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BREAKING: Israel Bombs Damascus Airport,
Reportedly Preventing Iranian Foreign
Minister, Weapons From Landing

Original Article

Posted By: Beardo, 10/12/2023 1:43:50 PM

Israeli missiles bombed landing strips at Syria’s Damascus Airport and at its second-largest airport in Aleppo. It is likely no coincidence that a Meraj Airlines passenger jet reportedly carrying Iranian foreign minister Hossein Amirabdollahian was on its way to Damascus at the time of the bombing. European’s Visegrád 24 reported that the flight also had “several commanders of the Quds Force of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps on board and several tons of anti-tank missiles for Hezbollah.”

Post Reply

Reply 1 - Posted by: vrb8m 10/12/2023 1:56:55 PM (No. 1575823)
42 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: udanja99 10/12/2023 2:05:49 PM (No. 1575833)
You go, Bibi!!!!!!’
55 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: MrDeplorable 10/12/2023 2:10:02 PM (No. 1575838)
With apologies to the Beach Boys: (Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb Iran) Scroo Islam...scroo your Imam...We say salaam...With a big-a** neutron bomb (Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb Iran)
33 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: DVC 10/12/2023 2:23:18 PM (No. 1575854)
Should have shot down the aircraft.
48 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Halfvast Conspirator 10/12/2023 3:09:03 PM (No. 1575880)
hmmmm, the plane should have had an in-flight emergency, like a wing or engine being shot off
24 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: OhioNick 10/12/2023 3:39:24 PM (No. 1575896)
#3 The song "Bomb Iran" by Vince Vance & The Valiants was released in 1980, during the middle of Jimmy Carter's hostage crisis. The song actually got some radio airplay.
20 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: formerNYer 10/12/2023 4:07:19 PM (No. 1575924)
They need top bomb Tehran airport too.
20 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: Strike3 10/12/2023 4:49:30 PM (No. 1575945)
Whatever it takes. Hey Joe and Blinken, is this enough of a direct link to Iran? No? You are an Obama-licking bunch of terrorist sympathizers.
27 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: Birddog 10/12/2023 5:17:57 PM (No. 1575959)
IF...they have solid, actual intelligence that this plane contains rockets or other arms, they should search and seize them at the Baghdad airport, Iraq has laws about bringing in Arms, regardless of the shiaa/Iranian portions of Iraq political infrastructure. ANYTHING offloaded from the plane should be filmed/logged/inspected
10 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: Lawsy0 10/12/2023 7:33:40 PM (No. 1576046)
If all else fails, do the Hillary "serpentine, serpentine!"
4 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: halfnorsk 10/12/2023 8:02:03 PM (No. 1576053)
Here's the Vince Vance & the Variants "Bomb Iran" tune. (Surprised YouTube hasn't deleted it.)
10 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: Venturer 10/12/2023 8:39:52 PM (No. 1576074)
Too bad they didn't just wait for the plane and shoot it down when it came in.
7 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: Rumblehog 10/13/2023 7:14:48 AM (No. 1576307)
Boy, now that's some chutzpah! Good job, Israel!
8 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: Rinktum 10/13/2023 7:16:11 AM (No. 1576308)
Israel, avenge your people and do not stop until every Hamas member is eliminated. Do not listen to the appeasers. Do what needs to be done and may God be with you.
12 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: Dodge Boy 10/13/2023 8:31:58 AM (No. 1576356)
Bibi, nice shots.
12 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: PrayerWarrior 10/13/2023 11:07:45 AM (No. 1576484)
Here's a thought. A biblical prophecy about Damascus, capital of Syria, ceasing to be a city and becoming a heap of ruins. That's in Isaiah 17:1. Can that be now?
6 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: Zigrid 10/13/2023 11:35:03 AM (No. 1576498)
Bibi is on the job...and no more Mr. Nice guy when it comes to the Iranian weapons for Hamas or hezbola in Lebanon ....the Iranians may have bitten off more than they can chew.....and the White House war room is stuck with the moola's demands.....time to drill baby...drill baby....WE need our own oil from under our feet.....
6 people like this.

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McCarthy: Jim Jordan Will Get the Votes
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Posted by Beardo 10/14/2023 12:07:48 AM Post Reply
Representative Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) said Friday on CNN’s “The Lead” that he believed Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) will get the votes to be the next speaker of the House. (snip) McCarthy said, “I’ve been through this many times and see where we’re at and where the conference is. (snip) He added, “I don’t think it will take 15 rounds I think he will be able to get it in the first one.”
Minnesota Woman Who Advocated for Palestinians
Was Murdered by Hamas
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Posted by Beardo 10/13/2023 11:49:16 PM Post Reply
Cindy Flash — a 67-year-old Minnesota native — and her 66-year-old husband, Igal Flash, were among more than 1,300 people murdered by Saturday’s brutal Hamas terrorist attack on Israel. Flash’s family described her as a “staunch advocate for the rights of Palestinians” and an outspoken opponent of Israeli military action. Cindy Flash hailed from St. Paul, Minnesota, while Igal Flash was the son of Holocaust survivors and an Israeli citizen. She relocated to the Kfar Aza kibbutz in southern Israel many years ago after visiting as a college student. (snip) One of Cindy’s last messages to her daughter presaged her fate: “They are breaking down the safe room door.”
DOJ Warns Financial Institutions That
They Can’t Reject Illegal Immigrants’
Credit Applications
13 replies
Posted by Beardo 10/13/2023 11:13:36 PM Post Reply
The Department of Justice (DOJ) put financial institutions on notice for rejecting illegal immigrants’ credit applications. The DOJ issued the warning in a joint statement with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) on Thursday. (snip) The two agencies claimed that the Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA) protections for national origin and race extended to alienage, though they admitted that no such explicit provisions spelled out their interpretation. The agencies conceded that creditors could rely on immigration status to determine repayment ability, but then cautioned against “unnecessary or overbroad reliance” on immigration status.
Jet Set Meets Rocket Set: Son of British
Billionaire Leads Harvard Palestinian
Group Behind Pro-Terror Letter
21 replies
Posted by Beardo 10/12/2023 9:15:53 PM Post Reply
British Perfume tycoon Jo Malone’s son helps lead the Harvard Palestinian student group that was behind the pro-terror statement that blamed Israel for the Hamas massacre that left more than 1,000 Israelis dead. The billionaire’s son, Josh Willcox, is one of the three Harvard students who runs the school’s Undergraduate Palestine Solidarity Committee, according to a report by the Daily Mail. The group, which released a pro-terror statement in response to the recent Hamas attacks against Israel, said, in part, that “We hold the Israeli regime entirely responsible for all unfolding violence.”
Majority Leader Steve Scalise drops out
of House speaker race after meeting GOP conference
6 replies
Posted by Beardo 10/12/2023 9:02:19 PM Post Reply
House Majority Leader Steve Scalise has dropped out of the race to become the next House speaker. “I was very clear we have to have everybody put their agendas on the side and focus on what this country needs this country is counting on us,” the Louisiana Republican told reporters Thursday after a meeting with the GOP conference. “But there’s some folks that really need to look in the mirror over the next couple of days and decide are we going to get it back on track, or they’re going to try to pursue their own agenda,” he added.
BREAKING: Israel Bombs Damascus Airport,
Reportedly Preventing Iranian Foreign
Minister, Weapons From Landing
17 replies
Posted by Beardo 10/12/2023 1:43:50 PM Post Reply
Israeli missiles bombed landing strips at Syria’s Damascus Airport and at its second-largest airport in Aleppo. It is likely no coincidence that a Meraj Airlines passenger jet reportedly carrying Iranian foreign minister Hossein Amirabdollahian was on its way to Damascus at the time of the bombing. European’s Visegrád 24 reported that the flight also had “several commanders of the Quds Force of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps on board and several tons of anti-tank missiles for Hezbollah.”
The US Has Poured Hundreds Of Millions
Of Taxpayer Dollars Into Gaza Since Hamas
Took Over
15 replies
Posted by Beardo 10/12/2023 1:23:32 PM Post Reply
The United States has sent hundreds of millions in taxpayer money to the Gaza Strip since the territory has been under the control of the terrorist group Hamas. (snip) The White House granted $316 million to Palestinian territories in 2022, including funds to build a 4G wireless infrastructure network in Gaza. Roughly $500 million was approved between 2021 and 2024 to fund “programming to support the Palestinian people,” including populations in Gaza, according to USAID. An additional $250 million was approved to “advance peaceful coexistence between Israelis and Palestinians
US blocks Iran from $6 billion fund after
Hamas attack: REPORT
25 replies
Posted by Beardo 10/12/2023 1:06:21 PM Post Reply
The Biden administration is preventing Iran from accessing the $6 billion the U.S. recently transferred after Hamas, an Iranian-backed terrorist group, launched a brutal attack against Israel, The Washington Post reported Thursday. The Biden administration originally cut a deal with Iran to transfer $6 billion in previously frozen assets in exchange for five American prisoners. The administration is now working with fund manager Qatar to hold up the $6 billion after Iran’s ally Hamas launched a wave of attacks against Israel on Saturday, killing over 1,200 Israelis and at least 25 Americans and kidnapping hundreds more.
Floyd Mayweather Is Sending Bulletproof
Vests To Israel Like A Complete Boss: REPORT
18 replies
Posted by Beardo 10/11/2023 11:08:02 PM Post Reply
Mayweather is such a G, man. Considered one of the greatest boxers of all time, Mayweather is sending his private jet, named Air Mayweather, to “deliver food and other supplies, including bullet-proof vests” to the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), according to Los Angeles Magazine. “I stand with Israel against the Hamas terrorists,” Mayweather posted on social media Monday (snip) “A rep for the professional fighter tells Los Angeles that the jet is being loaded for the flight this week, and is expected to arrive this weekend with ‘equipment that will be handed out personally by his pilots,’ "
‘I Wish President Trump Were Still President’:
Ben Shapiro Slams Biden Over ‘Weakness’
11 replies
Posted by Beardo 10/11/2023 10:53:42 PM Post Reply
Daily Wire host Ben Shapiro said he wished “President Trump were still president” while talking about the Biden administration’s actions leading up to the attack on Israel during his Wednesday appearance on “The Charlie Kirk Show.” (snip) “Do I think that Biden is at least partially responsible for the encouragement of Iran towards these sorts of moves? Absolutely, I think his weakness on Iran has been absolutely devastating for the region,” Shapiro told host Charlie Kirk during the interview, “Listen, I wish President Trump were still president.”
Rep. Michael McCaul Confirms Egypt Sent
Warning To Israel Three Days Before Attack
8 replies
Posted by Beardo 10/11/2023 10:42:33 PM Post Reply
Republican Rep. Michael McCaul of Texas in a press conference Wednesday confirmed Egypt warned Israel of a possible attack three days before Hamas breached Israel’s southern border. “We know that Egypt had warned the Israelis three days prior that an event like this could happen,” Rep. McCaul said after a classified briefing. An anonymous Egyptian official also claimed his country had warned Israel in advance something big was coming, per The Associated Press (AP).
‘The US Conducts Prisoner Swaps’:
Hamas Official Cites Biden’s Iran Deal
As Rationale For Taking Hostages
11 replies
Posted by Beardo 10/11/2023 10:36:00 PM Post Reply
Ali Baraka, a senior Hamas official, told Russia Today in a Sunday interview that Hamas demands that the United States engage in prisoner swaps and cited President Joe Biden’s recent Iran hostage deal as a rationale for taking of American captives. (snip) Baraka said that there was plenty of precedent to suggest that the United States would comply with Hamas’ demands. “The U.S. conducts prisoner swaps. Only recently, it did one with Iran. Why wouldn’t it conduct a prisoner swap with us?” Baraka asked.
Most Active Articles (last 48 hours)
Moment BBC reporter falls to his knees
and weeps while reporting inside Gaza
hospital as he describes 'seeing things
I can never unsee' - before his cameraman
also breaks down in tears
37 replies
Posted by Imright 10/13/2023 9:07:18 AM Post Reply
This is the moment a BBC journalist broke down in tears while reporting from inside a hospital in war-torn Gaza as he described having 'seen things I can never unsee'. BBC Arabic reporter Adnan El-Bursh fell to his knees and removed his glasses before wiping his face as he was overcome by emotion at the Al Shifa Hospital yesterday. Mr El-Bursh and his team - including cameraman Mahmoud al-Ajrami, who was also left in tears - had discovered that their friends, relatives and neighbours were among those injured or killed in the hospital and he described how 'bodies lay everywhere'.
Israel orders the evacuation of 1.1 million
people from northern part of Gaza, the
UN says
36 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 10/13/2023 12:42:45 AM Post Reply
JERUSALEM — Israel’s military on Friday directed the evacuation of northern Gaza, a region that is home to 1.1 million people — about half of the territory’s population — within 24 hours, a U.N. spokesman said. This could signal an impending ground offensive, though the Israeli military has not yet confirmed such an appeal. On Thursday it said that while it was preparing, a decision has not yet been made. The order, delivered to the U.N., comes as Israel presses an offensive against Hamas militants. U.N. spokesman Stéphane Dujarric called the order “impossible” without “devastating humanitarian consequences.”
Blinken asks Israel to spare Gaza civilians
during Arab tour
33 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 10/13/2023 2:06:11 PM Post Reply
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken called Friday on Israel to limit Palestinian civilian deaths as he worked to set up safe areas in the Gaza Strip, seeking to keep calm in the Arab world following a major Hamas attack. After a solidarity visit to Tel Aviv, Blinken, on a six-nation tour of the Arab world, again defended Israel's right to respond but also stepped up the tone on protecting innocent Palestinians. "We have urged the Israelis to use every possible precaution to avoid harm to civilians," Blinken told a news conference in Qatar. "We recognise many Palestinian families in Gaza are suffering through no fault of their own
Hundreds of Hollywood Actors, Executives
Sign Letter Condemning Hamas Terrorist
Attack on Israel
21 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 10/13/2023 10:49:05 AM Post Reply
Hundreds of Hollywood actors and executives, from Michael Douglas to Jerry Seinfeld to Gal Gadot, have signed a letter expressly condemning the terrorist attack in Israel at the hands of Hamas. The letter from the nonprofit Creative Community for Peace included 700 signatures and condemned Hamas for “barbaric acts of terrorism” in Israel that “must be called out by everyone.” “The nightmare that Israelis have feared for decades became a reality as Hamas terrorists infiltrated Israeli cities and towns,” the message stated. “Under the cover of thousands of rockets fired indiscriminately into civilian populations, Hamas murdered and kidnapped innocent men, women, and children. They kidnapped and murdered infants and the elderly.
UN Wants to Raise $294M to Help “Palestinians” 20 replies
Posted by Hazymac 10/13/2023 5:50:22 PM Post Reply
The only question is how much of that will we be paying. But sure. Why not pump another $294 million into the terror nests after all the billions we’ve already spent subsidizing them? What could possibly go wrong? The United Nations issues an emergency appeal for $294 million to address “the most urgent needs” in Gaza and the West Bank. The funds would be used to help more than 1.2 million people, the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs says, stressing that aid groups do not have “the resources required to adequately respond to the full range of needs of vulnerable Palestinians.” You could address some pretty urgent needs
Fani Willis Attacks Jim Jordan For Demanding
She Answer Questions About Her Garbage
RICO Investigation Into Trump
20 replies
Posted by DW626 10/13/2023 11:50:41 AM Post Reply
Far-left Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis lashed out at House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan on Wednesday for demanding she answer questions about her RICO and conspiracy investigation into Trump and 18 of his associates and lawyers. Fani Willis once again refused to cooperate with Jim Jordan and accused him of being ignorant of the law. “A charitable explanation of your correspondence is that you are ignorant of the United States and Georgia Constitutions and codes,” Fani Willis wrote in response to a letter from Jim Jordan, The Hill reported. “A more troubling explanation is that you are abusing your authority as Chairman of the Committee
Europe Let in Too Many Foreigners, Says
Henry Kissinger in Wake of Pro-Hamas Demonstrations
Across Continent
19 replies
Posted by Imright 10/13/2023 9:00:18 AM Post Reply
Pro-Hamas demonstrations show European nations, including Germany, made a “grave mistake”, and the continent should be concerned about future hostage-taking raids against its own people if the idea isn’t defeated quickly, Henry Kissinger warns. Europe is subject to internal pressure by groups of people “of totally different culture and religion” because of the “grave mistake” of admitting too many foreigners, Henry Kissinger said of the phenomenon of demonstrations across Europe in support of Hamas terrorists this week.
Inside the 'Gaza Metro': Hamas' secret
labyrinth of tunnels where militants plan
operations and launch attacks into Israel
16 replies
Posted by Imright 10/13/2023 11:48:36 AM Post Reply
Israel is on the cusp of an armed military incursion into the Gaza Strip to battle Hamas militants who slaughtered hundreds of civilians this past weekend in a series of ruthless surprise attacks. In the meantime, Israel's air force is pounding Gaza with constant airstrikes in an attempt to reduce Hamas infrastructure and military targets to rubble. There's just one problem.Hamas does not operate like a normal enemy, nor do they live in obvious, above-ground compounds or travel through the streets like most Palestinian civilians bearing the brunt of Israel's bombs.
Harvard President Claudine Gay condemns
'barbaric atrocities perpetrated by Hamas'
- but rejects calls to punish pro-Palestine
groups who blamed Israel for terrorist
attacks because the Ivy League school
'embraces a commitment to free expression'
15 replies
Posted by Imright 10/13/2023 3:24:15 PM Post Reply
Harvard president Claudine Gay has condemned the 'barbaric atrocities perpetrated by Hamas' - but rejected calls to punish pro-Palestine groups who justified the attack that killed over 1,000 Israelis. In her third statement since the attacks on Saturday, Gay posted a video message titled 'Our Choices' on Thursday to social media addressing calls for the Harvard students who blamed Israel for the horrific attack to be punished. 'People have asked me where we stand so let me be clear, our university rejects terrorism. That includes the barbaric atrocities perpetrated by Hamas. Our university rejects hate - hate of Jews, hate of Muslims, hate of any group of people
DOJ Warns Financial Institutions That
They Can’t Reject Illegal Immigrants’
Credit Applications
13 replies
Posted by Beardo 10/13/2023 11:13:36 PM Post Reply
The Department of Justice (DOJ) put financial institutions on notice for rejecting illegal immigrants’ credit applications. The DOJ issued the warning in a joint statement with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) on Thursday. (snip) The two agencies claimed that the Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA) protections for national origin and race extended to alienage, though they admitted that no such explicit provisions spelled out their interpretation. The agencies conceded that creditors could rely on immigration status to determine repayment ability, but then cautioned against “unnecessary or overbroad reliance” on immigration status.
MSNBC Ratings Nosedive as People Slam
Their Horrible Israeli-Hamas Coverage
13 replies
Posted by Imright 10/13/2023 4:08:55 PM Post Reply
We've seen a lot of problematic responses from the left when it comes to the Hamas terrorist attacks on Israel. But some of the worst from media have come from MSNBC. People have called them out for their horrible takes, including trying to "both sides" the attack by Hamas on Israel. NewsNation host Dan Abrams singled out MSNBC anchors Ayman Mohyeldin, Mehdi Hasan, and Ali Velshi for saying the Hamas assault was the result of “failed policies” by Israel and the US. Right. It’s Israel’s fault. It’s the United States fault,” Abrams said mockingly on Monday. “The policies that somehow justify or
Update: Jim Jordan Wins GOP Nomination
for Speaker – 55 RINOs Say They Won’t
Vote for Jordan on the House Floor
12 replies
Posted by Imright 10/13/2023 8:58:57 PM Post Reply
Jim Jordan has been officially nominated as the Republican’s choice for Speaker, beating out Steve Scalise ally Austin Scott of Georgia. (X) It was not a massive margin, though. The total was 124-81.Cristina Laila previously reported that Jim Jordan entered the race for Speaker today. She also reported that Scott launched a last minute challenge to stop him. Jordan will now face off against Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) provided he can garner enough support. The Hill notes this could prove a challenge, however.
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