How A 10-Year-Old Girl’s Mom Saved Her From
Going Transgender
The Federalist,
Walt Heyer
Original Article
Posted By: ladydawgfan,
7/5/2021 4:40:49 PM
When I appeared on a Heritage Foundation panel discussion in 2019, I said people are manufacturing trans gender kids. They are hurting the most vulnerable members of our society by encouraging children and adolescents to live as the opposite sex, inject hormone blockers and cross-gender hormones, and undergo surgeries that irrevocably alter healthy body parts.
These protocols are dangerous and unstudied, and shouldn’t be pushed on children. Yet this madness rages on like an unchecked forest fire.
I was a transgender child who “transitioned” to female as an adult. I lived as female for eight years, until I woke up and admitted it wasn’t working.
Reply 1 - Posted by:
coyote 7/5/2021 4:53:07 PM (No. 836692)
Injecting kids with opposite-sex hormones is not just stupid, it is viscous, and it is an indication of how far some with go with their agitprop.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
earlybird 7/5/2021 4:56:56 PM (No. 836695)
Read Ryan Anderson’s How Harry Became Sally, a book in which he explores the science involved in our sexes (they are not assigned; they just ARE from the point of conception), the loony stuff behind the transgender activists, the regrets of those who have transitioned, and he talks a lot about the serious error in providing any degree of transitioning to a child who has dysphoria and needs psychiatric treatment. A very worthwhile read, especially for those with young children and teenagers.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
volksford 7/5/2021 4:57:21 PM (No. 836696)
Trans gender manufacturing ....a very good term used in this article. Folks , this insanity is straight out of hell.
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Outrage, concern and/or vigilance are welcome but don't lose sight of this fact:
'Trans' is merely an attempt to evade existing laws outlawing pedophilia and 'trans' still involves the sexualization of children. Which is entirely the point, as far as deviants are concerned.
If Male Adult A grooms Minor Boy B in pursuit of a physical encounter, Male Adult A is obviously guilty under the law. If Male Adult A encourages or facilitates Minor Boy C in 'expressing or exploring gender identity' it's still grooming and still illegal even if it happens to use different terminology.
Parents who are too ignorant or lazy to educate themselves and too weak to resist their children's flights of fancy or children's eagerness to follow trends are as unfit and dangerous as parents who physically beat their children. Permanent physiological and/or psychological damage will result from so-called treatments and those parents should be prosecuted in the same manner as parents who engage in violence.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
NancyD 7/5/2021 5:07:29 PM (No. 836705)
I think that so many find virtue in being identified as a victim. There are some adults who like to encourage young people to believe that they are victims and they will do anything to provide that status. It's frightening that the "medical" system wouldn't allow the parents access to their child! I find that absurd and against the law. I'd sue the heck out of them.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
Illinois Mom 7/5/2021 5:16:49 PM (No. 836711)
Excellent article describing the "fad" diagnosis of the day. The goal is to get the kids away from their parents if it appears that the parents may not be onboard with their "professional" findings. Some parents jump are thrilled to "have one" and participate willingly. It's the kids who suffers.
When our oldest was in high school, she wrote a note about "ending things." While I'm glad we were informed, and things like this should not be ignored. I knew my daughter and was sure the note was for dramatic effect because a boy was involved. We met with a "counselor" at the school. The meeting lasted six hours. The counselor was about 22 years old. We had been parents for 16 years by that time. Their big push was to place her in a "hospital" for intense counseling. This was serious. We agreed and said that we would take her to a psychologist that we knew well. For hours she argued with us. The place she wanted to send her was "the best." All she needed was our insurance details, she requested them a dozen times. The baby counselor was "terrified" that our daughter would self harm. We said we'd take care of it. On and on until we said no more talking and that we'd send her a report from the psychologist after her visit. She saw our guy a few times and he saw no genuine "red flags." No one ever inquired about her health after that day. In house rehab for teens was really big in the 90's.
Recently a friend of mine announced on Face Book that her 13 year old daughter, who has always been a quirky, and kind of dorky kid announced that she believes that she is really a boy. The comments were nothing but gushing praise at her "bravery to come out" "she's wonderful," she's "beautiful whatever chooses," "we're here to support you all the way!" The mother complained about "the haters" that actually weren't hateful but said that "maybe it's a phase?" Now, what if the kid discovers boys as we all did, and she decides that being a girl is just fine, will she fear disappointing all the people who affirmed her before. Will she no longer be brave? No longer beautiful and "fierce?" That's a lot more baggage that teenagers can handle in a world where they are changing physically and mentally every day. This stuff is serious, harmful, and permanent.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
skacmar 7/5/2021 5:39:35 PM (No. 836729)
Governor Coumo's daughter, who identifies as demi-sexual, hit the nail on the head when she stated that it was considered socially cool to come out as gay, lesbian, or trans. Social pressures to be accepted and the LGBTQ fad pushes many to identify in sexual identities that are not necessarily appropriate for them. Once self-identifying as such, they may feel trapped when it is just not working out like they thought. That is how we get he high suicide rate /attempts with this group. They see no way out without getting out of coming out. They will lose their social status and possibly friends. Social media glorifies and encourages youth to adapt the LGBTQ lifestyle as accepting, nurturing, and loving. Really, they are just mean and hateful if you don't/won't accept their way of life.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
udanja99 7/5/2021 7:04:39 PM (No. 836801)
After a bad breakup with a boy, a millennial female in my extended family decided that she was a lesbian. She got involved with another woman for several months before deciding that she was not a lesbian after all. But the damage was done. In the years since, she has had 3 children by 3 different men, is a drug addict and was imprisoned for stealing drugs from a hospital pharmacy.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
janjan 7/5/2021 8:38:13 PM (No. 836869)
The unvarnished truth is that people cannot change their gender. They can pretend they have or even wish they had, but they cannot. So they chase this fantasy and the counselors are as disturbed as they are. The fact is they seriously need help and they’re not going to get it in a society that’s terrified to tell the truth.
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