American Thinker,
Eric Utter
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7/17/2021 4:27:13 PM
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The National Football League (NFL) recently joined virtually every other American institution in lauding — and marketing to — the LGBT community during Pride Month in June. It did so by releasing a new 30-second commercial proudly proclaiming that "football is gay, lesbian, queer, transgender, bisexual and exciting."
The ad begins by stating "football is gay" to the sound of drums rolling and people cheering. (I'm not sure what Dick Butkus would have to say about this advertisement, but I digress.) [Tweet] The ad is in part a direct response to Las Vegas Raiders defensive end Carl Nassib's recent announcement that he is gay, a league spokesperson said.
Zeke Miller
Original Article
Posted by
7/17/2021 6:57:51 AM
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WASHINGTON — Two weeks after celebrating America’s near “independence” from the coronavirus, President Joe Biden is confronting the worrying reality of rising cases and deaths — and the limitations of his ability to combat the persistent vaccine hesitance responsible for the summer backslide. Cases of COVID-19 have tripled over the past three weeks, and hospitalizations and deaths are rising among unvaccinated people. While the rates are still sharply down from their January highs, officials are concerned by the reversing trendlines and what they consider needless illness and death. And cases are expected to continue to rise in coming weeks.
American Greatness,
Debra Heine
Original Article
Posted by
7/17/2021 12:02:09 PM
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More than 74,000 mail-in ballots were received in Maricopa County, Arizona than appear to have been mailed out, a forensic audit has determined. According to the auditors, 74,243 mail-in ballots were counted with “no clear record of them being sent.”The Arizona Senate, led by Senate President Karen Fann, held a hearing on Thursday to discuss the preliminary results of the first phase of the audit in Maricopa County.(snip)The irregularities revealed during the hearing amounted to hundreds of thousands of votes.
Biden won Arizona by only 10,457 votes.
Guardian [U.K.],
Erum Salam
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Posted by
7/17/2021 4:15:32 PM
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The vast majority of Covid-19 anti-vaccine misinformation and conspiracy theories originated from just 12 people, a report by the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH) cited by the White House this week found.
CCDH, a UK/US non-profit and non-governmental organization, found in March that these 12 online personalities they dubbed the “disinformation dozen” have a combined following of 59 million people across multiple social media platforms, with Facebook having the largest impact. CCDH analyzed 812,000 Facebook posts and tweets and found 65% came from the disinformation dozen. Vivek Murthy, US surgeon general, and Joe Biden focused on misinformation around vaccines this week
American Thinker,
AZ Buck
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Posted by
7/17/2021 4:15:41 AM
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Here are the biased numbers for the recent Economist-YouGov poll that gives Joe Biden a 49% approval rating. (snip) Dem (324) Republican (235) Independent (260)
Ninety-nine more Democrats sampled vs. Republicans were included in the results. It is not hard to get the results you want if the polls are assembled in this way, and this is always the method with these polls.
A total of 819 from 1,500 participants. Does that mean the rest were dumped because they are not registered to vote or affiliated with a party? Were their answers included in the reported percentages?
Texas Tribune [Austin, TX],
Allyson Waller
Original Article
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7/17/2021 2:56:43 PM
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Three Democratic members of the Texas House of Representatives have tested positive for the coronavirus, according to the Texas House Democratic Caucus.
The three lawmakers are among House Democrats who fled to Washington, D.C., earlier this week to stave off GOP priority voting bills during the special legislative session. The three members who tested positive all have been fully vaccinated, which helps protect against severe illness.
On Friday night, one member tested positive for the coronavirus and immediately alerted colleagues, who, in addition to staff members, took rapid tests. On Saturday morning, two additional members tested positive after taking rapid tests. The cases were first reported by the Austin American-Statesman.
Washington Times,
Jessica Chasmar
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Posted by
7/17/2021 12:16:34 AM
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Officials in Australia are rebranding shark “attacks” as “a negative encounter” as experts argue the former had given the nautical predators a bad reputation not based on science. At least two of the six Australian states have reportedly changed the way they officially describe shark attacks. In New South Wales, the government’s shark reports now refer to shark “incidents” or “interactions,” and in Queensland, the state government refers to them as “a negative encounter,” Sky News reported.(Snip)Proponents argue the word “attack” has created a culture of fear around sharks, one often depicted in movies. “Sharks are very curious animals,” Leonardo Guida, a shark biologist
New York Post,
Conor Skelding
Original Article
Posted by
7/17/2021 3:53:50 PM
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A 6-year-old girl was killed and five adults hurt after someone opened fire near a Popeye’s in Washington D.C., police said. The child was pronounced dead at Sibley Memorial Hospital, said cops, prompting Metropolitan Police Department Executive Assistant Chief Ashan Benedict to plea for the public to help “bring these shooters to justice.”(Snip) The incident unfolded just after 11 p.m. Friday. Officers heard shots ring out at the corner of Martin Luther King Jr. Ave SE and Malcolm Avenue X SE, and arrived at the intersection to find the victims, including the child, three men and two women, Benedict said.
Daily Mail (UK),
James Gordon
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Posted by
7/17/2021 10:02:59 AM
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An NAACP leader has been caught on camera blasting parents who oppose Critical Race Theory and shouting 'let them die' in a fiery speech outside a Virginia middle school board meeting.NAACP Vice President Michelle Leete - who is also a member of Virginia state PTA - made the inflammatory comments to a crowd at Luther Jackson Middle School in Falls Church, Fairfax County, Thursday.The crowd, who cheered in response to Leete's speech, had gathered to counter-protest a group of parents who were holding a 'Stop CRT rally' at the school.
BizPac Review,
Vivek Saxena
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Posted by
7/17/2021 2:20:52 PM
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An online left-wing magazine in Canada is calling for the sale of pickup trucks to be banned unless the purchaser can prove that they really need one in their lives, and this has Americans worried that the United States could be next. In a piece published this week, Passage magazine managing editor Davide Mastracci argued that the long-term goal is to “shift away from relying on private vehicles entirely,” but that for now, he’d like to start with the iconic, American-created pickup truck. Why? Because of the alleged threat posed by climate change.“[D]rastically cutting emissions from the transportation sector is of the utmost importance for a successful climate strategy.
Texas Tribune [Austin, TX],
Allyson Waller
Original Article
Posted by
7/17/2021 6:29:24 PM
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Three Democratic members of the Texas House of Representatives have tested positive for the coronavirus, according to the Texas House Democratic Caucus. The three lawmakers are among House Democrats who fled to Washington, D.C., earlier this week to stave off GOP priority voting bills during the special legislative session. The three members who tested positive all have been fully vaccinated, which helps protect against severe illness. On Friday night, one member tested positive for the coronavirus and immediately alerted colleagues, who, in addition to staff members, took rapid tests. On Saturday morning, two additional members tested positive after taking rapid
PJ Media,
Rick Moran
Original Article
Posted by
7/17/2021 4:38:24 PM
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Vaccine hesitancy is a big problem, according to the Biden administration. Less than half the public is fully vaccinated while about 56 percent have received at least one jab.
The goal of fully vaccinating the American public appears to have stalled. This should not surprise us. When the vaccines were first approved for emergency use back in December 2020, 40 percent of Americans expressed skepticism about the vaccine.
Trying to shame the holdouts has failed spectacularly. Insulting and degrading them as “morons” or “ignorant” has resulted in a vicious pushback and a hardening of positions on getting vaccinated.
Actress remarks on the huge ovation received by President Trump and is immediately attacked by tolerant leftists. "Are you now, or have you ever been, a Trump supporter?" The new litmus test from the same crowd that said "never again" to the likes of Sen. Joseph McCarthy, who was right on target with his so-called witch hunts of communists.