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Left-Wing Rage: Don’t Pretend It Doesn’t Exist

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Posted By: RockyTCB, 8/18/2023 6:15:08 AM

The Southern Poverty Law Center has its “hate map” of conservative groups that it hopes to marginalize if not kill off entirely. Meanwhile, the feds are looking for vicious, bloodthirsty right-wingers under the bed. But a university survey recently found that the left is more prone to political violence than the right. It’s exactly what we have come to expect from a group that is so sure of its superiority and the importance of its agenda that it’s willing to break an infinite number of eggs so that it can make its authoritarian omelet. The University of Chicago Project on

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Reply 1 - Posted by: chance_232 8/18/2023 6:30:26 AM (No. 1536880)
Anyone on the right who has been paying attention would have told you this years ago. The left ALWAYS reverts to violence. And almost always first with no more provocation than they can’t get their way.
17 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: AltaD 8/18/2023 8:23:32 AM (No. 1536936)
This is no surprise, just look at how many leftists wanted to use force to "vaccinate" everyone.
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Reply 3 - Posted by: FJB 8/18/2023 8:57:40 AM (No. 1536960)
Check the hate talk about DJT and MAGA supporters over on YouTube. It's as though China Joe Obiden, Traitor to America, didn't steal the election and is as good as gold.
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Reply 4 - Posted by: broken01 8/18/2023 9:42:36 AM (No. 1536997)
#3 I
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Reply 5 - Posted by: broken01 8/18/2023 9:57:20 AM (No. 1537009)
Hit submit too soon. #3 I watch a few Conservatives on YT and the comment sections will knock your socks with the amount of hate they get. One in particular gets a lot because she's a Black woman who loves MAGA and supports PDJT.
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Reply 6 - Posted by: 3XALADY 8/18/2023 10:14:43 AM (No. 1537025)
Last night Greg Kelly on Newsmax had a couple of videos showing black rage against white people. One guy who hit a white lady over the head with a chair was cuffed then let go. Another guy threw a white lady into a lake. That was after their punching and kicking the white victims. Then you have the large groups going down streets, stopping traffic and jumping on cars, along with the ones breaking in doors and looting stores. Who will stop them?
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Reply 7 - Posted by: bpl40 8/18/2023 12:05:59 PM (No. 1537114)
Rather than “justified to restore Trump”, if they ask “ made necessary to restore Trump” they will begin to get closer to the truth.
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Reply 8 - Posted by: red1066 8/18/2023 1:33:25 PM (No. 1537157)
Who's pretending left wing rage doesn't exist? The rage has been on full display for years. It's on display on the nightly news and in every looting of a store. What's not on display is a rational reason for it. The rage is all made up. It's a mental condition based on entitlement and false promises. These people are upset for reasons of their own making.
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Reply 9 - Posted by: DVC 8/18/2023 2:46:49 PM (No. 1537223)
Antifa thugs are left wing rage. BLM is left wing racist rage. Yes it is real. And they are dangerous. If they keep it up, there will be bloody results, regardless of how much we try to avoid it.
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Left-Wing Rage: Don’t Pretend It Doesn’t Exist 9 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 8/18/2023 6:15:08 AM Post Reply
The Southern Poverty Law Center has its “hate map” of conservative groups that it hopes to marginalize if not kill off entirely. Meanwhile, the feds are looking for vicious, bloodthirsty right-wingers under the bed. But a university survey recently found that the left is more prone to political violence than the right. It’s exactly what we have come to expect from a group that is so sure of its superiority and the importance of its agenda that it’s willing to break an infinite number of eggs so that it can make its authoritarian omelet. The University of Chicago Project on
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Posted by RockyTCB 8/16/2023 9:37:26 AM Post Reply
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Posted by RockyTCB 8/16/2023 5:17:42 AM Post Reply
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Posted by RockyTCB 8/15/2023 5:56:44 AM Post Reply
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9 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 8/14/2023 6:01:54 AM Post Reply
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Environmentalists’ Broken Toys 8 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 8/11/2023 6:30:10 AM Post Reply
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Welcome To Biden’s Grand Illusion Of Prosperity 4 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 8/10/2023 6:40:38 AM Post Reply
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Go On, Gavin, Don’t Be Afraid — Debate DeSantis 8 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 8/9/2023 7:04:09 AM Post Reply
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Posted by RockyTCB 8/8/2023 6:27:11 AM Post Reply
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7 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 8/7/2023 7:25:12 AM Post Reply
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Posted by RockyTCB 8/7/2023 6:18:35 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Mercedes44 8/20/2023 6:14:15 AM Post Reply
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Posted by AltaD 8/19/2023 10:58:06 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 8/19/2023 4:17:56 PM Post Reply
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Posted by tisHimself 8/20/2023 4:33:05 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Hazymac 8/19/2023 8:43:51 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 8/19/2023 5:13:29 AM Post Reply
A Chicago politician and a community group desperate to slow the city's spiraling crime problem is begging for 12 hours a day where people don't shoot their guns. Alder Maria Hadden, a Democrat, boosted a proposal by the group Native Sons calling for 'The People's Ordinance' - a ceasefire between 9am and 9pm. 'PROTECT THE YOUTH NO SLIDING WILE THE SUN IS OUT' reads the all-caps promo, titled United For A Safe Summer.They're asking for the refrain from gunshots to reduce risk to Chicagoans who are 'not involved in high risk activities.' 'We have to start somewhere,' Tatiana Atkins, co-founder of Native Sons, told CWB Chicago.
Green Policies and Government Incompetence
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28 replies
Posted by Hazymac 8/20/2023 7:20:27 AM Post Reply
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27 replies
Posted by Imright 8/19/2023 4:21:29 PM Post Reply
Six Obama administration officials used alias email addresses, including then-Vice President Joe Biden and former President Barack Obama. Whether connected to a government network or not, it is unusual for government officials to use an email alias. Not only is it peculiar, it raises questions about why Obama administration officials utilized aliases and whether government secrets were compromised. Below is a list of six U.S officials who used an email alias within the Obama administration: 1) Lisa Jackson, 2013 (Photo) Jackson used the “Richard Windsor” alias as the former EPA Administrator, according to the Washington Post:
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Equity” – Meet the Radical, Obama-Loving
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to Maui for Several Hours While the Fires
Were Contained (Video)
26 replies
Posted by DW626 8/19/2023 7:32:48 AM Post Reply
As The Gateway Pundit previously reported, the devastating wildfires across Maui are a classic toxic combination of liberalism, corruption and inexperience all rolled into one. The people of Maul begged for life-saving water from the West Maui stream to be used to fight the fires only to be brushed off. The Honolulu Star-Advertiser reported Wednesday there was an official request made to divert the water and it was ignored for several hours by Deputy Director M. Kaleo Manuel of the Hawaii Commission on Water Resource Management Hawaii Commission on Water Resource Management (CWRM).
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John Kane's 'Trump Won' sign - before
returning after dark to burn it
24 replies
Posted by Imright 8/19/2023 6:17:45 PM Post Reply
The bizarre moment a cyclist vented his rage at a pro-Trump political yard sign in North Carolina has been caught on camera. John Kane, a Raleigh businessman and local Republican political activist, posted home surveillance video of the incident on the social media site X on Friday, offering a $1,000 reward for the perpetrator's identity. The video shows a road cyclist, fully kitted in helmet and spandex, stopping and weakly kicking the yard sign outside Kane's home on August 12, to no effect.
Revealed: Joe, Jill and Hunter Biden are
staying at billionaire ex-2020 presidential
candidate Tom Steyer's $18M waterfront
Lake Tahoe mansion (on president's second
holiday of the Month)
23 replies
Posted by Imright 8/19/2023 11:39:50 PM Post Reply
Joe and Jill Biden arrived on Friday at the Lake Tahoe home of the president's 2020 rival Tom Steyer - for their second vacation this month. The $18million property is the vacation home of the billionaire climate investor and his wife Kat. Biden, 80, and his scandal-hit son Hunter, 53, showed up to the three-acre waterfront estate separately. The six-bedroom Nevada retreat is described on the property listing site Redfin as 'one of Lake Tahoe's finest lakefront properties and the pinnacle waterfront estate within the gated Glenbrook community.'
Physician Groups Beg For Help With Emergency
Rooms Flooded By Children In Psychiatric Crisis
23 replies
Posted by Imright 8/19/2023 8:06:02 PM Post Reply
Emergency room doctors and pediatricians are pleading for help with a flood of children and teenagers showing up at emergency rooms due to mental health issues. A surge of mental health emergencies among children has overwhelmed emergency rooms, according to a joint paper released Wednesday by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) and Emergency Nurses Association (ENA).The children showing up in crisis are often suffering from emergencies related to anxiety, depression, and suicidal thoughts or attempts, the groups said.
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