CDC Links Poverty to 2020’s Elevated
Firearm Homicide Rate
Breitbart 2nd Amendment,
AWR Hawkins
Original Article
Posted By: Ribicon,
5/13/2022 8:38:05 PM
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released a study this week which showed a higher firearm homicide rate in 2020 relative to 2019, and pointed to poverty as a factor in the increase. The CDC study showed that “the firearm homicide rate in 2020 was the highest recorded since 1994.”(Snip)For example, among males the “largest increases in firearm homicide rates were among Black males aged 10–24 (from 54.9 per 100,000 people in 2019 to 77.3 in 2020) and 25–44 years (66.5 to 90.6).” Among females “the highest rates and largest increases were among those who were Black, aged 10–24
Reply 1 - Posted by:
BarryNo 5/13/2022 8:50:13 PM (No. 1154696)
So close and yet so very far.
The homicide rate and the poverty rate are symptoms... you do recall the word symptoms, don't you, CDC doctors? Broken families and drug use, are also symptoms. So is lack of Christianity - why do they eschew religion or tend to give lip service to those that permit violence? All, symptoms...
The disease is Liberalism and how it deliberately set out to destroy the Africa-American family and community.
The rest is the toxicity engendered by the real disease.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
Rich323 5/13/2022 8:57:01 PM (No. 1154700)
Precursor to US turning over sovereignty on health decisions to the World Health Organization (WHO). WHO Treaty signed by USA in 2006 will be amended May 22-28 to give control of emergency health decisions to the WHO. WHO considers all gun related issues as health emergencies. Gun violence etc. Biden admin secretly sent these amendments to WHO and did not notify any members of Congress. This must be stopped as CDC and FDA will be overridden by WHO treaty in all future health emergencies as defined by the WHO. Contact senators and congress critters ASAP. This will be final before the election and not revocable.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
southernboy 5/13/2022 9:34:59 PM (No. 1154734)
"Black males age 10-24."
The same group that carried switchblades (illegally!) in the old days now carry 9mm pistols (illegally!)
What to do! What to do!
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
wilarrbie 5/13/2022 9:52:13 PM (No. 1154745)
Poverty? Then their methodology is not taking into account the illicit income fueled by the free flow of drugs coming across our border that generate the violence, turf wars and overdose deaths. But sure, cry 'poverty'. Joe will give you a couple billion to 'fix' it.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
cold porridge 5/13/2022 10:06:44 PM (No. 1154755)
Liberal politicians such as mayors, district attorneys and governors in places like New York, California, Oregon, Washington and Illinois that won't prosecute the criminals plays a big part. There are many poor white people in America in case any one has doubted to look, but they don't use guns to rob, steal and murder anywhere close to that of black American, because they would be in jail. The liberal hate the white race.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
rememberwhen 5/13/2022 10:42:15 PM (No. 1154776)
And the CDC contributed to that poverty with their (non) handling of the COVID Pandemic.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
DVC 5/13/2022 11:58:35 PM (No. 1154810)
Of course. If you are poor you MUST be a violent's so obvious.
/s off
Total BS.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
GoodDeal 5/14/2022 1:44:37 AM (No. 1154851)
Ohhhh so the scamdemic, covid, mask mandates, business shuts downs, vaccine mandate, and all the rest had nothing to do with it right???
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
Rinktum 5/14/2022 3:29:47 AM (No. 1154863)
Lack of impulse control, lack of conscience, along with weapons are a deadly combination. Add to that zero consequences for their actions and you will have unrestrained violence. Thank you Joe Biden and every fool of a democrat who supports defunding the police and “bail reform” you have unleashed hell on this country.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
WhamDBambam 5/14/2022 6:33:34 AM (No. 1154894)
This is just CDC looking for another "disease" to "cure."
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
ROLFNader 5/14/2022 12:25:47 PM (No. 1155226)
Contrary to what the headline is trying to promote, firearms are not capable of firing on their own.
Nice try, though.............
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
DVC 5/14/2022 12:58:54 PM (No. 1155281)
Perhaps another mandatory "vaccine" will be the solution. A shot to make you rich and peaceful.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
crashnburn 5/14/2022 7:36:48 PM (No. 1155575)
Can't have anything to do with Defund the Police, nor No Bail on Arrest.
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Hot garbage from yet another government agency that one day will be shut down. Black people have gone wild with violence thanks to prodding from Barry the Lightbringer telling them it's OK to lash out, but CDC says poverty is to blame. They could just as easily correlate homicides with consumption of menthol cigarettes, grape soda, hair weaves, and KFC.