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James Huntsman files lawsuit accusing
Latter-day Saint Church of fraud

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Posted By: mean Gene, 3/25/2021 1:20:24 PM

A member of one of Utah's most prominent families, and a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, has filed a lawsuit accusing the church of fraud. James Huntsman says the church spent tithes from members on commercial interests instead of charity, as it was intended. "This is not a case about faith; it is a case about fraud and corporate greed," the lawsuit reads.


The "church" claims it didn't use tithed money for its City Creek real estate investment, but a look at their twisted finances shows they used tithes to build a real estate empire then, supposedly, used profits from those riches to develop City Creek. Deseret News is a mouthpiece for their church and their article includes all the "right" talking points for their followers.

Post Reply

Reply 1 - Posted by: 24tea@Mag 3/25/2021 1:55:13 PM (No. 734918)
This problem sounds the same as what is going on in the federal government today and will continue the next 4 years.
5 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: DVC 3/25/2021 3:12:13 PM (No. 734973)
This ought to be fun. I spent three weeks attending a course on computer graphics at Brigham Young University in the early 1980s. The people there were all really super nice, pleasant, smiling Mormons. Yet, somehow, with the news of that time, various bombings to kill people (bomb in newspaper in the driveway) apparently related to internal power/money strife in the Mormon church. There are other things, too. I have always had serious concerns about the upper levels of the church. Example from the early days: If you have never heard of the Mountain Meadows Massacre, you should look it up. A very well documented case of Mormons massacring 120 people in a wagon train heading for California in covered wagons in the 1850s. Some children were spared, raised Mormon, but never forgot what they saw that day, and eventually one person was convicted and executed long, long after. I have never neard any clear explanations of motive that makes the slightest sense. Apparently the wagon train did nothing at all to deserve it. The Mormon Church has always made me nervous, but all the Mormon ordinary people that I know and have known have been wonderful people. A bizarre dichotomy that I cannot fully explain.
12 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: raspberry 3/25/2021 3:29:47 PM (No. 735001)
#2, maybe the dichotomy doesn't really exist. There are viable explanations good enough for most of us.
2 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: NeverForget 3/25/2021 4:27:52 PM (No. 735061)
#2 -- I will just note that the horrendous Mountain Meadows Massacre took place 164 years ago. It is perhaps wiser to judge the Church based on your own personal experiences in this lifetime.
4 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Mr C 3/25/2021 4:28:53 PM (No. 735063)
The problem he faces will be to prove which Dollar went to starving children, hurrcane victims and other worthy causes v/s which dollar went to 'church holdings' not for profit business etc....unless he gets a group of anit-trump auditors from new york...the paper work will be 2 miles higher than Denver Colorado which is already a mile high!
1 person likes this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: Laotzu 3/25/2021 5:46:56 PM (No. 735131)
Hey, James. You had me right up until . . . According to court documents, Huntsman is seeking $5 million in damages. He says he will then take the money and donate it to charities "supporting LGBTQ, African-American, and women’s rights."
7 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: lakerman1 3/25/2021 5:51:30 PM (No. 735137)
There was a wonderful episode of South Park on mormonism - might be available on youtube - examining the origins of the faith. Comical as all get out, just by stating the Mormon explanation of its origin.
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Reply 8 - Posted by: Strike3 3/25/2021 7:41:14 PM (No. 735223)
These people should talk to Robert Tilton or smiling Joel Osteen if they want to do fraud the right way.
3 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: cartcart 3/25/2021 7:55:41 PM (No. 735231)
Maybe I should ask for my donations to the Boy Scouts back. They spend them on legal costs and settlements. Anything I donate to any charity, including the LDS church are voluntarily given, and one they leave my account, I do not decide how they are spent. If I disagree in any way, then I can choose to stop donating. My choice to donate or not. These are usually tax deductible. I take advantage of that benefit.
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Reply 10 - Posted by: ColonialAmerican1623 3/26/2021 12:52:18 AM (No. 735386)
Someone should sue for electing Mitt.
0 people like this.

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James Huntsman files lawsuit accusing
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Posted by mean Gene 3/25/2021 1:20:24 PM Post Reply
A member of one of Utah's most prominent families, and a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, has filed a lawsuit accusing the church of fraud. James Huntsman says the church spent tithes from members on commercial interests instead of charity, as it was intended. "This is not a case about faith; it is a case about fraud and corporate greed," the lawsuit reads.
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Posted by Ribicon 4/13/2021 1:59:49 PM Post Reply
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Shooting victim Daunte Wright was 'afraid
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31 replies
Posted by Ribicon 4/13/2021 2:23:31 PM Post Reply
Daunte Wright, the 20-year-old black man fatally shot during a traffic stop in Minnesota, was “afraid police would do something like this to him,” his former mentor said—as his parents refused to accept it was an “accident.” Jonathan Mason, a youth development specialist who became close with Wright when he was a student at Edison High School in Minneapolis, said he, Wright and other young black men often talked about how to handle interactions with cops.(Snip) “We talked about this daily. We talked about police brutality. We talk about these things in the black community.
NCAA backs biological males
competing in women’s sports,
as showdown looms with Florida
over pending law
29 replies
Posted by Magnante 4/14/2021 6:10:46 AM Post Reply
The National Collegiate Athletic Association, a cartel controlling the multibillion-dollar college athletics business, may be painting itself into a corner. Probably because it is a creature of the higher education industry that has gone off the deep end in its commitment to far-left politics, the NCAA is taking an extreme position on transgenderism and apparently seeking a confrontation with the State of Florida if it passes a law currently under consideration that would limit participation in women’s sports to biological women. (snip) Florida’s Governor Rick Scott is not cowering in fear as 2 tweets yesterday demonstrate
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out for his arrest for attempted
aggravated robbery charges after
'choking and holding a woman at
gunpoint for $820 in 2019,'
court papers reveal
29 replies
Posted by Ribicon 4/13/2021 6:02:48 PM Post Reply
Daunte Wright choked a woman and threatened to shoot her if she did not hand over $820 she had stuffed in her bra, court papers obtained by allege. That is the case that led to a warrant for his arrest at the time he was shot and killed by police officer Kimberly Potter in Minnesota on Sunday, leading to days of unrest. And online speculation that he did not know there was a warrant out for his arrest is false, has learned.(Snip) Wright was due to face trial on a charge of attempted aggravated robbery—with a possible maximum sentence of 20 years
Biden Suggests Minneapolis Police Shooting
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Posted by Imright 4/13/2021 11:52:46 AM Post Reply
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Posted by ConservativeYogini 4/13/2021 10:08:50 AM Post Reply
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Tucker’s magnificent statement about
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27 replies
Posted by Magnante 4/13/2021 4:26:50 AM Post Reply
The words “epic” or “magnificent” are becoming cliched because they’re constantly used as clickbait headlines for things that are anything but “epic” or “magnificent.” That’s a shame because both words apply with their original force to Tucker Carlson’s opening monologue on Monday night. He brought both logic and passion to explaining that the Democrat party’s open borders policy is deliberately intended to import people who will vote for Democrats. In hindsight, what he said is completely obvious but too few people think about illegal immigration in the terms Tucker did. More must if we are to preserve our liberty-oriented, merit-based, constitutional republic.
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