had deployed Air Marshals to the southern border to escort border crossers and illegal aliens from processing facilities to Border Patrol custody before their release into American communities. (snip) to have them transport border crossers and illegal aliens, provide welfare checks on illegal aliens, and in some cases, do janitorial work.
Mailers spur debate over claims of discrimination
against Asian Americans
3 replies
Posted by Ron_lfp 11/4/2022 12:42:56 PM Post Reply
OLYMPIA — A mailer sent to voters in Washington and across the country this week, appearing to target Asian American voters, has drawn local and national criticism for claiming equity policies discriminate against Asian American and white people. The mailer, paid for by the America First Legal Foundation, calls equity a “code word for excluding people from jobs, college admissions, government and financial benefits based solely on the color of their skin.” (snip) The other side says “Joe Biden and left wing officials are engaged in widespread racial discrimination against white and Asian Americans … even though it’s against the law.”
Will the GOP send migrant buses to Seattle
next? I vote yes
9 replies
Posted by Ron_lfp 10/5/2022 11:04:06 AM Post Reply
The gag at Martha’s Vineyard having run its course, Republicans now are hinting they may send busloads or planeloads of migrants to the next available conservative punchline city. That would be us, Seattle. The Republican Governors Association is out with a fundraising pitch centered around a red-meat survey question for its base: “Where should GOP governors send Biden’s Buses of Illegal Immigrants?” (snip) OK, since you asked. I vote “Seattle.” Yes, that’s right, do Seattle next, please. Better yet, do the whole state of Washington. Send us some refugees. We want you to
Spokane County sheriff invites state officials
to open their own homes to the homeless
7 replies
Posted by Ron_lfp 9/27/2022 12:04:49 AM Post Reply
Spokane County Sheriff Ozzie Knezovich has written a scathing letter to the Washington Department of Transportation about the agency's failure to clear a homeless camp from being established on its local property. “Consider this letter notice to WSDOT that I plan to clear this camp by mid-October,” he wrote. “WSDOT's dereliction of their duties to address this matter must not continue.” (snip) The sheriff concludes his letter by inviting state officials to demonstrate their compassion for Camp Hope residents by opening their own homes to guests, which he said is consistent with the agency’s suggestion to East Side neighborhoods.
Local rideshare drivers demand justice
and reform after Lyft driver murdered
in downtown Seattle
8 replies
Posted by Ron_lfp 9/20/2022 11:21:57 AM Post Reply
Dozens of demonstrators drove together to Seattle City Hall Thursday in honor of Mohamed Kediye, and to call for stronger safety measures for rideshare drivers. Kediye, a father of six, was on his last route Sunday night when he was shot and killed outside the Amazon Spheres on 7th and Lenora Ave. (snip) There are six kids who lost a father. (snip) "We need more protections. We are not even allowed, as drivers, to have stun guns or mace, any of these things to protect us, or we could risk losing our ability to drive and be deactivated," said Davis.
Herrera Beutler in trouble as Kent gains
in WA’s 3rd District; Newhouse advances
in the 4th
9 replies
Posted by Ron_lfp 8/6/2022 11:09:10 AM Post Reply
Challenger Joe Kent has nearly overtaken U.S. Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler in vote counts released Friday, leaving the six-term incumbent teetering on the brink of defeat amid Republican backlash over her vote to impeach former President Donald Trump. (snip) Herrera Beutler “needs a miracle,” wrote Dave Wasserman, an editor and election expert with the nonpartisan Cook Political Report, on Twitter, calling Kent the “strong favorite to knock her out of the top two.”
Patriot Prayer leader Joey Gibson acquitted
on riot charge in 2019 brawl at Portland
bar; 1 co-defendant also acquitted
10 replies
Posted by Ron_lfp 7/20/2022 1:40:35 PM Post Reply
In a huge blow to prosecutors, a Multnomah County judge swiftly ended the trial of Patriot Prayer leader Joey Gibson and one of his compatriots Tuesday, ruling the state failed to provide sufficient evidence that either man had committed the crime of riot during a brawl outside a Portland bar in 2019. Circuit Judge Benjamin Souede acquitted Gibson, 38, and Russell Schultz, 52, after the state rested its case, finding that no reasonable juror could convict the two based on the evidence presented. “I am somewhat bewildered that the state has driven the case to this point,” Souede said.
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Posted by DW626 11/10/2023 6:31:22 AM Post Reply
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Posted by DW626 11/10/2023 6:05:47 AM Post Reply
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These 70 Republicans Just Rewarded The
FBI With New Headquarters Worth $375 Million
16 replies
Posted by earlybird 11/10/2023 4:38:27 PM Post Reply
On the day that the DOJ announced arrests related to a brothel that focused on political clients, these 70 Republicans voted to give the FBI brand new headquarters. Florida Republican Rep. Matt Gaetz moved to defund plans for the new office building with an amendment to the Financial Services and General Government Appropriations Act for 2024. House Democrats were unanimous in opposing the Gaetz proposal and were joined by 70 Republicans. Gaetz’s proposal failed 273 to 145 in a Wednesday vote, the same day the Justice Department unveiled three arrests over a “sophisticated high-end brothel” ring operating in Virginia and Massachusetts.
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Posted by Imright 11/10/2023 4:48:17 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 11/10/2023 3:49:33 PM Post Reply
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Breaking: J6 Fugitive Gregory Yetman Surrenders
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13 replies
Posted by Imright 11/10/2023 12:20:21 PM Post Reply
January 6 fugitive Gregory Yetman surrendered to Monroe Township police on Friday after a 3-day manhunt with hound dogs. Gregory Yetman is a retired Army Sgt. The FBI told locals in Helmetta, New Jersey to keep their doors locked as they searched for Yetman. Yetman is accused of picking up a large canister of pepper spray from the ground and spraying it toward Capitol police and protesters! For this crime – something that happens each weekend at your local Antifa riot – the FBI launched a major manhunt for Yetman!
David DePape, man accused of attacking
Nancy Pelosi's husband with a hammer,
was 'caught up in conspiracies' about
the wealthy elite, but had 'no intention
of harming' the 82-year-old, defense says
13 replies
Posted by Imright 11/10/2023 9:15:16 AM Post Reply
The man accused of bludgeoning former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's husband with a hammer was caught up in conspiracies when he broke into her San Francisco home last year, his defense attorney said, as his trial opened on Thursday. David DePape, a former nudist from British Columbia, entered the Pelosi home through a back door in the early hours of October 28, 2022, and attacked Paul Pelosi with a hammer. Nancy was not home at the time. Paul Pelosi, then 82, had called the police, speaking carefully so as not to enrage DePape, who was in the house. Police arrived in time to see DePape smash a hammer into Pelosi's head,
Trump threatens to indict his challengers
if he becomes president again
11 replies
Posted by Imright 11/10/2023 3:40:32 PM Post Reply
Former President Donald Trump threatened to weaponize his own DOJ in a reversal of complaints that Democrats are targeting him. The former president suggested he could use the FBI and Justice Department to go after rivals if he wins the presidency in 2024. In an hour-long interview with the Spanish-language television network Univision that aired Thursday, Trump attacked President Joe Biden for weaponizing federal agencies in an attempt to halt his presidential campaign. “I think the people know it's a political persecution,” Trump told host Enrique Acevedo. “It's a political hoax. This is Biden who's the worst president in the history of our country.
Washington Post grovels to Hamas mob,
censors a Michael Ramirez cartoon
11 replies
Posted by PageTurner 11/10/2023 8:58:22 AM Post Reply
Does the Washington Post have any credibility at all? They censored this cartoon below after a few critics absurdly howled 'racism' -- all for depicting a Hamas spokesman accurately, and creating a thoughtful message that Hamas's howls about civilian attacks are disingenuous, given Hamas's war on Israeli civilians, including the 200-some hostages they hold. upposedly, they complained about the nose, expropriating from the complaints of caricatures directed against Jews done by anti-Semites. Yeah, sure. Did they want a little turned-up button nose on him? And is Ramirez supposed to depict a terrorist spokesman holding hostages flatteringly?
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