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The Impeachment Chorus Needs to Cool It

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Posted By: DW626, 8/16/2023 5:49:47 AM

Four cardinal rules of politics: 1) don’t change your opponent’s soiled diapers; 2) scandals possess short half-lives; 3) don’t strike before having the votes; 4) play your best cards last. Political change occurs glacially. Those lacking necessary patience stymie those who comprehend politics’ rules. Conservatives braying for Biden’s head have no idea how to effectuate political objectives. This same mindset -- wisely opposed by Chief Justice Rehnquist -- demanded Bill Clinton be impeached. What did that accomplish? How did the nation benefit in terms of lasting impacts on economics, foreign affairs, or legislative action? (Bush 43 would have subsequently been elected anyway, for other reasons.)


The PIAPS and Nazi Nancy are sure living it up and loving it lately. Schadenfreude at theirs and their other squawking comrades at their expense will most welcome the sooner, the quicker…the better.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: chumley 8/16/2023 6:00:14 AM (No. 1535231)
These are the types of sneaky little strategies that make politics far lower than prostitution. Just reading it makes me feel like I've been eating out of a cat box.
14 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: raphaela 8/16/2023 9:43:38 AM (No. 1535334)
Schwartz is a daft bugger. The republic's dying. You fight with the tools available, and the Founding Fathers included the impeachment process to tackle malfeasance in public office from a political perspective. Biden's corruption and destruction of the country cannot stand. Investigate, indict, try and convict, period. The Rats know the Pubbies won't fight — that's why they're never held accountable. Yet they must fight or lose the country.
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Reply 3 - Posted by: faceincrowd 8/16/2023 10:48:38 AM (No. 1535397)
It's a big club, and we aren't in it. WTFU
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Reply 4 - Posted by: wilemon 8/16/2023 11:13:18 AM (No. 1535426)
Impeachment is the only way to get the mainstream media to cover the Biden pay for play scandal .If you don't watch Fox or follow websites like this one you never heard about Devon Archer and his devastating testimony. None of my well educated liberal friends have the slightest idea. The goal is not to impeach Biden -it is to get suppressed information out to the wider public.
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Reply 5 - Posted by: Luandir 8/16/2023 1:38:18 PM (No. 1535559)
Whatever the timing on impeachment votes, the time for an impeachment inquiry is NOW. Get the tools, start digging, and crank up the heat, slowly but steadily.
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Reply 6 - Posted by: anniebc 8/17/2023 7:02:46 AM (No. 1536048)
Did the other side "cool it"? No, they came in hot on two impeachments, you idiot. Then they stole the election from him. Miss us with your crap; we're not the idiots that you and your traitors think we are.
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Reply 7 - Posted by: Surroundedbyblue 8/18/2023 3:24:05 PM (No. 1537243)
Every single day that the Republicans continue to do nothing but proselytize, send strongly worded letters and only accomplish fundraising (I laughably deleted Comer’s fundraising letter I got last night for instance) , they lose that much more support, that much more credibility, and, next year, will wonder why the voters didn’t come out to vote for them, or wrote in their votes.
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Posted by DW626 8/18/2023 7:23:50 AM Post Reply
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Posted by DW626 8/18/2023 6:59:02 AM Post Reply
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Posted by DW626 8/17/2023 6:31:28 AM Post Reply
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Where is Speaker McCarthy? 13 replies
Posted by DW626 8/17/2023 6:14:16 AM Post Reply
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The Impeachment Chorus Needs to Cool It 7 replies
Posted by DW626 8/16/2023 5:49:47 AM Post Reply
Four cardinal rules of politics: 1) don’t change your opponent’s soiled diapers; 2) scandals possess short half-lives; 3) don’t strike before having the votes; 4) play your best cards last. Political change occurs glacially. Those lacking necessary patience stymie those who comprehend politics’ rules. Conservatives braying for Biden’s head have no idea how to effectuate political objectives. This same mindset -- wisely opposed by Chief Justice Rehnquist -- demanded Bill Clinton be impeached. What did that accomplish? How did the nation benefit in terms of lasting impacts on economics, foreign affairs, or legislative action? (Bush 43 would have subsequently been elected anyway, for other reasons.)
Just In: Hunter Biden’s Lead Lawyer
Asks to Withdraw from Case After Plea
Deal Blows Up
8 replies
Posted by DW626 8/15/2023 2:01:00 PM Post Reply
Hunter Biden’s lead lawyer Christopher Clark asked the Delaware judge overseeing Hunter’s case for permission to withdraw from the case after the plea deal fell apart. Christopher Clark said he could be called as a witness in the future. CNN reported: Hunter Biden’s lead criminal defense attorney asked a federal judge on Tuesday for permission to withdraw from the case because he could now be called as a witness in future proceedings. Christopher Clark, Biden’s longtime defense lawyer, filed a motion with the Delaware judge who has overseen the case since a plea deal was announced in June.
Clarence Thomas Gets It 5 replies
Posted by DW626 8/15/2023 7:35:07 AM Post Reply
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New evidence shows just how biased Trump
judge is in Jack Smith’s case
5 replies
Posted by DW626 8/14/2023 7:38:36 PM Post Reply
Judge Tanya Chutkan, the D.C. federal district court's hanging-ist judge when it comes to the January 6 cases, was (quite coincidentally, I'm sure) assigned to Donald Trump's case after Jack Smith essentially indicted him for believing that the November 2020 election was rife with fraud. (That's a belief, apparently, available only to Democrats following elections.) The fact that Chutkan hates January 6 defendants doesn't mean she's anti-Trump. However, Julie Kelly has revealed a trial transcript in which Chutkan openly states her belief that Trump should be in jail. Judges are obligated to abide by rules of conduct and, no matter the jurisdiction.
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13 replies
Posted by DW626 8/14/2023 7:20:55 AM Post Reply
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Posted by DW626 8/18/2023 7:23:50 AM Post Reply
So, after all of recorded history, it has come to this: an (alleged) astrophysicist claims it is odd that we separate male and female athletes. In a recent (2022) discussion with science writer and podcaster Michael Shermer, Neil deGrasse Tyson said: “It is a little weird that we split people by male and female in this way. I’m imagining a hundred years from now looking back and saying, ‘Do you know back 100 years ago they split boys and girls and they couldn’t compete?’ And … that’d just be kind of a little weird.” Really? At the rate we’re going, in 30 years people may not be able
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Posted by Imright 8/17/2023 3:13:47 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 8/17/2023 12:15:20 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 8/18/2023 2:45:01 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 8/17/2023 10:42:39 PM Post Reply
Former Attorney General Bill Barr said Thursday on FNC’s “Your World” that he would jump off that bridge when he gets to while being pressed on voting for former President Donald Trump should he be the 2024 Republican presidential nominee. Barr said, “I think there are a lot of Republican voters who have a problem. And when they’re actually confronted with, they’re grateful for Trump as they should be for a lot of the good things he did, but I think when push comes to shove, and they’re thinking about how to make America great again, anger and, you know, will give way to reason and they will see that.”
Fulton County machine to shove President
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31 replies
Posted by PageTurner 8/17/2023 9:04:10 AM Post Reply
What's a political prosecution without a little humilation and torture on the side? Every left-wing dictator knows this, and so does the far-left political prosecution team in Fulton County, Georgia, where yes, they plan to shove President Trump and his 18 co-defendants into a bona fide human rights-violating dump of a prison. According to the Washington Examiner: When former President Donald Trump and his 18 co-defendants in the Georgia election case turn themselves in, they will be booked at the notorious Fulton County Jail, a consistently overcrowded, bedbug- and fire ant-ridden detention center
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Observers Removed from Building – Cleared
BY FBI – Jamming Stacks of Selected
Ballots Through Voting Machines Is Now
Legal in the USA!
30 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 8/17/2023 6:29:41 AM Post Reply
A new report released in June by the FBI concluded that the female and male Georgia Poll Workers who jammed stacks of ballots through voting machines numerous times on election night 2020 after observers were sent home — did nothing wrong! According to the report that was recently released the “bulk of the investigation appears to have been conducted in December 2020 and January 2021, but both the State Election Board and the Georgia Secretary of State’s office was backed up reviewing claims.” Here again is video of the election workers pulling hidden suitcases out from under a draped table, jamming the ballots through the machines multiple times. CORRECTION*
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we’ve failed on!’
27 replies
Posted by Imright 8/17/2023 8:45:01 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden suddenly changed his tone during a speech Wednesday and started yelling that the US has never failed at “one thing.” The speech given on Wednesday, following the second anniversary of the catastrophic withdrawal from Afghanistan, was given from the East Room of the White House and was meant to tout the one-year anniversary of the Inflation Reduction Act, which did anything but that. Nevertheless, Biden is crowing over its delusional success. As he was bragging about a non-existent win, he pointed to “our friends on the other side of the aisle,” and carped that all he hears from Republicans is how much is wrong
Those EV Shortcomings Aren’t Shortcomings
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Posted by Judy W. 8/17/2023 8:03:52 AM Post Reply
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Posted by earlybird 8/17/2023 3:36:26 PM Post Reply
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Ford's CEO admits to a 'reality check'
during F-150 Lightning Route 66 road trip
20 replies
Posted by Hazymac 8/18/2023 9:07:18 AM Post Reply
Ford CEO Jim Farley experienced a common complaint from electric vehicle owners during his cross-country road trip in the automobile maker's electric pickup truck, calling it a "reality check." "Charging has been pretty challenging," Farley said on X, the social-media website formerly known as Twitter. "It was a really good reality check of the challenges of what our customers go through and the importance of fast charging and what we're going to have to do to improve the charging experience." (X) His comment came during his roundtrip across Route 66 in Ford's latest electrical vehicle venture, the F-150 Lighting. The CEO documented his experience on both X and LinkedIn.
Man's Hellish Family Trip With an Electric
Truck Is a Warning to All About These Vehicles
20 replies
Posted by mc squared 8/17/2023 11:33:08 AM Post Reply
We’ve discussed sporadically about electric cars and how they’re a crock. It’s a vanity project for car manufacturers because no one wants them. Ford only keeps production going because its gas-powered divisions make enough profits to keep this operation going. The car company is losing billions on its push into electric vehicles. Yet, the greenies and environmentally conscious remain gung-ho about these cars even though you must burn fossil fuels to charge them. Energy fairies do not dwell in the charging stations, folks. One man learned that going green is a crock the hard way.
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