Why Biden Wants a War in Israel
Frontpage Mag,
Daniel Greenfield
Original Article
Posted By: ConservativeYogini,
5/19/2021 3:15:45 AM
Terrorists have only one thing to offer. It’s right there in the name.
The business model of terrorism is killing people and then demanding a payoff. The game always works the same way. The terrorists attack, their targets fight back, and a third party sends in the diplomats to negotiate on behalf of the terrorists before they get hit too hard.
The Islamic terrorist war against Israel has worked exactly this way for generations.
Like a radio pop song that plays every time you go into a supermarket, you know the next verse and can feel the next beat before it even kicks in no matter how much you hate the music.
Reply 1 - Posted by:
GoodDeal 5/19/2021 3:37:38 AM (No. 790099)
Why??? Because he is as anti Israel as the Muslims. He wants them destroyed too, but he has never read the Bible and if he has then he would know that God had chosen Israel as his people and had protected them over and over again. Her drlivers Israel’s enemies into their hands and destroys them completely. Joe ain’t messing with Sasquatch here.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
stablemoney 5/19/2021 4:47:55 AM (No. 790115)
I hope Israel has finally got it that they have to destroy their enemies. The Palestinians spit their hatred, murder, and terrorize. Destroy them, and leave them to live on a pile of bombing rubble.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
John C 5/19/2021 5:32:35 AM (No. 790137)
Didn't Jon Cary send millions of pound of cement to the Muslims to build tunnels and high rise buildings?
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Thank you!!!
Never give up!, Never give in!!
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
Kate318 5/19/2021 9:00:23 AM (No. 790286)
Because he is a tool of the Anti-Christ, and they want to get Armageddon started?
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
czechlist 5/19/2021 9:09:07 AM (No. 790297)
Bidet doesn't command nor control anything. He is just a post turtle enjoying the view. The Zero and Valerie Jarrett are running things from behind the wizard's curtain.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
Zigrid 5/19/2021 9:38:00 AM (No. 790335)
Biden has nothing to do with this conflict... it's all obama and his muslim friends in iran...who support hamas and work on destroying Israel...and the pentagon is salivating thinking about the business of war a Middle East nightmare will cost...but... this time I think there's an added feature... it is called MAGA... and Americans will not be drawn into a 17 years war again...WE learned from President Trump to cross our arms and say..."oh yeah... says who?"...
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This time, I suspect, the Arab royalty has given its blessing to Israel to get it done. Hamas serves them no purpose anymore. They have become a vassal of the Iranians, and that is at the heart of Arab disdain now. Some of these oil sheiks are seeing their reserved dwindling, now building infrastructure for a future of reduced oil revenues. Much of that is targeting tourists, who tend to avoid dangerous places. Biden is jammed between the Arab money interests and his radical party. The net result is Israel has a fairly free hand to carry on despite the American liberal caterwauling.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
DVC 5/19/2021 9:58:49 AM (No. 790363)
Traitor Joe used our money to fund terrorists, effectively paid them to attack Israel.
It is just that simple.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
little guy 5/19/2021 10:00:48 AM (No. 790368)
How anyone in their right mind can look at the entire world after only 4 months of the Biden/Harris/Obama3 regime and think it is a better place is beyond me.
Biden is too stupid to even know if he's awake. The powers behind his throne want a war to pay-back Israel for supporting Trump. It's a warning to others. Simple as that.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
PrayerWarrior 5/19/2021 11:15:49 AM (No. 790464)
Who was disrespectful to Bibi when he came to the White House? Who studied with Muslims as a young boy? Whose father was a revolutionary Muslim? Yes, the Zero who hates all things Israel. We miss you President Trump!
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He who blesses you, I will bless. And he who curses you, I will curse. This promise was made to Abraham and his heir, Isaac.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
Italiano 5/19/2021 11:52:30 AM (No. 790515)
This is laughable. Demento is going to get his war. Read Ezekiel 38-39. It won't go well for Joe's and Kerry's buddies. Then again, they'll likely be in Hell before then.
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
Dodge Boy 5/19/2021 12:27:15 PM (No. 790556)
FTA, a very chilling conclusion - "Al Qaeda built up its networks into a massive international killing machine on Clinton’s watch, and ISIS grew into a state power while Obama was building up the Arab Spring. We don’t know what terrorist nightmares Biden will breed, but they are likely to be worse than either one. Israelis are in bomb shelters now, but after a few years of Biden, Americans might be there too."
Thanks to the Great Election Fraud of 2020, this is what we have to look forward to while we continue to sit on our hands and hope these ongoing election audits somehow solve our problem for us.
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
antitox 5/19/2021 12:59:43 PM (No. 790587)
There is a catch here. Because Turtle Man gave Iran all that cash, and they rocket Israel, all that does is cause Israel to go bomb the tunnels and target terrorists. And it looks like they're not going to stop until they finish off all the tunnels. That's what their defense minister said.
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
Lawsy0 5/19/2021 2:47:32 PM (No. 790738)
Biden is now and has always been a loudmouth bully and a lost ball in the high weeds. Biden has NO idea what he is bringing down upon himself. Nor could he understand it if you tried to explain. All of it is richly deserved.
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
Geoman 5/19/2021 4:34:49 PM (No. 790836)
FTA: " Israel responds by calculatedly taking out terrorist compounds which Hamas has, with equal calculation, filled with civilian human shields.
Especially children."
Hamas is just as much a threat to the existence of Israel as Japan was to the existence of the U.S. Nuking two large Japanese cities was guaranteed to kill tens of thousands of children but conventional warfare would have possibly killed more, especially during a drawn out invasion. Point being, Israel has a right to exist and should not be constrained by feckless politicians. Does anyone think that if/when Iran gives Hamas the nuclear weapons they are finalizing under Biden's protection, that they would hesitate one minute from killing as many Israelis as possible, especially the children?
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