Democrats silent on sexual assault
allegations involving 62 children
Washington Examiner,
Jimmy Sengenberger
Original Article
Posted By: fca,
6/5/2021 10:25:20 PM
On Monday, national media reported an explosive story in Colorado. A prominent Black Lives Matter activist, socialist, and Denver Public Schools board member, Tay Anderson, stepped back “from everyday board functions” while an independent investigation looks into startling allegations that he sexually abused 62 current and former students... The alleged assaults range from unwanted touching to “violent rape” of students as young as 14 years old... Despite the gravity of these allegations, there have been nothing but crickets from the state party... same party that widely ignored accusations of sexual harassment with actual, contemporary corroboration by Tara Reade against then-candidate Joe Biden.
Reply 1 - Posted by:
IowaDad 6/5/2021 10:36:19 PM (No. 807047)
One episode required stitches? That leaves quite an evidence trail of felony rape that is a putting this BLM gentleman in a very salutary prison for many years. For the pleasure of others ...
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Why wouldn't they be? Pedophilia is an official plank of the Democraptic platform.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
VirtuDawg 6/5/2021 11:54:51 PM (No. 807068)
“BLM” = “Be Luvin’ dem Minors”
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
Trigger2 6/6/2021 1:40:13 AM (No. 807087)
Of course they're silent. That's where most of the perverts reside.
50 people like this.
Each time one of these cases comes to light, I remember the FL mother who stood up in court and shot the perp who raped her son. She went to prison, but he will never rape anyone else.
53 people like this.
Reply 6 - Posted by:
Rob_NC 6/6/2021 6:49:30 AM (No. 807194)
Give him his trial...if guilty...
Tall Tree Short Rope
20 people like this.
It’s ok now. He proved his true colors. Let him in.
12 people like this.
How do you get away with abusing 62 students? Other adults had to know and did nothing (?). I 'm starting to believe child sex abuse is condoned in certain circles, especially with leftists and elites, also the Lavender Mafia in the Catholic church. It's everywhere but the media barely covers it. These should be huge stories!
There have been many stories on the internet, typically by local news sources, about children being rescued from sex traffickers, but there's never much detail. They never mention the age of the children, how they were kidnapped, what happened to them, who their parents were, etc. There is never any follow-up or interviews with the victims. These child-sex trafficking arrests, which should be blockbuster stories with long legs, mysteriously vanish and are never reported by the national media, including the so called conservative media. What the hell is going on?
65 people like this.
Reply 9 - Posted by:
Rinktum 6/6/2021 8:29:43 AM (No. 807263)
Thank you, #8, for making that point. We need to know what, when, where and why. I have a sneaking suspicion that there are too many elites involved in this travesty to get a good look inside. Some powerful people are shutting the details down. Now that the O’Biden cabal is in power, more children will be at risk. Look for the numbers to increase.
38 people like this.
Reply 10 - Posted by:
rusino 6/6/2021 8:34:51 AM (No. 807265)
Sitting in The Oval Office today is an Imposter....a man noted for ogleling young girls, touching and sniffing their hair in public, while the Girls Cringe. He not only has Pedophile tendencies ...he is also a Racist. Often suggesting that Black Americans are not on par with White Americans.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
poliposter 6/6/2021 8:48:46 AM (No. 807279)
The predator/perp sits on the Board of Ed for Denver Public Schools at age 22(!). Search the internet for more information on the perp and you will find that back in March, the local BLM chapter blocked his mother for illiterate posts that were anti-victim and just plain awful. The perp's mother, of course, insisted this was a setup and demanded "receipts" from the victim (she thought there was only one). All of the victims were underaged immigrants who were in the US illegally.
21 people like this.
Reply 12 - Posted by:
Dodge Boy 6/6/2021 8:58:47 AM (No. 807291)
It's just another horrible day in the People's Republic of Denver. This pervert ought to be neutered.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
Namma 6/6/2021 8:59:13 AM (No. 807293)
I believe this pedophilia crap is rampant in Washington. From the Oval Office, thru out Congress and right back up to the Supreme Court. And I believe it’s well known and well protect by the Capitol police. Just look at the video of Jeff Sessions slapping away the hands of Biden to keep those filthy hands off his grandchild. Sessions did that cause he knows something! There certainly was a reason for it. Seems to involve a lot of democrats. This guy in Colorado should be put in jail. Prove with the child who needed stitches. Where are the parents Were they paid off. What parent woukd allow someone who hurt their child like this to get away with it. Oh wait. Ask Dr ( one hell of a dr) Jill.
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
Mizz Fixxit 6/6/2021 9:33:08 AM (No. 807321)
FTA: In June 2020, a DPS student approached BLM activist and “protest mom” Mary-Katherine Brooks Fleming at an event. (Snip) the teenager said Anderson had assaulted and subsequently intimidated her from reporting him. The student pleaded for her protection. (Snip) By August 2020, dozens of alleged survivors of Anderson’s abuse shared similar accounts with Brooks Fleming. They all feared retaliation. (Snip) Given their immigration status, the teenagers were terrified of Anderson and reporting their experiences to authorities for fear of deportation. Not wanting to violate their trust, Brooks Fleming says she didn’t report it.
So, for months, left wing activist Brooks Fleming failed to report her knowledge of the assaults. That makes Brooks Fleming an accessory after the fact. She should be arrested. Are we supposed to believe that if Anderson was a Trump supporter, Brooks Fleming would not have reported the assaults immediately?
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
MickTurn 6/6/2021 9:54:57 AM (No. 807345)
It is very likely those that did the Abusing ARE DEMOCRAPS!
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
DVC 6/6/2021 11:14:24 AM (No. 807450)
There are two possible fixes for this guy if even half if these accusations are true. One involves a few minutes work with a sharp knife and a couple of strong assistants, the other involves a rope and a tree.
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
snowoutlaw 6/6/2021 11:46:31 AM (No. 807485)
Well this explains why Biden is so hot on bringing in all the illegal "Unaccompanied minors". They need fresh victims because they are only fresh for a short time and their stock needs to be replenished.
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Reply 18 - Posted by:
Zigrid 6/6/2021 2:16:36 PM (No. 807638)
Prisoners never like child predators... they have a living hell to face in prison...unless of course Tay has some questionable tapes of the officials prosecuting him...kinda like obama has on commie/harris..his insurance policy that she will do as he tells's all been set up... biden falls ill... commie/harris steps in... and announces hillary as vice...all set up....and the behavioral psychologists on Hillary's focus group is counting on the snowflakes getting on board... that's why the woman above everyone else mantra on the social media and tv ... especially black women is being shoved down everyone's throat...
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