Oh Noem, Not Another Squish!
Kurt Schlichter
Original Article
Posted By: Ida Lou Pino,
3/26/2021 12:51:49 PM
You know who is laughing right now? Nikki! Haley is, because Kristi Noem may have derailed her own electoral freight train as it rolled down the conservative governortrix tracks toward the GOP nom in 2024. Now, Nikki! is a total non-starter, though she doesn’t seem to realize it. Her astonishingly weak submission to the forces that hate us – she was not to be seen at CPAC because she would have been booed – has totally killed her dreams, though the GOP establishment has this fantasy that she can cruise into the White House by pretending to be hardcore when she’s just Jeb! in a skirt.
Reply 1 - Posted by:
DVC 3/26/2021 1:02:40 PM (No. 735838)
Yep. This is my take, too.
I am OVER Noem. Yes, she did well in the Dem-panic. But his is a FAIL. It will take a LOT to erase this, in my mind.
She is starting to remind me of former SC governor Haley, who I will NEVER support for any office.
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About 2 weeks before this I read an article by someone who warned conservatives about Kristi Noem based on her record from before she was governor. The author of that article said that, based on that record, under no circumstances should conservatives consider her for higher office. His criticisms of her record were legitimate problems.
At the time I thought that we should allow for the possibility that she had grown. The record of what Donald Trump had said and promoted politically before he ran for President were similarly problematic. However, this shows that she still has a tendency towards that problematic approach.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
chumley 3/26/2021 1:15:22 PM (No. 735849)
Like an old boss once told me, all it takes is one "Aw feces" to erase a hundred "Atta boys".
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
earlybird 3/26/2021 1:28:55 PM (No. 735857)
Noem has her defenders - she looked so good to so many of us - but I watched her in several interviews and her face revealed that she had folded and was trying now to cover her backside. So, with heavy heart, I have bid farewell to another disappointing Republican. We can say “oh, well, she’s better than most” but what she gave up on, gave in on, was just too important. None of her explaining rang true.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
earlybird 3/26/2021 1:40:30 PM (No. 735869)
Here tweet thread trying to explain it was lame; her appearance on Tucker was condescending gibberish. Watching it, woke cons started out disappointed with her and ended up infuriated at her. Here’s the irony – Kristi Noem stepped on her Ted Lieu in the context for a transexual policy issue.
This is the performance I watched. Unbelievable.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
Jerseyden 3/26/2021 1:52:01 PM (No. 735879)
She sent the bill back for some revisions did not veto it. Not sure if she is the one for 2024 , but she as good as any who are projected to be in it. I think too many Rino’s are willing to dismiss her.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
JackBurton 3/26/2021 2:00:32 PM (No. 735883)
I'll take Noem anyday. Sorry that she doesn't meet your cultural purity standards. There was an explanation for her signing this for k-12 education and I thought it was a good.one. Take that. Be happy. If you want more, get it legislated and put it before her.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
Proud Texan 3/26/2021 2:07:27 PM (No. 735890)
I tend to agree with #7. The bill she signed should not be a problem. A bill involving college athletics could have problem at supreme court. Put that in a different bill, then if a leftist judge knocks it down, you still have this one protecting the younger women/girls.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
stablemoney 3/26/2021 2:49:58 PM (No. 735941)
I like Noem and intend to continue to support her. The left wants to set sic the right on themselves. I am having none of that.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
montwoodcliff 3/26/2021 4:09:44 PM (No. 736005)
Squish is the right call. She should have let this go to the Supreme Court if that ever would arise, instead of being defeatist. If she lost, then rewrite the bill.
The other day when Trump was talking about good candidates, he said he liked her. I wonder if this changes his mind.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
Muguy 3/26/2021 5:53:06 PM (No. 736075)
Squish-- is that a "pre-RINO"???
There were many "tea party" candidates that heard the call of the RINO and became useless.
The base is tired of the 'republicans' bringing a knife to a gunfight-- the demonrat socialists play for keeps and go for the juggular-- "the way we have always done it" doesn't work anymore in DC
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
Foont 3/26/2021 6:22:27 PM (No. 736097)
In effect she stated that South Dakota is ruled by corporate interests, the NCAA and any ruling that a judge, no matter how vile or insane, issues as a command from the bench. This has been GOP standard practice for decades and is the reason the country is falling apart. These "conservatives" are always ready and willing to compromise on any of their "dearly held" principles rather than face any real push back or risk their status or power or wealth for actually holding their ground. Contrast with the leftists who hold back nothing and treat every issue as a crisis that MUST be dealt with to their satisfaction no ifs, ands or buts.
Is there ANYTHING that the left threatens to impose or mandates in some insane legal ruling that this woman will refuse to enforce on the people she supposedly represents?
It is way, way past time for so-called conservative "leaders" to prove that is what they are and stand up and say "NO" to the left. Say "NO" to idiotic and insane rulings from judges. Say "NO" to corporate big shots and the media flacks they control. Say "NO" to federal actions that openly infringe rights or impose literally insane mandates.
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A few days ago - - I was admonished by some because I opined that Kristi had revealed herself to be a gutless RINO weenie. Well - - at least the estimable Mr. Schlichter - - and everyone he knows - - are in full agreement. Huge letdown that Kristi is a scaredy-cat and corporate pawn.