Texas Population Boom Fuels Growing Backlash
in Lone Star State
Bloomberg News,
Shelly Hagan
Original Article
Posted By: NorthernDog,
5/4/2022 12:45:11 PM
A growing number of Texans say the population boom has been a bad thing for the state and are worried the economy is getting worse. About 40% of Texans say the surge in newcomers in recent years has been a net negative, versus 34% who view it as good, according to a poll released Wednesday by the University of Texas and Texas Politics Project. Among Texans who said they’re aware of the surge in population, it’s the highest share who view it negatively since polling began in 2019. The survey suggests a disconnect between the politicians who frequently tout the
Reply 1 - Posted by:
Roscoelewis 5/4/2022 1:03:14 PM (No. 1146426)
...loaded with Mexicans - not enough trees to trim and lawns to mow.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
DVC 5/4/2022 1:15:13 PM (No. 1146442)
How many are refugees from Socialist States who are bringing their "well, that's not the way we did it where I come from" attitudes with them?
That does NOT play well, ever. If you don't like how "we do it here", then go back to where you came from.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
Califedup 5/4/2022 1:43:28 PM (No. 1146474)
Saw the headline, saw it was an article from Bloomberg. Stopped reading. Nothing Bloomberg publishes is truthful. Propaganda hacks.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
Skinnydip 5/4/2022 2:00:25 PM (No. 1146491)
Exactly #3. I did read it, and it's pure propaganda. The abortion law poll stats are total BS.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
stablemoney 5/4/2022 2:03:17 PM (No. 1146493)
Texas has been flooded, as Biden has opened the borders. The infrastructure of Texas is not sufficient to handle the hundreds of thousands being let into the state--over a million this year alone.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
skacmar 5/4/2022 2:18:39 PM (No. 1146501)
It is not that new people are coming to Texas. It is who the new people are. If they were normal Texan type people everything would be ok. Unfortunately, the California, New York, and other liberals come to Texas and expect it to be like where they fled from. They complain about cattle, ranches, oil wells, conservative politics and lifestyles, and the other things that make Texas a great place to live. They are trying to remake Texas into where they ran away from. No more cattle (too many flies). No more oil wells! (global warming)! No more things that make Texas Texas as it is too redneck for their liberal sensibilities. Conservatives! No Way! Like ungrateful refugees from other countries who complain, these refugees from other states can just go back to where they came from.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
Proud Texan 5/4/2022 2:22:41 PM (No. 1146507)
#2, it isn't just the people from out of state either. This formerly very rural county has hordes of people from metroplexes in Texas as well as the foreigners from the west coast and Northeast. We have two out of three running for city council who brag about how well they "fixed" problems in the city they came from. It is amazing that they think that is an asset.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
Rather Read 5/4/2022 2:55:36 PM (No. 1146529)
My brother lives in Nashville. It's growing and growing fast! A recent poll suggests that the people think the growth is too fast and too much.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
bad-hair 5/4/2022 3:57:43 PM (No. 1146571)
We just put them all in Austin and Travis county. So far so good.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
ByteGuru 5/4/2022 5:17:04 PM (No. 1146637)
As has been mentioned much of the issues are that many of the 'newcomers' (being generous here) are 'takers' not 'makers'. Their arrival places an immediate drain on the infrastructure from the welfare office to the school system. Liberals have successfully forced legislation upon us that says that existing taxpayers must pay for non-citizen education, healthcare, and general well-being. This insures that the incentives for illegal aliens to leave is non-existent.
For the USA citizens flooding our state, they are welcome provided they are employable and don't start with the 'that's not how we did it back home' crap. If they don't like the weather, barbecue, language, whatever, then GTFO!
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
tech10171968 5/4/2022 7:17:28 PM (No. 1146720)
This is EVERYTHING Floridians have been complaining about for years now. We're concerned that these transplants are going to turn FL into NJ/NYC. Many of them have such a lack of self-awareness that they don't realize that they themselves are the scourge they are running from.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
MickTurn 5/4/2022 9:28:38 PM (No. 1146809)
Leftists infest certain areas even in Red States, Take the Communist Republic of Austin for example...
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
Muguy 5/5/2022 7:18:10 AM (No. 1146980)
Pure propaganda.... only a sample of 1,000????
Many of those coming to Texas who are NOT illegal aliens are coming for business and a better life,
Austin and Houston are NOT a reasonable measure of the State, and many of those coming are moving from WITHIN the State to the Austin metro area,
Also, just WHO did they poll?? It just goes to show that you can make a poll report anything the pollster wants by how the questions are asked....
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Too much change too fast can be a bad thing. Better build a fence all the way around the state.