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The Decline and Fall of Home: Part Two

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Posted By: Hazymac, 10/1/2023 12:45:23 PM

Unstable equilibrium generates a critical situation. “The Lessons of History,” Will & Ariel Durant When one considers the full extent of the Roman cataclysm leading to the inevitable fall — the plethora of corrupt and self-promoting politicians, the exposure of unwanted infants (open-air abortion) and the consequent decline in the reproductive ratio, the deterioration of road systems and infrastructure, the degrading of a once-mighty military, and the evident degeneration of sexual morality (as the fifth-century Christian historian Salvian declaimed, “Be ashamed of your lives, no cities are free of impurities”) — one cannot help but note the affinities and correlations between the Roman Empire and the American Republic.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Hazymac 10/1/2023 12:51:10 PM (No. 1566977)
Part One:
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Sam Bankman-Fried case: The FTX criminal
fraud trial begins this week. Here's everything
you need to know.
3 replies
Posted by Hazymac 10/2/2023 11:51:35 AM Post Reply
Former crypto billionaire Sam Bankman-Fried is set to face the music on Tuesday. Jury selection is scheduled to begin in a federal court in downtown Manhattan for his criminal trial on charges that he defrauded customers of FTX, the once-powerful and now-defunct cryptocurrency exchange he once led. According to prosecutors, Bankman-Fried commingled funds between FTX, where he was CEO, and Alameda Research, a hedge fund he also controlled. Once the fishy financials became public late last year, customers and investors rushed to take their money out of the failing exchange and FTX's proprietary cryptocurrency token lost much of its value. The downfall of FTX also arguably marked the final nail in the coffin,
A delivery driver who shot a YouTuber
who was pranking him said it was justifiable
self-defense — and a jury agreed
15 replies
Posted by Hazymac 10/2/2023 10:55:18 AM Post Reply
A delivery driver who said he was acting in self-defense when he shot a YouTube prankster in a mall food court in April has been acquitted of the main charge against him. A jury on Thursday found Alan Colie not guilty of the primary charge of aggravated malicious wounding in the shooting of Tanner Cook, 21, who runs the "Classified Goons" YouTube channel, Virginia court records show. But the jury was divided on lesser firearms charges, finding the 31-year-old guilty of the unlawful discharge of a firearm in an occupied dwelling, but not guilty of the malicious discharge of a firearm. The charges of aggravated malicious wounding and malicious discharge of a firearm
In France, a large minority of people
support dramatically limiting air travel
16 replies
Posted by Hazymac 10/1/2023 4:22:51 PM Post Reply
Truths: The Earth’s climate has continuously changed over 4.5 billion years. Carbon is a relatively rare compound in our atmosphere but integral to life on Earth. Fossil fuel has dramatically improved human life in every way imaginable. And he who controls carbon emissions controls everything. This last point is why global leftists relentlessly press the fiction of anthropogenic climate change. As proof that anti-CO2 brainwashing works, 41% of French people polled want to limit humans to only four airplane rides per year. Westerners have no sense of what the pre-fossil-fuel world
2023 Ryder Cup results, scores standings:
Europe holds off late U.S. push to win
seventh straight on home soil
7 replies
Posted by Hazymac 10/1/2023 1:57:52 PM Post Reply
Europe has officially reclaimed the Ryder Cup. Winning 16.5 to 11.5, it leaned on star players and a sensational team effort across the first two days to win the competition for the eighth time in the last 11 editions and seventh straight when hosting the event dating back to 1997. Tommy Fleetwood won the key half point in the 11th match against Rickie Fowler. Heading to the par-4 16th with a one-hole lead, Fleetwood hit his tee shot to 23 feet after Fowler found the water. After Fleetwood missed an eagle putt, Fowler conceded a 2-foot, 8-inch birdie putt -- and Europe's victory. Fleetwood's win on the hole secured at worse
Criminal-Friendly Seattle Is So Bad This
Guy's Shocked When a Judge Won't Let Him Go
10 replies
Posted by Hazymac 10/1/2023 1:54:04 PM Post Reply
Seattle’s so woke that the criminals think they run the justice system now, and we can prove it. There was a delicious bit of schadenfreude in court on Thursday listening to an accused bad guy ask plaintively of a judge (paraphrasing here) “Wait, why can’t I get the easy-on-criminals treatment that every other bad guy has gotten?” The crimes this guy and five of his friends are accused of pulling off are egregious and frightening, as I reported recently in my West Coast, Messed Coast™ report. The six black men are accused of following Asian people in several Seattle area neighborhoods and attacking them at their homes, sometimes using a taser
Katie Couric: Obama Owes Me a 'Big-Ass
Bouquet' for 2008 Palin Attack Interview
49 replies
Posted by Hazymac 10/1/2023 1:47:50 PM Post Reply
Fox News media reporter Joseph Wulfsohn reported on Friday that former CBS Evening News anchor Katie Couric boasted at the liberal Texas Tribune Festival last weekend about how she helped Barack Obama get elected in 2008 with her infamous attack interview on Republican Gov. Sarah Palin. "You're welcome, by the way," Couric told the audience, sparking laughter and applause. She added, "I always thought that Barack Obama should have sent me a big-ass bouquet of flowers for that interview." Then-White House battle-axe Helen Thomas said Couric "saved the country" with that interview. She justified sticking it to McCain for health reasons, and for his poor judgment in picking Palin.
RFK Jr. as Independent Would Propel Trump
to Deliver Crushing Blow
13 replies
Posted by Hazymac 10/1/2023 1:14:28 PM Post Reply
So it looks as if Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., is just about to turn up the volume. It was bad enough for the Democratic establishment when he announced he was going to run for President on the Democratic ticket. Didn’t he know that The Committee already had its heir and a couple of spares, none of whom was named Kennedy? “Look at your poll numbers, Bro. Even against a senile and visibly failing puppet you are trailing by 50 or 60 points. Give it up now before you embarrass yourself further!” No such luck. It seems that Kennedy is in for the duration. A couple of days ago rumors
The Pangloss-Petain Presidency 0 replies
Posted by Hazymac 10/1/2023 12:56:27 PM Post Reply
The argument whether Joe Biden is the worst-ever president could be settled by ranking him with the worst people in American history. If that seems too glib or partisan, people might try an historical and literary approach. For example, Voltaire’s eponymous Candide finds chaos and catastrophe on every hand but his mentor Dr. Pangloss sees it as the best of all possible worlds. According to the good doctor, “It is impossible that things should be other than they are, for everything is right.” Like Candide, Americans are confused and bewildered. There’s something happening here, as the Buffalo Springfield said, and by now it’s exactly clear. As David Samuels said in
The Decline and Fall of Home: Part Two 1 reply
Posted by Hazymac 10/1/2023 12:45:23 PM Post Reply
Unstable equilibrium generates a critical situation. “The Lessons of History,” Will & Ariel Durant When one considers the full extent of the Roman cataclysm leading to the inevitable fall — the plethora of corrupt and self-promoting politicians, the exposure of unwanted infants (open-air abortion) and the consequent decline in the reproductive ratio, the deterioration of road systems and infrastructure, the degrading of a once-mighty military, and the evident degeneration of sexual morality (as the fifth-century Christian historian Salvian declaimed, “Be ashamed of your lives, no cities are free of impurities”) — one cannot help but note the affinities and correlations between the Roman Empire and the American Republic.
The City Under the Capitol 4 replies
Posted by Hazymac 9/30/2023 3:08:02 PM Post Reply
More foreign influence peddling is alleged to be ocurring in Washington DC. Anne Applebaum writes, “three Iran experts who have worked closely with Robert Malley, the Biden administration’s special envoy on Iran, were members of an influence network formed and guided by Tehran”. The Atlantic says: "According to reports by Semafor and Iran International, Iranian foreign-policy bigwigs such as Mohammad Javad Zarif identified think-tank staffers of Iranian origin, sponsored meetings with them, and used the group to coordinate and spread messages helpful to Iran …." (Snip) This follows reports that “the FBI is investigating whether Egypt’s intelligence services might have been involved in the alleged bribery
Whose Side Is Fox on Anyway? 17 replies
Posted by Hazymac 9/30/2023 2:04:37 PM Post Reply
The Fox Business GOP presidential debate was a total trainwreck — and that’s putting it mildly. If you watched, you were treated to nearly two hours of left-wing talking points from the moderators, who not only had no control of the debate but ignored their own rules and allowed candidates to attack one another without the opportunity for rebuttal. The leftist Univision moderator — Emmy award winner!!! Ilia Calderón — who had trouble speaking English clearly, kept asking questions about Dreamers and DACA, turning the questions into speeches to condemn GOP policies on immigration. (X) She also went after Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, repeating a hoax perpetrated by Kamala Harris claiming
Never Mind Those Hordes of Military-Aged
Chinese Men With the Same Clothing, Haircuts,
and Tattoos Swarming Our Southern Border
8 replies
Posted by Hazymac 9/30/2023 1:50:19 PM Post Reply
Experts believe that more than seven million illegal immigrants have crossed the border since *President Biden occupied the White House. The apparatchiks in the Pravda Press downplay the situation by assuring us the invaders are “families,” even though most of the videos we see are of single, military-aged men, frequently from Venezuela. But the most onerous onslaught at our northern and southern borders is the disturbing number of single, military-aged Chinese men and women finding their way into our country and disappearing once they get in. FACT-O-RAMA! Between January and March of 2022, 71 Chinese individuals crossed the Darien Gap, the strip of land that connects North and South America, the route
Most Active Articles (last 48 hours)
Newsom to Appoint Laphonza Butler, President
of EMILY’s List, to Fill Feinstein’s
Senate Seat
50 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 10/1/2023 11:44:14 PM Post Reply
California Governor Gavin Newsom (D) will appoint Laphonza Butler to fill Feinstein’s vacant Senate seat. “California Gov. Gavin Newsom will appoint EMILY’s List President Laphonza Butler to fill the seat of the late Sen. Dianne Feinstein, elevating the head of a fundraising juggernaut that works to elect Democratic women who support abortion rights, according to a person familiar with the decision.” Politico reported. Dianne Feinstein died Thursday night at the age of 90. She was the longest-serving woman in the US Senate. Feinstein was also one of the most corrupt Senators, and that is saying a lot.
Katie Couric: Obama Owes Me a 'Big-Ass
Bouquet' for 2008 Palin Attack Interview
49 replies
Posted by Hazymac 10/1/2023 1:47:50 PM Post Reply
Fox News media reporter Joseph Wulfsohn reported on Friday that former CBS Evening News anchor Katie Couric boasted at the liberal Texas Tribune Festival last weekend about how she helped Barack Obama get elected in 2008 with her infamous attack interview on Republican Gov. Sarah Palin. "You're welcome, by the way," Couric told the audience, sparking laughter and applause. She added, "I always thought that Barack Obama should have sent me a big-ass bouquet of flowers for that interview." Then-White House battle-axe Helen Thomas said Couric "saved the country" with that interview. She justified sticking it to McCain for health reasons, and for his poor judgment in picking Palin.
Former School Principal Jamaal Bowman:
I Thought Pulling Fire Alarm Would ‘Open
the Door’
43 replies
Posted by Imright 10/1/2023 6:16:01 AM Post Reply
Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY), a former school principal who pulled a fire alarm in the U.S. Capitol complex moments before the House was scheduled to vote on a bill preventing a government shutdown, did so because he thought it would “open the door.” As Breitbart News reported: U.S. Capitol Police and the House Administration Committee, which oversees House operations and Capitol security, are investigating. A photo being circulated by Capitol Police appears to show Bowman pulling the fire alarm, as reported by Punchbowl News. Falsely reporting a fire is a misdemeanor crime in the District of Columbia punishable by
Robert Kennedy Jr Admits His Campaign
Has Done Polling on Running Independent
and He Takes More General Election Votes
from Donald Trump Than Joe Biden…
40 replies
Posted by earlybird 10/1/2023 9:42:19 PM Post Reply
Shortly before RFK Jr stated that he would be announcing a run for president as an independent candidate, he appeared on a podcast to discuss the possibility of leaving the Democrat ticket. {Rumble Link Here} Mr Kennedy said his campaign had done research on the impact to the 2024 race if he ran as an independent. Within the interview RFK Jr shares that his private polling reveals he takes more votes from Donald Trump than he does from Joe Biden. Thus, having seeded the background for favorable republican support, running as an independent now becomes the most effective way to stop Trump. WATCH:
House GOP members seek to expel Gaetz
amid renewed threat to vacate House Speaker McCarthy
30 replies
Posted by Moritz55 10/1/2023 12:42:15 PM Post Reply
House GOP members are preparing a motion to expel Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., amid his renewed threat to pursue a motion to vacate House Speaker Kevin McCarthy. The House Republican members will seek to expel Gaetz if the ethics committee report comes back with findings of guilt, Fox News has learned. One member told Fox News the report is mostly written but does not know what it contains. Yet following threats to vacate McCarthy, the member said of Gaetz, "No one can stand him at this point. A smart guy without morals."
Matt Gaetz Says He’ll Move to Oust Speaker
Kevin McCarthy
29 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 10/1/2023 10:35:29 AM Post Reply
One day after Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy (R., Calif.) collaborated with Democrats to avoid a government shutdown, Representative Matt Gaetz (R., Fla.) said he plans to move to expel McCarthy from the speakership. “I do intend to file a motion to vacate against Speaker McCarthy this week. I think we need to rip off the Band-Aid. I think we need to move on with new leadership that can be trustworthy,” Gaetz said Sunday on CNN. Gaetz’s threats come after McCarthy secured enough Democratic support to pass a short-term spending bill through the House on Saturday, narrowly avoiding a government shutdown. Although Gaetz and other GOP hardliners opposed the continuing resolution,
Newsom to Appoint Laphonza Butler to Fill
Feinstein’s Senate Seat – She Lives
In Maryland and Registered to Vote There
Last Year
28 replies
Posted by DW626 10/2/2023 7:14:56 AM Post Reply
California Governor Gavin Newsom (D) will appoint Laphonza Butler to fill Feinstein’s vacant Senate seat. “California Gov. Gavin Newsom will appoint EMILY’s List President Laphonza Butler to fill the seat of the late Sen. Dianne Feinstein, elevating the head of a fundraising juggernaut that works to elect Democratic women who support abortion rights, according to a person familiar with the decision.” Politico reported. Laphonza Butler lives in Maryland and registered to vote there LAST YEAR! Dianne Feinstein died Thursday night at the age of 90. She was the longest-serving woman in the US Senate.
Kindergartners In diapers: A growing trend 27 replies
Posted by DW626 10/2/2023 6:22:00 AM Post Reply
Apparently, there are an increasing number of kids, with no physical or cognitive disabilities whatsoever, who are entering kindergarten without being potty-trained. This is hard to fathom. In the past, the vast majority of children were fully potty trained around three years old, give or take a couple of months. However, today kindergarten teachers often report to We Are Teachers that 15-20% of their classroom is not potty-trained, and that even a few first-graders are still in Pull-Ups. (Again, this does not include kids with medical issues, or physical or cognitive disabilities.) Sadly, there is a growing trend of children reaching the age of five without being potty trained.
U.S. shutdown avoided: Senate PASSES 11th-hour
vote to keep government funded for 45 days
26 replies
Posted by Imright 10/1/2023 12:09:49 AM Post Reply
U.S. President Joe Biden has wasted no time and signed the continuing resolution, holding off a shutdown until November 17 after saying 'we should have never been in this position.' The White House released a statement which read: 'On Saturday, September 30, 2023, the President signed into law: H.R. 5860, which provides fiscal year appropriations to Federal agencies through November 17, 2023 for continuing projects of the Federal Government and extends several expiring authorities.' The U.S. avoided a government shutdown after the Senate secured enough votes to pass a bill to keep the government funded for 45 days just hours before Saturday's midnight deadline.
British Defense Secretary States They
Are Putting Military Troops into Ukraine
21 replies
Posted by earlybird 10/1/2023 11:07:40 AM Post Reply
First the backdrop. Let us not pretend a confluence of events do not all go in one direction.U.S. troops are conducting military exercises in eastern Moldova {link}. The CIA and State Department are the operational mechanism for all Ukraine military operations, and in total control of the Ukraine government {link}. American contracted mercenary troops operating in Ukraine are being treated at U.S. military hospitals in Germany {link}. U.S. military operations are flying drone missions above Ukraine, and U.S. satellites are coordinating the battlespace. Additionally, the U.S. is sending Abrams tanks, F-16 fighter jets along with support and training teams, and long-range missile launching systems into
Biden’s America: Illegal Immigrant Gang
Kidnaps Three Girls, Including 11-Year-Old,
in Northern Minnesota and Rapes and Tortures
Them – Not Making Headlines
21 replies
Posted by Imright 10/1/2023 10:47:01 AM Post Reply
Three girls were kidnapped, tortured and raped by an illegal immigrant gang in northern Minnesota recently. One of the girls was an 11-year-old. Bemidji is located in a rural area in northern Minnesota near the source of the Mississippi River. 22-year-old Oscar Luna was arrested at the scene. Several men were identified at the scene and transported by US Border Patrol to be processed as illegal aliens. Via Pat Sweeney at Knox Radio. Bemidji Police have arrested a man after an 11-year-old girl told authorities that she and two other girls were tied up and raped by several men at a Bemidji home.
2019: Hunter Biden Claimed He Didn’t
Receive ‘One Cent’ from Chinese Associate
Despite Wire Transfers
19 replies
Posted by Imright 10/2/2023 8:15:00 AM Post Reply
Hunter Biden denied receiving “one cent” from his family’s deal with BHR Partners associate Jonathan Li, a video from October 2019 shows. In the summer of 2019, Hunter Biden received two wires totaling $260,000 originating from BHR Partners associates, including Li, that listed President Joe Biden’s Delaware home as the beneficiary address for the funds, the House Oversight Committee revealed this week. The fund is bankrolled by the Bank of China.Months after receiving the bank wires in 2019, Hunter Biden told ABC News he did not receive one penny from Li. Watch the interview here: (X Video)
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