No, Joe -- You are Not a Nice Guy
American Thinker,
Alison Nichols
Original Article
Posted By: Imright,
4/30/2021 6:39:03 AM
No, Joe, you are not a nice guy. Despite your need to keep telling us, we know the ugly truth. You are a pretty nasty guy. You are pugilistic, a plagiarist, a documented racist, a race hustler, creepy with woman and children, the "Big Guy" of a crime family, and have thrown a wrecking ball into America.Your pugilism is epic. How many times have you garnished your weakness with the threat of taking someone behind the gym? There is a difference between a bully and a tough guy. The truth is you are the archetypal man of the pampered class. If reporters dare to ask uncomfortable or "unfair" questions,
Reply 1 - Posted by:
vrb8m 4/30/2021 7:57:11 AM (No. 771375)
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
lakerman1 4/30/2021 8:17:20 AM (No. 771398)
Many decades ago, I had a professor/colleague who was a Jesuit priest. Father Tom suffered a heart attack, and was clinically dead for a few minutes, was revived (unusual back in the 1970s) and spent lots of time contemplating the meaning of life.
His favorite saying was, 'you die the way you live.'
Dementia Jo was never an honest person. He has never had an epiphany, a la St. Paul. Every time Jo receives the sacrament of Holy Communion, he shames his Holy Mother Church.
And now, as he sinks into the abyss of dementia, hissing words through his teeth like the serpent in the Garden of Eden, he is, I believe, beyond redemption. He seems to be without a soul, spouting gibberish given to him by his handlers.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
udanja99 4/30/2021 9:02:58 AM (No. 771454)
Anyone who ever thought that Xiden was a nice guy should go watch the tapes of his treatment of Clarence Thomas in 1991.
I would say that Xiden is a snake, but I like snakes and they’re useful in the food chain. Xiden is useful at nothing. He is, in fact, nothing less than evil.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
Petronius 4/30/2021 9:18:10 AM (No. 771472)
joE is and always has been a petty, mean, vicious punk.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
Right Time 4/30/2021 9:34:40 AM (No. 771491)
Who can ever forget Joebama, campaigning for his puppetmaster in 2016, telling a predominantly black audience that Romney “will have y’all back in chains”? While I despise Romney, that comment was lower than low.
I’d like to take Xiden out back behind the gym
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
RayLRiv 4/30/2021 9:46:17 AM (No. 771505)
Empty cowards like Joe hide behind opportunism and deceit and relish the financial, security advantages their luck and opportunistic behavior reward them with. They become brazen and conceited, emboldened by years of non-accountability, comfortable knowing they're insulated from those they smugly consider their inferiors.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
bpl40 4/30/2021 10:49:30 AM (No. 771571)
They thought 0bama was a "clean cut nice guy'. From that Joe Dementia is an easy leap. I always thought you couldn't be corrupt, scheming, evil while being senile and demented at the same time. But this guy has done the impossible!
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
Ebenezer 4/30/2021 10:49:31 AM (No. 771572)
Read Clarence Thomas' autobiography to find out what a "nice guy" Biden is.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
farmwife 4/30/2021 11:56:23 AM (No. 771609)
Be careful. Or he'll have his secret service beat you up. Nicely, of course.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
DVC 4/30/2021 12:13:53 PM (No. 771625)
Traitor Joe has been a lying, corrupt, backstabbing, snake for his entire political career. A thoroughly nasty, evil person.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
Jesuslover54 4/30/2021 12:20:00 PM (No. 771631)
Alison, I thank you for speaking truth to power.
However, I doubt such arrogant power is listening.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
felixcat 4/30/2021 1:23:38 PM (No. 771674)
I agree but I really fault all these Black Dem voters who keep voting for Democrats.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
Italiano 4/30/2021 1:56:40 PM (No. 771699)
Unless I missed it, she left out "evil."
I evolved from that tired "I never wish anything bad to happen to anybody" mindset a long time ago. I've lost count.
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