Why Republicans believe they're right to
oust Liz Cheney
Washington Examiner,
Byron York
Original Article
Posted By: Moritz55,
5/12/2021 12:25:06 PM
House Republicans voted early Wednesday to remove GOP Conference Chairwoman Liz Cheney from her place in the party leadership. The vote marks the final development in Cheney's estrangement from her GOP colleagues. The conflict began on Jan. 13, when Cheney, along with nine other House Republicans, voted to impeach President Donald Trump on a charge of inciting the Jan. 6 Capitol riot. (In 2019, in the first Trump impeachment, Cheney voted no on both articles against the president.) Cheney's attention-getting posture in January — she put out a press release announcing her intention the day before, irritating some Republicans — prompted complaints
Reply 1 - Posted by:
SALady 5/12/2021 12:56:38 PM (No. 783185)
It's bad when you do something stupid. It's worse when you double-down on that stupidity!!!
Liz Cheney is the poster child for the RINO's that have taken over the Republican Party and turned it in to the Republi-Can't Party!!! Hopefully this is a good sign that the true Republicans are starting to grow a pair of brass cajones and are going to fight back.
Please, please, please let Pierre be next!!!
16 people like this.
Reply 2 - Posted by:
Krause 5/12/2021 12:57:12 PM (No. 783187)
Liz is a locker room problem, much like Kaepernick. She's a bit of a psycho when it comes to Trump, imo. She belongs with the Lincoln weirdos.
16 people like this.
Reply 3 - Posted by:
weirdone 5/12/2021 1:02:08 PM (No. 783196)
Good by, so long, Hope you get the same treatment here in Wyoming.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
GustoGrabber 5/12/2021 1:05:28 PM (No. 783200)
Byron York, trying to grasp what unites populist conservatives against DC based political aristocracy.
Like trying to translate Aristotle from the original German.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
DVC 5/12/2021 1:55:26 PM (No. 783270)
A pretty balanced article, as usual from Mr. York. He does a very careful job to not be a cheerleader for either side. Occasionally that wears a bit thin for a partisan like myself, but it probably helps him stay employed, and is actually what journalists should be doing. I like pro-conservative articles, but respect even handed reporting, too.
FTA, said by a "Republican lawmaker":
""But we are beholden to those who supported most of the policies that we voted for and agreed with. I'm not beholden to Donald Trump, but a lot of his policies were awfully good for the country, and a lot of people support that."
That's about half right, sir or madam. You SHOULD be "beholding to Trump", exactly because he had great policies, far better than any other Republican since Reagan, by miles and that attracted a LOT of support. Reject Trump and Trumpism (MAGAism) at your peril. Take Liz Cheney's hysterical anti-Trump path and lose. Hook your wagon to Trump's MAGA star and WIN.
It really is just that simple.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
TXknitter 5/12/2021 2:13:23 PM (No. 783289)
Next, I hope Republicans are not going to spend time blathering on FNC all this week about the ouster and giving long-winded explanations. There is too much work to do!!
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
JayD 5/12/2021 2:36:43 PM (No. 783307)
Liz Cheney continually repeated the same lies the leftist media used to try to tie President Trump to the rioters at the Capitol on Jan. 6, despite videos of the President's speeches that clearly refute the lies. Cheney used the lies to explain away her blind, irrational hatred for Trump. She has no business being in elected office, much less a leadership position in Congress.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
stablemoney 5/12/2021 4:25:31 PM (No. 783444)
The ouster is right because we choose our leaders, not the other way around, and not by CNN or MSDNC.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
Geoman 5/12/2021 4:37:03 PM (No. 783458)
Republicans belong to a major political party. It's not cancel culture to vote someone out of a party leadership position (or party membership) if they share and espouse publicly the political views of the opposing party. It's just politics in a representative democracy.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
udanja99 5/12/2021 4:54:36 PM (No. 783491)
I think the House Republicans knew that, if they got this vote wrong, they were doomed.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
LoneVoice 5/12/2021 8:22:30 PM (No. 783651)
The article makes a good point. She didn't get voted out fro her impeachment vote. In fact her fellow representatives voted to keep her 2 to 1. They were fine with her throwing President Trump under the bus. She started throwing other Republican politicians under the bus. That's why they voted her out. Our Republican politicians only care about themselves. They've shown they don't give a damn about the people they're supposed to represent.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
Italiano 5/12/2021 8:32:37 PM (No. 783658)
She's become just another hysterical dingbat woman in Congress. Time to switch parties, where she'll fit right in.
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