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About-face: Hochul sides with Mayor Adams
to lift right-to-shelter law

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Posted By: Ida Lou Pino, 10/14/2023 10:52:15 AM

Gov. Kathy Hochul is siding with New York City Mayor Eric Adams in a push to suspend the city's right-to-shelter law amid an ongoing surge of asylum-seekers. In a new filing in the state Supreme Court, lawyers for the Hochul administration said the state supports the city's request to modify a decades-old consent decree requiring New York City to provide shelter to anyone homeless, regardless of their immigration status.


New York corrupt delusional leftists believe that everyone has a Right To Shelter - - except if they want to shelter in New York. Take your Right To Shelter - - and go somewhere else with it!

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Reply 1 - Posted by: mifla 10/14/2023 10:58:44 AM (No. 1577092)
We car about people. Everyone is welcome. What are all these dirty poor people doing here? Tell them to leave immediately!
7 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: jalo1951 10/14/2023 11:09:39 AM (No. 1577103)
It's a lot easier being the "sympathetic, kind and benevolent progressive" when you don't have to do anything other than spout platitudes. Harder to actually do when the ILLEGALS are dropped on your actual doorstep. Close the border. God only knows what slime has slithered across. NYC - prime target to cause deadly chaos.
12 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: weirdone 10/14/2023 11:11:03 AM (No. 1577105)
It is about time that "WeThe People" realize that most politicians are just grifters who do not possess the courage of their convictions, because they have none!
13 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: snowoutlaw 10/14/2023 11:41:48 AM (No. 1577133)
Shouldn't they resign? After all wasn't it policies like this how they got elected? They won by beating candidates that held these views, now they want to switch sides?
6 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: 3XALADY 10/14/2023 11:50:11 AM (No. 1577144)
Don't even tell me there were no sidewalk dwellers previously. Where was their 'right to shelter.' Leadership in this country has hit rock bottom.
7 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: WimeTarmerFable 10/14/2023 12:10:27 PM (No. 1577159)
Welllll, it appears that Duke Eric the Red and Princess Kathy have a wee bit of a problem on their hands. When the order to attack is given, who will fight back? We don’t have arms to protect ourselves, guns are baaaad.
7 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: DVC 10/14/2023 2:33:45 PM (No. 1577269)
It was a mindlessly stupid law to begin with. Slowly being dragged, kicking and screaming to reality.
5 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: Msquared112 10/14/2023 2:47:26 PM (No. 1577284)
Does this mean no more “sanctuary city” status? Gee. Pity…
3 people like this.

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Posted by Ida Lou Pino 10/18/2023 10:59:21 AM Post Reply
Joseph Massad, the Columbia professor who celebrated Hamas’ barbaric attack on Israel last week as “awesome,” should be fired from his position posthaste. In fact, he should be jettisoned from any educational institution even faintly committed to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. I should know: I fell for his poisonous prattle before.
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Posted by Ida Lou Pino 10/18/2023 10:49:55 AM Post Reply
President Joe Biden is headed to the Middle East to show solidarity with Israel, but he should use the occasion to do something even more vital: prove that he understands the region’s woes now stem largely from the regime in Iran — and announce major plans to hold it accountable. What kind of plans? For starters, Biden should immediately end all further nuclear talks and reimpose the toughest possible sanctions on Tehran. As it stands, his sanctions relief has allowed Tehran to move from just $4 billion in available global reserves when Biden took office to over $40 billion today.
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About-face: Hochul sides with Mayor Adams
to lift right-to-shelter law
8 replies
Posted by Ida Lou Pino 10/14/2023 10:52:15 AM Post Reply
Gov. Kathy Hochul is siding with New York City Mayor Eric Adams in a push to suspend the city's right-to-shelter law amid an ongoing surge of asylum-seekers. In a new filing in the state Supreme Court, lawyers for the Hochul administration said the state supports the city's request to modify a decades-old consent decree requiring New York City to provide shelter to anyone homeless, regardless of their immigration status.
New York denies offshore wind developer
request to raise rates, throwing more
projects into doubt
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Posted by Ida Lou Pino 10/14/2023 10:30:30 AM Post Reply
East Coast wind projects are in jeopardy after a decision by New York regulators Thursday to deny requests from renewable energy developers to charge customers billions of dollars more. Offshore wind developers say they have have been struggling against record inflation, supply chain issues, and interest rate hikes. Facing these pressures, Orsted, BP, and Equinor and other renewable developers requested that contracts for four offshore projects and 86 land-based projects be renegotiated, according to Reuters.
Unaccompanied migrant kids seen selling
candy in NYC subways: ‘Shameful, disgusting,
blatant child abuse’
13 replies
Posted by Ida Lou Pino 10/7/2023 9:53:35 PM Post Reply
Unaccompanied migrant children are navigating the bowels of the city’s subway system and trains to peddle candies to strangers. On Wednesday, an 11-year-old migrant girl exited an uptown B train at the 59th Street-Columbus Circle station all on her own, carrying a cardboard box filled with peanut M&M’s, Skittles, and Kinder Buenos for sale. “My mother is on the other side,” the child told The Post in Spanish, before running off solo to tug at riders’ jackets and pant legs and offer treats for $2 a pop
Interviewing Biden ‘the saddest thing’
as he ‘couldn’t finish his sentences,’
ex-ESPN host Sage Steele says
14 replies
Posted by Ida Lou Pino 10/5/2023 10:34:37 AM Post Reply
Former ESPN host Sage Steele said that interviewing President Biden was “the saddest thing” because he seemed confused and “couldn’t finish his sentences.” “He struggled,” Steele said of the oldest president in US history, who “trailed off” on topics even more than two years ago. “So forget about politics. I don’t care, I didn’t vote for him,” Steele told Bill Maher on his “Club Ransom” podcast Sunday, admitting she thinks Biden is “a terrible president.”
Mugshot revealed after man charged with
kidnapping 9-year-old girl found in cabinet
inside his camper
8 replies
Posted by Ida Lou Pino 10/3/2023 10:58:13 AM Post Reply
The man accused of kidnapping Charlotte Sena looked dazed and disheveled in a new mugshot released after he was ordered held without bond early Tuesday — as authorities investigate whether he may have been involved in other child abduction cases. Craig Ross Jr., 46, was snapped with a scraggly beard and a receding hairline in the mugshot released by police on Tuesday. It describes him as 6 feet 4 and about 275 pounds.
Cause of death of Barack Obama’s personal
chef Tafari Campbell revealed
33 replies
Posted by Ida Lou Pino 8/23/2023 1:07:33 PM Post Reply
The Obama family’s “beloved” personal chef, Tafari Campbell, died of accidental drowning while paddleboarding in a Martha’s Vineyard lake, an autopsy confirmed Tuesday. Campbell’s cause of death has officially been ruled to be “submersion in a body of water” — and his manner of death has been determined to be an accident, according to the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner of Massachusetts. The results of Campbell’s autopsy have not been made public as per state policy, Timothy McGuirk, a spokesman for the Massachusetts Executive Office of Public Safety and Security, told the Washington Post.
RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel says Republican
candidates need to appeal to Independents
in 2024
30 replies
Posted by Ida Lou Pino 8/20/2023 4:33:48 PM Post Reply
WASHINGTON – Republican National Committee Chair Ronna McDaniel on Sunday advised 2024 candidates to focus on Independent voters after the GOP failed to deliver a once-expected “red wave” in the 2022 midterm elections. “I look at 2022 as the ‘Year of Independents,'” McDaniel told Fox News’ Sunday Morning Futures. “In every single battleground state except Pennsylvania, a Republican won statewide – so we had more ticket splitting than we’ve ever seen.” “So [in 2024], it really is going to be how do our candidates appeal to Independent voters?”
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Dems Praise Biden’s ‘Cognizant’
Israel Response: ‘This Is A Man That
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Posted by Imright 10/21/2023 9:51:03 AM Post Reply
From a sit-down TV interview, to an Oval Office address and even a trip to a war-torn country, Democratic strategists are praising President Joe Biden’s response to the Israel-Hamas war as “cognizant” and “strong.” Biden’s initial response to the terrorist organization Hamas’ attack on Israel came under scrutiny from prominent conservative media figures who criticized the president for failing to make frequent public statements while the war raged in the Middle East. But Democratic strategists told the Daily Caller the president has handled the Israel-Hamas war well, giving numerous public appearances and even presenting himself as a strong commander-in-chief.
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Posted by Imright 10/21/2023 9:45:49 AM Post Reply
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Leaked: Sheila Jackson Lee Caught Viciously
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Posted by Dreadnought 10/22/2023 1:52:03 AM Post Reply
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Stanford scientist, after decades of study,
concludes: We don’t have free will
30 replies
Posted by Pinkpanther 10/21/2023 12:32:41 PM Post Reply
Before epilepsy was understood to be a neurological condition, people believed it was caused by the moon, or by phlegm in the brain. They condemned seizures as evidence of witchcraft or demonic possession, and killed or castrated sufferers to prevent them from passing tainted blood to a new generation. Today we know epilepsy is a disease. By and large, it’s accepted that a person who causes a fatal traffic accident while in the grip of a seizure should not be charged with murder. That’s good, says Stanford University neurobiologist Robert Sapolsky. That’s progress. But there’s still a long way to go.
Exclusive: Joe Biden paid nearly $2.75million
CASH for Rehoboth Beach house within weeks
of Hunter sending 'threatening' text to
Chinese business partner demanding to
close $10million deal
25 replies
Posted by Imright 10/21/2023 2:57:34 PM Post Reply
It's Joe Biden's favorite place – his summer home in Delaware where he has decamped dozens of times during his 1,000 days as Commander-in-Chief. As revealed on Tuesday he has spent at least 300 of those days either in the country's second smallest state or on vacation. He bought the home at a time that it appeared his political career was over – five months after his Vice-Presidency had ended he was well into his 70s and after all he had decided to forgo a 2016 run for the top job.
You Just Can’t Make This Up: GOP House
Members Are Likely to Elect Former Soros
Group Spokesman as Speaker of the House
– Who Wanted to End Electoral College
– AND There’s Video!
23 replies
Posted by DW626 10/21/2023 8:47:00 AM Post Reply
As reported earlier House Republicans voted down their most popular and respected member, Jim Jordan for House Speaker today. The Republican lawmakers held a secret ballot away from their voters and overwhelmingly decided to oust Jordan from the Speaker’s race. The Republicans voted 112-86 in a secret ballot to oust the Ohio Republican from the race. The House of Representatives has been without a Speaker for more than 2 weeks after Matt Gaetz filed a motion to vacate the chair. Kevin McCarthy was ousted as House Speaker earlier this month in a 216-210 vote. 8 Republicans voted to oust McCarthy: Biggs, Buck, Burchett, Crane, Gaetz, Good, Mace, and Rosendale.
Byron Donalds throws his hat into the
ring for Speaker
23 replies
Posted by DW626 10/21/2023 8:26:52 AM Post Reply
The House speakership has not been a happy thing for Republicans lately. While Nancy Pelosi was a raging leftist who successfully corralled her party and rammed through the leftist agenda (love her or hate her, she was effective), the same cannot be said for recent Republican speakers. John Boehner and Paul Ryan were RINOs. Kevin McCarthy was much more conservative, and for that he deserves credit, but he reneged on promises, especially about January 6. Since his ouster, though, it’s been one humiliation Now, however, with Byron Donalds having thrown his hat in the ring, there’s hope. Whether you think Matt Gaetz was bold to punish yet another.
Biden Lets Loose on Bibi and Jim Jordan
as WH Walks Back His Bad Remark About
Gaza Invasion
23 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 10/21/2023 12:27:13 AM Post Reply
With the Middle East blowing up, with Americans being killed and held hostage, and U.S. forces under attack, you would think maybe that would be taking up all of Joe Biden's time on Friday. Instead, Biden had a summit meeting with EU leaders where he had trouble with his notes and told a wild story about his Uncle Frank, then attended a campaign fundraiser before he headed off to the beach for yet another weekend vacation. But he wasn't quite done with the bad remarks for the day before he hit the beach. Reporters in attendance at the fundraiser reported on those remarks. Biden said that "the Saudis
Judicial Watch: Obama ‘Arrived at the
Emergency Response Scene’ Following
Tragic Drowning of his Chef Near His Home
– Secret Service Video Shows Chef Entering Water
22 replies
Posted by Imright 10/21/2023 9:23:29 AM Post Reply
Judicial Watch, a conservative, non-partisan educational foundation, has released new records that reveal Barack Obama’s presence at the emergency scene following the tragic drowning of his family’s personal chef, Tafari Campbell. The records, obtained from the Massachusetts State Police, indicate that Obama arrived at the emergency response scene via motorcade. Tafari Campbell, 45, met his tragic end while paddle boarding on Great Edgartown Pond, Martha’s Vineyard, on July 23 with an unnamed female staffer of the Obama family.
The Gaza Hospital Fiasco Offers A Vivid
Example Of Journalism’s Rot
21 replies
Posted by earlybird 10/21/2023 8:45:25 PM Post Reply
When news broke yesterday that Israel had bombed Al-Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza, killing patients, children, and staff, every “anti-Zionist,” “critic of Israel,” and most big American journalism outfits ran with the horrible story. The tale incited worldwide condemnation and recrimination. But it wasn’t true. Israel did not hit the hospital. The Islamic Jihad did. Hundreds of people did not die. The missile landed in a parking lot. It was Hamas disinformation. The media’s disastrous failure on the Gaza hospital bombing story is one of the most vivid and instructive examples of the structural and inherent problems plaguing contemporary journalism. It mirrors many other fiascos of the past decade.
Nearly half of Biden voters want government
to regulate speech
18 replies
Posted by Hazymac 10/22/2023 6:43:06 AM Post Reply
According to recent polling by the University of Virginia’s Center for Politics, nearly half of President Joe Biden’s supporters believe the government should clamp down on objectionable speech. That’s right, among individuals intending to vote for Biden in 2024, 47% think “the government should regulate or restrict the expression of views considered discriminatory or offensive.” Considered “discriminatory or offensive” by whom, exactly? Sadly, the results weren’t a whole lot different for supporters of Donald Trump, 35% of whom purport to believe the government should exercise this control. Fools, all. Come to think of it, I find the poll and this report offensive, so I want government to regulate them.
Meat-Producing Giant Tyson Foods is Now
Investing in Insect Protein
17 replies
Posted by Harlowe 10/21/2023 3:30:14 PM Post Reply
Tyson Foods, a major U.S. producer of beef, pork, and chicken, is now making plans to develop products from protein that comes from insects. The meat processor said on Tuesday that it has invested in Protix, a Netherlands-based insect ingredients maker.[Snip]That facility will use animal waste to feed black soldier flies, which will then be turned into food for pets, poultry and fish.[Snip]Those flies are not going into human food, at this point.[Snip]In addition to ingredients for the aquaculture and pet food industries, processed larvae may also be used as ingredients within livestock and plant feed,” according to Tyson.
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