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Welcome To The Party, Pal!

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Posted By: Judy W., 10/31/2023 7:15:03 AM

UC Berkeley Law School Dean Erwin Chemerinsky is shocked, shocked at the amount of antisemitism present throughout elite academia. (Snip) Ten years ago on Instapundit: Berkeley Hatewatch Update. Jewish students coming out of worship services have been pelted with eggs and subjected to epithets, Oleon said. Last week someone threw a cinder block through the front windows and wrote “F-Jews” in black marker on the Jewish Hillel cultural center’s recycling bins. Some Jewish students believe that Berkeley professors, even those who are Jewish, have unfairly come down hard on Israel in lectures. Some things haven’t changed much.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: smak90 10/31/2023 7:25:10 AM (No. 1589045)
Will this wake up Jews in America that Democrats hate them or will they still vote Dem?
22 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Jesuslover54 10/31/2023 7:25:36 AM (No. 1589047)
True colors and true IQ are only just beneath the surface. Surely, Jewish students, this is not news.
7 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: BarryNo 10/31/2023 7:41:07 AM (No. 1589063)
I've never understood this generational hatred of a people. The only thing that makes sense is that they have a special relationship with God, and the World resents them for it.
13 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: southernboy 10/31/2023 8:10:08 AM (No. 1589082)
#3 In the case of this generation,....and maybe the generation before by now, I suspect most don't have a clue as to why they react as they do. They certainly have no reason. It's a learned (or taught) response and probably knee-jerk.
12 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: TCloud 10/31/2023 9:00:04 AM (No. 1589114)
They will VOTE as a Block against the GOP! Right Vern? Vern says that they are hard core anti MAGA!
1 person likes this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: voxpopuli 10/31/2023 9:01:02 AM (No. 1589116)
hugh hewitt (rino) used to have this commie on with a John Eastman about once a week.. told everyone they were the two "smartest" guys he knew.. to "debate" each other.. chemerinsky was always talking commie talk.. he had a terrible personality couldn't stand him..
4 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: jimincalif 10/31/2023 9:06:30 AM (No. 1589121)
Welcome to the party indeed. Chemerinsky was the founding dean of the UC Irvine law school, which has become a typical leftist institution in the heart of what used to be conservative OC. In fact UCI and Erwin himself probably helped flip the area. In 2010 the Israeli ambassador to the U.S. was to give a speech at UCI. Students, primary Muslim IIRC, protested and disrupted the speech. Erwin seems to have either a selective memory or a bad case of leftist cognitive dissonance. When he showed up in Orange County, he appeared regularly in the opinion section of the OC Register, what used to be a conservative paper, but was at that time in serious decline. I tried to read his columns, but it was just impossible to get thru them. They were well written of course, but his worldview was more aligned with that of The Squad. I question whether his recent awakening will have any lasting impact.
7 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: Kafka2 10/31/2023 9:06:53 AM (No. 1589122)
The United Nations today is a joke. It was the United Nations that officially created Israel out of the Palestinian Mandate that was ruled by Great Britain for the previous 30 years. Palestinian was the name of the geographic region. The people that settled there were mostly Arabs from Egypt. Jews have lived in this region from biblical times except for times they were dragged off in captivity. The people calling themselves Palestinians are every bit as much colonizers and occupiers as anybody else in the region.
11 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: czechlist 10/31/2023 9:48:22 AM (No. 1589149)
#8 There are likely no people truly "indigenous" to any area on the planet. Even in the supposed "cradle" of Africa - IMO more ancient traces of humanity have been found in Africa because it has been one of the least geologically active and most paleontology explored areas on the planet.
4 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: MickTurn 10/31/2023 9:58:23 AM (No. 1589156)
Hey, the Marxist Professors have done their job well, churning out MORONS with HATE as their Degree!
6 people like this.

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Welcome To The Party, Pal! 10 replies
Posted by Judy W. 10/31/2023 7:15:03 AM Post Reply
UC Berkeley Law School Dean Erwin Chemerinsky is shocked, shocked at the amount of antisemitism present throughout elite academia. (Snip) Ten years ago on Instapundit: Berkeley Hatewatch Update. Jewish students coming out of worship services have been pelted with eggs and subjected to epithets, Oleon said. Last week someone threw a cinder block through the front windows and wrote “F-Jews” in black marker on the Jewish Hillel cultural center’s recycling bins. Some Jewish students believe that Berkeley professors, even those who are Jewish, have unfairly come down hard on Israel in lectures. Some things haven’t changed much.
Media Blackout: 10 News Stories They Chose
Not to Tell You This Week (10/29/23)
13 replies
Posted by Judy W. 10/30/2023 8:42:59 AM Post Reply
#10 - 97% of scientists don’t agree on ‘climate crisis.’ (Snip) #8 - Tucker Carlson declares, “The whole George Floyd story was a lie.” #7 - Man gets dragged out of Hillary Clinton rally for asking about Bill Clinton’s trips to Epstein Island. #6 - Big Pharma doesn’t want you to know that statin drugs are impairing brain function. #5 - New research finds heart anomalies within 48 hours after the COVID-19 shot. #4 - Florida Surgeon General drops eye-opening revelations on Biden admin’s booster push. #3 - Swiss banker calls for arrest of Bill Gates and those responsible for “democide.”
How the Hamas Attack Took Israel by Surprise 12 replies
Posted by Judy W. 10/26/2023 7:41:29 AM Post Reply
A week before its attack Hamas agreed to another truce with Israel. The agreement negotiated by Qatar, Egypt and the United Nations traded an end to border attacks for more imports, a bigger fishing zone and more work permits that allowed 20,000 Gaza Muslims to enter Israel. The agreement reached between Yom Kippur, the holiest day in the Jewish calendar, and Sukkot, the conclusion of the High Holy Days season, offered an end to the explosives and rocks being hurled at Israeli soldiers on the border and the incendiary balloons starting fires on Israeli farms. And terrorist attacks on civilians like the murder of Batsheva Nigri: a kindergarten teacher shot
The Normality of Evil 3 replies
Posted by Judy W. 10/25/2023 7:28:38 AM Post Reply
It is perhaps the fate of startling wisdom to become a repeated cliche. This is certainly what has happened to Arendt’s formulation regarding the ‘banality of evil’. What was a remarkable insight into the mediocrity and insignificance of men capable of astonishing evils (and hence the capacity of anyone of us to do the same) gradually became part of the furniture of discussions on totalitarianism. And like furniture, we would sit on it without paying it much attention. So yes, we all knew that Himmler was a failed chicken farmer. We all knew that much of the architecture of evil was conducted by little grey men with little grey souls.
The Two Big Myths about the Middle East 5 replies
Posted by Judy W. 10/23/2023 10:12:57 AM Post Reply
Propagation of myths has consequences. Let us examine a couple. Myth 1. The State of Palestine This so-called state is like Brigadoon, with two exceptions: a. It never appeared. b. It refuses to go away. Neither a country nor a state of Palestine has ever existed. The Kingdom of Judah is named after Judah, the fourth son of Jacob and Leah. (Snip) The Kingdom of Judah lasted for about 350 years, until it was conquered by the Babylonians. However, the Jewish people eventually returned to their homeland, and they rebuilt their community in Judea. We are dealing here with the land of the Jews.
Conservatives can't sleep on the fight
for state supreme courts
2 replies
Posted by Judy W. 10/23/2023 9:27:51 AM Post Reply
On the first Monday of each October, the U.S. Supreme Court begins hearing cases for its new term. There’s no doubt that the decisions reached there reverberate throughout the country. But as Chief Judge Jeffrey Sutton, who serves on the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals reminded everyone in his book, 51 Imperfect Solutions, state constitutions provide many rights and remedies not available under the U.S. Constitution, and that state courts are charged with interpreting and enforcing those rights. (Snip) With the U.S. Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision, which overturned Roe v. Wade and returned power “to the people and their elected representatives,” state constitutions and state supreme court decisions interpreting
University of Michigan Law School EXPOSED
— Rotten to the Core
5 replies
Posted by Judy W. 10/20/2023 10:02:06 AM Post Reply
This is the last article of a 10-part series that J. Christian Adams and I started over six months ago to expose the radical curricula of the top 10 law schools as rated by U.S. News & World Report last year. UMich is just as bad as the other schools, if not worse. If you want to spend almost $100,000 a year to turn your son or daughter into a radical, America-hating extremist whose goal is to bring down our republic, particularly our supposedly white supremacist legal system, then Ann Arbor is the place to go. None of this is surprising given the recent news about student organizations
Who better than an Israel-hating terrorist
sympathizer to vet potential terrorists?
5 replies
Posted by Judy W. 10/19/2023 7:10:51 AM Post Reply
When the federal government is looking for qualified persons to vet asylum seekers, where would you look? For the Biden administration, it seems they thought a good place was in the bowels of a terrorist organization that Trump kicked out. Somehow, they believe that a former spokesperson from the PLO is well qualified. Nothing better than plucking a person from an organization that wants to snuff out America and Israel to decide who should be allowed to come to the U.S. What could go wrong? Isn’t it great that they picked a woman who said “f--- Israel and any Jew who supports Israel ...
Israel’s Work Permits for Gaza Enabled
the Hamas Attack
6 replies
Posted by Judy W. 10/18/2023 2:10:37 PM Post Reply
Among the litter of guns, korans, and maps discarded by the Hamas terrorists whose bodies lie alongside bullet-riddled vehicles and dusty roads are green Gaza IDs with work permits. Normally residents of the Hamas territory can’t enter Israel, but work permits allowed over 20,000 Gazans to enter Israel. When some returned, it was as Hamas rapists and killers. The Hamas invasion succeeded so well because the terrorists had an intimate knowledge of the communities they were targeting because they had worked there or had intelligence from those who had worked there. The attackers had detailed maps and building layouts. One woman whose husband and son were murdered said
"If I Don't Make it Back Alive..." 5 replies
Posted by Judy W. 10/18/2023 7:57:45 AM Post Reply
The following is a work of investigative journalism that is entirely sourced from official Los Angeles police and court documents, and from a video recorded and posted by the subject of this report. (Snip) I realized, to my astonishment, that not a single legacy news outlet has examined this story. (Snip) On September 15, 2023, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., attended a presidential campaign event at the Wilshire Ebell Theatre to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month. Shortly before the event began, a 44-year-old man posing as a U.S. Marshal (with a U.S. Marshal badge on a lanyard and belt-clip federal ID) and carrying a pistol in a shoulder holster tried to enter
Arkansas Gov. Sanders' Latest Move Against
the CCP Is a First in the Nation
13 replies
Posted by Judy W. 10/17/2023 6:58:01 PM Post Reply
Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders will announce on Tuesday that a Chinese state-owned corporation must sell more than 100 acres of agricultural land in northeast Arkansas, the consequence of a law signed by Sanders earlier this year barring ownership of agricultural land by prohibited foreign parties, Townhall has learned. The 160 acres of land owned by Syngenta — an agrichemical company headquartered in Switzerland and owned by Chinese Communist Party-controlled ChemChina — is the first to be hit with the consequences of Act 636 which went into effect earlier this year after being signed by Governor Sanders.
Family and Atrocity 7 replies
Posted by Judy W. 10/16/2023 11:15:08 AM Post Reply
It doesn’t take long, does it? It doesn’t take long for the ‘story’ to concentrate first and foremost on the ‘suffering’ of the Palestinians, on the worries about the electricity supply in Gaza, or for voices to be raised condemning ‘Israeli actions’. I entered the phrase ‘Israeli victims of Hamas attack’ on a search engine. The search engine replied with these first words in its summary: “Palestinian civilians across Gaza are struggling for survival in the face of an unprecedented Israeli operation against the territory…” (Snip)Western powers including the US are already scolding Israel about how they should respond to the worst one-day terrorist massacre of Jews since the Holocaust.
Most Active Articles (last 48 hours)
Israeli strike on Gaza’s Jabalya refugee
camp causes many casualties, officials say
33 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 10/31/2023 2:36:26 PM Post Reply
Jerusalem CNN — An Israeli strike on the densely populated Jabalya refugee camp in northern Gaza caused many casualties, officials in the enclave said Tuesday. The Hamas-controlled Ministry of Interior in Gaza reported that “20 homes were completely destroyed in the Israeli bombing that targeted a residential neighbourhood in Jabalya.” The director of Gaza’s Indonesian hospital, Dr. Atef al-Kahlout, told CNN that “hundreds” of dead and injured people arrived at the hospital and “many are still under the rubble.” Israel Defense Forces spokesman Lt. Col. Richard Hecht confirmed to CNN that the Israeli military had launched the strike, and said it was targeting a senior commander from the Hamas militant group.
This Saturday, Just Say No To The Clock-Changing
Madness: It’s Pointless And Dangerous
27 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 10/31/2023 5:48:02 AM Post Reply
This weekend, hundreds of millions of Americans will dutifully set their clocks back one hour, convincing themselves that they’ve “gained” an hour – despite spending at least part of it resetting all their timepieces. Americans should instead refuse to play along. Few government mandates combine such utter pointlessness and serious public health harms than the twice-a-year switch on and off Daylight Saving Time. It’s time to end the madness. First, despite its label, “Daylight Saving Time” does not save daylight. It doesn’t even save energy. Two studies looked at energy use before and after changes in DST laws.
Blinken to visit Israel on Friday, says
‘revitalized’ PA should govern Gaza
after war
26 replies
Posted by pensom2 11/1/2023 8:11:57 AM Post Reply
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Tuesday that a “revitalized” Palestinian Authority should retake control of Gaza if Israel succeeds in its goal of toppling Hamas, but that regional partners and international agencies could play an interim role. The comments by Blinken during testimony before the Senate Appropriations Committee marked the first time the Biden administration has publicly declared its desire for the PA to return to the Gaza Strip, after privately raising the idea with regional partners since the outbreak of the Israel-Hamas war. “At some point, what would make the most sense would be for an
‘Wake Up, It Is a Time to Be Concerned’:
FBI Director Wray Issues Stark Warning
at Committee Hearing
26 replies
Posted by Imright 10/31/2023 9:39:32 PM Post Reply
In a Senate Homeland Security Committee hearing on Tuesday, FBI Director Christopher Wray provided some worrying — if not outright alarming — answers to questions from U.S. Senator Rick Scott (R-FL) regarding current terrorist threats against the homeland. "What has now increased is the greater possibility of one of these foreign terrorist organizations directing an attack in the United States," Wray told senators on the committee. (Snip) "We should wake up, it is a time to be concerned — we are in a dangerous period."
Professional Butt Covering - FBI Director
Chris Wray Predicts Domestic and/or Foreign
Inspired Terrorist Attacks on U.S. Soil
26 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 10/31/2023 6:50:36 PM Post Reply
Dropping the pretense. If you watch this testimony through the prism of the FBI knowing that domestic violent extremists, Hamas sympathizers and extremist elements of Islam have been protected by political correctness; if you accept the Obama administration and the professional political left aligned specifically with Islamic interests as expressed by the Muslim Brotherhood (ex CAIR); then this statement today by terrorism manager, FBI Director Chris Wray, looks exactly like what it is – ass covering.
Zelensky Advisor Admits Gov’t Officials
‘Stealing Like No Tomorrow’ as Biden
Pushes for Billions More to Ukraine
25 replies
Posted by mc squared 10/31/2023 11:27:03 AM Post Reply
A top advisor to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has reportedly admitted that corruption is so rampant in the wartorn former Soviet state that officials are “stealing like there’s no tomorrow”. Speaking anonymously to Time magazine, what is alleged to be a top presidential advisor to Zelensky said that the Ukrainian government’s efforts to stamp out corruption have proved fruitless, given that they were implemented too late to have any impact, including the firing of Minister of Defense Oleksii Reznikov. “People are stealing like there’s no tomorrow,” the top advisor is said
Tacky: Jill Biden Shows Up to White House
Halloween Party Dressed as White House
Cat “Willow”…with Face Paint and
a Tail (Video)
25 replies
Posted by Imright 10/31/2023 6:16:21 AM Post Reply
Joe and Dr. Jill on Monday hosted local public school children and military-connected kids for a Halloween party at the South Portico of the White House. Biden showed up to the White House’s trick-or-treating festivities as himself – a creepy baby sniffer. (Photo) Dr. Jill told the children she was dressed as her cat Willow (she looked more like a rat). Everything Jill Biden wears is tacky, tacky, tacky! She wore an ill-fitting dress with faux fur cuffs, tennis shoes, ears, face paint, and…. a tail. Yuck.
Hundreds of Columbia professors sign new
letter saying they’re ‘appalled’
and ‘horrified’ about campus antisemitism
24 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 11/1/2023 12:54:15 AM Post Reply
More than 200 faculty members at Columbia University said Tuesday they were “appalled by the spate of antisemitic incidents” on the Manhattan campus, a day after scores of their colleagues signed a letter defending students who supported Hamas’ brutal Oct. 7 terror attack. The new letter came after Jewish students rallied on campus to blast the administration’s “inaction” on what they called an “unsafe” atmosphere in the weeks since the attack, due to at least one attack on an Israeli student, death threats and rampant hate speech and vandalism. While the faculty members agree “there should be robust debate about complex and difficult ,
600,000 migrants have AVOIDED capture
and gotten into the U.S. this year: Biden's
Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro
Mayorkas reveals
23 replies
Posted by Imright 11/1/2023 1:22:12 AM Post Reply
Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas revealed on Tuesday that 600,000 migrants evaded apprehension this year alone as they illegally crossed the border into the U.S. Additionally, Mayorkas did not have information readily available on whether the 169 terror watch list members who illegally crossed the southern border were in jail or deported. Sen. Roger Marshall (R-Kan.) asked President Joe Biden's DHS head during a hearing Tuesday the recorded number of illegal border crossers who were able to evade his agents in the last year. He also asked about the status of terror watch list individuals.
A Watershed Moment for Jews 22 replies
Posted by Imright 10/31/2023 12:20:47 PM Post Reply
What dominates the mass media is often fleeting importance for the enduring political landscape. Nevertheless, some events can harbinger momentous changes despite their initial ordinary nature. A particularly telling example was the initial shift of small number of White Southern Democrats into the Republican Party in 1964, a little-noticed event that foretold the shift of nearly all Southern Whites into the GOP. Such shifts are tectonic insofar as they may eventually fundamentally change the political landscape. We may now be experiencing a tectonic shift of major magnitude, namely the exodus of Jews from liberalism.
Hamas Official: We Will Repeat October
7 Terror Attack Until Israel is Annihilated
21 replies
Posted by Imright 11/1/2023 3:12:45 PM Post Reply
A senior political official in the Palestinian Hamas terror organization told Lebanese television last week that the group intends to repeat its October 7 terror attack until Israel is annihilated. The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) translated the interview. In it, Hamas political official Ghazi Hamad says that attacks on Israeli civilians are justified; that the cost in terms of Palestinian “martyrs” is worth the ultimate goal of ending Israel; and that Hamas will continue to mount such attacks. (Video) MEMRI noted (emphasis omitted): Ghazi Hamad of the Hamas political bureau said in an October 24, 2023 show on LBC TV (Lebanon)
Multiple students are stabbed at Van Nuys
High School in California: Suspect on
the run as campus is placed on lockdown
18 replies
Posted by Imright 11/1/2023 3:53:11 PM Post Reply
At least two students have been stabbed at Van Nuys High School in Los Angeles after a fight broke out, according to officials. A suspect is on the run and the school remains on lockdown. Police responded to the stabbing attack at about 11am on Wednesday. A 16-year old boy is in critical condition after being stabbed. A 15-year-old was also stabbed and taken to the hospital. A third student, another 16-year-old boy, was not stabbed but evaluated at the scene.
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