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Posts on Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Is your area at risk from rising sea levels?
Nearly 200,000 coastal homes and businesses
in England could be Underwater by the
2050s, study warns
Posted by Imright 6/14/2022 11:58:40 PM Post Reply
Nearly 200,000 homes and businesses in England are at risk of being lost to rising sea levels by the 2050s, a new study has warned. Researchers said the country could face around 14 inches (35cm) of sea level rise compared to historic levels within 30 years and is nearly certain to see close to 3ft (1m) of advancement by the end of the century. It comes a week after the official in charge of Britain's flood protection said some of Britain's seaside towns and villages may have to be abandoned because of rising seas and coastal erosion. The new study also cautioned that it may not be possible to protect some communities,
Trump-Endorsed Russell Fry Defeats Impeachment
Republican Tom Rice
Posted by Imright 6/14/2022 11:49:38 PM Post Reply
Trump-backed conservative Russell Fry defeated incumbent Rep. Tom Rice (R-SC) in South Carolina’s primary Tuesday evening, marking another successful endorsement for the former president. Decision Desk HQ called the race late Tuesday night, as did others: (Tweets) As of 10:47 p.m. Eastern time, with over 95 percent of the vote in, Fry led Rice 51.1 percent to 24.6 percent, per the New York Times. Rice, one of the ten House Republicans who voted to impeach former President Donald Trump, has continued to defend his decision to vote alongside Democrats, stating during a recent appearance on ABC’s This Week that he would only consider supporting Trump in the future if
Democrats Can’t Define a 'Woman,' But
They’re Sure About 'Violent White Supremacist'
Posted by Imright 6/14/2022 11:45:30 PM Post Reply
When it comes to defining a “woman,” Democrats begin navel gazing with such passion and expertise a Yogi experiencing Samadhi would be envious. What preschoolers take for granted, drives Democrats to apoplexy. Most of us figured out the difference between boy parts and girl parts prior to mastering tetherball. Apparently, the mystical state of “woman” is so complex it stumped an esteemed oracle of jurisprudence. Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson was asked by Senator Martha Blackburn to define the word “woman.” Jackson was stunned by Senator Blackburn’s Gordian Knot—if only Alexander the Great were still around to whisper the solution into Jackson’s ear.
BREAKING UPDATE: Republican Mayra Flores
Wins Big in Texas 34th Congressional District
Special Election
Posted by Beardo 6/14/2022 11:40:45 PM Post Reply
Update: Republican Mayra Flores wins big – FLIPS TEXAS SEAT RED!! AP called the race for Flores. (snip) Republicans spent big to sweep a special election in Texas’ 34th Congressional District. Joe Biden won this district in 2020 by less than 5 points. A GOP win could mean a massive red wave is on the horizon. The seat “ranges from east of San Antonio down to Brownsville, largely along the Gulf Coast before reaching the US-Mexico border,” CNN reported. Democrat Rep. Filemon Vela resigned earlier this spring and the Republicans are fighting to take the seat, although it will be gone this fall due to redistricting.
Some Afghan refugees now have chance to
avoid terrorism designation that blocked
path to U.S.
Posted by Ribicon 6/14/2022 11:32:08 PM Post Reply
Doctors, teachers, engineers and other Afghans who were forced to associate with the Taliban will now have a chance at asylum or visas after the Biden administration loosened a terrorism-related designation on Tuesday, according to government officials and documents reviewed by the Los Angeles Times.(Snip)Some can be flagged with the terrorism designation for as little as paying their electricity bill to the Taliban, paying money to get through a Taliban checkpoint or obtaining a passport issued by the Taliban. Others can get the designation for having worked as civil servants under Taliban rule in the 1990s. Among them are Afghan citizens who assisted the U.S. government.
Doctors ‘baffled’ by a ‘mysterious’
new ‘sudden death syndrome’ killing
healthy young people
Posted by Harlowe 6/14/2022 11:26:55 PM Post Reply
They’re calling it Sudden Adult Death Syndrome, or SADS for short. Just like SIDS – Sudden Infant Death Syndrome – when healthy babies die suddenly(Snip)Except it occurs in adults. And children and teens too, though the name doesn’t reflect that. Yet.(Snip)It’s as though a warp-speed developed, never-before-used on humans, powerfully immune- and gene-modulating injection that hijacks cell machinery to churn out spike proteins (now recognized as the deadliest bit of the COVID-19 coronavirus), still in clinical trials, and linked to lethal inflammatory heart diseases like myocarditis and blood clotting disorders, could not possibly have anything to do with unexplained deaths.
Authentic Feminism is Pro-Life. Just Ask
Susan B. Anthony | Opinion
Posted by Beardo 6/14/2022 11:20:54 PM Post Reply
The pro-life movement stands at the threshold of a new era. If the draft opinion in the Dobbs case holds, Americans will have a new debate on abortion policy with the potential to save millions of lives. I hope it also sparks a rebirth of authentic feminism. As the leader of a pro-life organization that honors the legacy of Susan B. Anthony and the pioneers of women's rights, I am often asked how we know those remarkable women were pro-life. To start, Anthony's Quaker ethic was grounded in nonviolence and the equality of men and women.
FBI official had unauthorized contacts
with reporters for years: DOJ watchdog
Posted by Imright 6/14/2022 11:15:45 PM Post Reply
A top FBI national security official involved in Crossfire Hurricane had dozens of unauthorized contacts with the media over several years, the Department of Justice's watchdog concluded. Justice Department inspector general Michael Horowitz’s office concluded in a newly released investigative report that retired FBI official Michael Steinbach violated numerous bureau rules through his meetings and communications with reporters, though prosecution against him was declined by DOJ. Steinbach had been executive assistant director of the FBI’s national security branch until his retirement in February 2017 and played a role in the FBI’s flawed Trump-Russia investigation.
The Fed Created the Next Recession | Opinion replies
Posted by Beardo 6/14/2022 11:10:22 PM Post Reply
The long-term driver of inflation, and the reason we have so much inflation, is the fact that we printed six and a half trillion dollars in 48 months and grew the money supply by 40%. That is simply what's driving all of this, and all of the other things are just sort of add-ons to the supply chain. Is Russia's invasion of Ukraine driving some of it? Yes. Is that the main driver? No. The longer-term structural issue is the fact that we grew the money supply by six and a half trillion dollars. That's what's driving inflation at the end of the day.
Gentlemen, please, skip the infighting
and hammer the Democrats!
Posted by Imright 6/14/2022 11:08:43 PM Post Reply
They came, they saw, they squabbled. The first Republican gubernatorial debate was fastpaced and fiery, but too much of the heat was aimed in the wrong direction. Granted, it’s a primary, but the intramural fighting left little time or energy for taking aim at the Democrats. As a result, it was impossible to detect if any one of the four candidates — Rob Astorino, Andrew Giuliani, Harry Wilson and Lee Zeldin — has the right stuff to be the next governor. And that’s a pity. A red wave is forming nationally because of the disastrous performance of Joe Biden and the Dem-controlled congress.
No record found of 'unlikely' claim Biden
made to Naval Academy graduates that he
had been 'appointed to the Academy in 1965'
Posted by Imright 6/14/2022 11:00:26 PM Post Reply
A records search didn't turn up evidence for a claim President Joe Biden made last month when he told graduates of the U.S. Naval Academy he almost was one of them. The New York Post reported Tuesday that curators for the Delaware Historical Association in Wilmington went 'box-by-box' searching for Naval Academy nominations made by the late Delaware Sen. J. Caleb Boggs in the early to mid-1960s. During the May 27 ceremony in Annapolis, Biden told the crowd he had been 'appointed to the Academy in 1965 by a senator who I was running against in 1972,'
GOP Rep. Tom Rice, Who Voted to Impeach
Trump, Loses to Trump-Backed Challenger
Posted by Beardo 6/14/2022 10:51:53 PM Post Reply
Rep. Tom Rice (R-SC), who voted to impeach former President Donald Trump last year, will lose his primary to a Trump-backed challenger. State Rep. Russell Fry won the race in a relative blowout as one of six candidates who were vying to unseat Rice. Decision Desk HQ called the race at 10:37 ET. (snip) Rice was among only 10 House Republicans who voted to impeach the former president after the Jan. 6 Capitol attack. Trump said of Rice, “He lifted up his hand and that was the end of his political career — or we hope it was.”
Biden Sticks His Foot in His Mouth, Acknowledges
Sad Truth About His Intelligence
Posted by Imright 6/14/2022 10:19:48 PM Post Reply
Joe Biden stuck his foot in his mouth when he confessed a basic truth about his intelligence on Tuesday. I wrote earlier how his White House Press Secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, has no idea or is lying about what caused the skyrocketing inflation. She was confronted with the fact that economists say Biden’s American Rescue Plan contributed to the inflation and she claimed the Plan helped deal with inflation. But that ignorance flows down from the top — from Joe Biden. We reported on Joe Biden’s wild rant before the AFL-CIO in Philadelphia, where he chastised people for daring to criticize his reckless spending
'Since I took office, families have less
debt and more savings': Biden makes series
of false claims as he addresses labor
unions - and gets angry as he slams 'lies
about his reckless spending'
Posted by Imright 6/14/2022 10:07:43 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden told the largest federation of labor unions on Tuesday that he's working to rebuild the U.S. economy around workers - while at one point falsely declaring that families have less debt and more savings than when he took office. The speech before the AFL-CIO convention in Philadelphia was the president's attempt to reset the terms of the debate on the economy as his own approval ratings have slid while consumer prices - and the cost of gasoline - have surged. 'Since I took office, with your help, families are carrying less debt nationwide. They have more savings nationwide,' Biden said.
Michelle Obama’s Get Out the Vote Event
in L.A. ‘Sparsely Attended’ Despite
Selena Gomez Appearance
Posted by Imright 6/14/2022 10:03:04 PM Post Reply
Actress, producer, and pop singer Selena Gomez touted Michelle Obama at the first-ever, but sparsely attended, When We All Vote Culture of Democracy Summit, in L.A. on Monday. “This work is incredibly important to me, especially when I think about the people who sacrificed so we can all exercise our right to vote,” Gomez said as she introduced the former first lady, according to PopSugar. The one-time Disney star insisted that she and the summit aimed to urge more people to vote in American elections and to “to change the culture around voting and increase participation in each and every election.” (Tweet)
Developing: Live Results: Texas 34th Congressional
District Special Election – Republican
Flores vs Democrat Sanchez
Posted by Imright 6/14/2022 9:51:41 PM Post Reply
Republicans spent big to sweep a special election in Texas’ 34th Congressional District.Joe Biden won this district in 2020 by less than 5 points. A GOP win could mean a massive red wave is on the horizon.The seat “ranges from east of San Antonio down to Brownsville, largely along the Gulf Coast before reaching the US-Mexico border,” CNN reported.(Snip) According to AP as of 8:39 pm Central: Republican Mayra Flores: 12,169 (49.3%) Democrat Dan Sanchez: 11,106 (45.0%) Flores and Sanchez are not the only ones running in this special election which means it could go to a runoff if neither of them win a majority of Tuesday’s votes.
Joe Biden is Yelling at Everyone Again replies
Posted by earlybird 6/14/2022 9:43:31 PM Post Reply
Earlier today, angry Joe was channeling his inner thug as he harkened back to the good old days when labor unions were cracking skulls on behalf of the communists and socialists. Giving the pretense of connection to the working class is a performance technique Biden has used throughout his career, but it holds absolutely no basis in reality. Appearing at the AFL-CIO convention today, Biden began yelling at the brotherhood. In his mind anger, violence and conflict is what he believes organized labor is all about, so his performance is designed to convey that connection. It’s more than a little weird, it’s creepy. WATCH:
As a black man who refuses to be a victim,
I have a very different definition of
who the white supremacists are
Posted by Ribicon 6/14/2022 9:41:35 PM Post Reply
What exactly is “white supremacy”? People these days seem to have their own definition for this ever-present phrase, molding it into whatever suits their particular agenda. Since it appears to be fluid, I’d like to present another definition. White supremacy is a belief system that holds black people as continuous victims in a white-majority society, deeming them incapable without the benevolence of white people or the government and constantly portraying them as impoverished, weak-willed, overly emotional, mentally fragile and without fortitude. It fuels the idea that black people constantly need a helping hand because they will always be marginalized and incapable of doing for themselves otherwise.
What we need to win the war: Kyiv demands
HUGE supply of 500 tanks, 300 rocket systems
and 1,000 howitzers to beat Russia as
fighting rages in Donbas city with Ukrainian
troops told to 'surrender or die'
Posted by Ribicon 6/14/2022 8:28:07 PM Post Reply
Volodymyr Zelensky's top adviser has told the West to dramatically step up deliveries of heavy weapons if Ukraine is to defeat Russia's invasion. Mykhailo Podolyak said Monday that Kyiv needs 1,000 howitzers, 300 rocket artillery systems, 500 tanks, 2,000 armoured vehicles and 1,000 drones 'to end the war'. The eye-watering shopping list amounts to an army's-worth of Western equipment and goes well beyond both what has been supplied so far and what Ukraine itself has been requesting. Put in context, 500 new tanks would be more than the UK and Germany have in active service combined, while 1,000 howitzers and 300 rocket launchers is more than the US
Biden bombs again by misidentifying civil
rights leader as ‘Karen Nagasaki’
Posted by Ribicon 6/14/2022 8:22:43 PM Post Reply
President Biden added to his list of gaffes Monday by misidentifying Karen Narasaki, a former member of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, as “Karen Nagasaki.” Ms. Narasaki was on hand for the president’s flub, which came at a White House signing ceremony for a bill to study the creation of a National Museum of Asian American and Pacific Islander History and Culture. “And all of it’s an embodiment of so many of you here today, leaders in civil rights like Karen Nagasaki and Karen Korematsu,” said Mr. Biden, as shown in a video posted on YouTube. “Where are you? Where are the Karens? There you go.”
Iowa Democrat Senate candidate wants to
make state 'liberal' like California
Posted by NorthernDog 6/14/2022 8:04:27 PM Post Reply
During a campaign event at a high school in Des Moines, Iowa, retired Navy Vice Admiral Michael Franken, the Iowa Democrat taking on longtime Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley, said that he wanted to "change" the state to have more "progressive thought" than California. "Like Iowa used to be," Franken said. "We would swing at ideas well before states like California." "We were the generators of good ideas," the Iowa Democrat added. However, Franken’s goal to surpass the Golden State in liberalness may not be the golden messaging he’s looking for as inflation rises nationwide, but especially in California. The U.S.'s
Teammate Says Trans UPenn Swimmer Lia
Thomas is ‘Mentally Ill’
Posted by Ribicon 6/14/2022 7:14:07 PM Post Reply
A teammate of Lia Thomas, the transgender swimmer who upended college swimming last season, says that Thomas is “mentally ill.” According to an interview the University of Pennsylvania swimmer anonymously gave to the Washington Examiner, Thomas spent the 2021/22 swimming season refusing to come to terms with the damage he was doing to his “real” female opponents and teammates.(Snip)“You can tell he is mentally ill,” the natural-born female UPenn swimmer told the Examiner. “I saw the [GMA interview] and was so disgusted.” The former Thomas teammate added that Thomas is not living in reality and has flatly refused to accept that he has upset many of his
US defence contractor in talks to take
over NSO Group’s hacking technology
Posted by Ribicon 6/14/2022 7:05:04 PM Post Reply
The US defence contractor L3Harris is in talks to take over NSO Group’s surveillance technology, in a possible deal that would give an American company control over one of the world’s most sophisticated and controversial hacking tools. Multiple sources confirmed that discussions were centred on a sale of the Israeli company’s core technology–or code–as well as a possible transfer of NSO personnel to L3Harris. But any agreement still faces significant hurdles, including requiring the blessing of the US and Israeli governments, which have not yet given the green light to a deal.(Snip)NSO’s government clients are known to have used the surveillance technology to target journalists, human rights
These 27 Democrats voted against protections
for Supreme Court justices
Posted by Tet Vet 68 6/14/2022 6:49:35 PM Post Reply
The House passed a bill Tuesday to increase security for Supreme Court justices' immediate families, with 27 Democrats voting against, less than a week after a man was arrested for allegedly plotting to kill Justice Brett Kavanaugh.
Who ordered the $115 steak? Inflation
sends NYC restaurant prices soaring
Posted by Ribicon 6/14/2022 6:41:21 PM Post Reply
Hey, big spender. New Yorkers who love to dine out are reeling from the latest affront—huge price hikes for standard dishes with no “luxury” ingredients such as foie gras or truffles in sight. Roast chicken for $40. Halibut for $50. Pasta dishes starting at a whopping $42. Rampant inflation has landed with a splat on Big Apple restaurant menus, and it’s taking a big bite out of customers’ wallets. The cost of eating in a “midmarket” Manhattan restaurant has soared.(Snip)Based on my own experiences and owners’ estimates, New Yorkers going out for a meal should be prepared to pay 20% more across the board.
Adam Kinzinger's Excuse for the January
6th Hearing Being Postponed Doesn't Pass
the Smell Test
Posted by Dreadnought 6/14/2022 6:39:56 PM Post Reply
As RedState reported earlier, the January 6th committee suddenly postponed its next hearing, which was set to take place on Wednesday. That came after infighting among the members broke out into the open on Monday over whether the committee should issue criminal referrals, including possibly for Donald Trump. When I wrote the initial report on the postponement, the excuse given by sources to the mainstream media was that they needed more time to prepare video exhibits. To even those supportive of the committee, that shouldn’t make any sense. Are we to believe these congressional members, who have been planning these hearings for a long time, waited until the day before
BREAKING: Mitch McConnell Says He Will
Likely Vote For Gun Control Bill That
Includes Red Flag Laws (VIDEO)
Posted by DW626 6/14/2022 6:11:03 PM Post Reply
Here we go. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) on Tuesday said he will likely vote for the gun control legislation that 10 Republicans agreed to over the weekend. “For myself, I’m comfortable with the framework and if the legislation ends up reflecting the framework, I’ll be supportive,” McConnell told reporters on Tuesday. McConnell is the 11th Republican senator to announce support for the gun control measure which means the Democrats easily have enough votes to overcome the filibuster. RINOs like McConnell, Lindsey Graham, Collins, Toomey and others always fold to Democrat demands.
Biden is 'leaning toward' lifting some
of the tariffs that Trump slapped on China
during trade war after 'candid' talks
Jake Sullivan had with Chinese counterpart
that lasted four and a half hours
Posted by Ribicon 6/14/2022 6:02:02 PM Post Reply
President Biden is eyeing up a lift on some Trump-era Chinese tariffs, in a move to tackle red-hot inflation that risks angering the labor movement and making him appear weak on China. Desperate to demonstrate action to drive down 8.6 percent inflation, Biden and his top officials are considering shedding some of the up to 25 percent tariffs that now cover $350 million worth of goods imported from China.(Snip)The report comes after National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan held a 4.5 hour meeting with his Chinese counterpart Yang Jiechi where he reportedly brought up concerns about China's 'aggression' toward Taiwan. Both Treasury Sec. Janet Yellen and Commerce Sec.
Leaked Internal Twitter Slack Chat: 'I
Don't Think Deplatforming Libs of TikTok
is Going to Cause a Mass Exodus'
Posted by Dreadnought 6/14/2022 5:54:10 PM Post Reply
The Twerps at Twitter are conspiring to ban the account Libs of TikTok for reposting publicly available flyers about “family pride events” that have seen protesters show up in opposition to the public sexualization and grooming of children during “Pride” month all over the country. One of the events was a “drag queen story hour” that protesters interrupted at a library in San Francisco. The left has been breathlessly accusing Libs of TikTok of putting people’s “lives in danger” and calling the account owner a “domestic terrorist” for reposting publicly available information. “Chaya Raichik of Libs of Tik Tok is going to get somebody killed,”
White House Advisor Calls for Big Tech
to ‘Jump In,’ Censor So-Called Disinformation
Posted by Dreadnought 6/14/2022 5:51:22 PM Post Reply
Here we go again! White House National Climate Advisor Gina McCarthy said “we need the tech companies to really jump in” to combat so-called disinformation and misinformation. It’s not the first time the Biden administration has advocated for Big Tech censorship. McCarthy spoke at an Axios event titled “A conversation on battling misinformation.” During the event, she called on tech companies to get more involved. “[T]he tech companies have to stop allowing specific individuals over and over again to spread disinformation,” she said. Axios described the event as an examination of “real world impacts of misinformation on public health and climate action.” When asked
Property prices PLUNGE by up to 20% across
parts of US as buyers shun the market
amid 'Bidenflation' and spiking interest rates
Posted by Imright 6/14/2022 5:49:26 PM Post Reply
Property prices are falling across the United States by up to 20 per cent as buyers adapt to soaring inflation under Joe Biden's government.Homeowners in parts of the US have been cutting prices by as much as 10%, David J. Steinbach, the global chief investment officer of Hines - one of the world's foremost private real estate investors - told Bloomberg.His comments come on the heels of a report from that highlighted ten cities in America where the median home prices dropped as much as 18.7% in March.Another report in the real estate news outlet Redfin found that roughly one in five sellers dropped the asking prices
Liar Liar, Narrative on Fire: Schiff and
Cheney Get Clown-slapped for J6 Whopper
Posted by Imright 6/14/2022 5:38:08 PM Post Reply
The January 6 Panel, which is made up of beltway dung beetles, including political shape-shifters Adam Schiff (D-CA) and Liz Cheney (Rino-WY), was called out for vomitously spewing another load of bull scramble. Adam “Pinocchio” Schiff, the genius who squawked on CNN that he had seen evidence of Trump/Russia collusion but then sheepishly testified under oath that he had not, was blasted along with his skullduggery comrades for their latest lie by none other than the Capitol Police Chief. FACT-O-RAMA! The January 6 Panel canceled this Wednesday’s episode of their televised circus show. #NoOneCares #FixInflationYouIdiots
Video: Maxine Waters Looks Like James
Brown Dun Got Reassignment Surgery
Posted by Black Conservative Voice 6/14/2022 5:33:49 PM Post Reply
Last week in Los Angeles, Congresswoman Maxine Waters joined Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s Congressional delegation in attending the Ninth Summit of the Americas, the only meeting between national leaders of the North and South American continents and a critical forum to discuss and address the region’s shared challenges and opportunities. Our delegation was a total disgrace with Biden leading the pack! Maxine Waters however came in close second after she was caught on a video where she looks like James Brown dun got reassignment surgery! California Congresswoman Maxine Waters was getting ready to speak up about the House Democrats’ plan and efforts to build...
Report: Biden Admin-linked Special Interests
Got More PPP Loan Forgiveness
Posted by Ribicon 6/14/2022 5:06:27 PM Post Reply
A report released Tuesday by the Functional Government Initiative (FGI) suggests that Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) recipients with ties to Biden administration personnel received loan forgiveness at a higher rate than the general population. The FGI, a new research organization dedicated to “improving the American public’s awareness about the officials, decisions, and priorities of their government,” compiled a database on loan forgiveness using the government’s own data.(Snip)The findings show more than $272 million was given to former employers and clients of at least 197 political appointees (spanning 33% of Cabinet officials). Many of these entities have substantial influence in the current Administration. More than 95 percent of these loans
House Passes Supreme Court Security Bill
after Weeks of Dem Obstruction
Posted by Dreadnought 6/14/2022 4:14:51 PM Post Reply
The House passed a bill extending additional government-funded security to the Supreme Court justices and their families on Wednesday, sending the legislation to President Biden for final approval. The House voted 396-27 in favor of the bill, with only Democrats voting against. The Senate passed the bill by voice vote on May 9, amid threats to justices after the leak of a draft opinion indicating that the Court could overturn Roe v. Wade. The bill was initially sponsored by Senators John Cornyn (R., Texas) and Chris Coons (D., Del.). Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell (R., Ky.) called on House Democrats to “stop their blockade” of the bill on June 8
Joy Behar says David Axelrod 'should keep
his mouth shut' about President Biden's age
Posted by NorthernDog 6/14/2022 4:12:48 PM Post Reply
Discussing speculation over whether President Biden would run for reelection in 2024, "The View" host Joy Behar said Tuesday that David Axelrod, a former adviser to Barack Obama, should "keep his mouth shut" about president's age. "David Axelrod should keep his mouth shut. And you know what, Ronald Reagan's rule was thou shall not speak ill of a fellow Republican. And I say onto you, David Axelrod, do not speak ill of a fellow Democrat," Behar declared. Guest host Alyssa Farah brought up Axelrod's comments in a New York Times article from Saturday, headlined "Should Biden Run in 2024? Democratic
Vindicating the Promise of America With
Clarence Thomas
Posted by Garnet 6/14/2022 3:54:42 PM Post Reply
The following interview is an excerpt from Michael Pack and Mark Paoletta's new book, Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words, out from Regnery this month. It has been lightly edited for clarity. MP (Michael Pack): Would you say affirmative action is one of [those] instances where people are using racial discrimination to achieve a specific objective they think is best? CT (Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas): To be honest with you, I don't even know what "affirmative action" is. People come up with euphemisms, everybody is for something that affirmatively acts—to do what, I don't know. Most people don't know. Whatever it is, it's often defined as equal opportunity
DHS chief Mayorkas accused of ‘apparently
misleading’ testimony to Senate about
disinformation board
Posted by Ribicon 6/14/2022 3:49:15 PM Post Reply
Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas gave “apparently misleading” testimony to Congress about his disinformation board, Senate Republicans charged Tuesday in a letter demanding Democrats call Mr. Mayorkas back for another chance to explain what he’s doing. Mr. Mayorkas told lawmakers in a May 4 hearing that the board had “not yet begun its work,” but new documents show the board was stood up earlier this year, the secretary signed a charter, and board members were already meeting with social media giant Twitter.(Snip)But talking points prepared by former board executive director Nina Jankowicz “appear to show that the Department does in fact monitor American citizens and that the Board’s work
Sen. Warnock omits key details on brother's
past conviction he blames on 'pandemic
of racism'
Posted by Beardo 6/14/2022 3:33:36 PM Post Reply
Democratic Sen. Raphael Warnock, who repeatedly points to the "pandemic of racism" when speaking of his brother’s life sentence, conveniently has been leaving out details that his brother was a corrupt police officer convicted of facilitating a cross-country drug trafficking operation, a report says. (snip) But in public statements, especially since the killing of George Floyd in May 2020, Warnock has left out the detail that his brother served in law enforcement in claiming Coleman was a "first-time" and "nonviolent" drug offender sentenced to life in prison because of the "pandemic of racism."
Rapper Roddy Ricch leads ‘F–k the
NYPD’ chant after gun raps dismissed
Posted by Ribicon 6/14/2022 2:45:03 PM Post Reply
Rapper Roddy Ricch performed at Hot 97’s Summer Jam on Sunday—when he led the crowd in a “F–k the NYPD” chant just hours after gun possession charges against him were dropped in Queens. The Grammy-winning artist, whose real name is Rodrick Moore, had been busted at a security checkpoint outside the Governors Ball festival at Citi Field on Saturday night after a security guard found a loaded Canik 9mm stashed under the front passenger seat of the black 2020 Cadillac Escalade he was in. A large-capacity magazine that contained nine rounds of ammunition was also found, police sources said. Moore, 23, was arrested along with
Biden blames Republicans, Russia for soaring inflation replies
Posted by NorthernDog 6/14/2022 2:04:11 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden on Tuesday blamed Republicans and the Russian invasion of Ukraine for soaring US inflation, in a bid to deflect voter anger over his inability to keep prices down. Speaking to trade unions in Philadelphia on the eve of the Federal Reserve's likely decision to raise interest rates again, Biden said inflation is "sapping the strength of a lot of families." (Snip) But he rejected arguments that his government's massive spending to stimulate the economy at the tail end of the Covid-19 pandemic was to blame, instead citing shockwaves from Ukraine and Republican obstruction. "Under my plan for
Caterpillar to move headquarters to Texas
from Illinois, another blow to the Chicago area
Posted by NorthernDog 6/14/2022 1:54:06 PM Post Reply
Caterpillar Inc. said Tuesday it will move its global headquarters from Illinois to an existing divisional office in Irving, Texas, in the Dallas-Forth Worth area, in another blow to the Chicago area, which last month lost the Boeing Co. headquarters. The move is “in the best strategic interest of the company,” Chief Executive Jim Umpleby said in a statement. The heavy-machinery maker has had a presence in Texas since the 1960s, it said. Even with the move, Illinois has the largest concentration of Caterpillar employees anywhere in the world, the company said. The headquarters was historically in downstate Peoria, Ill.
Report: 23 Pro-Life Organizations Vandalized,
Firebombed by Pro-Abortion Activists in
Recent Weeks
Posted by Ribicon 6/14/2022 1:31:25 PM Post Reply
At least 23 pro-life organizations have reportedly been vandalized in recent weeks. The pro-life organizations have been either firebombed or vandalized by radical leftists, according to Catholic Vote: 1. Hollywood, FL—South Broward Pregnancy Center and Archdiocese of Miami Respect Life Ministry 2. Asheville, NC—Mountain Area Pregnancy Services 3. Manassas, VA—First Care Women’s Health(Snip)Many of the attacks have been brutal and vulgar in nature. “If abortions aren’t safe then you aren’t either,” vandals wrote on a Wisconsin Family Action facility. In Oregon, Gresham Pregnancy Resource Center was reportedly firebombed on Saturday. Images show a burned-out shell inside the center’s facility, according to Life News.
Small Business Owners’ Expectations
for the Future Fall to New 48-year Low
Posted by Black Conservative Voice 6/14/2022 12:15:47 PM Post Reply
Small business owners in America are feeling their gloomiest in nearly five decades, a survey released Tuesday morning showed. The National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) said its gauge of businesses expecting better business conditions over the next six months fell to the worst reading in the 48-year history of the survey. This measure’s previous all-time high was set in April. Inflation continues to be a problem for small businesses with 28 percent of owners reporting it is their single most important problem in operating their business. That is below the 32 percent recorded in April, the highest reading since the fourth quarter of 1980.
The Ukraine Echo Chamber Goes Full Chernobyl replies
Posted by Hazymac 6/14/2022 12:00:42 PM Post Reply
The lid blew off the Ukraine echo chamber this week as Russian artillery pulverized Ukrainian forces in Donbas. Ukraine has lost 10,000 dead, 40,000 to 50,000 wounded, and 8,000 captured. It is running out of Soviet-era ammunition for its limited artillery. A month ago the whole American body politic, from progressive left to neo-conservatives, drank the victory Kool-Aid. Remember when Russia’s incompetent, corrupt army was about to be swept from the field? As is their wont, the Russians blundered around and took losses for a few weeks before figuring out how to wage an old-fashioned, World War II-style artillery campaign. “It’s been so long since anyone  CORRECTION*
Steve Bannon dares Merrick Garland to
pursue charges against Trump over U.S.
Capitol riot
Posted by Ribicon 6/14/2022 11:59:26 AM Post Reply
Former Trump adviser Steve Bannon says GOP lawmakers would impeach Attorney General Merrick Garland if the Justice Department pursues charges against former President Donald Trump over the House Jan. 6 committee’s findings. In his “War Room: Pandemic” podcast on Friday, Mr. Bannon said Americans are unmoved by the committee’s findings unveiled during a prime-time hearing Thursday, reiterating claims that the 2020 election was stolen. “Trump won the presidency,” Mr. Bannon said. “And he is the legitimate president of the United States and your guy is illegitimate, and the American People are awakening to that.” “I dare Merrick Garland to take that crap there last night, and try to indict
John Roberts’ Refusal To Release Dobbs
Opinion Is Jeopardizing The Lives Of His Colleagues
Posted by PCMM 6/14/2022 11:22:32 AM Post Reply
Roberts’ refusal to issue the Dobbs decision has opened the floodgates for a bevy of continued threats and acts of violence against sitting members of the court from left-wing anarchists. (Snip) While the leaked Dobbs majority draft opinion striking down federally legalized abortion has generated enthusiasm from pro-life activists, the prospect of SCOTUS overturning Roe has pushed an already unhinged left to the breaking point. Since the draft’s publication in Politico, leftists have repeatedly shown up in droves at the homes of the Republican-appointed members of the court in order to harass and intimidate the justices into keeping Roe in place.
A worrying phone call adds to concerns
about Sen. Dianne Feinstein's cognitive health
Posted by NorthernDog 6/14/2022 11:21:08 AM Post Reply
Journalist Rebecca Traister set out to write a profile of the oldest sitting U.S. senator, Dianne Feinstein of California, who turns 89 on June 22. And while Traister's feature piece does center on Feinstein's long and storied career, it also evokes questions about the senator's cognitive health. NPR's All Things Considered spoke with Traister, a writer for The Cut, about a worrying call she had with Feinstein two days after the school shooting in Uvalde, Texas. "It felt to me to be deeply disconnected from the very urgent and chilling realities that we are very much in the midst of,"
Race must be considered in determining
legality of police stops and seizures,
WA state Supreme Court rules
Posted by Ron_lfp 6/14/2022 11:16:22 AM Post Reply
The Washington state Supreme Court on Thursday ruled that a person’s race, and law enforcement’s long history of discrimination against people of color, should be taken into account when determining the legality of police seizures. The court also clarified state law to say police have seized a person if an objective observer would conclude that the person was not free to leave or refuse a request. But, the court wrote, that “objective observer” must be aware that discrimination and biases “have resulted in disproportionate police contacts, investigative seizures, and uses of force against Black, Indigenous, and other people of color.”
Donald Trump Birthday Wishes Flood in
as People Honor 'Best President'
Posted by Imright 6/14/2022 10:42:34 AM Post Reply
Donald Trump's supporters have wished him a happy birthday, as the former president turns 75 years old today.Donald J. Trump was born on June 14, 1946, in New York City. His birthday falls on Flag Day, which commemorates the adoption of the Stars and Stripes as the official flag of the United States.Many Americans will celebrate the day—which is not an official federal holiday—by displaying the flag in front of their homes.Trump became president of the United States at the age of 70, making him (at that time) the oldest president to be inaugurated. However, President Joe Biden was 78 years old when he was inaugurated, taking over from Trump
White House says Biden has sparked 'historic
economic BOOM' as Dow plunges into bear
market amid record inflation, high gas
prices and recession fears: Claims Americans
'are well positioned to face these challenges'
thanks to the President
Posted by Imright 6/14/2022 10:31:45 AM Post Reply
The White House defended President Joe Biden's economic record on Monday as the nation experienced historic inflation, gas prices over $5 a galloon and the stock market dropping.White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre argued President Biden actually made historic economic gains, which would help the American people go through these economic 'challenges.'She blamed inflation - prices in May were 8.6% higher than a year earlier - the greatest increase since 1981 - on the covid pandemic and on Russian President Vladimir Putin's war in the Ukraine.
Trump responds to second day of January
6 hearings with 12-page statement where
he blasts 'SHAM' investigation and complains
'MAGA witnesses were interrogated behind
closed doors'
Posted by Imright 6/14/2022 10:22:32 AM Post Reply
Two days into the public January 6 committee hearings, former President Donald Trump delivered a 12-page statement accusing Democrats of seeking to distract from the Biden administration's failings with a 'kangaroo court.'Earlier the House committee had played testimony of Trump officials and aides describing how they had told Trump he lost the 2020 election and that there was not enough voter fraud to overturn the result.He dismissed its efforts on Monday as a 'sham.' 'The January 6th Unselect Committee is disgracing everything we hold sacred about our Constitution. If they had any real evidence, they’d hold real hearings with equal representation,' he said in an emailed statement.
Sports Illustrated says SCOTUS ruling
for praying coach ‘erodes democracy’
Posted by Imright 6/14/2022 10:18:44 AM Post Reply
Sports Illustrated is taking heavy fire over a tweet suggesting that a Supreme Court ruling in favor of a former high school football coach who was fired for kneeling in silent prayer after games would be a blow against democracy, the latest example of the sad decay of a magazine that was once an American institution before it became a propaganda vehicle for radical leftist ideology.The nation’s highest court will decide the case of Joe Kennedy, a retired USMC gunnery sergeant and combat veteran who in 2015 was fired by the Bremerton School District in Washington State for honoring God at the 50-yard-line at the completion of games.
January 6 for Non-Dummies replies
Posted by Imright 6/14/2022 9:57:55 AM Post Reply
During another public hearing on Monday, the January 6 select committee featured a witness so irrelevant that his appearance should prompt even the most ardent defender of Nancy Pelosi’s illegitimate inquisition to question the committee’s real purpose. Former Fox News talking head Chris Stirewalt, fired by the network shortly after the Capitol protest for calling the state of Arizona for Joe Biden early on election night, told his sob story to a presumably slim viewing audience.The washed-up commentator, however, is the last person with any insight into the events of January 6, 2021. Stirewalt’s performance—similar to the overwrought speechifying by committee members last Thursday—is another headfake designed to turn attention
Recovered Data Reveals Depth of Hunter
Biden's Control of His Father
Posted by Imright 6/14/2022 9:53:11 AM Post Reply
Hunter Biden’s laptop continues to provide interesting and arguably disturbing information regarding the troubled son’s relationship with his father. Joe Biden has long maintained a separation existed and exists between himself and his son’s various dealings, but a newly recovered video paints a different picture. According to the Washington Examiner, Hunter Biden brags in the video about having control over what his dad talks about, noting that the now-president “thinks I’m a god.” (Tweet) “If I say it’s important to me, then he will work a way in which to make it a part of his platform. My dad respects me more than he respects anyone in the world,
Ready for Ron PAC urges DeSantis to run
for president in 2024
Posted by Solid_Oak 6/14/2022 9:52:31 AM Post Reply
A new political action committee has formed attempting to draft Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis to run for president in 2024, and it is being run by a Republican consultant heavyweight who has been a veteran of campaigns involving former GOP Presidents Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump.  The Ready for Ron PAC is being led by two generations. Ed Rollins was the campaign chairman for Reagan’s 1984 landslide of 49 states and ran the pro-Trump Great America PAC for the 2020 election. Lilian Rodríguez-Baz, a newcomer to politics, is a Miami appellate attorney and conservative activist.
Another Blow to the US Food Market: Fire
Breaks Out at a Food Processing Plant
West of Waupaca County in Wisconsin
Posted by ladydawgfan 6/14/2022 9:40:25 AM Post Reply
A fire ignited inside a food manufacturing facility in the town of Belmont near the Portage-Waupaca County, Wisconsin on Monday. Multiple fire departments responded to a fire at Festive Foods on County Highway D around 9 a.m., WSAW-TV reported. The company owner and president, Mike Holmgren, said the cause of the fire is still under investigation. The crew tried to put out the fire for almost nine hours since it started, according to an update from News 9. The owner of Festive Foods, LLC, Michael Holmgren, says he’s grateful for emergency responders and their dedication, providing a glimpse into how the fire started. “It was in the back of the building,
Police Shoot and Kill Gunman at Texas
Summer Camp Who Fired into Locked Classroom
with Kids Inside
Posted by ladydawgfan 6/14/2022 9:32:36 AM Post Reply
Police in Duncanville, Texas responded rapidly to 911 calls of an armed man and shots fired at the Duncanville Fieldhouse summer camp Monday morning, shooting and killing the man in an exchange of gunfire in the gymnasium. No children, staff or police were injured even though the gunman is reported to have fired at least one shot into a locked classroom that he tried and failed to gain entry. About 150 children are reported to be attending the camp.
AG Garland’s Ominous Warning to Trump:
I’m Watching the Jan. 6 Hearings…
and I Can Assure You Jan. 6 Prosecutors
are Watching as Well (VIDEO)
Posted by ladydawgfan 6/14/2022 9:18:28 AM Post Reply
US Attorney General Merrick Garland on Monday fired off an ominous warning to Trump and his advisors when a reporter asked him about the January 6 show trials. The January 6 Maoist show trials continued on Monday with Liz Cheney at the helm. A reporter asked Merrick Garland whether he has had a chance to watch the January 6 hearings and if he has learned anything that could be useful for the Justice Department’s work. “I am watching and I will be watching all of the hearings…and I can assure you that the January 6th prosecutors are watching all the hearings as well,” Garland said.
The Biden Admin Said Gas Would Be $2.88
This Year
Posted by ladydawgfan 6/14/2022 9:13:22 AM Post Reply
At the end of 2021, the Biden administration released its energy outlook forecast for 2022, and their predictions show just how little they understand about American energy and how utterly unprepared they were for the energy crisis Biden was creating. The U.S. Energy Information Administration — under the Department of Energy led by Secretary Jennifer Granholm — releases "short-term energy outlook" reports each month to provide information on liquid fuels and forecast their future trends. Their report issued December 7, 2021 — archived here — notes that the forecast "remains subject to heightened levels of uncertainty related to the ongoing recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic"
Those much-vaunted Jan. 6 hearings are
bombing with the public
Posted by PageTurner 6/14/2022 9:12:06 AM Post Reply
Rep. Liz Cheney, who will likely be booted from office in November, has put on quite a swan song amounting to her signature achievement, which is her "Get Trump" Jan. 6 hearings. Just one problem: The public isn't buying it. According to Terry Jones at Issues & Insights, citing a reliable I&I/TIPP poll: Fewer than half of all Americans are convinced that the Democrats’ Jan. 6 Commission is making an honest attempt at discovering the truth about the mostly peaceful political demonstrations that took place on Capitol Hill that day, the latest data from the I&I/TIPP Poll show.
“Why Can’t We Kill Trump?”: J6 Hearings
Lead To Leftists Asking Why Traitors Can’t
Be “Executed”
Posted by LoveYourCountry 6/14/2022 9:04:18 AM Post Reply
It would be difficult to blame someone for assuming that the phenomenon known as Trump Derangement Syndrome had calmed down. It was a bizarre affliction to begin with, after all, with leftists losing their minds every time candidate and former President Donald Trump offered a conflicting opinion or mildly offensive tweet. Additionally, Mr. Trump has been out of office for almost seventeen months now, and aside from his recent flurry of endorsements for various candidates in primary elections across the country, he has been relatively quiet… by Trump standards.
Biden’s Approval Rating Is Now Lowest
In Gallup’s History
Posted by RockyTCB 6/14/2022 7:21:54 AM Post Reply
On day 487 in office, President Joe Biden set a new record. He has the lowest approval rating of all presidents at this point in their presidencies since Gallup started tracking this in 1945. According to Gallup’s Presidential Job Approval Center, just 41% approve of the job Biden is doing. That’s worse than Gerald Ford, or Lyndon Johnson, or even Jimmy Carter on day 487. Much worse than Ronald Reagan, the Bushes, Bill Clinton, or Barack Obama. To add insult to his injury, Biden’s approval rating is now lower than Trump’s was at this point in Trump’s first term. Biden’s oh-so-presidential response to his cratering support: he is “seething.”
LeBron James Silent After Arrests Made
in Murder of Teen at His Akron School
Posted by DW626 6/14/2022 7:20:34 AM Post Reply
Three men have been arrested in the murder of 17-year-old Ethan Liming outside of a school founded by LeBron James earlier this month. The teen was fatally beaten after a fight broke out when Liming and his friends were “joy riding in a car” and shot a toy Splatrball Water Bead Blaster at people on the basketball court of the I Promise high school. Authorities arrested suspects Deshawn Stafford Jr., 20, Tyler Stafford, 19, and Donovon Jones, 21 in connection to the homicide. While authorities deny there was a racial component to the beating, the teen’s father argued otherwise. "My son Ethan Liming was murdered by three African American males
Flag Day is a patriotic spectacle in these
all-American communities
Posted by Imright 6/14/2022 7:09:19 AM Post Reply
Flag Day is embraced each year in a handful of proudly red, white and blue all-American communities with the patriotic pomp normally reserved for July 4th, Independence Day.These cities and towns even vie for Flag Day bragging rights — often with conflicting claims — over who is offering America's first, biggest or best Flag Day parades and celebrations.The collection of fervent Flag Day communities stretches from sea to shining sea. It includes heartland towns such as Appleton, Wisconsin, and Three Oaks, Michigan, as well as Fairfield, Washington, on the Palouse of the Pacific Northwest, and historic Quincy, Massachusetts, which overlooks Boston Harbor on the Atlantic Ocean.
Report: Thousands of Californians Flee
to Mexico in Search of More Affordable Living
Posted by Imright 6/14/2022 7:05:46 AM Post Reply
Housing prices and rampant inflation under the leadership of President Joe Biden and Gov. Gavin Newson (D-CA) are driving thousands of Californians to search for a more affordable life in Mexico. “I would say at least half are coming down from California,” Darrell Graham of Baja123 Real Estate Group told CNBC. “Suddenly the cost of taxes, the crime rates, the politics, all the things that people are unhappy with in California are coming down to Mexico.” Roughly 200,000 people commute between California and Mexico every day because “many of them work in California and live just below the border in Baja California due to its proximity,”
Are Our Rulers Losing the Mandate of Heaven? replies
Posted by Imright 6/14/2022 7:03:16 AM Post Reply
We racist-sexist-homophobe Americans are pleased to see that Hispanics are trending strongly away from Democrats in the current Bidenflation. And even blacks seem less than enthusiastic about Joe Biden.But whatabout the real core Democrat supporters: the credentialed, the educated women, the LGBTs, the folks parading in front of the homes of Supreme Court justices? Are they starting to wonder about double-digit inflation a year into the Biden administration? The only on-the-ground information I have is from a federal government retiree who's going to borrow her daughter's fossil-fueled car when she travels from D.C. to Philly in July.
Democrat Pollster Doug Schoen Warns His
Party Of ‘Historic’ Losses In November Midterms
Posted by Imright 6/14/2022 6:57:53 AM Post Reply
Democrat pollster Doug Schoen has a warning for his party. Get ready for historic losses in November.Schoen has been around long enough to know what happens to the party in power when inflation and gas prices are out of control.The only question is how bad the losses will be. Breitbart News reports: Democrat Doug Schoen Warns of ‘Historic’ Losses in November. Democrat Doug Schoen, a political consultant, has warned his party that they could face “historic” losses in the mid-terms come November if the winds don’t miraculously change.
Biden aide Sullivan, China's Yang discuss
'security issues'
Posted by DogFacedPonySoldier 6/14/2022 6:38:44 AM Post Reply
President Joe Biden's national security adviser, Jake Sullivan, discussed unspecified "security issues" with China's top diplomat in a Luxembourg meeting on Monday, according to a White House statement. The meeting between Sullivan and Yang Jiechi, which followed a May 18 phone call between the two men, "included candid, substantive, and productive discussion of a number of regional and global security issues, as well as key issues in U.S.-China relations," according to the statement, which didn't elaborate. "Mr. Sullivan underscored the importance of maintaining open lines of communication to manage competition between our two countries," the statement said.
In honor of Pride month, let’s get real replies
Posted by Magnante 6/14/2022 4:56:10 AM Post Reply
June is the month during which we’re inundated with LGBTQ+++ Pride. You can’t get away from it. (snip) What gets lost in all of this is the day-to-day reality of the LGBTQ+++ lifestyle. In honor of Pride, I thought I’d share some of the realities with you, just to round out the experience. (snip) Bathhouses and orgies, through sheer volume, are not just impersonal, but depersonalize the men involved (snip) For lesbians, the problem is a different one: The death of the libido, something that, when properly and respectfully used, is one of Nature’s or God’s little gift to humans.
Hey, Bill Barr!… BREAKING: Surveillance
Video Shows Man Wearing Street Clothes
Exiting Passenger Seat of Post Office
Truck In Detroit…Dumps Stack of Ballots
In Dropbox Twice! [Video]
Posted by Imright 6/14/2022 1:41:35 AM Post Reply
Earlier this afternoon former AG Bill Barr laughed hysterically when he was asked about the evidence of voter fraud presented by “2000 Mules” during his pre-recorded testimony at the Jan 6 show trial. “Uh, the election was not stolen by fraud. And I haven’t seen anything since the election that changes my mind on that, including the ‘2000 Mules’ movie,” Barr said as he laughed hysterically. Barr cited the lack of photographic evidence. And then mocked the geo-tracking cell phone data.
Biden ‘really aware’ of stock slide
that erased all gains since Trump: White House
Posted by Imright 6/14/2022 1:04:23 AM Post Reply
President Biden is “really aware” of the recent stock market decline, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said Monday when asked about the fact that the Dow Jones Industrial Average has lost all of its gains since Biden took office.The Dow closed Monday at its lowest point since January 2021 as soaring inflation and rising interest rates spur fear of an economic recession.Before the recent stock slide, Biden often touted the market doing well, though he usually made a point of saying that he didn’t regard it as the only important economic indicator.
Poll: Rep. Lee Zeldin Takes Commanding
Lead in New York Republican Gubernatorial Primary
Posted by Imright 6/14/2022 1:01:18 AM Post Reply
Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-NY) is the frontrunner with a commanding lead over his challengers in New York’s Republican gubernatorial primary, according to a new poll.An Emerson College Poll found that 34 percent of very likely Republican primary voters support Zeldin for New York governor. Zeldin’s 34 percent is a double-digit lead over the next closest challenger, Rob Astorino, who earned 16 percent of Republicans’ support.Trailing behind Zeldin and Astorino are Harry Wilson and Andrew Giuliani, who earned 15 and 13 percent support, respectively.The poll found that 22 percent of Republican voters remain undecided ahead of New York’s gubernatorial primary on June 28.
Latest J6 Committee Revelations Are Likely
to Do in the Dems
Posted by Imright 6/14/2022 12:57:35 AM Post Reply
As we reported, the Jan. 6 Committee isn’t getting the audience that they hoped they would be getting. If the whole point of the exercise was to try to convince people that Republicans were evil and to vote for the Democrats in the midterms, the problem that they’re facing is that while people may not have liked the riot, they for sure don’t like how the Democrats and Joe Biden have destroyed the country over the past year-and-a-half since and they don’t like the political games being played by the Committee.
James Patterson says white writers aren’t
getting work due to ‘racism’
Posted by Ribicon 6/14/2022 12:43:34 AM Post Reply
Writers who look like James Patterson are having a tough go of it, the 75-year-old author has claimed. Speaking to the Sunday Times this weekend, the crime novelist said that “white older male writers” aren’t getting hired for “writing gigs in film, theatre, TV or publishing” right now—claiming the phenomenon is “just another form of racism.” “What’s that all about? Can you get a job? Yes. Is it harder? Yes. It’s even harder for older writers. You don’t meet many 52-year-old white males,” he insisted. Patterson has sold more than 450 million books across 20 or so titles during his nearly 30-year career
Flag Day fades from public schools amid
culture wars
Posted by Ribicon 6/14/2022 12:33:30 AM Post Reply
Maybe, with all the focus on exposing students to hot-button cultural issues, there’s just no room in the modern American classroom for lessons on Flag Day, the annual celebration of the history of the Stars and Stripes. A study says more than 30% of children don’t know the American flag has 50 stars representing the nation’s 50 states. The survey, released by the homework learning platform Brainly ahead of the holiday Tuesday, also finds that 53.2% of middle and high school students do not discuss Flag Day in their schools. Still, more than 35% want to learn about it.
"Make America sane again": Rupert Murdoch's
New York Post urges GOP to move on from Trump
Posted by Dreadnought 6/14/2022 12:30:32 AM Post Reply
A leftover from Friday, made more noteworthy by the fact that Murdoch’s *other* New York paper also ran an editorial that was harshly critical of Trump on Friday night. And apparently Murdoch-owned Fox News aired this morning’s January 6 hearing, including the testimony of former Decision Desk chief Chris Stirewalt defending the network’s infamous early call of Arizona for Biden on election night 2020. Maybe that’s all a coincidence, a nod to the fact that even major righty media can’t completely ignore the hearings. But with rumors swirling that Trump might announce his 2024 candidacy soon and that Team DeSantis is eyeing a primary fight,
Joe Biden Gets Smashed by Resurrected
Clip, Karine-Jean Pierre Flails in Response
Posted by Dreadnought 6/14/2022 12:24:24 AM Post Reply
If you have any money in the stock market, today was a good day to not look at it. The Dow Jones cratered by nearly 900 points with the other markets following the same trends. For the first time, the markets are now currently lower under Joe Biden than when he took office. This is what a full-scale collapse looks likeAs you would expect, the White House, which has often bragged about its supposed economic results, is being pressed for an explanation of how this happened and where things go from here. Answers are few and far between, but the buck-passing that Biden normally participates in is being challenged
Poll: Texas Gov. Greg Abbott Leads Democrat
Beto O’Rourke by 19 Points
Posted by Dreadnought 6/14/2022 12:16:28 AM Post Reply
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) is ahead of his Democrat challenger, failed presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke, by 19 points, according to a new poll. Blueprint Polling found that 56 percent of Texas voters support Abbott, compared to 37 percent support for O’Rourke. An additional seven percent of Texas voters remain undecided ahead of November’s general election. These latest poll numbers are the first to come out since O’Rourke crashed Gov. Abbott’s press conference in the wake of the Uvalde school shooting. During the press conference O’Rourke interrupted, he told the governor, “You’re doing nothing,” in regards to school safety.
EXCLUSIVE: House Republicans Introduce
Bill That Would Kill The No-Fly Zones
Over Disneyland, Disney World
Posted by Beardo 6/14/2022 12:12:06 AM Post Reply
Republican Texas Rep. Troy Nehls introduced legislation Monday that would direct the Secretary of Transportation to rescind the two no-fly zones over Disneyland and Disney World. The Daily Caller first obtained the legislation titled the Airlines Independent of Restrictions Act (AIR) Act, which calls on Department of Transportation (DOT) Secretary Pete Buttigieg to remove the Notices to Airmen (NOTAM’s) over Disneyland and Disney World. The bill has five cosponsors. In early May, Nehls also sent a letter to Buttigieg, with his office telling the Caller that Disney is “the only theme park that benefits from the restriction
All Stock Market Gains Erased Since Biden
Took Office
Posted by Beardo 6/14/2022 12:04:52 AM Post Reply
The stock market has lost all the gains it made since President Joe Biden was sworn into office, according to recent data reported by Fortune on Monday. The S&P 500 took a sharp downturn, closing on Monday 151 points below where it was in January of 2021. The other two major indexes, the Dow Jones Industrial Average and Nasdaq Composite fell by 876 points and 530 points respectively, both below where they were when Biden took office. Cryptocurrency has also taken a hit. Bitcoin lost 15% of its value, and Ethereum lost 16%, according to Fortune.
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