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Election Integrity and Its Discontents

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Posted By: Garnet, 3/29/2021 1:31:37 AM

Public opinion surveys consistently show that a majority of the electorate favors robust election integrity laws. The most recent Rasmussen poll of likely voters, for example, found that 75 percent — including 69 percent of black voters and 82 percent of other nonwhite voters — favor voter ID laws. Solid majorities of Democratic and Independent voters agree. Yet the Democrats who control Washington and the corporate news media insist that efforts by GOP state legislatures to bolster election integrity laws constitute a sinister conspiracy to suppress the minority vote. This plot will lead to restrictions on voting rights, warns the Washington Post,

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Reply 1 - Posted by: pixelero 3/29/2021 2:57:35 AM (No. 738075)
So obvious the Democrats’ reaction is due to their historic manipulation of the voter rolls. They’re criminals.
39 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: LaVallette 3/29/2021 7:26:34 AM (No. 738142)
While the Constitutional Right to vote is not universal to every resident of the USA, citizen or not, at a particular time of an election taking place, but is subject to identity conditions concerning citizenship, age, place of residence, voter registration etc etc etc. the putative voter must always be open to any challenge by the relevant electoral authorities to prove he/she meets all the required constitutional and legal criteria.
10 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: CaptainLibra 3/29/2021 8:29:40 AM (No. 738191)
But wait, the poor Black folks don't have the wherewithal to get an ID card. That's what we're told by our betters in DC.
11 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: LLAMA 3/29/2021 8:35:44 AM (No. 738203)
While it is important that every qualified voter be allowed the opportunity to vote, it is even more important that ineligible persons not be allowed to vote. The responsibility to prove eligibility resides with individual voters, and it is more that reasonable to expect prospective voters to demonstrate the general awareness and cognitive ability to pre-register, to attain and maintain proper photo-identification, and to show up at the proper time and place to vote. With notable exceptions, such as physical disability, a person who cannot do these things is likely not sufficiently informed is not reasonably likely to possess the faculties to vote. An informed and responsible voter pool is essential to maintaining our constitutional republic. Conversely, and random and lawless voting process is likely to produce a failed state, as has been demonstrated over and over again.
14 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Strike3 3/29/2021 8:48:06 AM (No. 738222)
Democrats have been altering vote counts for a long time, places like New York, Philadelphia and Chicago are notorious for their cheating and their long stretches of incompetent criminal democrats prove it. The only reason they got caught in 2020 was that Trump's lead was so overwhelming that they needed immediate large corrections everywhere and that did not go unnoticed. That's why we aren't supposed to mention the cheating, it's the only way then can get their stooges into office so taking cheating rights away makes for an unfair, un-level playing field.
17 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: gone2pot 3/29/2021 8:50:08 AM (No. 738223)
It doesn't matter what majorities want. It absolutely doesn't matter anymore. Look, there's a multi-pronged system in place right this minute that will forever guarantee election victories for the deep state, period; vote counting via Dominion, Smartmatic, et al; illegal alien votes-and now the Marxists ARE shipping the illegal aliens into purple and light red districts to flip them; mail in ballots; and probably a few others. HR1 WILL pass and it will be against federal law to even have a fair election. Damn, does ANYBODY get this yet? But, all conservative media and Republican leaders do is expose majority poling data? Has anyone read Solzhenitsyn, Marx, Alinksy, Cloward-Piven, Rand? This Ted Cruz crap where he LETS the Biden staffer stop him from filming the border THEN he complains about it. Would an elected Marxist stop filming? Hell no. Is there ANY FREAKING HILL the GOP will die on because the Marxists die on EVERY hill until they win. And kids, they have won BIGLY.
14 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: felixcat 3/29/2021 9:40:09 AM (No. 738257)
Too bad ex AG Bill; Barr don't live up to the reputation that Mark Levin, Joe DiGenova, etc kept telling us abut him. He's a straight shooter, like Durham, he'll put the rule of law above all else, etc and did NOTHING about the blatant fraud committed last November. And yet, I just heard Joe DiGenova on his regular Monday morning chit chat with the hosts Mornings on the Mall on wmal talk radio blame all those who sat out the special election for Georgia Senators for the 50-50 senate.
8 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: NotaBene 3/29/2021 10:17:34 AM (No. 738286)
The CIA and FBI will determine the winners.
7 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: billa57 3/29/2021 11:25:32 AM (No. 738357)
What? A majority of people don't want tp live in a corrupt dictatorship? Shocking!
5 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: Zigrid 3/29/2021 11:27:21 AM (No. 738358)
Voter IDs are coming... this stolen election sealed that the democrats will be busy creating victims and badmouthing conservatives... if DC can convince the blacks on the city plantations to vote for them...they may have a chance... but blacks know that illegal aliens take their jobs... so the Dems may have a problem...and taking energy jobs from the union was a BIG mistake... those guys are really pis--d.
3 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: PrayerWarrior 3/29/2021 11:55:37 AM (No. 738385)
The only answer to election cheating is paper ballots. Remember Florida and the chads. If it had not been for the paper ballots what would they be looking at?
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Reply 12 - Posted by: rikkitikki 3/29/2021 2:20:53 PM (No. 738513)
AG Barr stated publicly on Dec 1, 2020 that the DOJ had found no credible evidence of election fraud. What AG Barr carefully did not say, and was not asked, was the degree to which the DOJ had actually conducted any legitimate investigations of election fraud. In my general experience, it is unlikely you will an object if you are not looking for it. For example, no one asked AG Barr about the results of the DOJ's extensive investigations into the 1,000+ sworn affidavits asserting election fraud, nor of the presumably pending perjury prosecutions resulting from those investigations which would have accrued if they'd been found to be false...didn't need to, because everyone already knew that neither AG Barr, nor anyone else in the DOJ, and conducted any such investigations. Barr lied, America died.
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Chris Cuomo reportedly received
even more attention than other
'VIPs' during COVID tests
7 replies
Posted by Garnet 3/30/2021 12:56:25 PM Post Reply
The Washington Post ran a brutal "behind-the-scenes" report on how Democratic New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo prioritized COVID testing in the early months of the pandemic, including how his brother, CNN anchor Chris Cuomo, allegedly received treatment "beyond" others on the so-called VIP list. According to sources, more than "100 individuals" with close ties to the governor were referred to as "priorities," "specials," "inner circle" or "criticals" and were "logged in an electronic data sheet that was kept separate from a database for the general public." The Post reported that Dr. Eleanor Adams, a top New York physician who was tasked by the Cuomo administration to coordinate
Are Democrats Dangerous
to Your Health?
3 replies
Posted by Garnet 3/30/2021 12:36:07 PM Post Reply
Rep. Jack Kemp used to say that minority voters "don't care what you know until they know that you care." Democrats have cleaned up with Black and Hispanic voters (although a little less so with each passing election) by professing how much they care. Ah, but it is also a truism that actions speak louder than words. Black voters made significantly more economic progress in former President Donald Trump's one term, despite his label as a "racist," than in eight years under former President Barack Obama. The Black poverty rate fell to its lowest level EVER under Trump, whereas little progress was made in Obama's two terms. Ditto for Hispanics.
Election Integrity and Its Discontents 12 replies
Posted by Garnet 3/29/2021 1:31:37 AM Post Reply
Public opinion surveys consistently show that a majority of the electorate favors robust election integrity laws. The most recent Rasmussen poll of likely voters, for example, found that 75 percent — including 69 percent of black voters and 82 percent of other nonwhite voters — favor voter ID laws. Solid majorities of Democratic and Independent voters agree. Yet the Democrats who control Washington and the corporate news media insist that efforts by GOP state legislatures to bolster election integrity laws constitute a sinister conspiracy to suppress the minority vote. This plot will lead to restrictions on voting rights, warns the Washington Post,
First battlefront drawn in Georgia
in epic fight over future of American elections
13 replies
Posted by Garnet 3/26/2021 9:56:16 AM Post Reply
Over just a few hours Thursday, Georgia's Legislature and Gov. Brian Kemp drew the first battle line in the high-stakes struggle to decide how American voters will cast ballots in the future after the pandemic-ridden election of 2020. The Republican-controlled state put itself firmly in the camp of voter ID requirements, limited drop boxes and expanded weekend voting. And depending on the eye of the beholder, it was either a win for election integrity or a return to the era of Jim Crow voter suppression. And the debate may be coming soon to a ballot box near you, as conservatives like Heritage Action for America and liberals like Stacey Abrams' Fair Fight
New York Lawmakers Commit to Thorough, Lengthy
Impeachment Investigation of Andrew Cuomo
16 replies
Posted by Garnet 3/25/2021 1:25:01 PM Post Reply
The New York State Assembly’s judiciary committee announced on Tuesday that its investigation of Governor Andrew Cuomo’s behavior could take “months.” The New York State Assembly Judiciary Committee Chair, Long Island Democrat Charles Lavine, said its investigation of embattled New York Governor Andrew Cuomo could take “months, rather than weeks” to “assess whether there’s evidence that the governor has engaged in conduct that justifies articles of impeachment.”“Given the breadth and seriousness of the issues under investigation, we expect that the timing will be in terms of months rather than weeks,” Lavine explained during an audio broadcast of a judiciary committee meeting streamed Tuesday.
REVEALED: Gov. Cuomo prioritized
family and associates for COVID testing
in early days of the pandemic
5 replies
Posted by Garnet 3/25/2021 1:19:27 PM Post Reply
Embattled New York Democrat Governor Andrew Cuomo and New York State Health Commissioner Howard Zucker reportedly instructed local health officials to prioritize Cuomo’s family and individuals with links to his administration during the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic.According to the Albany Times Union, sources with direct knowledge of the occurrences told the outlet that family members received multiple tests even when they were scarce. Reportedly, epidemiologist Dr. Eleanor Adams was sent to the Governor’s brother, CNN anchor Chris Cuomo’s residence in Long Island to test him. The Cuomo Prime Time anchor was diagnosed with the
'Corrupt Politicians Act' Rigs
Elections for the Radical Left
3 replies
Posted by Garnet 3/24/2021 10:51:22 AM Post Reply
Fresh off of ramming through a $1.9 trillion monstrosity of a stimulus bill stuffed with pork spending and liberal pet projects, Democrats are gearing up to try to radically transform our election system and lock in majorities at every level of elected government for decades to come. Democrats call this bill the For the People Act, or HR 1, but a more appropriate name would be the Corrupt Politicians Act because it’s designed by the politicians, of the politicians, and for the politicians. Here are just a few of the countless reasons why this bill may be the single most dangerous piece of legislation we’ve seen in decades:
Will Democrats Really Nuke the Filibuster
—and What Happens If They Do?
9 replies
Posted by Garnet 3/24/2021 10:46:53 AM Post Reply
President Joe Biden's agenda has stalled on Capitol Hill halfway through his first 100 days in office. Biden's supporters fear that if Democrats in Congress don't act soon, they will have squandered their best opportunity to pass such policy priorities as a climate action bill, election legislation, and immigration reform. Supporters are especially frustrated with Senate Democrats for allowing their chamber's Republicans to filibuster bills passed by the Democratic-controlled House. The Senate, unlike the House, permits a minority of its members to block bills supported by a majority. Specifically, Rule 22 requires three-fifths of the Senate (60 senators) to vote to end a filibuster by invoking cloture on a bill.
Biden’s border baloney 5 replies
Posted by Garnet 3/23/2021 12:23:07 PM Post Reply
The administration sent Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas to the Sunday shows with an impossible job -- to defend President Biden's policies that have led to a massive rush of illegal crossers at the U.S.-Mexico border. Mayorkas' assignment was to make a simple -- and false -- declaration. "The border is closed," he told ABC's "This Week." "The border is closed," he told NBC's "Meet the Press." "The border is closed," he told "Fox News Sunday." It was a preposterous statement. Everyone knows the Biden administration is struggling to find places to accommodate the more than 15,000 unaccompanied minors who have crossed the border illegally in the last few weeks.
‘COVID Relief’ Bill Collides
With the Constitution
21 replies
Posted by Garnet 3/22/2021 4:01:41 AM Post Reply
Well, that didn’t take long. The first major bill passed by the new Democratic congressional majority and signed into law by our new president on March 11 had already provoked a constitutional challenge by March 17. The attorney general of Ohio filed suit against the Biden administration last Wednesday in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Ohio, alleging that the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) unconstitutionally and coercively limits the right of states to manage their internal fiscal policies: “This suit challenges an unconstitutional provision in the American Rescue Plan Act — a provision that allows the federal government to commandeer state taxing authority.”
One Of The Lockdowns’ Greatest
Casualties Could Be Science
15 replies
Posted by Garnet 3/18/2021 3:23:00 PM Post Reply
The COVID-19 pandemic and lockdowns have not only been devastating for society, they have had a chilling effect on the scientific community. For science to thrive, opposing ideas must be openly and vigorously discussed, supported, or countered based on scientific merit. Instead, some politicians, journalists, and (alas) scientists have engaged in vicious slander of dissident scientists, spreading damaging conspiracy theories, even with open calls for censorship in place of debate. In many cases, eminent scientific voices have been effectively silenced, often with gutter tactics. People who oppose lockdowns have been accused of having blood on their hands, their university positions threatened, with many of our colleagues choosing to stay quiet
Manchin’s Mendacious Filibuster Position 7 replies
Posted by Garnet 3/17/2021 3:37:35 AM Post Reply
For a sense of how credible West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin is on protecting the filibuster, consider a 2018 campaign ad wherein he brandished a rifle and declared himself to be “Second Amendment always.” This ad allowed him to maintain the illusion that he was a gun-totin’ Mountain State patriot while he parroted the Democratic Party line. Manchin’s ad failed to mention that he twice introduced gun control bills during his first term. Moreover, he is once again working on gun control legislation. Sen. Manchin’s pledge to protect the prerogatives of the Republican Senate minority by supporting the filibuster is no more trustworthy than his support of the Second Amendment
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THEY’RE HERE: Biden Regime Is
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66 replies
Posted by Harlowe 3/29/2021 2:09:25 AM Post Reply
After months of speculation, today The Washington Post confirmed that the Biden regime is developing a “vaccine passport” that Americans may need to present to prove they have received their COVID-19 vaccine before they will be allowed to engage in commerce in a “return to normalcy” that looks nothing like the past.(Snip)The left wing newspaper also believes that the vaccines can be used to bully skeptical Americans into taking the controversial vaccines.(Snip)However, the Biden regime apparently wants this pressure to come entirely in the form of corporate interests requiring vaccines, and does not want to use the weight of the federal government to require the vaccine passports.
Biden will not throw first pitch
at Nationals opening day
52 replies
Posted by Ribicon 3/30/2021 1:31:53 PM Post Reply
President Biden will not throw the ceremonial first pitch on Thursday’s opening day at Nationals Park, a team spokesperson confirmed. “We look forward to welcoming President Biden to Nationals Park in the future,” a team spokesperson told The Washington Post, which first reported the news. A reason for why Biden will not throw the first pitch wasn’t provided. A team spokesperson told the Washington Times a decision on who will throw Thursday’s first pitch will be released at a later time. The tradition of presidents throwing out the first pitch began with President William Howard Taft in 1910, appearing at opening day for the Washington Senators
Cher Rages Over Georgia Voter Integrity Law:
Republican Politicians Are ‘Evil, Soulless, Bigots’
43 replies
Posted by Black Conservative Voice 3/30/2021 6:55:17 AM Post Reply
Cher is the latest Hollywood celebrity to explode over Georgia’s new voter integrity law, claiming inaccurately that the law takes away voting rights of black Americans. She also lashed out at Republican lawmakers, calling them “evil” and “bigots.” In an emotional tweet on Sunday, the actress and pop star accused Republicans of stripping the voting rights of black people and depriving them of “racial and economic equity.” Cher wrote that Republican politicians are “infected” with a “deadly pandemic of their own making.” They are “evil, soulless, bigots” and “don’t care.”
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Posted by Imright 3/30/2021 12:14:16 AM Post Reply
Appearing on the radio talk show of conservative radio host Laura Ingraham today, former President Jimmy Carter said he believes the Democratic Party should moderate its position on abortion, which it currently supports without limits and funded at taxpayer expense.Carter said toning down the stridently pro-abortion position would help win back Republicans who abandoned the Democrats because of abortion and other liberal social issue positions.Carter said:“I never have believed that Jesus Christ would approve of abortions and that was one of the problems I had when I was president having to uphold Roe v. Wade
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Posted by Ribicon 3/29/2021 1:11:43 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Ribicon 3/29/2021 2:01:16 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 3/30/2021 11:51:42 AM Post Reply
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Biden Calls on Governors to Reinstate Mask
Mandates, Says He Shares CDC Director’s
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35 replies
Posted by Imright 3/29/2021 6:34:44 PM Post Reply
Joe Biden on Monday said he “shares the sentiment” of CDC Director Rochelle Walensky who warned of “impending doom” with the Covid case trajectory. “We have so much to look forward to, so much promise and potential…and so much reason for hope, but right now I’m scared,” Walensky said of a virus with a 99.98% survival rate. The US is currently recording a weekly average of approximately 63,000 Covid cases per day, a slight uptick from last week.Biden said he shares the sentiment with Walensky.
The meaning behind
Kamala's cackle
32 replies
Posted by Magnante 3/30/2021 3:53:38 AM Post Reply
Video emerged of Kamala Harris recently speaking about the problems parents face when their schools are closed but they can’t afford childcare. This is a serious issue with massive repercussions for children’s development and for working mothers. So what did Kamala do? She cracked herself up (snip) If you look up “inappropriate laughter” a few things pop up. It turns out that it can be a nervous system disorder called Pseudobulbar affect (aka emotional incontinence) (snip) In other words, in addition to a president sliding into dementia, we could have a vice president with a neurological disorder.
Moment Trump supporter pulls a gun on
ANTIFA rioter who tried to smash his truck's
windows during clash between rival groups
29 replies
Posted by Imright 3/29/2021 6:08:37 AM Post Reply
This is the moment a Trump supporter pulled a gun on Antifa protesters after his truck was vandalized during a caravan past the capitol building in Salem.Video captured demonstrators spraying paint across the windscreen of the truck, and smashing the tail lights, before the driver steps out with a gun and points it directly at anti-fascist protesters.The driver, who was wearing an American flag sweater, was almost immediately apprehended by police who ordered him to drop to the ground and let go of his weapon.The tense moment was one of many clashes between left-wing, anti-fascist demonstrators
Biden administration is working on
unified vaccine passport scheme but
critics call it 'un-American' and like
'needing your papers' and should
not be mandated
29 replies
Posted by Ribicon 3/29/2021 12:58:11 AM Post Reply
The Biden administration and private firms are reportedly developing a ‘vaccine passport’ that will allow Americans to return to pre-pandemic activities like travel and shopping by showing proof they’ve been inoculated against COVID-19. The ‘vaccine passport’ is considered key to meeting the administration’s goal of emerging from the lockdown and returning to a semblance of normalcy this summer. It will in all likelihood be available for free through smartphones. Vaccinated Americans will be able to flash a scannable code while those who do not have phones could print out a code on a piece of paper, according to The Washington Post.
Biden is set to announce $3 TRILLION in
tax hikes tomorrow: President will target
businesses, married couples, high earners
on more than $400k, and estates to fund
his climate-friendly infrastructure package
28 replies
Posted by OhioNick 3/30/2021 3:34:42 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden is set to announce up to $3trillion in tax increases targeting the rich and middle class when he unveils his infrastructure package in Pittsburgh tomorrow. The hikes could hit Americans earning more than $400,000 a year, businesses, married couples and estates. It is part of his bid to fund the revenue needed for his bold proposal to pay for new roads, bridges, green technology and 'human infrastructure' - which includes subsidies for Americans to pay for health insurance and measures to cut child poverty.
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