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Albanian mafia battles Mexican drug cartels
in Guayaquil,recruits boys as young as
10 as hitmen

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Posted By: FormerDem, 10/4/2022 10:03:48 AM

When Dashi Ergys was shot to death in an upscale Guayaquil restaurant in January, the media provided little information about him other than that he was Albanian. Despite the fact that he appeared to be specially targeted, many people assumed he was a tourist who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. It was more than a month later that a National Police commander revealed in comments during a radio interview that Ergys was under investigation for drug trafficking and that he was probably part of an Albanian mafia operating in Guayaquil, Manta and Esmeraldas, involved in shipping illegal drugs to Europe.


The root cause of instability in Latin America is Americans who use drugs. Stop it. Also do not say the solution is legalization - the cartels can simply import things yet more depraved. If you are using drugs it is your fault fishermen are tipped out of their boats to drown on dark nights because they would not join this enterprise. No one else's fault. You are the problem. Stop it.

Post Reply

Reply 1 - Posted by: Aubreyesque 10/4/2022 10:23:11 AM (No. 1295066)
AMEN OP, AMEN. Making these horrible drugs illegal doesnt remove the hortible price to be paid by their use.
5 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Aubreyesque 10/4/2022 10:23:45 AM (No. 1295067)
Sorry making these illegal drugs LEGAL does not…
4 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Gina 10/4/2022 10:36:09 AM (No. 1295086)
If no one buys their drugs they will just switch to a different crime. They need to be eliminated.
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Reply 4 - Posted by: Right Time 10/4/2022 10:50:18 AM (No. 1295104)
As usual, President Trump proposed a simple straightforward solution to the drug problem.....automatic capital punishment for drug dealers.
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Reply 5 - Posted by: DVC 10/4/2022 10:54:13 AM (No. 1295107)
Albanian Mafia and the Mexican THAT'S one truly hellish stew of international viciousness.
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Reply 6 - Posted by: Highlander 10/4/2022 11:40:01 AM (No. 1295161)
Next door neighbor had a Ukrainian friend who was just scary to look at if you dared. He made no secret about what a badass he was. Ultimately, he OD’ed on fentanyl. Ukraine and Albania are Slavic countries of the same history: constant wars and bloodshed.
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Reply 7 - Posted by: MDConservative 10/4/2022 1:48:05 PM (No. 1295278)
OP - International and American law enforcement have proven not to be any kind of solution. Shouting "stop it" reminds of a teacher who has lost control of her class. It is another failed attempt by Americans to impose "moralilty" through the law, supposedly protecting the public from drugs, this time "fentanyl madness." It;s always something. And with every major seizure, such as milions of doses that could kill every American multiple times over, one wonders how much is in distribution, and where the stacks of bodies are. Ingesting drugs is a voluntary act. It can be fatal, and cause great pain to families and friends...and if that's not enough it's already illegal and known to be deadly. So, to paraphrase Harry Callaghan, do you feel lucky...well, do you? The idiots do, and so far there is no stopping them. Maybe Darwin can.
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Albanian mafia battles Mexican drug cartels
in Guayaquil,recruits boys as young as
10 as hitmen
7 replies
Posted by FormerDem 10/4/2022 10:03:48 AM Post Reply
When Dashi Ergys was shot to death in an upscale Guayaquil restaurant in January, the media provided little information about him other than that he was Albanian. Despite the fact that he appeared to be specially targeted, many people assumed he was a tourist who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. It was more than a month later that a National Police commander revealed in comments during a radio interview that Ergys was under investigation for drug trafficking and that he was probably part of an Albanian mafia operating in Guayaquil, Manta and Esmeraldas, involved in shipping illegal drugs to Europe.
'Without gas or without you? Without you':
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Posted by FormerDem 9/12/2022 8:21:07 PM Post Reply
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The lesson from Joe Biden’s student
loan forgiveness?
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Posted by FormerDem 8/27/2022 11:40:29 AM Post Reply
Biden will get backlash from Republicans whether he does a little or a lot – so you might as well do a lot olitics is not like regular life; it’s worse. Things that are held as treasured virtues in the normal world are often political liabilities. We’ve all just been served with a shining example of how reflexive moderation – which is good when estimating measurements for recipes, or having drinks at a work party – becomes the tendency of a political fool. The wellbeing of countless Americans has long been sacrificed on the altar of moderation by the Democratic party, and all the Democrats win for it is maximal disgust.
Car bomb attack on 'Putin's Rasputin'
- who Vladimir deemed 'uncontrollable'
has 'all the hallmarks of a Russian GRU
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'often include a target's family', expert claims
8 replies
Posted by FormerDem 8/23/2022 10:36:52 AM Post Reply
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Nicaraguan police arrest Bishop Álvarez,
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10 replies
Posted by FormerDem 8/20/2022 11:25:59 AM Post Reply
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Russia building prison 'cages' to parade
captured Ukrainian soldiers in Mariupol
show trial
8 replies
Posted by FormerDem 8/16/2022 12:45:18 AM Post Reply
Captured Ukrainian fighters face being paraded in public prison cages on stage at Mariupol’s grand Philharmonic hall during an anticipated "show trial" of the prisoners of war. The trial of the Azov prisoners could happen as soon as August 24, Ukraine’s independence day, to give the Russians an appearance of a victory following months of failures in the eastern Donbas region. The makeshift holding cages and planned open trial heighten the risk of public executions, which Russian forces are said to be planning to shatter Ukrainian morale.
Trump Shatters All Fundraising Records
After Biden’s FBI Raids Mar-a-Lago
6 replies
Posted by FormerDem 8/10/2022 8:59:38 AM Post Reply
Trump shattered all fundraising records after Joe Biden’s jackbooted thugs raided Mar-a-Lago on Monday. “Breaking: is shattering all fundraising records and I’m told has raised more money in the past 24 hours than ever before in recent history! The American people are pi****!” Eric Trump said in a post on Truth Social Tuesday night.
The Trump-Haters Are Now Desperate 10 replies
Posted by FormerDem 6/21/2022 9:44:13 AM Post Reply
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Steelworks prisoners from Mariupol 'are
being tortured with pliers, electrocuted
and strangled' after being captured by
Russian forces
9 replies
Posted by FormerDem 5/30/2022 9:07:10 AM Post Reply
The French and German presidents urged Putin to return 2,500 prisoners of war Azov Battalion soldiers defended Mariupol steelworks for weeks despite barrage Now they're reportedly being tortured with pliers and electric shocks by captors It came as Ukrainian forces faced artillery in east and Odesa blockade drags on
Putin's commanders are slaughtering their
own wounded soldiersrather than retrieving
them from the battlefield for medical
treatment, captured Russian soldiers reveal
19 replies
Posted by FormerDem 5/16/2022 12:48:17 PM Post Reply
Russian commanders are slaughtering their own wounded soldiers instead of retrieving them from the battlefield for treatment, Putin's own troops have said. A lieutenant-colonel was accused of personally shooting dead multiple troops as they lay injured. [snip] ... Russians spoke out about the brutal killings of their own forces within the ranks. Captured troops recalled one commander asking a soldier if he could walk after suffering an injury, and when the man replied he could not, the officer killed him instantly.
Access to abortions needed for Ukrainian
refugees in Poland, UNHCR says
9 replies
Posted by FormerDem 5/13/2022 1:34:08 PM Post Reply
WARSAW - Women who have fled to Poland to escape war must have access to reproductive rights that meet international standards, including abortions, a top UNHCR official said on Friday, amid reports of rape and sexual violence in Ukraine. Poland has some of the most restrictive abortion laws in Europe, and human rights activists have raised concerns about the difficulties victims of rape from Ukraine fleeing to the country may face if they need to terminate a pregnancy.  CORRECTIONS*
Russia steps up Azovstal siege as freed
civilians reach Zaporizhzhia
1 reply
Posted by FormerDem 5/4/2022 10:28:59 AM Post Reply
Russian forces have shelled and attempted to storm the Azovstal steelworks, the last holdout of Ukrainian troops defending the southern port city of Mariupol, as a first convoy of refugees from the plant reached the city of Zaporizhzhia. Video footage showed thick smoke in the sky above the site where officials said up to 200 civilians, including children, remained trapped in a network of underground bunkers and tunnels with up to 2,000 Ukrainian soldiers. The Red Cross (ICRC) said more than 100 civilians had managed to escape in a convoy of buses and ambulances accompanied by ICRC and UN teams, joined by families and individuals in private vehicles.
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Posted by mc squared 10/5/2022 11:04:48 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 10/5/2022 12:44:02 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 10/5/2022 6:25:16 PM Post Reply
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Posted by NorthernDog 10/5/2022 2:21:37 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 10/5/2022 11:24:37 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 10/5/2022 10:59:00 AM Post Reply
The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and allied oil producing nations have backed plans to dramatically slash oil supplies in a bitter blow to President Joe Biden. At an OPEC Plus meeting in Vienna, the cartel's Joint Ministerial Monitoring Group recommended oil output is cut by 2 million barrels a day, or around two percent of the global oil supply. Ahead of the meeting, it was reported both Saudi Arabia and Russia were expected to push for reductions of 1 to 2 million barrels per day. The U.S. lobbied extensively against the move, according to CNN, which could cause gas prices to rise ahead of November's midterm elections.
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Posted by PageTurner 10/5/2022 10:04:13 AM Post Reply
With polls tightening and the U.S. Senate race coming down the wire in Pennsylvania, Democrat John Fetterman has resorted to ad hominem attacks to distract from his sorry record -- and the stupider and pettier, the better. He's down to calling his Republican rival, Mehmet "Dr. Oz" Oz a puppy killer, a bad doctor, a guy who looks like some character in The Simpsons, and heaven forfend, a man who drinks red wine instead of beer at tailgates: (Snip for tweet) Which didn't go over well with regular Pennsylvanians, who drink wine and beer at tailgate parties, and didn't particularly like being stereotyped rather narrowly as beer-drinking hardhats. On Twitter,
Poland demands €1.3 trillion in WWII
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20 replies
Posted by Moritz55 10/5/2022 1:35:12 AM Post Reply
Polish Foreign Minister Zbigniew Rau has signed a note to Berlin demanding WWII reparations, an issue which Germany says was settled in 1990. Warsaw has estimated possible reparations at €1.3 trillion. Polish Foreign Minister Zbigniew Rau signed a diplomatic note on Monday describing Warsaw's demands for reparations from Germany for World War II. Rau's announcement comes ahead of a visit to Poland by German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock, who is set to take part in German Unity Day celebrations on Monday at the German Embassy in Warsaw.
VEEP Impact: SUV carrying Harris crashes;
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19 replies
Posted by Imright 10/5/2022 9:08:05 PM Post Reply
Vice President Kamala Harris was involved in a one-car crash on a closed roadway in Washington, D.C., which the Secret Service initially misreported as a "mechanical failure," according to a report. The Monday morning crash has sent shock waves through the Secret Service, according to insiders speaking with the Washington Post. While the vice president wasn't injured, the nature of the accident has raised the question of how such a careless incident was able to occur within the prestigious agency. The SUV carrying Harris hit a curb of a tunnel with such force that the tire had to be replaced. The vice president was moved to another vehicle
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Jean-Pierre lectures reporter when asked
if Biden is responsible for gas prices
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took credit for them going down
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Posted by Imright 10/5/2022 1:17:05 AM Post Reply
White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre was asked Tuesday if President Joe Biden was responsible for gas prices going back up - after taking credit for them going down this summer. 'So it's a lot more nuanced than that, right?' she told Fox News Channel's Peter Doocy who posed the query. 'Peter, you know this.' Jean-Pierre pointed to the 'global challenges' that the U.S. and other countries have had to deal with since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic. 'There's been the pandemic and there's been Putin's war,' she noted.
Joe Biden in Florida: ‘Biggest Thing’
Ron DeSantis Did During Hurricane Ian
Was Recognize Global Warming
18 replies
Posted by Imright 10/5/2022 10:52:42 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden met with Florida Governor Ron DeSantis on Wednesday and toured neighborhoods in the aftermath of Hurricane Ian, but he immediately pivoted to global warming. “I think the one thing this has finally ended is the discussion about whether or not there’s climate change, and we should do something about it,” Biden said shortly after beginning his remarks. After his speech, Biden spoke to reporters about his visit and again brought up global warming. “First of all, the biggest thing the governor’s done and so many others have done is recognized this thing called global warming,” he said.
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