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What Price Infrastructure

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Posted By: real fifi, 4/15/2021 10:54:47 AM

It seems like just yesterday then-President Obama put Joe Biden in charge of that “three-letter word: J.O.B.S.,” and while he failed in that mission, as president he’s back at it, this time with incoherent strategies and massive graft opportunities for all his Democrat constituencies. The proposed $2 trillion giveaway, dubbed the American Jobs Plan, only thinly disguises the graft-enabling nature of the proposal. And the means to pay for this giveaway -- higher taxes on persons, investments and businesses -- are more likely to destroy the economy, [snip] than the expenditures proposed for actual infrastructure are to increase job opportunities


The great giveaway has little to do with infrastructure as we'd define it and will destroy the economy, wreck housing and transportation systems.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: marbles 4/15/2021 11:28:04 AM (No. 755634)
The dems plan to destroy America and enslave its citizens
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Reply 2 - Posted by: Lawsy0 4/15/2021 12:18:18 PM (No. 755719)
Isn't Fossil Fuel somebody that was in grammar school with Joe Biden?
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Reply 3 - Posted by: bighambone 4/15/2021 12:27:49 PM (No. 755732)
The Democrats don’t care as they just want to direct as much taxpayer’s money as possible into the pockets of Democrat supporting entities and individuals. The Democrats know that Biden will not be around very long, and after he is gone will simply pin the blame on Biden, and of course the wimpy Republicans.
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What Price Infrastructure 3 replies
Posted by real fifi 4/15/2021 10:54:47 AM Post Reply
It seems like just yesterday then-President Obama put Joe Biden in charge of that “three-letter word: J.O.B.S.,” and while he failed in that mission, as president he’s back at it, this time with incoherent strategies and massive graft opportunities for all his Democrat constituencies. The proposed $2 trillion giveaway, dubbed the American Jobs Plan, only thinly disguises the graft-enabling nature of the proposal. And the means to pay for this giveaway -- higher taxes on persons, investments and businesses -- are more likely to destroy the economy, [snip] than the expenditures proposed for actual infrastructure are to increase job opportunities
The Battle of Burbank 8 replies
Posted by real fifi 3/21/2021 8:24:13 AM Post Reply
It’s believed the Battle of Lexington and Concord was the fight that set off the American Revolution. While a battle at Burbank, California has received less notice, to me it is inspiring -- a community’s refusal to bow to petty, irrational, and illegal bullying. The story is fully recounted by Robert Morton and I urge you to read it in its entirety, but here’s my synopsis. Tinhorn Flats is a family-operated bar and restaurant in Burbank. Burbank has had a death rate from the Wuhan virus of 2.8 percent of which 80 percent were of those over 65 who had, on average three co-morbidities.
Sidney Powell Releases the Kraken 9 replies
Posted by real fifi 11/27/2020 1:47:51 PM Post Reply

Twas the night before Thanksgiving and all through the press the media was calling it curtains on the challenges to the fraudulent election, when across the internet there was such a clatter -- attorney Sidney Powell unleashed the power of the Kraken. Here are the links to the filed complaints by Sidney Powell in federal district courts respecting the massive, well-documented election fraud in Georgia:

Fear the Walking D(r)read 6 replies
Posted by real fifi 10/17/2020 3:37:34 PM Post Reply
Richard Feynman wrote “science is the belief in the ignorance of experts,” and nothing could demonstrate that point more readily than the public’s growing disaffection with the experts of the public health apparatus -- the WHO, the CDC, and Dr. Anthony Fauci. Their proscriptions (often conflicting) respecting the handling of Covid-19 were simply not “scientific.” They were, in fact, nothing more than guesses which did not work out. Not that that stopped them from silencing those whose experience, both medical and non-medical, contradicted their guesswork.
Why Can't We Go To the Hairdresser? 16 replies
Posted by real fifi 4/28/2020 1:43:01 PM Post Reply
The cynic in me thinks the press will urge a nationwide lockdown unless and until a Democrat sits in the White House at which time they will take a harder look at the diminishing Covid-19 fatalities and the increasing cost of the lockdowns. In the meantime frustrated, increasingly broke Americans are asking what happened to such rights as free speech, assembly, worship, freedom from unreasonable searches and seizures, right to bear arms, right to due process in criminal cases and privacy.
Mogadishu Mon Amour 5 replies
Posted by real fifi 7/21/2019 6:32:10 AM Post Reply
The French movie Hiroshima Mon Amour is based on human memory and forgetfulness as recounted by two lovers. The tale of the congresswoman who calls herself Ilhan Omar is a tale of an anti-Semite bred-in-the-bone corruptocrat whose rise in political power rests very largely on complicity by the media’s airbrushing of her history because they thought this physically attractive African Moslem “refugee” was just the ticket to defeat Donald Trump. The media counts on our forgetfulness and ignorance.
How Many Divisions Does Chief Justice Roberts Have? 9 replies
Posted by real fifi 7/7/2019 8:04:59 AM Post Reply
When Obama didn’t like a court order, he ignored it. In fact , he exceeded the constitutional bounds of his office at least 10 times, notes Ilya Shapiro. He did it in intervening in Libya without even notifying Congress; in subverting creditors’ rights in the Chrysler bailout; in his administration’s implementation of ObamaCare; In the political profiling by the IRS; in illegally appointing three members of the NLRB and the head of the Consumer Financial Protection Board when Congress was not in recess; in directing “the Department of Homeland Security to issue work and residence permits” to the so-called Dreamers (Deferred Action to Childhood Arrivals);
Babble: The 'Debates' and the SCOTUS 2 replies
Posted by real fifi 6/30/2019 6:42:53 AM Post Reply
Life is too short to spend it on phony debates when you can see the highlights in videos and read the text of the remarks. The word peddlers are each picking their claims as to who won. The more critical observers suggest that I was right not to bother. Apparently Julian Castro thought transwomen have a right to an abortion. (Perhaps after taxpayers pay for them to have a uterus transplant): HOLT: Secretary Castro, this one is for you. All of you on stage support a woman’s right to an abortion. You all support some version of a government health care option.
A Made Man (Mueller) Unmakes Himself 9 replies
Posted by real fifi 6/2/2019 1:19:29 PM Post Reply
In common parlance, a made man is someone whose path to success was greased by circumstances. It also refers to someone formally inducted as a full member of a criminal outfit -- the Mafia. In the political atmosphere in which Robert Mueller was born, he, like John Kerry, was virtually assured of a prestigious place in society: He was a tall white man with a hatchet jaw who (like his classmate Kerry) went to an expensive private school – St. Paul’s -- and came from a well-connected and well-off family.
Tragedy Tommorow, Comedy Tonight 9 replies
Posted by real fifi 5/5/2019 8:15:50 AM Post Reply
That’s the title of a great song in A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum, and that, it occurs to me, is an appropriate song for the media and the Democrats. For two years they vigorously promoted -- for their amusement and political benefit -- a fake Russian collusion story and now must watch it unravel and boomerang on them, their allies and the miscreants who created it. They had their fun, and the denouement has begun.
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Posted by Ribicon 4/16/2021 12:23:53 AM Post Reply
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Why Is Everyone Swallowing Biden’s Lies? 28 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 4/16/2021 8:14:49 AM Post Reply
How did this happen? How did the nation go in an instant from disbelieving every utterance of Donald Trump to robotically repeating — and acting on — every claim that falls out of Joe Biden’s mouth, no matter how disconnected from the truth? The most glaring example involves Biden’s fact-challenged tirade against Georgia’s new voting law. At his first and only press conference, Biden declared the state’s efforts to protect against voter fraud were worse than Jim Crow, “un-American,” “sick,” and “despicable.” (This was the same press conference where moments later Biden bragged about how much time he’s spent with China’s genocidal communist dictator before calling him “a smart, smart guy.”)
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Posted by Imright 4/16/2021 6:08:00 PM Post Reply
White House press secretary Jen Psaki called the video of 13-year-old Adam Toledo getting shot by a Chicago police office 'chilling' during Friday's press briefing. Psaki said she hadn't spoken to President Joe Biden before the morning briefing, so didn't know if he'd watched it, but said it served as a 'reminder' that 'too often in this country law enforcement uses unnecessary force, too often resulting in the death of black and brown Americans.' She said the shooting was unnecessary after Chicago cops released bodycam footage showing the boy had a gun and dropped it just before the officer opened fire.
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Posted by earlybird 4/16/2021 7:14:41 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 4/16/2021 11:11:36 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Hazymac 4/16/2021 1:19:30 PM Post Reply
WEST YELLOWSTONE — A person is recovering at Eastern Idaho Regional Medical Center after being attacked by a grizzly bear Thursday afternoon. Emergency crews were called to an area near Bakers Hole Campground around 3:45 p.m., according to a Gallatin County Sheriff’s Office news release. They searched for 50 minutes before finding the injured person, who had significant scalp and facial injuries. Gallatin County Sheriff Search & Rescue were called to respond on snowmobile with a rescue toboggan. The victim was loaded onto the toboggan and taken to a nearby ambulance. Hebgen Basin Fire Department EMS crews then drove the patient to EIRMC. “Now is the time to remember to be conscientious
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Posted by Dreadnought 4/16/2021 4:50:38 PM Post Reply
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Poll Shows 69 Percent of Americans
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Posted by zoidberg 4/16/2021 3:12:04 PM Post Reply
Public support for marijuana legalization has reached a new high. According to pollsters at Quinnipiac University, 69 percent of all Americans and clear majorities in every demographic group now favor the legalization of marijuana. That's up from 51 percent of Americans who said they favored legalization in 2012, the first year Quinnipiac included questions about marijuana in their national surveys, and up from 60 percent who backed legalization in 2019. (Snip) Support isn't just growing, it is broadening. The Quinnipiac poll found that 78 percent of self-identified Democrats, 62 percent of self-identified Republicans, and 67 percent of self-identified independents favor legalization.
Unrest in Minnesota town offers warning
to other U.S. suburbs, experts say
22 replies
Posted by NorthernDog 4/16/2021 11:03:40 AM Post Reply
BROOKLYN CENTER, Minn —When William Adams moved to this area a few years ago, he joined thousands of Minneapolis residents in transforming Brooklyn Center from the mostly White suburb it once was into one where people of color account for more than half the population. But as he tried to settle into the community, Adams, who is Black, was always reminded of how Brooklyn Center police used to harass him in the early 1970s when he came to visit his girlfriend, who was White. “They would see something hanging in the window, or a light out on my car and
Can we finally start ignoring Fauci? 21 replies
Posted by Magnante 4/16/2021 4:51:18 AM Post Reply
Anybody who’s taking Dr. Anthony Fauci seriously probably needs to stop doing so. He endlessly moves the goalposts to maintain his unlimited power over the American people, something Democrats support. That’s why, on Thursday, during House testimony, Rep. Maxine Watters (who is a low-rent harridan) tried to shut down Rep. Jim Jordan’s efforts to get Fauci to say when enough Americans will be vaccinated so that COVID restrictions can end. The past year has shown that Fauci either has no idea what he’s talking about or is trying to advance an agenda that invariably has to do with maintaining the 2020 status quo of lockdowns, isolation, and masks.
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