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If you strive for “work-life balance”
you’ll fail at both

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Posted By: Big Bopper, 9/4/2023 11:08:47 AM

This Labor Day, the new buzz is about balancing work with life. It comes at a time when fewer people are employed than before the pandemic, and many of those who are employed are gaming the system by “working” from home in their PJs while surfing the internet and doing house work (oops, no, they pay others to clean their house). Productivity figures still lag pre-pandemic times. Weirdly, they think even their part-time, disengaged, goal-less so-called work, in the absence of any accountability or supervision, is too much. It interferes with what they call life.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Maggie2u 9/4/2023 11:34:25 AM (No. 1549182)
'work-life balance' brought to you by generation Zero. Hands down, no competition, the stupidest generation in the history of the world.
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Reply 2 - Posted by: formerNYer 9/4/2023 11:54:01 AM (No. 1549196)
Wait until they all have no retirement savings - I'm glad I won't be around.
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Reply 3 - Posted by: Italiano 9/4/2023 12:21:51 PM (No. 1549212)
Beaton has been off the reservation lately, but if he's talking about young leftists, OK.
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Reply 4 - Posted by: Big Bopper 9/4/2023 12:37:00 PM (No. 1549228)
No. 3: Maybe Beaton thinks the reservation is for members of the tribe.
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Reply 5 - Posted by: LC Chihuahua 9/4/2023 12:52:27 PM (No. 1549236)
I stopped working nearly ten years ago and live on my savings. I will be fine as long as I live within my means. Haven't even touched my 401k or Social Security. Only assistance I get is 'free' Obamacare and I avoid doctors as much as possible. My former employer was in news recently. They announced they will stop renting the workplace building. Everyone will be working from home. They used to have an entire campus, employed over 20k people, but downsized, and eventually sold it all off. In the end, they rented one building. How is that for downsizing? Why should the employees be serious when the employer isn't. Want productive employees, build a workplace for them. Instead, they operate a cash cow that barely stays afloat. Customers see this. One works to keep a roof over their head, food on their plates, provide for spouse and children, and a few toys on the side. Expecting anything more is unrealistic. One trades their services for compensation. That's the very definition of employment. It's nothing more. It's nothing less.
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Reply 6 - Posted by: Strike3 9/4/2023 5:58:46 PM (No. 1549386)
People, mostly wives, who say they can "do it all" are only fooling themselves, as they drive their children to daycare. Husbands who choose work over more family life are criticized from all directions but they realize that if the family does not have enough money to make a go of it, the failure will be put on his head. The result is children on drugs, out committing crimes or suffering from all sorts of mental problems.
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If you strive for “work-life balance”
you’ll fail at both
6 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 9/4/2023 11:08:47 AM Post Reply
This Labor Day, the new buzz is about balancing work with life. It comes at a time when fewer people are employed than before the pandemic, and many of those who are employed are gaming the system by “working” from home in their PJs while surfing the internet and doing house work (oops, no, they pay others to clean their house). Productivity figures still lag pre-pandemic times. Weirdly, they think even their part-time, disengaged, goal-less so-called work, in the absence of any accountability or supervision, is too much. It interferes with what they call life.
Imagine Joe Biden’s grate takes on great tragedies 8 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 8/26/2023 10:50:03 AM Post Reply
A wildfire on Maui this month burned down an entire town. It was because the local electric company spent far more money pandering to the Greens than on making their power lines safe. And because the local water czar refused to divert water to firefighters because “water equity.” It left over a hundred people dead and hundreds more still missing. Joe Biden’s comment was “No comment.” After all, he was on vacation – as he is 40% of the time – from the rigors of his usual vacation in the White House. After his vacation from vacation finally ended, they packed his somnolent corpus onto Air Force One to Maui
“Identity politics” is a euphemism
for tribalism
6 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 8/21/2023 7:21:47 PM Post Reply
Most people want to join a tribe. With a tribe, you have a place to go – something like the bar in Cheers where everybody knows your name and they’re always glad you came. (Or is it “they’re always there to blame”?) This tribal instinct is natural. For the first three million years of our existence, tribes served as cohesive institutions to defend themselves and their interests, to conquer the lands of competing tribes, to enslave the members of those competing tribes, to inseminate their women, and to hunt big game. Later they farmed cooperatively, built cities, undertook public works projects, sailed the seas and flew to the moon.
That the money went to family members
is not a defense to a bribery charge
6 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 8/14/2023 12:21:35 PM Post Reply
Imagine that I’m a politician (granted, that will never happen, but play along). I like attention and I like money. But much of the attention I’ve gotten over the years has been negative, and the straight salary of a politician is not very good. That’s always bugged me. Imagine further that you’re someone who wants “access” to me, such as a corrupt foreign government official or corporation. For that access, you’re willing to pretend to respect me and, moreover, you’re willing to pay me that money I’ve always deserved. Conscious of the appearance of impropriety and the reality of the bribery laws,
“I cheated the bribers” is not a sound
defense to a bribery charge
8 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 8/10/2023 10:35:33 AM Post Reply
The walls are closing in around the Bidens. Sworn testimony and bank records show that they accepted at least $20 million from foreign entities during the time Joe was Vice President. These foreign entities are notoriously corrupt ones such as China, Russia, Romania and Ukraine. Joe’s son was the ringleader, but it was Joe that he was selling. Joe was the “brand” according to sworn testimony. Who else could have been? There’s no conceivable reason for these foreigners to send millions to the Biden family other than to influence the “brand.”
Congratulations to Joe Biden on today’s
birth of his four-year-old granddaughter!
8 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 7/28/2023 7:04:40 PM Post Reply
President Biden has a son, of sorts. This son has some, um, issues. One of the son’s issues is his issuance, a daughter he fathered with a woman he says he’s never met. The result was the woman’s birth of a little girl she named Navy. The son denied that he was little Navy’s father. But paternity tests showed he was. He continued to deny his paternity. But there are lots of things he denies which are indisputably true. So does his father. President Biden refused to acknowledge that Navy is his granddaughter, even after the paternity tests proved she was.
Hunter’s lawyers and the prosecutor
just got caught with their pants down
22 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 7/26/2023 5:28:42 PM Post Reply
The prosecutors gave Hunter Biden a sweetheart plea bargain to end the tax fraud and gun case against him. For offenses that most certainly would have landed you or me in jail for years, Hunter got . . . . . . [drum roll] . . . . . . nothing. Nada. Zero jail time. He didn’t even have to pay all of his unpaid taxes because the prosecution dallied so long that the statute of limitations expired. And the deal apparently immunized him against unrelated charges. He would walk, a new man. Well, not entirely.
Will Justice Jackson be woman enough to
admit and correct her arithmetic mistake?
14 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 7/13/2023 3:01:45 PM Post Reply
Pornography used to make its way to the Supreme Court regularly. In a 1964 case, Justice Potter Stewart had one of the most colorful lines ever in a Supreme Court opinion, despite or perhaps because his line was not particularly scholarly. It was a case where the Court struggled to define “hard-core” pornography that was not protected by the First Amendment versus soft core stuff that was. The Justices were reluctant to admit to any expertise in the subject. Stewart, however, declared in his concurring opinion “I know it when I see it.”
Justice Jackson wants to increase the
Black baby survival rate to 198% but what
about the Black abortion rate?
14 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 7/6/2023 5:51:24 PM Post Reply
The three libs were outvoted last week when the Supreme Court declared Harvard’s racial discrimination illegal. So, they did what liberals do when they lose – they shouted, invented “facts,” and implied that the majority were racist. The facts they invented included the following. Justice Jackson recited as a “fact” that Black pediatricians, as compared to white pediatricians, double the survival rate of black babies. She implied that Black babies die more often when under the care of white pediatricians because the white ones are racist.
Independence Day and Thanksgiving define America 5 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 7/4/2023 11:32:32 AM Post Reply
My father’s father – my grandfather – died in the depths of the Great Depression when my father was five. He was the second husband his mother buried. She then single-handedly raised my father, his brother and his half-sister. For a few years anyway. My father flunked the sixth grade, twice. He dropped out of school altogether in the eighth grade to go to work to help support the family. Kids grew up early in those days. He joined the army at age 17 just before the war ended, and served in Europe and Japan. He got his GED, and landed a job as an engineering technician.
Fewer racial minorities in college will
help racial minorities
9 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 6/30/2023 10:37:38 AM Post Reply
In a methodical and scholarly decision written by Chief Justice John Roberts, the Supreme Court this week did what I predicted last fall they would do. They said racial discrimination in college admissions is unconstitutional. Several other Justices joined Roberts’ decision while also writing their own concurrences, including Justice Clarence Thomas in an emotion-packed opinion of Constitutional originalism that would do proud his old mentor, Justice Antonin Scalia. It’s a landmark decision that is far more important than last year’s Dobbs decision overturning Roe v. Wade (unless you happen to be a fetus).
It’s time for today’s Democrats to
do what 1974’s Republicans did
13 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 6/28/2023 8:23:25 PM Post Reply
“I am not a crook,” proclaimed Richard Nixon shortly before he resigned in disgrace. And he wasn’t. At least not in the ordinary sense. Some lowlifes hired by an overzealous Committee to Reelect the President burglarized the Democrats at the Watergate Hotel. Nixon then foolishly tried to cover it up. That amounted to the technical and manufactured “crime” of obstruction of justice. But what Nixon himself did was not burglary – the burglary was committed without Nixon’s knowledge. Then there’s Joe Biden.
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Pence: "It Should Not Take That Long"
To Defeat The Russians; U.S. Must Spend
More In Ukraine
42 replies
Posted by Beardo 9/5/2023 10:12:55 AM Post Reply
Mike Pence explains why he favors sending more money and weapons to Ukraine, telling FNC's Shannon Bream that it won't take "that long" to defeat Russia. "Joe Biden said in his State of the Union address that we're there as long as it takes... I'm going to tell you, it shouldn't take that long," Pence said during an interview on "FOX News Sunday" (full interview here). "I really do believe that what we need is to provide the resources, the -- the equipment, the missiles, the aircraft that Ukraine needs to repel that Russian invasion in a much more rapid pace than the Biden administration has done."
Jill Biden tests Positive for COVID with
'mild symptoms' and will remain at Rehoboth
Beach home - as Joe tests negative after
spending holiday weekend with her
37 replies
Posted by Imright 9/5/2023 4:30:02 AM Post Reply
First lady Jill Biden has tested positive for coronavirus, her office confirmed on Monday night - as the White House said Joe Biden has tested negative. The 72-year-old is 'experiencing only mild symptoms' and will remain at the couple's home in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, a statement said. Meanwhile the White House said the president has, so far, tested negative for COVID, as cases of the virus are on the rise again globally. The couple spent Sunday night together at their Rehoboth Beach home before Joe flew to Philadelphia Monday to mark Labor Day with a speech to union workers.
Sunday Talks – Chris Sununu Says Biden
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35 replies
Posted by Beardo 9/4/2023 8:25:30 AM Post Reply
Isn’t it interesting how professional Republicans can always find a way to protect the professional Democrats, yet you never see the reverse scenario. That truthful reality is just one small way you can help people break out of their battered conservative syndrome. The professional Republicans are indeed like the role-playing Washington Generals. It’s not an accident the GOPe push their reach across the aisle, high-minded approach, it’s strategic. All of it follows a script and the performance actors are very easy to identify.
Is America Under the Thumb of a Shadow President? 32 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 9/4/2023 5:38:00 PM Post Reply
Those of us who have been paying attention since January of 2021 have all seen the ongoing deterioration of President Biden, and it's a matter of some concern for everyone, be they Left, Right, or center, that the man who supposedly sits at the levers of power in Washington is not all he should be. (I would argue that he's not even within shouting distance of where he should be.) With Donald Trump and Joe Biden in the political mix for the 2024 presidential election, there is nothing normal about our politics or this campaign season. Almost no question is too crazy to ask.
ABC host shocked by new poll showing Trump
and Biden tied in potential matchup despite
Trump's legal 'baggage'
30 replies
Posted by Imright 9/4/2023 4:13:07 AM Post Reply
ABC's George Stephanopoulos appeared stunned Sunday by a 2024 election poll showing former President Trump and President Biden tied at 46% in a hypothetical rematch, calling the findings "kind of shocking" in light of Trump's mounting legal woes. During a segment on ABC's "This Week," Stephanopoulos brought up a Wall Street Journal poll released over the weekend showing support among Trump and Biden split directly down the middle at 46% support each if the 2024 presidential election were held today. "It is kind of shocking in a way, that despite all of the baggage that Donald Trump carries, he’s tied with Joe Biden right now," Stephanopoulos said.
What the Left Did to Our Country 26 replies
Posted by Moritz55 9/4/2023 8:10:44 AM Post Reply
In the last 20 years, the Left has boasted that it has gained control of most of America institutions of power and influence—the corporate boardroom, media, Silicon Valley, Wall Street, the administrative state, academia, foundations, social media, entertainment, professional sports, and Hollywood. With such support, between 2009-17, Barack Obama was empowered to transform the Democratic Party from its middle-class roots and class concerns into the party of the bicoastal rich and subsidized poor—obsessions with big money, race, a new intolerant green religion, and dividing the country into a binary of oppressors and oppressed.
Squatters take over Wyoming city: Vagrants
leave millions of dollars worth of damage
to motel and 500lbs of human feces in
downtown area - as Casper fights off a
homeless invasion
26 replies
Posted by Imright 9/4/2023 4:20:27 AM Post Reply
Squatters have taken over a Wyoming city after some left millions of dollars worth of damage to a motel and others left 500lbs of feces in the downtown area. Casper, the second-largest city in the state, is home to 60,000 residents but now also has about 200 homeless people. Some have seized various properties that are empty or abandoned, including an abandoned Econo Lodge motel that hasn't operated since November. Casper Mayor Bruce Knell described the extent of destruction as akin to 'third-world-country stuff'.
Biden Laments ‘I Can’t Go Home Home’
While Enjoying Rehoboth Beach
24 replies
Posted by Imright 9/4/2023 9:07:04 AM Post Reply
President Joe Biden is a man of many houses but just one home, it seems. He made that clear Sunday when he told the press in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, he was not on vacation even as he enjoyed a sun, surf, and sand escape. The admission came after he went to Mass locally at St. Edmond Roman Catholic Church. “I have no home to go to,” lamented Biden, who lives at the White House weekdays and spends most weekends escaping to the delights of Delaware, where he has not one but two residences. (X) AP reports he went on to say the U.S. Secret Service has been doing work on his
Pope Francis: Vatican’s Relationship
with China is ‘Very, Very Respectful’
23 replies
Posted by Beardo 9/5/2023 12:58:53 PM Post Reply
Pope Francis said Monday that the Vatican is walking a “friendly path” with China, insisting that “relations are moving forward” on both sides. “The relationship with China is very respectful, very respectful." (snip) Pope Francis has faced widespread criticism for his policy of appeasement with the CCP, demonstrated by his unwillingness to call out China’s egregious human rights violations toward the Uyghur Muslims and other groups.
Will Jeffrey Epstein's Sex-Trafficking
Clients Be Named?
23 replies
Posted by DW626 9/4/2023 9:19:58 AM Post Reply
For those who think the truth about the crime and slime associated with Jeffrey Epstein has been deep-sixed down the memory hole, there may be another bite at this rotten apple. Mimi Lui, an attorney representing the U.S. Virgin Islands, has filed suit in federal court against JPMorgan Chase. Lui charged that over $1 billion in suspicious transactions have been reported to the U.S. Treasury since Epstein’s death and that JPMorgan Chase ignored sex-trafficking red flags over many years, thus enabling these crimes. The case will go to trial on October 23 unless a settlement is reached.
Africa Climate Summit Hears Calls for
Carbon Tax on World’s Richest Nations
22 replies
Posted by mc squared 9/5/2023 12:26:00 PM Post Reply
Economic success must have a price and a global tax on carbon emissions can help redress Africa’s chronically low Gross Domestic Product (GDP) rates, Kenya’s President William Ruto declared Tuesday as the first Africa Climate Summit began. He pointed to “climate change” driven by successful, dynamic economies in Europe, North America and Asia, as a drain on Africa’s economic progress and it’s time to have a global conversation about a carbon tax on the world’s richest nations. “Those who produce the garbage refuse to pay their bills,” Ruto said, according to AP, echoing others who have also called for carbon tax impositions
Burning Man descends into chaos as revelers
finally snap and fight during mass exodus
from washout festival as officials name
32-year-old who died and admit rain and
mud delayed their rescue response
22 replies
Posted by Imright 9/5/2023 9:02:52 AM Post Reply
Burning Man has descended into chaos as fed-up revelers snapped and fought during the mass exodus from the washout festival. Tempers frayed during the hours-long line of RVs and campers on the way out of the Nevada desert, with cops warning many had turned hostile towards each other. Pershing County Sheriff Jerry Allen said exhausted partygoers 'lashed out' at one another after finally breaking following a weekend of misery in the rain and mud.
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