Pay per Mile: States Move Toward User-Based
Road Tax
Epoch Times,
Beth Brelje
Original Article
Posted By: earlybird,
1/17/2023 1:38:54 PM
With each gallon of gas pumped in the United States since 1932, drivers have been paying taxes. The revenue is used for road repairs and public transportation such as train and bus systems.
Currently, the Fed takes 18.4 cents per gallon for gas or 24.4 cents per gallon for diesel. State gas taxes range from a national high of 61 cents for gas in Pennsylvania, to a low of 8.95 cents in Alaska.
But environmentally motivated improvements in fuel efficiency and the move to electric vehicles (EVs) translate to less gas sold, resulting less tax revenue collected.
State and federal governments are looking for a new way to fund transportation.
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Reply 1 - Posted by:
hershey 1/17/2023 1:49:07 PM (No. 1380782)
Oh goody, and we just have to have a new federal agency to oversee and track us...and you can bet the current gas tax won't go away...did anyone not see this coming?
30 people like this.
Reply 2 - Posted by:
MissMann 1/17/2023 2:09:31 PM (No. 1380800)
Talk about disproportionate harm to the low-income! People who have to live far from their work so they can afford a home are really going to be hit hard.
23 people like this.
Reply 3 - Posted by:
AntiStatist 1/17/2023 2:10:52 PM (No. 1380801)
We pay $.43 per gallon federal fuel tax already. Enough.
21 people like this.
Reply 4 - Posted by:
stablemoney 1/17/2023 2:12:15 PM (No. 1380803)
Leave us alone!
26 people like this.
Reply 5 - Posted by:
EJKrausJr 1/17/2023 2:16:44 PM (No. 1380805)
The Federal Highway Metermaids - a brand new bureaucratic agency to monitor vehicle mileage. If it means removing the taxes at the pump, go ahead make my day. But I am guessing that the taxes at the pump will remain while you get charged by the mile. Velkom Comrades.
19 people like this.
Reply 6 - Posted by:
sunshinehorses 1/17/2023 2:18:39 PM (No. 1380807)
And look how high our freight bills will go because of this. Most long haul truckers travel over 100,000 miles per year. We live rural and have to travel to get to town to do anything. We already pay too much for fuel and taxes.
14 people like this.
Reply 7 - Posted by:
Rivetjoint 1/17/2023 2:28:21 PM (No. 1380818)
One problem that has arisen over the years of these transportation taxes has been the states diverting portions of these monies to their General Funds to finance programs totally unrelated to transportation.
23 people like this.
Reply 8 - Posted by:
czechlist 1/17/2023 2:29:46 PM (No. 1380820)
as well as home service providers.
My family had a repair plumbing business for 50 years. At one time (I think it was during Carter) we had to keep mileage log books in every vehicle.and document every service call
10 people like this.
Reply 9 - Posted by:
mc squared 1/17/2023 2:39:05 PM (No. 1380824)
I've been saying this would happen every time some EV fan says their 'fuel' is so much cheaper than gasoline.
#2; You're not supposed to live far from work. Stay in the blue cities and you won't need a vehicle. You will use public transportation and like it. But they won't let you have a weapon for those trips..
14 people like this.
in theory nothing wrong with stopping evs from getting a free ride on road use - if
done on a revenue neutral basis.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
4Liberty2020 1/17/2023 2:58:51 PM (No. 1380832)
Guess it is time to go back to horse and buggies.
6 people like this.
Reply 12 - Posted by:
privateer 1/17/2023 3:14:34 PM (No. 1380836)
I can think of a couple ways to replace the highway taxes lost due to EVs. And it's certainly justified, since they are heavier than IC vehicles, and cause more wear and tear on roads. First: calculate the amount of fuel tax each sort of vehicle would incur throughout its typical lifetime use. Don't forget to adjust for rising fuel prices in the future! Then, apply that as a onetime, upfront surcharge on EACH new EV. Their cost would be greatly increased. Good. Alternatively, half then, and half applied on top of the inevitable battery replacement cost. This would render used EVs unsaleable. Solar, wind, batteries...are all part of the same dangerous delusion, i.e. 'something for nothing'. Such thinking is a article of faith in the Free Shtuff Army.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
Northcross 1/17/2023 3:29:34 PM (No. 1380841)
Hey, we already pay a mileage tax when every gallon of gas is purchased.
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
lynngirl122 1/17/2023 3:44:03 PM (No. 1380849)
Let's start with the bicycle people.
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
Hermit_Crab 1/17/2023 4:05:59 PM (No. 1380859)
The thing is, they don't want you to drive at all. Sure, they want you to buy electric vehicles, for now, but they don't intend that you actually drive them much further into the future..
Their goal is that within the next eight years is to have everyone (that survives) have their sleeping pods within walking distance to their assigned workplace. On the rare occasions that you are allowed to travel beyond your home zone, you will take public transportation.
Tin hat?
Read their own position papers and books, listen to their own speeches, watch their own videos.
13 people like this.
Reply 16 - Posted by:
columba 1/17/2023 4:12:38 PM (No. 1380867)
Disproportionate harm to residents of the western states who often drive 30 to 40 miles one way to get to work every day.
Why do not they take the bus.
There is no bus.
How about a train.
A what ?
7 people like this.
Reply 17 - Posted by:
billsv 1/17/2023 4:22:25 PM (No. 1380874)
Because stars get less gas tax revenue from EVs, tax the charging stations based on the amount of the charge. Don’t implement just another way to tax and abuse citizens. Most states just put gasoline tax into general revenue and do not segregate it for use on bill and maintenance of rads and bridges.
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Reply 18 - Posted by:
snapper451 1/17/2023 4:23:04 PM (No. 1380875)
Headline correction:
Pay per Mile: BLUE States Move Toward User-Based Road Tax
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Reply 19 - Posted by:
Starboard_side 1/17/2023 4:35:39 PM (No. 1380882)
FTA: The revenue is used for road repairs and public transportation such as train and bus systems.
First, most of the money collected goes to pay the salaries, benefits and pensions of those government workers who are employed at the various agencies mentioned.
In California they scared enough people into passing an increase in the gas taxes claiming it would fund all sorts of road repairs, which is what most people care about (pot holes), and the roads are worse than ever.
Like any and all government agency/department, they fund employees, benefits and pensions, then office space and office equipment, computers, phones, cell phones, etc. FIRST.
Afterwards, there is whatever is leftover for the programs intent.
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Reply 20 - Posted by:
padiva 1/17/2023 6:19:05 PM (No. 1380952)
And you will need permission (the mark of the beast?) to use a vehicle.
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This is NOT about EVs. It is an excuse to monitor where and when you drive. Everyone of these proposals has a provision for separate tracking device to track where you drive in order to "tax you according to how many miles you drive". Except every vehicle already has a means to determine how many miles you drive in a given period of time. It is called an odometer.
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Reply 22 - Posted by:
RWPollock 1/17/2023 6:37:34 PM (No. 1380963)
When the Feds stop wasting money on things like the Jan 6th committee, bogus impeachment trials and bureaucratic transportation nonsense then we can talk about a gasoline tax. Are electric car
Owners going
To have to pay a tax for
The fossil fuel
That is burned to power their electric cars?
3 people like this.
Reply 23 - Posted by:
wsdiego 1/17/2023 6:37:58 PM (No. 1380964)
You must eliminate the gas tax per gal. or you would be paying a double tax!
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Reply 24 - Posted by:
NYbob 1/17/2023 6:58:07 PM (No. 1380968)
No one stopped them when they made a 'law' that they didn't have to follow the laws they made for us. This isn't a big deal for the urban dopes who keep them in power and it isn't a problem for them because they simply take private jets or limos that YOU pay for. Now shut up and hand over all your money, or else. They also can imprison you for anything they make up and you won't see a lawyer or get a trial date, like that would make a difference. Think about this and a million other things and I will bet you can figure out the solution.
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Reply 25 - Posted by:
cor-vet 1/17/2023 7:35:41 PM (No. 1381003)
I'll pay my gas tax and the environmental weenies riding around in their battery powered toys can pay a mileage tax. I have to pay a disposal fee when I replace my tires or battery on my IC vehicles, so those weenies can pay a disposal fee when they junk their EV's or dump the batteries. And since the private sector gets no mileage breaks when they drive to their jobs, get rid of government vehicles and let our betters (gov. elites) start supplying their own transportation! OK, end of rant!
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Reply 26 - Posted by:
chagrined 1/17/2023 8:39:38 PM (No. 1381046)
All I can say is this reminds me of a BTO song. You ain't seen nothin' yet!!!
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Reply 27 - Posted by:
skacmar 1/17/2023 8:48:50 PM (No. 1381052)
All of these road and gas taxes are the brainchild of people who have government provided cars and drivers so they do not need to pay for their gas or any miles. If they do drive themselves, it will be in a government provided or paid for vehicle, again, not on their dime. They will impose these taxes and fees that will not effect them personally or will exempt themselves from these taxes like they exempt themselves from everything else.
2 people like this.
Taxes to fix the roads bridges and trains? Ha
ha ha ha! Yeah, right. There are no trains where I live, the bridges have more patches than bridge surface left and your teeth chatter while riding on the roads.
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That so-called 'road tax' hasn't been used for road or bridge improvement in decades. It is simply another way for state and feds to fleece the wallets of the American taxpayers.
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Reply 30 - Posted by:
Rumblehog 1/18/2023 7:50:30 AM (No. 1381277)
Hello, Government? STOP SPENDING!
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Reply 31 - Posted by:
homefry 1/18/2023 8:08:30 AM (No. 1381306)
Bicycle rider should get billed. I dont think it is fair that us gas burners pay a tax to build the roads and then bicycle riders get to clog up the roads that we paid for.
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Reply 32 - Posted by:
doctorfixit 1/18/2023 4:14:57 PM (No. 1381773)
They already have pay-per-mile. It's called a gasoline tax.. More outrageous double taxation. It would be less outrageous if the money was used to build highways, which it is not. It's given to illegal aliens and used for bogus public transit schemes that no one wants.
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