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Report: Only 43 Out of 8K Troops Discharged
over Biden’s Military Vaccine Mandate
Have Sought to Rejoin

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Posted By: Beardo, 10/6/2023 4:05:59 PM

Only 43 out of more than 8,000 service members who were discharged from the military over the Biden administration’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate have sought to rejoin, according to a recent report by CNN. (snip) The report suggested that the low numbers prove that Republicans who say the mandate hurt recruiting and retention were wrong. (snip) Retired Air Force Master Sergeant Nick Kupper, who recently retired after successfully fighting his discharge, told Breitbart News that troops are not seeking to rejoin because they feel betrayed.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Jesuslover54 10/6/2023 4:32:38 PM (No. 1570998)
Plenty of he/she's to fill their spots.
11 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: skacmar 10/6/2023 4:37:08 PM (No. 1571004)
Why would one want to rejoin the "new" improved woke, PC agenda filed military? Biden's military dropped them like hot potatoes with not so great discharges on their records. Others chose early retirement over the vaccine. They were treated like dirt.
41 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Rotten in Denmark 10/6/2023 4:44:01 PM (No. 1571016)
Can ya blame them? They were ripped a new one and now the rippers need them back?? Yeah, right.
23 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: dwa 10/6/2023 4:44:53 PM (No. 1571018)
Why would anyone want to rejoin a dictatorial organization that can ruin your life and/or career if you don't take an experimental drug because it is ordered; an organization that is on a witch hunt for patriots calling them white supremacists, and an organization that is forcing indoctrination into woke ideology under threat of criminal prosecution or expulsion.
35 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: thekidsmom66 10/6/2023 5:24:36 PM (No. 1571046)
"The report suggested that the low numbers prove that Republicans who say the mandate hurt recruiting and retention were wrong." How does this prove they were WRONG???
33 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: czechlist 10/6/2023 6:48:03 PM (No. 1571100)
US Army 15k short of recruitment goal. USNavy 7k short. USAF 2k short and begging for 150 pilot trainees. Only the USMC met goal. I don't wonder why. I enlisted in USN and was awarded a tour of SE Asia in '71. I sm proud of my service but would not join today's military.unless we were in a real war.
20 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: daisey 10/6/2023 7:49:36 PM (No. 1571126)
Biden, and Obama, especially Obama, are thrilled. Barry is doing his Snoopy happy dance.
12 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: fhancock 10/6/2023 10:31:35 PM (No. 1571197)
The way soldiers were treated for not wanting an experimental jab is the most despicable abuse of power I have seen in the last 50 years. What was that shot good for...try NOTHING. Harmful, ineffective, and completely useless...and yet the military personnel were treated as guinea pigs.
15 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: bighambone 10/6/2023 10:43:28 PM (No. 1571202)
Unfortunately young people with brains these days avoid enlisting in the U.S. Military services that are being run by the supposed Commander in Chief Biden who they can see has seriously declined cognitive abilities, and the “woke” Pentagon hierarchy that could get them killed in some unnecessary foreign conflict or war at any time if it makes money for the so-called military industrial complex with kickbacks to the “UniParty” DC political class. For what it is worth that is the opinion of a guy who spent all of 1968 on the ground in Vietnam.
19 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: mifla 10/7/2023 6:12:16 AM (No. 1571296)
Careers ruined over a mandated vaccine while millions of illegals cross over our border into our country, none of whom are vaccinated. Several members of the military wounded/killed in Afghanistan due to Joe's stupidity. Woke and CRT nonsense shoved down the military's throats. I would come back either.
10 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: privateer 10/7/2023 6:43:59 AM (No. 1571309)
Probably more military aged and capable young men swarm over our 'border' every month than it would take to fill the needed enlistments. Many already in the military....but whose?
5 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: Rinktum 10/7/2023 6:45:45 AM (No. 1571310)
Biden has removed the majority of warriors from the military. Much of what is left is woke and inferior. Guys are not signing up because the military has lost its warrior mentality. Until this horrific woke ideology is purged from every aspect of the United States Military, we will continue to fall short of recruitment goals. Show me one area, one aspect of the country or government where democrats have made anything better. They are destroyers of anything good and wholesome. It is appalling to watch them do this to our men and women in uniform.
19 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: MakingSense 10/7/2023 8:26:14 AM (No. 1571374)
If the numbers in the first sentence of this report are correct…then the second sentence makes no sense.
7 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: Zigrid 10/7/2023 11:25:34 AM (No. 1571550)
They should volunteer for the Texas and Arizona borders...I'm sure they could a standing militia ....guaranteed by their Constitution....
7 people like this.

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Posted by Beardo 10/8/2023 2:48:17 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Beardo 10/6/2023 10:57:54 PM Post Reply
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Kinzinger: ‘Christian Nationalist’
Jim Jordan Is Very Dangerous to this Country
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Posted by Beardo 10/6/2023 10:14:25 PM Post Reply
CNN commentator Adam Kinzinger said Friday on CNN’s “The Lead” that Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) was a “Christian nationalist” who is very dangerous. (snip) He (Kinzinger) continued, “The thing that you need to understand about Jim Jordan is he is a true believer, but he truly believes that the Democrats, or the left, is an enemy of America and he will do anything even extra constitutionally to defeat them. That is his genuine belief.” He added, “I would put him in the camp of Christian nationalist where he believes that he is truly fighting the dark forces”
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Posted by Beardo 10/6/2023 9:53:35 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Beardo 10/6/2023 4:13:05 PM Post Reply
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Report: Only 43 Out of 8K Troops Discharged
over Biden’s Military Vaccine Mandate
Have Sought to Rejoin
14 replies
Posted by Beardo 10/6/2023 4:05:59 PM Post Reply
Only 43 out of more than 8,000 service members who were discharged from the military over the Biden administration’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate have sought to rejoin, according to a recent report by CNN. (snip) The report suggested that the low numbers prove that Republicans who say the mandate hurt recruiting and retention were wrong. (snip) Retired Air Force Master Sergeant Nick Kupper, who recently retired after successfully fighting his discharge, told Breitbart News that troops are not seeking to rejoin because they feel betrayed.
Biden Judicial Nominee Dreams of a Day
Supreme Court Justices Disclose Pronouns
in Court
20 replies
Posted by Beardo 10/6/2023 1:50:25 AM Post Reply
President Joe Biden’s nominee for the federal bench in Oregon dreams of a day when Supreme Court justices disclose their pronouns on legal rulings, a practice he says will show the federal judiciary’s "authentic commitment to equity and inclusion." Mustafa Kasubhai, who currently serves as a federal magistrate, laid out his vision for the usage of pronouns in the judiciary in a 2021 essay, "Pronouns and Privilege." (snip) In his essay, Kasubhai describes a telephone conference call with an out-of-state attorney. When Kasubhai pressed the lawyer to state his pronouns so the judge would not just assume them, the lawyer retorted: "I’m not interested; just go ahead and assume."
Liz Cheney Jumps Into the Speaker Fight
to Deliver a Desperate Warning
28 replies
Posted by Beardo 10/6/2023 1:39:43 AM Post Reply
Liz Cheney is jumping into the fight over who will be the next Speaker of the House, and she's brought with her (a) desperate warning: Don't elect Rep. Jim Jordan to the position. (snip) How many times can you cry about "democracy" being in danger before people just tune you out? (snip) CHENEY: "Jim Jordan knew more about what Donald Trump had planned for January 6th than any other member of the House of Representatives. Jim Jordan was involved, was part of the conspiracy" (snip) She's like Uncle Rico still talking about how far he can throw a football. Is there any depth to Cheney at this point?
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32 replies
Posted by Beardo 10/6/2023 1:02:19 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Beardo 10/5/2023 4:29:35 PM Post Reply
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Ukraine is ‘freaking out’ as McCarthy
chaos threatens US aid
11 replies
Posted by Beardo 10/5/2023 4:08:50 PM Post Reply
After a year and a half of war, Ukraine’s leaders now have a new reason to worry: Mounting political chaos in America is threatening to derail their supply of money and weapons. Days after lawmakers shelved a vital U.S. plan to send billions of dollars in aid to Kyiv, U.S. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy was ousted by his own Republican Party colleagues. Aid to Ukraine was named as one of the reasons. (snip) “We are freaking out. For us it is a disaster,” said Ivanna Klympush-Tsintsadze, a senior Ukrainian MP (snip) now that McCarthy is out, all future U.S. funding for Kyiv is in limbo.
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Posted by Imright 10/7/2023 3:57:05 AM Post Reply
Israel's military has declared a 'state of war' after Islamic militant group Hamas fired a claimed 5,000 rockets into the country early on Saturday. Forces in the country have ordered residents to remain indoors and air raid sirens are sounding in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem after Hamas militants 'infiltrated' the country in several locations near the Gaza border in southern Israel. Hamas supreme military commander Mohammed Deif said the operation, Al-Aqsa Storm, was a declaration that 'enough is enough' as he urged Palestinians to confront Israel.
The FBI lets MAGA know they're watching them 30 replies
Posted by DW626 10/7/2023 3:58:56 AM Post Reply
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Kamala Harris Has Deranged Laughing Fit
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Posted by Imright 10/7/2023 4:11:29 AM Post Reply
Kamala Harris was recently speaking to Democrats in St. Louis when she launched into a bizarre laughing fit. At the time, she was talking about the Biden/Harris economic policies, which are obviuously terrible. Why does she do this? Is it a nervous tic? RedState reports: People Wonder if Kamala Harris Was High After Hysterical Laughing Fit...Kamala Harris may be the most uninteresting major politician on the scene right now. It’s hard to express how terrible of a politician she is, and somehow, she continually manages to get worse.
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Posted by DW626 10/7/2023 9:06:51 AM Post Reply
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Democrat Presidential Candidate Robert
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Posted by DW626 10/7/2023 12:43:30 PM Post Reply
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Israel Must Eradicate Hamas And Accept
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Posted by earlybird 10/7/2023 6:29:51 PM Post Reply
The Western world awoke Saturday morning to war in Israel, images of Hamas terrorists slaughtering Israeli civilians in the streets, and Hamas rockets raining down on Israeli neighborhoods. Israeli families were (and, as of this writing, still are) fleeing for their lives. On social media, Hamas posted horrifying videos — a dead, naked Israeli woman being paraded through the streets, plainclothes Hamas fighters slitting the throats of civilians in their cars, and women and children being kidnapped and carried away to a fate worse than death. The situation is fluid and developing, and there will be much to say in the days and weeks to come —
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Posted by Moritz55 10/7/2023 8:41:37 AM Post Reply
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Posted by ladydawgfan 10/7/2023 8:51:01 PM Post Reply
Representative Zoe Lofgren (D-CA) said Friday on CNN’s “The Lead” that she believed Rep. Jim Jorden (R-OH) was “heavily involved” in what she deemed a “plot” on January 6, 2021. On Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), commentator Adam Kinzinger said, “He is a true believer, but he truly believes that the Democrats, or the left, is an enemy of America, and he will do anything even extra constitutionally to defeat them.” Anchor Jake Tapper said, “Congresswoman Lofgren, you just heard Congressman Kinzinger’s view of what Jim Jordan thinks about the left. That is you? What do you think?” Lofgren said, “It is not true.
Denver sends fliers to border towns telling
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arrivals this year
17 replies
Posted by Imright 10/7/2023 12:26:40 AM Post Reply
Denver's liberal government has asked officials at border towns to distribute fliers telling asylum seekers to stay away from the Colorado capital, after 21,000 new migrants arrived this year. Like various liberal cities like Chicago and NYC, the Mile High city has been struggling with migrants being bused north by conservative governors trying to make a point about what they say are open-border Democratic policies. The city currently has about 2,510 migrants staying in temporary shelters and has spent about $26 million on the crisis. Matthew Mueller, the executive director for the Office of Emergency Management, has asked officials in Brownsville, El Paso, Houston, and Dallas to let migrants know
Is Hamas Using Weapons the US Left Behind
in Afghanistan in its War Against Israel?
15 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 10/7/2023 7:45:27 PM Post Reply
The current conflict between Israel and Hamas has brought to the forefront a myriad of issues and even more questions. The unsettling images on the ground reveal that these hostilities could easily become more bloody. As more information emerges, this situation could also highlight the implications of military decisions made by the U.S. government, namely the withdrawal from Afghanistan. When President Joe Biden decided to remove U.S. troops from Afghanistan in 2021, it was hailed as being the right decision. However, the execution of the withdrawal left much to be desired, to say the least. Indeed, the disaster resulted in even more carnage and the death of American troops.
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15 replies
Posted by Imright 10/7/2023 3:38:46 PM Post Reply
During MSNBC’s coverage of the Hamas attack on Israel on Saturday, MSNBC host Ayman Mohyeldin argued that the attacks on Israel are due to “people who have been living in Gaza,” being “blockaded, besieged, decimated economically and politically” and host Ali Velshi stated that Israel’s behavior is “why they voted for Hamas in the first place.” Mohyeldin stated that “if you do not have some kind of mechanism that delivers justice for Palestinians, you are never going to have peace in the region. That’s what this is about. And I wrap up with a central point about, when we look back at the Oslo Accords, this was supposed to be
Where the hell is President Biden? 15 replies
Posted by Imright 10/7/2023 2:30:29 PM Post Reply
Just around midnight Eastern time, the Hamas terrorists elected to control the Gaza Strip launched their barbaric invasion of Israel, with at least 2,200 rockets fired, thousands injured, and likely at least hundreds killed. By Saturday morning, Nikki Haley, Ron DeSantis, and Vivek Ramaswamy all took to Twitter to eviscerate the infiltration and reassert Israel's unequivocal right to defend itself. On Truth Social, as did Donald Trump, who correctly blasted the Biden administration for sending $6 million to Iran, the preeminent financial backer of Hamas, and failing to capitalize on the success of the Abraham Accords.
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