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Posts on Tuesday, July 12, 2022

My Democratic abuelos raised me. Here's
why I'm now a Republican running for Congress.
Posted by Moritz55 7/12/2022 11:55:54 PM Post Reply
My abuelos, who were Democrats, raised me to live the American dream in my hometown of Roswell, New Mexico. My grandfather spent his days digging ditches to provide for my schooling, put food on the table and keep me clothed. From there, I worked hard and excelled in my studies so that I was able to go to college, graduating from New Mexico Tech with a degree in environmental engineering. Now, I'm running for Congress – as a Republican. I'm not alone among my fellow Latinos in moving from a Democratic past to a Republican present.
Eric July Is About to Do What Marvel and
DC Comics Couldn't...Attract Readers
Posted by Dreadnought 7/12/2022 9:56:47 PM Post Reply
Loyal readers will know that I’ve been covering the decline of the American comic book industry for some time and noting that readership has primarily been dominated by Japanese Manga. American comic book companies like DC and Marvel have been shooting themselves in the foot for years as they allowed social justice and woke culture to infect their characters and storylines to the point where they’ve become unreadable. But while many of us have been content to complain about it and abandon American comics altogether, YouTuber Eric July (aka YoungRippa59) decided to do something about it. July began working with artists and writers to create the “Rippaverse,” a new comic universe 
Newsom calls criticism of his Montana
family vacation 'wrong and unfair'
Posted by NorthernDog 7/12/2022 8:47:40 PM Post Reply
Gov. Gavin Newsom is pushing back on criticism and news stories about his family vacation to visit his in-laws in Montana for the Fourth of July. A law then-Gov. Jerry Brown signed in 2016 bans taxpayer-financed travel to Montana and other states with policies that discriminate on the basis of gender identity or sexual orientation. Among countless state and national headlines blasting the governor's visit to his in-law's ranch, FOX News dubbed it the latest example of Newsom "flouting his own state laws." But some key details were overlooked, or dismissed, in the frenzy, Newsom said. “My frustration with the
Congress grapples with looming Obamacare
premium hikes ahead of midterm elections
Posted by Ribicon 7/12/2022 8:34:40 PM Post Reply
Democratic lawmakers making a last-ditch attempt to pass a tax and spending bill are now weighing whether to extend pandemic-era Obamacare subsidies to avoid skyrocketing premiums that will hit just as voters head to the polls in November. Senate Democrats negotiating the broad package are under pressure to include additional funding for the subsidies. Democrats approved the subsidies in March 2021 as part of a $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief package. The subsidies are set to expire on Dec. 31. If the subsidies are not extended, health policy experts say, premiums in the 33 states that use the government health care marketplace will rise by 53%
Biden fires back at 2024 doubts: Democrats
‘want me to run’
Posted by NorthernDog 7/12/2022 8:03:15 PM Post Reply
President Biden insisted Tuesday that Democrats want him to run for reelection, firing back at doubters after a poll showed a majority of primary voters wanted someone else at the top of the ticket in 2024. “They want me to run,” Biden said Tuesday evening when asked by a reporter, towards the end of the White House congressional picnic, for his message to Democrats who don’t want him to run for reelection. “Read the polls. Read the polls,” Biden continued. “You guys are all the same. That poll showed that 92 percent of Democrats if I ran would vote for
As Democrats And The Press Turn On Biden,
Remember: They Are The Regime That Empowered Him
Posted by Moritz55 7/12/2022 7:57:19 PM Post Reply
“Biden, At 79, Shows Signs Of Age And Aides Fret About His Image,” reads a headline on the front page of Sunday’s New York Times. It’s a goofy article; one that reluctantly tries to tackle the president’s publicly deteriorating mental faculties while claiming he’s still more fit than either Presidents Ronald Reagan or Donald Trump (Republicans). At one point, the reporter even cites “experts” who “put Mr. Biden in a category of ‘super-agers’ who remain unusually fit as they advance in years.” But foolishness aside, there it sits: an article questioning Biden’s fitness for office on the front page of the Sunday Times.
Woke Berkeley law professor brands Senator
Josh Hawley 'transphobic' for saying only
women can get pregnant and claims he's
encouraging violence against trans people
in fiery exchange on abortion rights
Posted by Imright 7/12/2022 7:35:39 PM Post Reply
Berkeley Law Professor Khiara Bridges accused Sen. Josh Hawley of 'opening up trans people to violence' after the Missouri Republican pressed her to say that only women could get pregnant in a heated squabble during a Senate committee hearing Tuesday. 'You've used a phrase I want to make sure I understand what you mean by it. You've referred to 'people with a capacity for pregnancy.' Would that be women?' Hawley asked during a Senate Judiciary Committee on abortion rights. 'Many women, cis women, have the capacity for pregnancy.
‘Folk Nation’ gang leader fired 11
shots at Brooklyn crowd: feds
Posted by Ribicon 7/12/2022 7:30:18 PM Post Reply
A longtime Brooklyn gang leader faces federal charges after he was caught on camera firing at a crowd of people—just five months after his release from prison, prosecutors allege. Kwyme Waddell, 30, the leader of murderous “No Love City” offshoot of the Chicago-based Folk Nation gang, is back behind bars, indicted Tuesday on federal felon-with-a-firearm charges. Waddell goes by the nickname “Big Homie,” leading a crew of gangbangers who were accused of going on “hunting expeditions” to track down and murder rival gang members. His time in New York State prison didn’t mellow his taste for violence, or his desire to brag about it later,
That Senate Abortion Testimony Just Got
Even Wackier
Posted by Imright 7/12/2022 7:28:53 PM Post Reply
As we reported previously, the Democrats are making some interesting arguments during a hearing on abortion in the Senate. That is to say, they’re wandering into trainwreck territory with one of the witnesses they put on — Khiara Bridges, who is a law professor at UC Berkeley School of Law. Bridges accused Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) of being transphobic because he asked if she meant “women” when she used the term “people with a capacity for pregnancy.” The professor then said he was opening up trans people to violence by the nature of his question. But she didn’t leave it there, she went full-bore unhinged. She had a fit with
Starbucks will permanently close 16 of
its stores in woke cities across the US
- including in Seattle, Los Angeles, Portland,
Philadelphia and DC - after staff are
accosted by customers high on drugs
Posted by Ribicon 7/12/2022 7:24:42 PM Post Reply
Starbucks is shuttering more than a dozen stores due to reports of rife drug use and disturbances by brazen members of the public at the popular cafés. The planned closures, announced Monday, will see 16 stores closed in several cities across the country—all set in left-leaning locales. The reported disruptions include drug use by paying customers and, more often than not, members of the public—who often take advantage of the company's open bathroom policy, which allows nonpaying patrons to use their facilities. As a result, the lavatories have in large part devolved into dens of debauchery, regularly used by vagrants and homeless to do drugs and engage in
Slew of scandals pose legitimacy problem
for Vietnam’s entrenched regime
Posted by Ribicon 7/12/2022 7:19:38 PM Post Reply
Bangkok—A scandal engulfing Vietnam’s foreign ministry and a number of other public and private bodies are testing Hanoi’s reliability as a linchpin of an anticipated U.S.-led Asian economic framework and as a bulwark in the international fight to tame the COVID-19 pandemic. Foreign Ministry, tourism, air, medical and manufacturing officials have been arrested and expelled from the ruling Communist Party in recent weeks. They are accused of pocketing $240 million by defrauding frightened Vietnamese citizens into paying inflated fees for government-arranged COVID-19 repatriation flights and cumbersome permits and of price-fixing emergency health care and equipment. The scandal and the regime’s crackdown have given a
“Beloved” local meteorologist attacked
in his home
Posted by earlybird 7/12/2022 7:06:11 PM Post Reply
CLEVELAND, Ohio - 19 News meteorologist Jon Loufman was attacked and severely beaten in his home on July 9, according to Bay Village police. Loufman has been hospitalized since the attack, and according to police, was in stable condition. Officers arrested Loufman’s son, Daniel Loufman. He is charged with felonious assault and is currently being held on a $1 million bond. Julia Loufman, Jon’s wife, was also arrested and is being charged with obstructing justice during the investigation. She is being held on a $30,000 bond. Both Julia and Daniel Loufman pleaded not guilty to the charges; they were arraigned via video this afternoon in Rocky River municipal court.
Twitter sues Elon Musk to enforce original
merger agreement
Posted by Dreadnought 7/12/2022 6:11:30 PM Post Reply
Twitter filed suit against Elon Musk in the Delaware Court of Chancery on Tuesday after the billionaire said he was terminating his $44 billion deal to buy the company. Twitter said Musk, after entering a binding merger agreement, now "refuses to honor his obligations to Twitter and its stockholders because the deal he signed no longer serves his personal interests." Twitter's suit was expected after Musk said late last week that he no longer plans to buy the social network, citing Twitter bots and claiming that the company didn't give him the information he needed to evaluate the deal.
Support for transgenders falls replies
Posted by earlybird 7/12/2022 6:08:44 PM Post Reply
A poll by Public Religion Research Institute, a lefty lobbying group, found that Lia Thomas has had an impact on how Americans view allowing transgenders competing with women athletes. Americans don't like it. PRRI's polled found that Will Thomas changing his name to Lia and winning all the women's swimming trophies turned people off. Four years ago, 50% supported allowing men who say they are women competing in women's sports. Now that Americans have seen this firsthand, only 36% do. In fact, a 61% majority of Americans oppose letting men who say they are women to compete in women's sports. Hey, in a democracy, you have to ban it, right?
Armed Threat Forces California Pregnancy
Center to Spend $150,000 on Security
Posted by Dreadnought 7/12/2022 6:01:23 PM Post Reply
Vandalism and violent threats, including one leveled by a man wielding a machete last week, have forced a California-based pregnancy center to spend $150,000 on securing the premises and defending the staff from harm, the director of the center testified Tuesday. Heidi Matzke, director of Alternatives Pregnancy Center, described the intimidation and danger her workplace has faced during her testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee . “Pregnancy care centers from coast to coast are being targeted for violent assaults of vandalism and hateful attacks online and in the media,”
Donald Trump Rally: Why Was Friday's Event
In North Carolina Canceled?
Posted by Imright 7/12/2022 5:57:57 PM Post Reply
Former President Donald Trump canceled his rally and appearances Friday in Greensboro, North Carolina, as Trump and his son Donald Trump Jr. and his daughter Ivanka Trump are scheduled to testify under oath Friday in New York in a probe of the Trump Organization. The event's organizers had cited "unforeseen circumstances" for the postponement, which was first reported by The News & Observer in Raleigh. A spokesperson for the American Freedom Tour confirmed to local media that the event was postponed for another date that is still to be determined.
Hunter's iPhoney replies
Posted by earlybird 7/12/2022 5:37:29 PM Post Reply
The "laptop" dumps were pretty bad. Apparently, the weapon-style "autists" over on the chans have managed to break the password for Hunter's iPhone backups. (snip) Expect the leaking of extremely nasty things to start in earnest, and the files have been seeded via torrents sufficiently at this point that there is no possible way for any government or any agency to stop it, particularly given that the password has also allegedly been leaked. So now you have the "chest", if you will, and the key to the lock is in the public domain. Whatever is in there and whatever it shows -- it will soon be everywhere.
Gateway Pundit Sends Official Letter to
Liz Cheney: You Knew FBI Assets Confirmed
Proud Boys Did Not Commit Sedition Yet
You Suppressed the Information
Posted by Imright 7/12/2022 5:32:23 PM Post Reply
On Monday morning TGP contributor Cara Castronuova released whistleblower documents, text messages, and audio transcripts of FBI informant James Knowles’s communications with his FBI handlers on January 6. The evidence exonerates Trump supporters and the Proud Boys of any conspiracy or planning to storm the US Capitol, to enter the US Capitol, or to overthrow official proceedings. This evidence was first reported by Cara at The Gateway Pundit. The “planned insurrection” was a lie. Now we have the proof!
The video Uvalde cops didn't want you
to see: 17 officers RAN AWAY from gunman
as he sprayed 100 rounds into two classrooms
full of kids - and they spent 77 minutes
doing nothing while 19 children and two
teachers were killed
Posted by Ribicon 7/12/2022 5:17:13 PM Post Reply
Leaked footage shows how cops in Uvalde, Texas ran away from the gunfire at Robb Elementary School as he fired more than 100 rounds at children in two classrooms. Video obtained by The Austin-American Statesman documents the police officers' failed response to the shooting at Robb Elementary School on May 24, in which 19 students and two teachers were killed.(Snip)A teacher could be heard telling 911: 'The kids are running. Oh my God.'(Snip)But Ramos calmly saunters into the building and walks through the hallways carrying his AR-15. He stops briefly to comb his hair before continuing to classrooms 111 and 112, where the massacre unfolded.
OPEC Expects to Increase Oil Output by
1 Million Barrels per Day in 2023
Posted by earlybird 7/12/2022 4:39:32 PM Post Reply
OPEC expects to increase oil output in 2023 by nearly 1 million barrels per day due to rising global demand. “In 2023, expectations for healthy global economic growth amidst improvements in geopolitical developments, combined with expected improvements in the containment of COVID-19 in China, are expected to boost consumption of oil,” the organization said in its monthly report released on July 12. Year over year, world oil demand is anticipated to rise by 2.7 million barrels per day (bpd), and overall demand is projected to reach 103 million bpd, (snip) Non-OPEC supply is expected to increase by 1.76 million bpd in 2023, with OPEC having to chip in an additional 940,000 barrels daily.
Florida school board cuts off dad's mic
as he reads from bestselling author Alice
Sebold's memoir 'Lucky' and slams schools
for providing pornography to children,
vows to protect his son from 'groomers
and pedophiles'
Posted by Ribicon 7/12/2022 4:06:29 PM Post Reply
A Florida school board was forced to cut off a dad's microphone after he read 'pornography' in an attempt to show people an example of books that can be found in schools. Bruce Friedman tried to read an excerpt from Alice Sebold's 1999 memoir 'Lucky,' which documents her rape as a college freshman and how it affected her. Friedman is the president of the Florida chapter of No Left Turn in Education, a group dedicated to the mission of 'reviving in American public education the fundamental discipline of critical and active thinking which is based on facts, investigation, logic, and sound reasoning.' (Snip)Friedman's microphone was cut off as he
Treatment of a general and ‘GI Roe’
shows Army’s free-speech double standard
Posted by Beardo 7/12/2022 4:06:12 PM Post Reply
Retired three-star US Army Lt. Gen. Gary Volesky is a true American hero. The former fighting man earned a Silver Star for valor while serving his country in Iraq. His bravery on the battlefield is unparalleled, his dignity unmatched. So why is Volesky today sitting at home, his reputation in tatters, his post-service career in limbo? (snip) Compare Volesky’s treatment to that of “G.I. Roe,” an active-duty medic who’s been burning up social media with an angry rant about the ditching of Roe. The woman, who posted a profane TikTok video under the name Sgt. Rahasenfratz, even suggested that she might find it difficult or impossible to fulfill her duties
Milwaukee El Rey shootout, man killed
was wanted
Posted by Ribicon 7/12/2022 4:02:59 PM Post Reply
Milwaukee—A triple shooting at a south side grocery store that left two people dead Saturday, July 9 is being reviewed by the district attorney's office. Police say a security guard was shot by another man and that man was then shot by another security guard. Family says Luis Lorenzo, 36, would often come to El Rey for food. They say he was profiled by store security. In the end, police say Lorenzo shot and killed security guard Tony Nolden during an altercation and another security guard shot and killed Lorenzo.(Snip)What is known is that Lorenzo was wanted at the time for failing to appear on felony drug dealing
Video: Second Amendment Saves Lives –
Texas Dad Shots Two Robbery Suspects After
His Car Is Targeted While Infants Are Inside
Posted by Black Conservative Voice 7/12/2022 3:55:18 PM Post Reply
A Houston-area father who was arriving home with his wife and two infants shot two teen suspects who apparently attempted to rob them, the Harris County Sheriff’s Office says. Deputies responded to the home in the 6800 block of Feather Creek Drive just after midnight on Monday,KRIV-TV reported. Video from the scene shows a bullet hole in the side of the car after the father shot through the back window where his infants were still in their car seats. The shooting unfolded around midnight in the 6800 block of Feather Creek Drive.
There's No Way Joe Biden Survives This:
Democrats Must Jettison Him Before Midterm
Season Heats Up
Posted by Hazymac 7/12/2022 3:51:40 PM Post Reply
As the Hunter Biden story continues to explode in scandal and scope, it’s becoming impossible to hide. Even if Fake News and Big Tech keep up their efforts to suppress it, it’s so vast and egregious that it’s going to erupt into a campaign issue in the fall — and Democrats can’t have that. I previously predicted that party handlers would keep Biden in place until after the midterm elections, then use him as a sop for all the Democrat’s failure vibes before jettisoning him ahead of the 2024 election season. But now, I don’t think they can wait that long: Hunter’s laptop and iPhone disaster is ballooning out of control.
McDonald’s Worker Who Prays with Customers
Deemed ‘Gift from God’
Posted by Beardo 7/12/2022 3:49:02 PM Post Reply
A woman in Mississippi is sharing her faith in a touching way with people she encounters at work, WLOX reported Wednesday. (snip) Brenda Wilson told WLOX it is something God has commanded her to do for others, stating, “Because all things are possible through Jesus Christ.” Wilson also said, “We have times that we have to go through, but he allows me 15 seconds with each one that I pray with. It’s like, when they leave and have tears in their eyes, I know God touched your heart.”
School Board Accepts Grant for ‘Gender-Affirming’
Clothing for High School Students
Posted by Beardo 7/12/2022 3:36:40 PM Post Reply
Missouri’s Columbia Public Schools Board of Education this week accepted a $10,000 grant for the creation of what has been described as a “gender-affirming closet” to offer articles of clothing to high school students to assist them in affirming their chosen gender. (snip) The grant, which the school board accepted on Monday, will establish the creation of an actual closet for students of Rock Bridge High School, which will feature articles of clothing to help teenagers find clothing to affirm their chosen gender.
Pro-life women’s clinic vandalized,
police say
Posted by Ribicon 7/12/2022 3:30:28 PM Post Reply
Baton Rouge, La.—A pro-life medical clinic was vandalized in Baton Rouge on Tuesday, July 12, according to the Baton Rouge Police Department. BRPD said officers responded to Woman’s New Life Clinic on Colonial Drive around 6:30 a.m. after reports of the building being vandalized. Photos taken at the scene show words written in red spray paint splattered across the front and side of the clinic. According to its website, the clinic offers an array of services, including help with unplanned pregnancies, professional counseling, family planning, abortion pill reversal, and more. The investigation remains ongoing.
UC Berkeley Law Professor Accuses Senator
Josh Hawley of Transphobic Violence During
Senate Hearing
Posted by Beardo 7/12/2022 3:24:44 PM Post Reply
Comrades, the professional moonbats went to Washington today to advance the Democrat position on baby killing. UC Berkely Law School Professor, Khiara M. Bridges, claimed to be a victim of transphobic non-binary violence today while being questioned about women and abortion. After hearing Professor Bridges speak about “people for the capacity for pregnancy” in her testimony, Senator Josh Hawley attempted to understand exactly who Ms. Bridges was talking about because the Senate Judiciary hearing was assembled to discuss the legal consequences of the recent Supreme Court Dobbs decision on abortion.
Church of England refuses to define the
word 'woman'
Posted by Beardo 7/12/2022 3:16:29 PM Post Reply
The Church of England refused to offer up a definition of a woman, arguing that recent developments required "additional care" when attempting to define the word. (snip) The comments sparked widespread criticism, with GB News personality Calvin Robinson arguing that offering a definition should not be difficult. "The definition of ‘woman’ is not a complex moral problem," he said. "It is a scientific and biblical truth. How can you trust someone who cannot speak the truth about such basic facts?"
White House pleads with Americans over
50 to get fresh vaccine shot: ‘It could
save your life’
Posted by Ribicon 7/12/2022 3:15:07 PM Post Reply
With the blazingly contagious BA.5 coronavirus variant blitzing communities across the nation, the White House on Tuesday pleaded with middle-aged and elderly Americans to get a fresh vaccine if they have not. “For people who are 50 years of age or older, my message is simple,” Dr. Ashish Jha, the White House COVID coordinator, said at a virtual news briefing. “If you have not gotten a vaccine shot in the year 2022—if you have not gotten one this year—please go get another vaccine shot.” Jha said summer shots will not prevent Americans from getting a strain-specific jab in the fall. “It could save your life,”
Georgia notifies 142,000 registered voters
who might have moved
Posted by Ribicon 7/12/2022 3:09:43 PM Post Reply
Georgia election officials are mailing notifications to over 142,000 voters who appear to have moved to different states or counties, a step toward eventually canceling their registrations. Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger said the notifications will help improve the accuracy of Georgia’s voter registration list, which includes about 7.7 million voters.(Snip)Nearly 63,800 Georgians appear to have registered to vote or obtained a driver’s license in another state, according to data from the Electronic Registration Information Center, an organization of 31 states. An additional 45,700 moved to a different county within Georgia, and 32,800 moved out of state, according to national change of address forms submitted to the U.S. Postal
More than 1,000 children were raped and
sexually exploited over 30 years in Telford
where police and council officials 'ignored'
abuse over fears investigating Asian men
would 'inflame racial tensions'
Posted by Ribicon 7/12/2022 2:33:39 PM Post Reply
More than 1,000 children were raped and sexually exploited over 30 years in Telford where police and council officials 'ignored' abuse over fears investigating Asian men would 'inflame racial tensions', an inquiry has concluded. It found that children were brainwashed by men using a 'loverboy method' to reel them in, as they operated a 'rape house' in Wellington. A public inquiry was launched by Telford and Wrekin Council after a Sunday Mirror investigation in 2018 concluded that around 1,000 children could have been sexually exploited in the Shropshire town over a 30-year period.(Snip) 'While there were no findings of corruption, our actions fell far short of the help
NYPD hunt for 'serial stabber' targeting
homeless men on park benches in New York
City, leaving at least one dead
Posted by Ribicon 7/12/2022 2:13:16 PM Post Reply
The NYPD is hunting a 'serial stabber' who attacked three homeless men sleeping on park benches across the city, leaving one dead, during a seven-day crime spree. The unidentified man's crime-ridden week began on July 5 around 3am on the Hudson River Park walkway in Manhattan's West Village. The attacker, who goes by the name Delly, was seen wearing a sweatshirt from Innocence Project—a nonprofit that helps exonerate the wrongly convicted—when he approached a man, 34, lying on a park bench and 'displayed an unknown sharp object.' He then stabbed the man in the stomach before fleeing on foot and was later seen casually cruising around
Unaccompanied migrant children found along
border, given snacks by agents
Posted by Ribicon 7/12/2022 1:59:44 PM Post Reply
A pair of tiny unaccompanied migrant children at the US-Mexico border were rescued by agents Monday evening, disconcerting photos show—highlighting the heartbreaking reality of President Biden’s border crisis. The unescorted youngsters were walking along the Mexico side of a chain-link fence on the banks of the Rio Grande at about 5:30 p.m. Monday when a Texas Highway Patrol officer noticed them and guided them to a gap in the fence patrolled by military officials at Eagle Pass, Texas. The children were then given a seat on a cooler and some snacks, including what appeared to be a bag of Doritos, photos show. One unsettling image
Biden’s wealthy and clueless White House replies
Posted by Moritz55 7/12/2022 1:48:37 PM Post Reply
How does President Joe Biden, with pride, call oppressive gasoline prices “an incredible transition?” The same way his millionaire energy secretary tells hard-pressed Americans to solve their financial problems by buying a $60,000 electric car. This White House is inhabited by revolving door careerists who got rich through decades of moving into a plum federal job, then out to a law firm/PR/lobbyist/consultant––and then back in again to burnish the resume. It’s called losing touch with middle America and everyday hardships.
Why judges might balk at forcing Musk
to buy Twitter
Posted by Garnet 7/12/2022 1:10:28 PM Post Reply
Elon Musk and Twitter may be stuck with each other — and that could change the trajectory of the long-running battle over speech on the platform. After Musk pulled out of his deal to buy Twitter, Angelo Carusone, president of progressive watchdog Media Matters for America, hailed it as a step back from a “dark future” where the platform acts as a “supercharged engine of radicalization.” Donald Trump Jr., writing on his father’s Truth Social app, declared there is “zero chance of free thought or speech” on Twitter going forward.
Video shows kids “hitting the dirt”
after gunfire at Wilson Little League championships
Posted by Ribicon 7/12/2022 1:01:18 PM Post Reply
Wilson, N.C.—A decision hasn’t been yet on whether to cancel a Little League state championship tournament in Wilson after a shooting Sunday morning during one of the games. This as multiple teams have already dropped out. It happened around 10:30 a.m. at the Gillette Athletic Complex on Corbett Avenue. Pius Walcourt’s son was playing at the time and says,” One of the shots impacted in the outfield right by my son and there were several players that were right there also.”(Snip)Video obtained by WITN from a parent showed players, coaches and officials “hitting the dirt” after three shots were heard. The video shows one shot crossing the
Nearly $2tn of damage inflicted on other
countries by US emissions
Posted by Ribicon 7/12/2022 12:19:11 PM Post Reply
The US has inflicted more than $1.9tn in damage to other countries from the effects of its greenhouse gas emissions, according to a new analysis that has provided the first measurement of nations’ liability in stoking the climate crisis. The huge volume of planet-heating gases pumped out by the US, the largest historical emitter, has caused such harm to other, mostly poor, countries through heatwaves, crop failures and other consequences that the US is responsible for $1.91tn in lost global income since 1990, the study found. This puts the US ahead of China, currently the world’s leading emitter, Russian, India and Brazil as the next largest contributors to global
Sri Lanka’s Gotabaya Rajapaksa fails
in effort to flee country
Posted by Ribicon 7/12/2022 12:17:04 PM Post Reply
The Sri Lankan president, Gotabaya Rajapaksa, has made a failed attempt to flee the country as airport staff stood in his way and forced him to beat a humiliating retreat. Rajapaksa, who is due to officially resign on Wednesday after months of demonstrations calling for him to step down, was reportedly trying to escape to Dubai on Monday night. Officials said immigration staff prevented the president from going to the VIP area of the airport to stamp his passport and he would not go through the ordinary queues for fear of being mobbed by the public.(Snip)It appears that the president has attempted to follow several avenues of escape
‘Dead Honky’ – College of Education
Department Chair Commits to ‘Death of Whiteness’
Posted by Ribicon 7/12/2022 12:08:38 PM Post Reply
A department chair at the University of Denver's College of Education wrote an article calling on educators to "commit to realizing the death of whiteness." The April 2022 article features a call to academics and critical race theorists to join the author in committing themselves to the "death of whiteness," specifically asking them to take up the "verbal effigy 'dead honky.'"(Snip)The article, authored by D.L. Stewart, proceeds to use the skit to expound upon a model of "white violence," which the author argues consists of "malicious white terror," "rhetorical white innocence," "white contempt and white transmission," and finally "pacifying white concession." Stewart contends that "whiteness is itself a violence"
Pete Buttigieg is ineffective and should
be fired
Posted by Ribicon 7/12/2022 12:07:56 PM Post Reply
Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg went on national television news and told the watching audience he’s wrapped 10 investigations into late and canceled flights and has “launched another ten or so that we’re going to pursue.” That’s great. Ten plus ten equals 20—now only another, umm, 10,000 or so and surfaces will really start to be scratched. And 10,000 is perhaps low.(Snip)Airlines, by one count, were handed $54 billion or so in tax-paid bailouts so as to keep them operational and staffed in COVID-19 times and by logical extension, thereafter—and Buttigieg’s big idea to address the obvious misuse of these funds is to call for more
How Angela Merkel's Green Agenda Caused
the Economic Collapse of Germany
Posted by Ida Lou Pino 7/12/2022 11:44:03 AM Post Reply
Remember how the world, especially the American media, fawned over former German Chancellor Angela Merkel? The adoration was so over the top that in 2015 Time magazine named Merkel its "Person of the Year." It described her as the "Chancellor of the Free World." Time owes whatever readers it has left a solemn apology. Today, Germans are suffering the bitter fruits of nearly every major economic and geopolitical decision Merkel made as chancellor. Start with the German economy that she attempted to reset for the 21st century, which is reminiscent of how President Joe Biden explains to inflation-weary voters that we are going through "an incredible transition."
Hunter Biden payments to Eastern European
escort ring were flagged by bank: Report
Posted by Ida Lou Pino 7/12/2022 11:30:18 AM Post Reply
Hunter Biden's payments to a Ukrainian woman linked to an Eastern European escort ring were flagged by JPMorgan Chase in late 2018 and early 2019 in a report filed with the federal government, according to a new report. Hunter spent over $30,000 on escorts, many of them linked to ".ru" Russian email addresses, who worked with a "model agency" called UberGFE between November 2018 and March 2019, [snip] Biden claimed to members of his family that he was broke during that time, but he was able to make payments to the escorts thanks in part to President Joe Biden committing to wiring him a total of $100,000
Jill Biden calls Latinos 'unique as breakfast tacos' replies
Posted by PageTurner 7/12/2022 11:29:51 AM Post Reply
If you thought Joe Biden and Kamala Harris were the only gaffe machines in town, check out the impressive challenger to the title, first lady Jill Biden. According to the New York Post: A Hispanic journalist group rebuked First Lady Jill Biden after she said Latinos were as unique as “breakfast tacos” during a speech in San Antonio on Monday. Jill Biden was praising civil rights icon Raul Yzaguirre during the annual conference of UnidosUS when she made the bizarre compliment. Yzaguirre led the advocacy organization, which used to be known as the National Council of La Raza, for three decades.
Seattle jail closes booking area due to
staffing shortage
Posted by Ron_lfp 7/12/2022 11:26:22 AM Post Reply
The King County Department of Adult and Juvenile Detention (DAJD) in Washington state closed the booking area at their Seattle jail on Sunday night due to a lack of staff. (snip) "By closing the booking area, anyone arrested by a police agency in King County for a crime like DUI, domestic violence assault, or even felony charges like murder or rape (snip) Corrections Guild is very concerned about the impact this will have on the region's public safety. "With violent crime at an all-time high and murders happening almost daily in King County, the jails must remain open for violent offenders (snip) must be off the street."CORRECTION*
First Image by James Webb Space Telescope
Shows ‘Deepest’ Ever View of Universe
Posted by Ida Lou Pino 7/12/2022 11:15:22 AM Post Reply
NASA chief Bill Nelson [snip] on Monday released the first image from the new James Webb Space Telescope showing a cluster of thousands of galaxies known as SMACS 0723 in “overflowing detail” as they existed billions years ago. [snip] The image is called Webb’s First Deep Field and is the “deepest and sharpest” infrared image of the distant universe to date. It is a composite made from images taken at different wavelengths exceeding the Hubble Space Telescope’s deepest fields.CORRECTION*
Jill Biden Has Her Press Secretary Apologize
for Her Over Comparing Latinos to Tacos
Posted by Imright 7/12/2022 11:13:07 AM Post Reply
First Lady Jill Biden really goofed when she decided to compare Latinos to tacos. As RedState previously reported, Biden messed up not once, but twice in the same sentence, first by saying the Latin community is “as distinct as the bogidas (sic) of the Bronx, as beautiful as the blossoms of Miami, and as unique as the breakfast tacos here in San Antonio.” (Tweet/Video) Well, now she says she’s sorry for that comment…or at least that’s what her press secretary says she says. Micahel LaRosa sent out a tweet on Tuesday morning saying that Biden apologizes if “her words conveyed anything but pure admiration and love for the Latino community.”
“I’m Really Frightened… I’m Scared”
– 69-Yr-Old Grandma, Drug Counselor,
and Cancer Patient Joins Greg Kelly Before
She Is Sent to Prison on Tuesday for Walking
Inside US Capitol (VIDEO)
Posted by Imright 7/12/2022 11:03:48 AM Post Reply
Pam Hemphill is a former drug and alcohol counselor who has been sober for 42 years and helped thousands of addicts find sobriety. Pam Hemphill is a 69-year-old grandma. Pam Hemphill is a cancer patient. And Pam Hemphill is going to prison for 60 days for walking into the US Capitol on January 6, 2021 and taking video. They say she was trespassing. A misdemeanor.The government wants to make sure Pam suffers for opposing the regime. ** Joe Hoft wrote about Pam on Monday. On Monday night Pam told Greg Kelly on Newsmax TV that she’s scared. She’s never been to prison.
NYC Chief Judge Janet DiFiore under ethics
probe at time of resignation announcement: report
Posted by Dreadnought 7/12/2022 10:47:52 AM Post Reply
New York Chief Judge Janet DiFiore had been facing a state ethics probe when she made her Monday announcement that she was leaving her post at the end of August, according to a report. The investigation, conducted by the state Commission on Judicial Conduct, is examining whether DiFiore wrongly interfered in the disciplinarily hearing of the president of the state’s court officers association, Law 360 reported, citing documents and a person familiar with the matter. Dennis Quirk, the court officers union leader and critic of DiFiore, faced punishment for threatening to post copies of an old newspaper story about an alleged affair
Twitter faces 'nightmare scenario' as
Elon Musk exit slams shares
Posted by Black Conservative Voice 7/12/2022 10:40:23 AM Post Reply
Twitter shares plunged Monday in the first day of trading since Elon Musk abandoned his $44 billion agreement to buy the company – and one tech industry analyst warned of a potentially disastrous long-term scenario for the embattled social media firm. Twitter’s stock sank 11% as investors reacted to the exit. Musk’s move that sets up a lengthy court battle likely to weigh on company shares for months or years to come and added to the challenges facing CEO Parag Agrawal, according to Wedbush analyst Daniel Ives.
Politico Poll Shows No One Listening to
Rigged January 6 Committee
Posted by Imright 7/12/2022 10:02:07 AM Post Reply
In October 2021, 67 percent of Republicans said Donald Trump “should run” for president again in 2024. Today, 66 percent say the same. Put another way: the Rigged Kangaroo Court Known As The January 6 Committee, is a total flop. “Former White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson’s vivid testimony last month to the select House committee investigating the Jan. 6 Capitol attack was the latest to shake Washington, but much like the panel’s other public hearings,” Morning Consult reports, “it appears to have done little to change Americans’ minds about another presidential bid by Donald Trump, according to a new Morning Consult/Politico survey.”
Street racing patrols stop hundreds of
drivers over the weekend
Posted by Ribicon 7/12/2022 9:47:54 AM Post Reply
The Minnesota State Patrol stopped hundreds of drivers and arrested scores over the weekend after warning it would clamp down on illegal street racing and violent crime in Minneapolis. After a night of lawlessness on July 4 that included motorists shooting fireworks at other vehicles, high-rise condos, pedestrians and even first responders in Minneapolis' Mill District, Department of Public Safety (DPS) Commissioner John Harrington said the agency, which includes the State Patrol, would put extra troopers on Minneapolis streets Friday and Saturday nights.(Snip)"Troopers from across Minnesota assisted and are thankful for the local law enforcement support they received while working." On Friday night, troopers stopped 279 drivers
Do You Miss America Yet? What Life Behind
Bars In Russia Is Like For America-Hating
Brittney Griner
Posted by PeterWolosin 7/12/2022 9:01:14 AM Post Reply
The Brittney Griner story has been one which tears at us from two sides. When we hear about an American being detained in a foreign country for offenses which are considered minor here in the U.S., we often become sympathetic, depending on the infraction, of course. And when we learn that the country holding that prisoner is an archrival or enemy such as China, Iran, North Korea, or Russia, our sympathies become that much stronger. In the case of Brittney Griner, however, things aren’t that simple. Griner, who has been detained in a Russian prison since her arrest at a Moscow airport for possession of cannabis oil
GOP Operative Predicts Donald Trump Will
Announce Run for President Early to Prevent
a DeSantis Run in 2024
Posted by AmericaFirstAlways 7/12/2022 8:49:53 AM Post Reply
CNN contributor and Republican consultant Scott Jennings predicts that former President Donald Trump will announce an early Presidential bid to prevent Florida Governor Ron DeSantis from running in 2024. Jennings observed that given DeSantis’ popularity, specifically with conservatives across the country, he is a Trump-like figure without the baggage. Jennings said: “I definitely think there are a lot of Republicans out there who voted for Donald Trump twice, maybe gave him money, wanted to see him succeed who know we cannot drag the country and the party through this again in 2024, that he’s the least likely Republican to have a chance to win the White House …
Elon Musk says Donald Trump ‘too old’
to run in 2024
Posted by Lets Go Brandon 7/12/2022 8:36:09 AM Post Reply
Elon Musk said former President Donald Trump should not run for a second term, arguing that he’s too old and “too much drama.” The Tesla CEO, who had vowed to reinstate Trump’s Twitter account before he moved to terminate the $44 billion acquisition of the social media giant, responded late Monday to a Twitter post from Breitbart News that included a clip of Trump slamming the tech mogul as “another bullsh-t artist.” “I don’t hate the man, but it’s time for Trump to hang up his hat & sail into the sunset,” the world’s richest person tweeted in response to Trump’s comments.
Child hits and swears at cop in ‘heartbreaking’
video from Minnesota
Posted by AltaD 7/12/2022 8:28:20 AM Post Reply
Shocking video footage has emerged of a young child repeatedly hitting a Minnesota cop who was there to arrest a murder suspect — calling the officer a “b—h” and telling his colleague to “shut the f–k up!” The clip released by Alpha News was filmed last week in St. Paul, a city that saw widespread rioting after the nearby police murder of George of Floyd and manslaughter of motorist Daunte Wright. “Shut up, b—h!” screamed the young child, who appeared to be only a few years old and wearing just underwear while standing in the street, with an even younger child in a diaper just behind him.
Citing crime concerns, Starbucks announces
closure of 5 of its Seattle coffee stores
Posted by NorthernDog 7/12/2022 8:22:49 AM Post Reply
SEATTLE — Higher crime rates and safety concerns have prompted Starbucks to close several of its coffee shops in Seattle and Everett, the company said Monday. Five stores in Seattle are slated to close their doors, including prominent locations in the Central District, Westlake Center, Capitol Hill, Roosevelt and Union Station, with a total of 16 shops around the U.S. slated to shut down by July 31. Starbucks says the stores were chosen based on their level of crime and whether crime rates could be lowered. Each location has seen its own share of issues that range from vandalism to arson
Dr. Pierre Kory: Super Interview replies
Posted by Judy W. 7/12/2022 7:57:13 AM Post Reply
Apologies for being late with a post today. The day was a busy one for me, with much of it spent transcribing what I thought were the especially relevant parts of an interview with Dr. Pierre Kory, President of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC). (Snip) I think readers will find these lengthy excerpts quite interesting and even powerful. The focus—at least of the excerpts I’ve included below—is on excess mortality resulting from the Covid injections, as well as treatment for those who have been injured. What I’ve left out are the portions that deal with the efforts on the part of the American Board
Hopelessness is all the Democrats have left replies
Posted by DW626 7/12/2022 7:31:20 AM Post Reply
It looks like President Gremlin may be done. The Dems are starting to turn on him. Both the New York Times and The Atlantic have run stories that Democrat party leaders are questioning old Joe’s ability to do the job. Duh! In fact, according to the Daily Mail, one anonymous Democrat lawmaker called the Biden administration, “rudderless, aimless, and hopeless.” And that was from somebody on his own team – ouch. But I have to disagree with whoever coined that term. They’re more wrong than right. There has been nothing aimless or rudderless about anything Biden has done.
There’s No Despot So Tyrannical As A
Green Politician
Posted by RockyTCB 7/12/2022 6:56:15 AM Post Reply
Reports of unrest over environmental policies from the Netherlands and Sri Lanka are much more than novelty news. What is happening in both spots is a lesson that has to be learned quickly. If not, there’s deep trouble ahead. Dutch farmers, whose history of crop yields puts them among the most productive in the world, continue to protest rules that limit their use of nitrogen, a nutrient in commercial fertilizers that converts to nitrous oxide, which is feared as a greenhouse gas. Officials expected them to cut use 50% nationally, which means in some regions, the reductions will be as high as 95%.
Studies Show The Electric Vehicles Democrats
Insist You Buy Are Worse For The Environment
And Lower Quality
Posted by GustoGrabber 7/12/2022 6:53:13 AM Post Reply
Many people believe electric vehicles are higher quality than gas-powered vehicles and are emissions-free, which makes them much better for the environment. But two recent studies have shown that electric cars have more quality issues than gas-powered ones and are not better for the environment. J.D. Power has produced the annual U.S. Initial Quality Study for 36 years, which measures the quality of new vehicles based on feedback from owners. The most recent study, which included Tesla in its industry calculation for the first time, found that battery-electric vehicles (EVs) and plug-in hybrid vehicles have more quality issues than gas-powered ones
Fatal Electric Car Crash with a Parked
Semi So Horrific a Special Crash Investigation
Unit Has Been Assigned
Posted by GustoGrabber 7/12/2022 6:45:46 AM Post Reply
Another fatal accident involving an electric vehicle left two Lompoc, California, natives dead last week near Gainesville, Florida. A 66-year-old female and 67-year-old male inside a 2015 Tesla Model S exited Interstate 75 and entered a rest stop on Wednesday, Fox Business reported. The vehicle proceeded to crash into the back of a parked 18-wheeler, and both people in the Tesla died.
Americans Want Trump Back replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 7/12/2022 4:32:33 AM Post Reply
In a sign that he is about to announce another presidential campaign, Donald Trump released a video this week of his awesome Boeing 757 being refurbished. This is the airplane he used to campaign during his successful 2016 election. According to Trump, “Now it has been completely modernized and renovated, and looks GREAT, all done in the Great State of Louisiana, and coming back to the skies in the Fall of 2022, or maybe sooner. Get ready!” Americans are definitely “ready” for the return of Donald Trump to the White House, especially after 18 months of the worst presidency in United States history.
The Discussion of Holocaust Victim Anne
Frank's 'White Privilege' Has Begun
Posted by ladydawgfan 7/12/2022 4:24:02 AM Post Reply
Just when you thought things in our society can’t get dumber, the woke left set their beers down and somehow manage to top themselves. OK, no one actually thought things couldn’t get dumber, but you get the idea. Anne Frank, a victim of the Holocaust and whose diary has had a profound impact on millions of lives, is now being accused of having possessed “white privilege.” Yes, a young girl who was killed in one of Hiter’s death camps was apparently part of the oppressive class because she had white skin and her dad owned a business. This wasn’t just a fringe thing either. It actually trended on Twitter
Wanted Florida man tries to escape deputies
on John Deere lawnmower, will go away
for a lawn, lawn time
Posted by ladydawgfan 7/12/2022 4:13:38 AM Post Reply
He tried to cut and run. A wanted Florida man who gave cops the slip in January by diving into a swamp was finally busted last week after trying to flee deputies on a lawnmower. The Okaloosa County Sheriff’s Office said they spotted Dusty Mobley, 40, behind the wheel of a John Deere lawnmower Saturday and shouted at him to hit the ground. The law-breaking landscaper, they said, had several outstanding warrants and had managed to escape a prior arrest attempt by jumping off a stolen boat and vanishing into a swamp. Mobley floored the lawnmower and tried to putter away from deputies who hustled after him on foot.
Hispanic Journalists Drag Jill Biden for
Comparing Them to 'Breakfast Tacos'
Posted by ladydawgfan 7/12/2022 4:03:57 AM Post Reply
No, that headline isn’t satire. Jill Biden did actually compare Hispanics to “breakfast tacos” on Monday while speaking in San Antonio. She also apparently can’t pronounce the word “bodega,” instead going with “bo-gah-da.” Was she trying to cop a faux-Spanish pronunciation to up her street cred? The First Lady has a history of such, including her infamous “si-se-podway” gaffe during the 2020 campaign. As RedState reported, these latest flubs came during something called a “LatinX IncluXion” conference, which can be translated to “Democrats want to lose Hispanic voters.” And while the right has had a good time with the “breakfast tacos” comment,
What planet is he on? Biden asks 'what
the press is like' in faraway worlds after
being shown first images from $10 billion
Webb space telescope
Posted by Ribicon 7/12/2022 12:22:20 AM Post Reply
President Joe Biden unveiled a stunning new image of distant galaxies on Monday night from NASA's James Webb space telescope—then promptly cracked a joke about reporters in those faraway places. The telescope, which cost the National Air and Space Administration roughly $10 billion, produced the sharpest, deepest image of the universe ever seen by mankind.(Snip)Shooting a grin toward reporters, the president added, 'I wonder what the press is like in those other places.' The media was then ushered out of the room, where officials will continue briefing Biden along with Vice President Kamala Harris. Harris opened the event as chair of the National Space Council
Exclusive: CA First-Grader Disciplined,
Harassed By School Officials For Writing
'Any Lives' Matter on BLM Drawing
Posted by Beardo 7/12/2022 12:20:41 AM Post Reply
In a school discrimination case that could set a precedent for beleaguered parents across the country frustrated with Critical Race Theory-related issues in the classroom, a California woman is set to file suit against her child’s school district after her 7-year-old daughter was punished and humiliated for drawing a Black Lives Matter picture for her friends that also included the sentiment that “any lives” matter. (snip) Jane was forced to apologize to her friend for drawing the picture…but not privately. Jane had to deliver the apology on the playground in front of her fellow students and school staff. On top of the apology, Jane was “benched” as punishment,
Ohio AG: ‘Not a whisper’ to support
claim of 10-year-old rape victim seeking abortion
Posted by Ribicon 7/12/2022 12:15:09 AM Post Reply
Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost has seen no indication that a 10-year-old girl from his state traveled to Indiana for an abortion, fueling questions about the veracity of a report President Biden cited to boost his pro-choice agenda. Mr. Yost said Monday that his office has heard “not a whisper” about a case involving the rape of a young Ohio girl, which went viral last week.(Snip)“Something that may be even more telling: My office runs the crime lab,” Mr. Yost added. “Any case like this, you’re going to have a rape kit, you’re going to have biological evidence, and you’d be looking for DNA analysis,
Jill Biden can’t say ‘bodega’ —
and it brought back Peggy Hill comparison
Posted by Ribicon 7/12/2022 12:10:37 AM Post Reply
First lady Jill Biden on Monday mispronounced “bodega” during a speech to a Hispanic advocacy group—drawing renewed comparisons to cartoon fellow teacher Peggy Hill. Biden hailed the “bow-get-taas” of The Bronx during a speech in San Antonio, Texas, with such confidence that social media users recalled the “King of the Hill” cartoon character, a substitute teacher in Texas who taught Spanish without being able to correctly say “Español.” The first lady’s pronunciation was closer to that of Colombian capital “Bogotá” than the standard pronunciation “bow-day-guh.” The term bodega in the US refers to a small neighborhood grocery. It originated with New York City’s Puerto Rican
Biden says Parkland school shooting took
place in 1918 in latest gaffe
Posted by Ribicon 7/12/2022 12:07:00 AM Post Reply
President Biden confused his centuries on Monday, saying that 17 people were gunned down at a Parkland, Fla., high school in “1918,” rather than 2018. “Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida—1918, 17 dead, 17 injured,” the oldest-ever US president said on the White House lawn as he celebrated a gun-policy law that he signed last month to enhance background checks on young would-be firearm buyers, among other reforms.(Snip)Last month, Biden struggled to read “LGBTQI+” from a teleprompter, saying instead, “LGBTQL, I, excuse me, plus.” In May, he also struggled to say AANHPI—a term for people of Asian or Pacific Islander ancestry
Breaking: Two are killed and three wounded
in shootings at four 7-Eleven stores in
California as firm handed out free Slurpee
drinks to celebrate its 95th birthday
Posted by Ribicon 7/12/2022 12:04:21 AM Post Reply
Two people were killed and three wounded in shootings before dawn Monday at four 7-Eleven stores in Southern California and authorities said they were seeking a lone gunman in at least three of the shootings. The shootings appear to have occurred after robberies or attempted robberies at the four convenience stores on July 11, or 7/11—a day when the national 7-Eleven brand is celebrating its 95th birthday by giving out free Slurpee drinks.(Snip)'There's no way it can be a coincidence of it being 7-Eleven, July 11.'(Snip)Surveillance photos, posted to social media by Brea police, show a masked man wearing a black sweatshirt
Abortion divides Democrats in key primaries replies
Posted by Dreadnought 7/12/2022 12:01:06 AM Post Reply
Tallahassee, Fla. — Democrats are turning on Democrats over abortion. Democrats running for governor in several states have started publicly chiding their primary opponents for not doing enough to ensure abortion rights in the aftermath of the Supreme Court’s recent decision to overturn the landmark 1973 Roe v. Wade decision. In Florida, Democratic Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried has hammered Rep. Charlie Crist (D-Fla.), a former Republican governor of the state, for his convoluted and evolving stance on abortion. Rhode Island Gov. Dan McKee was criticized by his primary rivals for not going far enough to protect abortion access in the state.
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