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Posts on Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Trump lays into Tennessee Valley Authority,
saying he’d support big cuts to CEO’s salary
Posted by Imright 4/8/2020 9:21:07 PM Post Reply
President Trump said he would support dramatically slashing the salary of the head of the Tennessee Valley Authority, the largest U.S. public power company, who he said earned a “ridiculous” amount of money. He “has to be the highest paid man in any government,” Trump said during a coronavirus task force briefing Wednesday. “I don’t know the gentleman, but he’s got a heck of a job.” Asked if he would support cutting the Tennessee Valley Authority CEO’s salary as part of any forthcoming infrastructure package, Trump said he’d support “reducing it by a lot.”Jeff Lyash, who joined the TVA as president and CEO last year, earned
Donald Trump: What Does Barack Obama
Know About Joe Biden that Is Preventing
Posted by Imright 4/8/2020 9:00:05 PM Post Reply
President Donald Trump on Wednesday questioned why former President Barack Obama was waiting to endorse his former vice president, Joe Biden, even though Sen. Bernie Sanders dropped out of the Democrat presidential primary.“I don’t know why President Obama hasn’t supported Joe Biden a long time ago,” Trump said. “There’s something. He feels is wrong.”Trump said he was amazed that Obama was still waiting to endorse Biden, suggesting that the former president knew something about Biden’s suitability to be president.“He knows something that you don’t know,” Trump said. “But I think I know, but you don’t know.”
By Picking Joe Biden, Democrats
Are Kissing Their Future Goodbye
Posted by NorthernDog 4/8/2020 7:14:29 PM Post Reply
A generation of Democrats is haunted by the party’s infamous 1968 convention in Chicago. After one of the most tumultuous presidential primaries in US history—in which the incumbent Lyndon Johnson withdrew from the race, in which Bobby Kennedy built a multiracial working-class coalition before he was shot and killed, and in which the young college students and activists of the New Left rallied behind Eugene McCarthy, all against the backdrop of urban riots, Vietnam, and a breakaway segregationist faction—the Democratic establishment chose to nominate Johnson’s vice president, Hubert Humphrey, to maintain its control over the party. Student demonstrators
South Lake Tahoe woman arrested
for licking items at grocery store
Posted by NorthernDog 4/8/2020 6:46:41 PM Post Reply
SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, Calif.— A 53-year-old South Lake Tahoe woman was arrested Tuesday after licking items at a local Safeway. Employees told South Lake Tahoe Police officers that Jennifer Walker was putting pieces of jewelry from the store on her hands and licking them. She then began loading her shopping cart with more store merchandise. Employees told officers the items were unsellable because of the contamination. Officers said Walker had $1,800 worth of items in her cart and determined she did not have the money to purchase the items. Walker was arrested for felony vandalism and was booked in the
New York county executives want Cuomo to lift
restrictions on hydroxychloroquine treatment
Posted by EQKimball 4/8/2020 6:43:22 PM Post Reply
New York county executives want access to the anti-malarial drug hydroxychloroquine that Gov. Andrew Cuomo conceded showed early “effective” responses in COVID-19 virus patients in current clinical trials, which he began allowing within the state two weeks ago. The Democratic governor told reporters at his daily briefing in Albany on Monday he would ask President Trump to raise the federal supply of hydroxychloroquine to New York pharmacies. (Snip) New York county executives, according to Steve McLaughlin of Rensselaer County, have discussed the issue of with one another and wondered why Cuomo prohibited the treatment from being dispensed to different parts of the state.
NYC Did Have Ventilators Stockpiled, But They
Auctioned Them Off, Now They’re Scrambling
Posted by ladydawgfan 4/8/2020 6:34:47 PM Post Reply
The epicenter of the Wuhan coronavirus has been New York for some time now. Despite some postulating that other states would start getting astronomical numbers, that hasn’t panned out. Some on the left who have been pushing the “Fox downplayed the virus” narrative have been saying that the numbers in “Trump states” would reflect that. How offensive, viruses don’t care about your political status. It isn’t political. But “Trump states” are not catching up to New York and there’s likely a variety of reasons why including difference in population density, possibly more notice before it hit and perhaps being locked down earlier in the progression of the disease in their area.
Adam Schiff Whines About Acting DNI Grenell
Clearing Out His Deep State Friends
Posted by ladydawgfan 4/8/2020 6:11:45 PM Post Reply
Failed impeachment manager Adam Schiff has a new complaint: Acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell is getting rid of his friends working in the deep state. In fact, Schiff is so concerned his stream of endless conspiracy theories about President Trump might be coming to an end that he's written an accusatory letter to Grenell, which he leaked first to the press, demanding to know more about what he's doing. [Tweet] "I am writing to express my concern that you are pursuing organizational and personnel changes at the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) without consulting and seeking authorization from Congress
Pelosi Leads Democratic Effort to Use Health
Crisis to Change Election Laws
Posted by ladydawgfan 4/8/2020 5:58:35 PM Post Reply
She's at it again. After nearly torpedoing the CARES Act with a farfetched, radical, extreme environmental wish list, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is once again trying to attach her liberal wish list to Phase 4 of Congress's coronavirus relief response. This time Pelosi is focusing in on her plan to usher in mandatory mail-in voting. CNN's Anderson Cooper asked Pelosi directly if she would try to change election laws in the wake of the coronavirus. She would. [Tweet] The provisions the Democrats are asking for, she said, "guarantees to vote from home for upcoming general election." In Phase 4, or CARES 2, she explained, "
Watch: New Yorkers Asked If They’d
Choose ‘Longer, More Severe’ Crisis If
It Means Trump Loses The Election
Posted by Imright 4/8/2020 5:28:27 PM Post Reply
In his latest digital short, filmmaker Ami Horowitz took to the unusually empty streets of New York City, the epicenter of the coronavirus pandemic, to ask residents if they would be willing to “make a deal”: have the country suffer a longer, more severe crisis if it means that Donald Trump will definitely lose the election. A majority of the people Horowitz talked with said it was a “hard” decision, but opted for a more damaging, deadly pandemic just so long as Trump is defeated in November.For his latest installment of “Ami On the Loose,” Horowitz went to the East Village to offer his potentially deadly deal (video below).
Wuhan marks end of coronavirus
lockdown with striking light show
Posted by Imright 4/8/2020 4:53:21 PM Post Reply
China celebrated the end of an 11-week lockdown in Wuhan with an elaborate light show on skyscrapers and bridges, video shows.The dazzling display along the Yangtze River at midnight Wednesday came as city officials lifted a 76-day lockdown in Hubei’s provincial capital, where the coronavirus was first identified late last year.“I haven’t been outside for more than 70 days,” Tong Zhengkun told the Associated Press as he watched the show from a bridge. “Being indoors for so long drove me crazy.”Other people who took in the display
Donald Trump Welcomes Bernie Sanders
Supporters to Republican Party.
Posted by Imright 4/8/2020 4:46:42 PM Post Reply
President Donald Trump opened his arms to supporters of Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) on Wednesday, noting that they both agreed on trade issues.“The Bernie people should come to the Republican Party,” Trump wrote on Twitter. “TRADE!” Sanders ended his presidential campaign on Wednesday morning, addressing supporters from his home in Vermont. “The path toward victory is virtually impossible,” Sanders told supporters. The Vermont senator’s decision to end his campaign leaves former Vice President Joe Biden as the de facto nominee for the Democrat party.
Trump Mulling ‘Two Concepts’ For
Reopening Economy (Video)
Posted by Imright 4/8/2020 4:39:41 PM Post Reply
President Trump on Tuesday night set out two concepts that his administration is considering to reopen the economy, one on a regional basis and the other nationwide. During an interview with Fox News host Sean Hannity Trump said he’d like to get the economy back with “a big bang.”“We’re starting to look at it very, very thoroughly, we have some great people looking at it because we want to get this country open,” Trump said. “We have to get our country open again. This [country] wasn’t designed to have this — you crack it, you crack it in half. It’s no good.”
Coronavirus stimulus checks are on
their way: Here's how it works
Posted by MissMolly 4/8/2020 4:25:05 PM Post Reply
With payments from the coronavirus stimulus package expected to reach American individuals and families as soon as this week, here is a breakdown of who will get them and how. How do I get my money? Do I need to apply to receive my payment? The stimulus checks, much like a tax refund, will be handled by the Internal Revenue Service. If you have filed your taxes electronically, the money can be transferred to your bank account via direct deposit. If you have filed a paper copy of your taxes or have closed the bank account used to receive previous tax refunds, the government will send a check in the mail.
1 in 4 Americans have either
lost their job or had pay cut from
coronavirus shutdowns: Survey
Posted by MissMolly 4/8/2020 4:21:12 PM Post Reply
A quarter of Americans have either lost their job or seen their wages cut as a result of the coronavirus shutdown, according to the CNBC All-America Economic Survey, which registered the biggest and fastest decline ever in the public’s view of the economy. At the same time, it found that a majority of Americans remains optimistic that the economy will bounce back in the next year, and President Donald Trump’s approval rating has improved.
EXCLUSIVE: Linda Tripp, the Clinton sex
scandal whistleblower who secretly recorded
private phone calls with Monica Lewinksy,
dies at age 70 'after being
diagnosed with pancreatic cancer less than a week ago'
Posted by ScarletPimpernel 4/8/2020 3:44:35 PM Post Reply
Linda Tripp died this morning with her husband and daughter at her bedside, has learned. Tripp, whose taped conversations with Monica Lewinsky nearly brought down the Clinton presidency, was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer less than a week ago when she took herself to hospital suffering from stomach pains. Husband Dieter Rausch and their daughter Allison Foley were the only relatives allowed to be in Tripp's room in the ICU due to coronavirus protocols. Speaking exclusively to Diane Spreadbury, one of Tripp's closest friends for more than two decades, described her as, 'A wonderful person.'
New study investigates California's possible
herd immunity to COVID-19
Posted by poster 4/8/2020 3:10:00 PM Post Reply
Researchers at Stanford Medicine are working to find out what proportion of Californians have already had COVID-19. The new study could help policymakers make more informed decisions during the coronavirus pandemic. The team tested 3,200 people at three Bay Area locations on Saturday using an antibody test for COVID-19 and expect to release results in the coming weeks. The data could help to prove COVID-19 arrived undetected in California much earlier than previously thought. The hypothesis that COVID-19 first started spreading in California in the fall of 2019 is one explanation for the state's lower than expected case numbers.
Frustrated Nurse Demonstrates How Gloves
Are Giving Americans a False Sense of Security
Posted by ladydawgfan 4/8/2020 2:44:43 PM Post Reply
Americans across the country have decided to wear gloves when grocery shopping or getting other essential goods to prevent catching the Wuhan coronavirus. But Molly Lixey, a Registered Nurse in Michigan, was frustrated by the number of people who are wearing gloves but aren't thinking about cross-contamination factors. "If you want to wear gloves that's all fine and well, you absolutely can, but I wanted to remind you of a little thing called cross-contamination," she said in a video posted on Facebook. Lixey put on gloves and used paint to show how germs spread, even with gloves on. She pretended to be at the grocery store,
Massachusetts Issues Guidelines To “Prioritize”
Who Will Be Saved
Posted by ladydawgfan 4/8/2020 2:23:55 PM Post Reply
In the midst of all of the cautious suggestions of “good news” in New York City as the pandemic appears to have reached a plateau, other places are only now starting to ramp up toward critical levels where their health care services are being overwhelmed. One such hotspot is in Massachusetts, where Boston Medical Center’s ICU is overflowing with patients and it’s getting hard to find a ventilator for those in the direst straits. The Boston Globe reported that some ambulances headed for the hospital were temporarily diverted to other facilities over the weekend because there were simply no critical care beds available.
Breaking: Bernie Bails, Trump Hails … Warren;
Sanders: I’ve Made My Agenda Mainstream,
“Won The Ideological Struggle”
Posted by ladydawgfan 4/8/2020 2:16:02 PM Post Reply
Why now? Bernie Sanders hasn’t had a legitimate path to the nomination in a month. He might have scored better in Wisconsin’s primary yesterday than previously projected simply on the basis of the weirdness of the circumstances. Those results won’t be known for another week, thanks to the preponderance of mail-in voting and a bar on releasing results until those are counted. Still, Bernie decided to call it quits today, leaving Joe Biden as the last man standing: Bernie Sanders is ending his presidential campaign, he announced on Wednesday. The Vermont independent senator’s 2020 bid started off strong. He narrowly missed first place in Iowa
Report: Trump Is Poised to Sack 7 Inspectors
General ‘in One Fell Swoop’
Posted by ladydawgfan 4/8/2020 2:05:16 PM Post Reply
On Tuesday night, Real Clear Politics’ Susan Crabtree reported her sources have confirmed that President Trump is firing seven inspectors general “in one fell swoop.” She believes the group will include IGs who were appointed by either President Obama or a previous administration. She wrote that the President “wants his own people in those positions now” and noted that, during his briefing on Tuesday afternoon, he said he had “put in seven names.” [Tweet] Crabtree indicated this group includes Intelligence Community IG Michael Atkinson, who received the whistleblower complaint last August. After the acting DNI, the general counsel of the DNI and the DOJ Office of Legal Counsel
Wisconsin now waits for the spring
election results — and then the lawsuits
Posted by poster 4/8/2020 1:50:45 PM Post Reply
Wisconsin won’t know the results of Tuesday’s election until next Monday, but chances are the results will be challenged via a cascade of lawsuits in state or federal court if the margins in major races are as razor-thin as they have been in recent years. Possible legal challenges to the election results, fueled by voter complaints about voting hurdles Tuesday, threaten to further undermine the perceived integrity of the election and the legitimacy of those elected as a result. “In every election there’s a stray story of a voter who got stuck in a long line or had difficulty getting their ballot,
Chris Cuomo Uses a Deceptively Edited Video
During Crazy Rant at Trump for Daring to Give
Americans Hope
Posted by ladydawgfan 4/8/2020 1:46:19 PM Post Reply
CNN’s Chris Cuomo reportedly has had a high fever from the Wuhan coronavirus for several days. So we might have to give him some slack for a crazy rant. Except, once again, this is what CNN really is even when they don’t have a fever. Pro tip, CNN? This isn’t objective journalism, this is activism. Maybe Cuomo should be resting and getting better rather than you airing his rants. [Tweet] Cuomo attacked Trump for trying to be positive and give Americans hope. Cuomo claimed that we “need to build on our best instincts” but “the man at the top refuses to change.”
Pope says coronavirus pandemic could
be nature's response to climate crisis
Posted by NorthernDog 4/8/2020 1:41:40 PM Post Reply
Rome - Pope Francis has said the coronavirus pandemic is one of "nature's responses" to humans ignoring the current ecological crisis. In an email interview published Wednesday in The Tablet and Commonwealth magazines, the pontiff said the outbreak offered an opportunity to slow down the rate of production and consumption and to learn to understand and contemplate the natural world. "We did not respond to the partial catastrophes. Who now speaks of the fires in Australia, or remembers that 18 months ago a boat could cross the North Pole because the glaciers had all melted? Who speaks now of the floods?"
Dallas County Judge Who Abused His Unilateral
Emergency Power Has Them Limited by
Commissioner’s Unanimous Vote
Posted by ladydawgfan 4/8/2020 1:32:05 PM Post Reply
Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins has been overstepping his bounds during the Wuhan coronavirus epidemic and it would appear that the Dallas County Commissioners have had enough. On Tuesday, they voted unanimously to limit his power, and must now pass most decisions through them first. Jenkins, a Democrat, had announced on Twitter that he was going to prolong the stay-at-home order until April 30. Recently, he had gotten into a public squabble with Governor Greg Abbott over the use of the Kay Bailey Hutchison Center to house the overflow of hospitals by putting patients suffering from COVID-19 inside.
'Big Four' US airlines are slammed for
getting $50bn federal bailout after
spending $45bn propping up their share
prices over the past five years
by buying back stock
Posted by Ribicon 4/8/2020 1:21:20 PM Post Reply
Major U.S. airlines have come under criticism for spending nearly $45 billion on stock buybacks and dividends over the past five years before asking Congress for a $50 billion bailout in the coronavirus crisis. The $2.2 trillion relief package signed into law on March 27 met the airline industry's demand for $50 billion in loans and grants, but restricts stock buybacks, dividends, layoffs and executive pay raises. However, in recent years the industry splashed out billions on share repurchases, which help prop up the price of a company's stock, leading some to believe that the costly bailout could have been minimized or avoided.
If Trump Can Lead U.S. Back To Work,
Democrats Will Have Shot Their Bolt
Posted by abuela10 4/8/2020 12:56:18 PM Post Reply
The most inane of the many fatuous arguments raging over the administration’s handling of the coronavirus is the debate about whether the Democrats distracted President Trump with the impeachment effort when he would otherwise have been raising the drawbridge earlier. This seems to have begun as Republicans other than the President asserted that the Democrats had no standing to complain about a slow start to grappling with the problem because they had wasted six weeks with a completely spurious impeachment case.
Crenshaw Shreds Clinton Over Tweet Criticizing
Trump's Wuhan Coronavirus Response
Posted by ladydawgfan 4/8/2020 12:50:21 PM Post Reply
Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) has been calling out Democrats for attacking the Trump administration’s coronavirus response—and Hillary Clinton is his latest target. The former secretary of state tweeted out a Washington Post article that claimed the administration was “beset by denial and dysfunction as the coronavirus raged.” “It took 70 days for Trump to treat the coronavirus not as a distant threat or harmless flu strain well under control, but as a lethal force poised to kill tens of thousands of citizens,” she wrote, quoting from the article. She then told her followers to “Replace this man in November.”
Fourth victim of Tennessee truck stop
stabbing released from hospital
Posted by Ribicon 4/8/2020 12:49:51 PM Post Reply
Knoxville, Tenn.–The fourth victim in a stabbing spree that claimed the lives of three Knoxville truck stop workers has been released from the hospital, The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation confirmed Wednesday. Officials announced the fourth victim, who sustained injuries during the attack, has been released from the hospital in a TBI Newsroom release posted Wednesday morning. Idris Abdus-Salaam, 33, was shot and killed by a Knox County deputy after fatally stabbing three women and hospitalizing a fourth at a Pilot Travel Center on Strawberry Plains Pike at Interstate-40 in East Knox County early Tuesday. TBI did not release a motive in the attack.
‘Extremely Disappointed’: EU
Science Chief Resigns In Stinging
Criticism Of Coronavirus Response
Posted by DVC 4/8/2020 12:49:12 PM Post Reply
Mauro Ferrari, head of the European Union’s top scientific research body, has quit after three months in the job because he is “extremely disappointed” in the EU’s response to the coronavirus pandemic. •Ferrari took up the four-year post as president of the European Research Council on January 1, 2020, but resigned on Tuesday, effective immediately, citing a “political thunderstorm” in the European Commission in response to his plans to address the pandemic. •In a stinging letter criticizing the bureaucracy of the European Council, Ferrari, a scientist, wrote: “I have lost faith in the system itself.”
WHO director hits back at Trump
threat to defund agency
Posted by JunkYardDog 4/8/2020 12:38:37 PM Post Reply
The head of the World Health Organization took aim at President Trump’s criticism of the agency on Wednesday, telling him and other world leaders not to politicize the coronavirus crisis “if you don’t want many more body bags.” “If you don’t want many more body bags you refrain from politicizing it – please quarantine politicizing COVID,” WHO Director Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus told reporters when asked about Trump’s criticism. Trump has accused the U.N. agency of being "very China centric" and claimed they "really blew it" in their initial response to the pandemic -- including the agency's criticism of his ban on foreign national from China.
Trump Blames Governor For Long Lines replies
Posted by fourpmfox 4/8/2020 12:31:29 PM Post Reply
Amid the coronavirus pandemic, Wisconsin's statewide election drew to a close Tuesday evening after an 11th-hour scramble, long, socially-distanced lines at the polls, jury-rigged safety Plexiglass barriers, masks, cleaning supplies and a taunt directed at Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers by President Trump. Evers had sought to delay voting until June but the election went forward after a last-minute intervention by the state Supreme Court on behalf of the Republican leaders in the state legislature, who insisted a vote could be safely carried out and that Evers lacked the power to change the date.
How Woodrow Wilson Let Flu Deaths
Go Viral in the Great War
Posted by abuela10 4/8/2020 12:21:28 PM Post Reply
The last time the United States faced a worldwide pandemic – the “Spanish flu” of 1918 and 1919 -- cities rolled up the sidewalks, closed theaters, and shuttered saloons. Firemen, policemen, nurses and panicked citizens covered their faces with gauze masks. The virulent influenza emerged in the last year of World War I, incubated in American army camps and spread overseas on troop ships. By the time the influenza finally burned itself out, over 45,000 Americans in uniform and some 600,000 American civilians were dead of the disease. It’s estimated that the Spanish flu killed 50 million worldwide.
Bernie Sanders Is Suspending
His Presidential Campaign
Posted by NorthernDog 4/8/2020 11:37:32 AM Post Reply
Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders said Wednesday he is suspending his 2020 presidential campaign, bowing to the commanding delegate lead former Vice President Joe Biden has established. Sanders made the announcement during an all-staff conference call. He will give public remarks at 11:45 a.m. ET, his campaign says. Sanders' decision comes weeks after the coronavirus pandemic upended the Democratic race. The worsening outbreak delayed primary contests and the party's nominating convention and has halted all in-person campaigning, forcing the two candidates to hold virtual events from their respective homes. Sanders suspended his campaign after voters went to the polls Tuesday
Cooperate With China? Not
Until It Stops Lying
About The Coronavirus
Posted by Garnet 4/8/2020 11:33:51 AM Post Reply
If you haven’t noticed, a narrative has been brewing the last couple of days that the United States should cooperate with China to tackle the coronavirus pandemic, that the two countries need to set aside their differences, stop the blame game, and come together for the good of the world. In an alternate reality where China hadn’t lied at every turn about the origin and extent of the virus, silenced and reprimanded a whistleblower, concealed vital information from the rest of the world, strong-armed the World Health Organization into lying about how the disease spreads, and continued to act in bad faith, then sure, cooperation would be great.
'Here we go again': Pelosi,
Schiff plot new probe of Trump
Posted by Garnet 4/8/2020 11:24:12 AM Post Reply
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has spent the last three-plus years investigating President Trump, and each time, she’s come up empty. But she’s going to give it another go, this time as Americans are locked down while the coronavirus sweeps across the nation.Mrs. Pelosi announced last week that she is setting up a select House committee to “assure that the taxpayer dollars are being wisely and efficiently spent” — but the California Democrat also said she wants to “examine all aspects of the federal response to the coronavirus.”That means another open-ended investigation into — everything. And she’ll have subpoena power (of course).
Cuomo: Use of antimalarial
drug in New York hospitals
'anecdotally' positive
Posted by EQKimball 4/8/2020 11:23:14 AM Post Reply
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) said Monday that early responses to the antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine "anecdotally" suggest its use in the coronavirus fight has been "effective," but that official data was still forthcoming. Asked about the progress of the trials at his daily press briefing, Cuomo noted that state officials have allowed use of the drug in combination with the antibiotic Zithromax in hospitals "at their discretion." (Snip) "There has been anecdotal evidence that it is promising; that's why we're going ahead," he added, noting that some patients have a pre-existing condition or medication regimen that prevents them from taking it.
Chicago mayor's executive order
grants coronavirus benefits to
illegal immigrants
Posted by Ribicon 4/8/2020 11:21:46 AM Post Reply
Chicago — Chicago immigrants who do not have legal status in the U.S. are eligible for all relief programs run by the city amid the coronavirus outbreak, Mayor Lori Lightfoot ordered Tuesday. Lightfoot said that includes programs for housing assistance and low-interest small business loans administered by the city. Immigrants who do not have legal status in the U.S. are excluded from the $2 trillion federal relief package approved by Congress. The package is limited to those who have filed federal taxes using Social Security Numbers. Chicago Alderman George Cardenas said that left out people who are “the heart and soul of the service economy.”
Amy Acton guesses wrong
and Ohioans pay the price
Posted by Magnante 4/8/2020 11:21:05 AM Post Reply
Ohio liquor stores and abortion clinics are open for business. Small businesses are shuttered. Real estate owners are not receiving rent on their investments and will soon face foreclosures. Ohio has been crushed with layoffs. Religious leaders, looking to our governor, have shuttered all worship services. (snip) On March 12th, Amy Acton, Director of The Ohio Department of Health, and Governor Mike DeWine told Ohioans that there were already 100,000 of us infected with the virus. The next day Amy clarified that this number was her “guestimate.”
Doctors rethinking coronavirus: Are
we using ventilators the wrong way?
Posted by NorthernDog 4/8/2020 11:10:30 AM Post Reply
Across the country, hospital administrators, doctors and public officials are pleading for ventilators, as the spread of coronavirus is making growing numbers of patients dependent on the machines that pump oxygen into their lungs to keep them alive. The subject comes up at almost every White House briefing on coronavirus, and the administration has even proposed an emergency effort to retool automobile factories to make more of the devices. (Snip) Marik is promoting a treatment of his own devising, a combination of corticosteroids and high-dose ascorbic acid, or vitamin C, as a first-line therapy for patients hospitalized with COVID-19. Marik
Virginia lawmaker wants unemployment
benefits extended to Peace Corps volunteers
Posted by NorthernDog 4/8/2020 10:59:28 AM Post Reply
A prominent Virginia Democratic congresswoman is urging labor officials to make Americorp and Peace Corps volunteers eligible for unemployment benefits under the latest coronavirus relief package. In a letter to Secretary of Labor Eugene Scalia, Virginia 10th district representative Jennifer Wexton noted the recent recall of Peace Corps volunteers from the more than 100 countries where it runs programs. (Tweet) While volunteers have received some help with readjustment and evacuation, Wexton pointed out that they don’t qualify for unemployment. The Department of Labor has previously determined that this service does not constitute an employer-employee relationship,” she said. But Wexton is
The career-politician running 'China-centric'
WHO: After Trump's swipe at health body,
how Tedros Ghebreyesus became first non-
doctor to become Director-General 'following
lobbying from Beijing'
Posted by Imright 4/8/2020 10:54:18 AM Post Reply
Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, a little-known figure before the coronavirus pandemic, has risen to prominence as Director-General of the World Health Organisation which is spearheading global responses to the virus. Dr Tedros - who has never practised as a medical doctor - is a career politician who was born in what is now Eritrea, studied in the UK, then rose to the top of Ethiopia's government first as Health Minister and then Foreign Minister before being elected to lead the WHO in 2017. He is now facing heavy criticism over his handling of the pandemic, especially for praise he heaped on China's communist party for its response
Pelosi Urges Colleagues: ‘During This Holy
Season for People of Many Faiths,
Let Us Pray…’
Posted by Imright 4/8/2020 10:48:45 AM Post Reply
Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D.-Calif.) sent a letter to her colleagues in the House of Representatives on Monday that explained a new system for submitting official documents by email and then urged members to pray for those suffering from and combating the COVID-19 pandemic.“Beginning Tuesday, staff must electronically submit all Floor documents—including bills, resolutions, co-sponsors and extensions of remarks—to a dedicated and secure email system, rather than to deliver these materials by hand to staff in the Speaker’s Lobby or Cloakrooms,” Pelosi said in her letter. She closed her letter with these words:
Pandemic answer on ‘Jeopardy’
has people totally freaked out
Posted by Imright 4/8/2020 10:44:21 AM Post Reply
I’ll take “Predicting the future” for $1,000, Alex.“Jeopardy!” fans were bowled over Tuesday night when a clue on the board seemed to reference the coronavirus pandemic.But the April 7 episode — in which three university students were competing as the storied ABC game show’s two-week-long College Championship — was filmed in early February, according to The Ringer.Nathaniel Miller, a sophomore at Yale, selected an $800 clue during Double Jeopardy from the category “Health & Medicine.”
Obamacare architect calls for 18-month
complete national lockdown: ‘The truth is,
we have no choice’
Posted by ladydawgfan 4/8/2020 10:38:12 AM Post Reply
Dr. Zeke Emanuel — the architect of the bloated Obamacare legislation — essentially called for an 18-month national lockdown to stem the coronavirus outbreak. Ezekiel Emanuel was the former health-policy adviser under Barack Obama. He’s also the brother of former Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel, who was Obama’s White House chief of staff. Zeke Emanuel has been spent his entire medical career in academia or government, so it’s safe to say that he doesn’t have to worry about missing a paycheck during a nationwide shutdown. Like fellow government bureaucrat Dr. Anthony Fauci, Emanuel offered a bleak picture of America’s future. “Realistically, COVID-19 will be here for the next 18 months or more,” Emanuel told MSNBC.
MSNBC contributor says Trump’s ‘crime cult’
wants mass murder, ‘many more to die’
Posted by ladydawgfan 4/8/2020 10:15:31 AM Post Reply
Whereas the craziest denizens of the political right tend to inhabit the outermost fringes of the movement, the most demented denizens of the political left tend to be mainstream left-wing media stars. Take so-called “journalist” and author Sarah Kendzior, whose work has appeared in Al Jazeera, Marie Claire, The Guardian, The New York Times and The Boston Globe — and whose commentary has frequently been featured on MSNBC’s “AM Joy.” Example: [video] She’s no fringe lunatic — she’s a mainstream one who even possess her own blue check mark on the popular left-wing social media platform Twitter. In a demonstrably demented tweet posted Monday afternoon,
Officials: 1 arrested in family dispute
over toilet paper in Santa Clarita Valley
Posted by NorthernDog 4/8/2020 10:02:42 AM Post Reply
One person was arrested following a family dispute over toilet paper in the Santa Clarita Valley, authorities said Tuesday. Deputies initially responded to a family disturbance call, Los Angeles County sheriff’s officials said in a tweet. A time and specific location for the call were not given. The relatives were arguing because one believed another hid the household’s toilet paper — a precious commodity in a country rattled by the coronavirus. Deputies say the feud escalated into a physical brawl, resulting in the arrest of one of the family members involved. Sheriff’s officials were unable to provide further details on
Obama tosses his support behind one of
Liz Warren’s many plans to tackle COVID-19
Posted by ladydawgfan 4/8/2020 9:49:25 AM Post Reply
Former President Barack Obama appeared to toss support behind Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s most recent plan to tackle the coronavirus pandemic. Warren “provides a cogent summary of how federal policymakers should be thinking about the pandemic in the coming months,” Obama said Monday on Twitter, referring to the Massachusetts senators’ belief that the federal government should direct states on a strategy. [Tweet] Obama included in his tweet a link to an Vox article fleshing out Warren’s multiple plans before noting that Warren “often does” provide wise advice on such issues. Warren rolled out first plan in January on ways to confront the virus — which originated in Wuhan, China,
Mexican president urges citizens living in
US to keep sending money back to his country
Posted by ladydawgfan 4/8/2020 9:31:57 AM Post Reply
Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador is urging citizens living in the United States to keep sending money to relatives back home, despite whatever economic struggles they are facing because of the coronavirus pandemic. During a Monday morning press conference, López Obrador spoke about his administration’s response to the spread of coronavirus in Mexico, which is becoming a more pressing issue as a greater number of citizens test positive for the disease. Their neighbors to the North, however, continue to be harder hit, with the U.S. government passing a $2 trillion stimulus package to help struggling Americans. Nevertheless, López Obrador is still publicly encouraging Mexican migrants in the United States
Fauci now is part of the problem,
not part of the solution
Posted by Magnante 4/8/2020 9:31:28 AM Post Reply
The South Korean solution to the COVID-19 virus (widespread testing and the hydroxychloroquine-zinc cure) is beginning to work in the United States. Americans, like South Koreans, will soon be back at work and school. But at Monday's Coronavirus Task Force press briefing, Dr. Anthony Fauci ignored the success. (snip) The CDC expedited the vaccine process in 2009 and got it done in just 5 months. But Fauci's NIH is in charge of this one, and Fauci says that it can't be done in less than 12 to 18 months. Fauci is part of the problem, not part of the solution.
Ginsburg blasts Supremes’ ruling as
jeopardizing voters’ safety; Pelosi says
SCOTUS is ‘undermining our democracy’
Posted by ladydawgfan 4/8/2020 9:16:24 AM Post Reply
Late Monday night, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that Wisconsin cannot accept absentee votes that are mailed in and postmarked after the Tuesday primary and general judicial election date. The 5-4 decision was reached in an ideological manner, with the majority conservative bloc unanimous in their opposition to the state’s Democrat effort to extend the deadline by six days for absentee ballots. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg wrote a fierce dissenting opinion on behalf of the court’s liberal wing. Democrats had claimed that the absentee ballot extension was needed to safeguard voters in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. “Extending the date by which ballots may be cast by voters —
Chicago Police to Conduct ‘Roadside Safety Checks’
to Educate Public About ‘Stay-at-Home’ Order
Posted by AltaD 4/8/2020 9:12:08 AM Post Reply
Chicago police officers will conduct roadside safety and informational check points in each police district to provide information to motorists about the state of Illinois’ ongoing “stay-at-home” order. According to police, the checkpoints will take place beginning Tuesday night at 10 p.m. The checkpoints will last approximately 45 minutes each night, and could take place between 10 p.m. and 2 a.m. (Snip) Travel is not prohibited during the “stay-at-home” order, but state officials say that travel can only be done for what it calls “essential” reasons.
The dubious Dr. Fauci replies
Posted by Magnante 4/8/2020 8:41:29 AM Post Reply
On January 26th, speaking about the coronavirus, Dr. Fauci said the risk to Americans was low, that there was nothing to be worried or frightened about, and that we were prepared (snip) On April 3rd, in direct contradiction to a statement made just a few days prior by Dr. Birx that initial reports coming out of China were suggestive of a SARS-like virus and not a global pandemic (here), Fauci claimed it was clear to him in early-to-mid January that this virus was transmittable from human to human
George Soros-Funded Group to Governors: Release as Many Prisoners as Possible Due replies
Posted by FlyRight 4/8/2020 8:35:41 AM Post Reply
The Brennan Center for Justice, which is heavily financed by George Soros, has submitted a letter to the governors of all fifty states urging them to use executive action to “release as many people as possible from incarceration” due to coronavirus fears “provided they do not pose serious public safety threats.” The letter cited concern that the U.S. prison population could face greater risk of illness and death than the general public due to the Chinese coronavirus pandemic.
Here’s How Pro-Beijing Outlet Phoenix TV Made It Into The White House Coronavirus Press Briefing replies
Posted by FlyRight 4/8/2020 8:30:59 AM Post Reply
A reporter from a Hong Kong outlet aligned with the Communist Party of China is a member of the White House Foreign Press Group and has rotating access to White House press briefings. That is how the Phoenix TV reporter was able to push pro-Beijing talking points, touting Chinese aid to other countries, during the White House coronavirus task force’s press briefing on Monday. Her question prompted President Donald Trump to question if she was working for China.
An Advantaged Disease, Indeed replies
Posted by Judy W. 4/8/2020 8:28:15 AM Post Reply
As you know, the coronavirus—if you catch it, and get very sick—is a terrible thing to go through and you may even die. (Snip) But do you know the odds of any American getting this virus? One would think that number is easily known or available. It’s not. A lot of digging into various municipal data portals reveals, based on the population tested, that rates can vary from, at most, eight-tenths of a percent in New York City to two-one-hundredths of a percent in Phoenix. Did you know the chances of recovery from the coronavirus are about 98%—if you catch it?
God Help Us All:
Dr. Fauci Knows
Exactly What He's Doing
Posted by Magnante 4/8/2020 7:06:50 AM Post Reply
Last Thursday, the scientific mastermind behind the economic carnage and spirit-crushing isolation now constituting the two main pillars of America's ingenious new public health strategy delivered some bad news. Dr. Fauci says we'll have to keep living like this until the virus is eradicated. Even if "virus" isn't his nickname for the American people, following his advice still means a long, grueling haul. The economic shutdown and social confinement oppressing us have to continue for at least the minimum estimated 18 months it will take to develop a vaccine for COVID-19.
Using COVID-19 Crisis, Democrats Seek
Radical Changes In How U.S. Votes
Posted by PageTurner 4/8/2020 6:56:14 AM Post Reply
Once again letting no good crisis go to waste, Democrats in Congress recently tried to use the coronavirus stimulus bill to achieve one of their longtime objectives: Mail-in ballots for everyone, opening the possibility for massive voting fraud, abuse and stolen elections. President Donald Trump is right to oppose this awful idea. To hear Democrats tell it, you’d think it’s a pro-voter initiative meant to foster participation by those who don’t vote or can’t during the pandemic. It’s no such thing. Mass mail-in votes are the easiest way to run a fraudulent election and deprive legitimate voters of their actual
How depraved is the 'resistance'? Enough
to root for vast death by COVID-19
Posted by ladydawgfan 4/8/2020 5:41:16 AM Post Reply
As the therapeutic efficacy of hydroxychloroquine becomes more and more provable, the left gets more and more hysterical. They have bet the farm on COVID-19 as a means preventing President Trump’s re-election and then this old malaria drug appears on the scene. The first trial came from China and no one should take their word for it but a doctor there realized that every patient with lupus, even if sick, was negative for the disease. Then a French doctor, Dr. Didier Raoult, a world-famous microbiologist, tested the theory with more than a thousand patients and found it 100% effective, especially when combined with zithromax.
The leftist fever swamps are accusing Trump
of killing African-Americans
Posted by ladydawgfan 4/8/2020 5:34:47 AM Post Reply
In January, impeachment-mad Democrats weren’t paying much attention to events in Wuhan, China. The Chinese government said everything was under control, and the World Health Organization told the world “it is not yet a global health emergency.” When Trump reacted to events in China, he was called a xenophobe. Since then, no matter what Trump has done, Democrats claim he’s in the wrong. The accusations have run the gamut from xenophobia, to stupidity, to trying to profit from the disease. Now, though, the hardcore Trump haters have a new insult: He’s committing genocide against African-Americans. The first hint that genocide was in the air
The Eeyore Syndrome replies
Posted by tisHimself 4/8/2020 5:30:53 AM Post Reply
In A. A. Milne’s classic Winne-the-Pooh children’s tales, Eeyore, the old gray donkey, is perennially pessimistic and gloomy. He always expects the worst to happen. Milne understood that Eeyore’s outbursts of depression could at first be salutatory but then become monotonous. The outlook of the pessimist (“if you think it’s bad now, just wait”) always enjoys advantages over both the realist (“so what, life goes on”) and the optimist (“oh, come on, it can’t be that bad”).
For Democrats, rules are for the little people replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 4/8/2020 5:27:09 AM Post Reply
Across America, people are being told “stay in your homes” (even if it bankrupts you), “keep social distance” (even if you’re married to each other), and “wear masks” (to help save your fellow citizens). Democrats, of course, are the most hysterical about these rules because, after all, they have to make this whole epidemic appear in the worst light possible to tar Trump with it. What’s unpleasant is that the same Democrat party that is insisting that everyone will die – and that chloroquine won’t work – doesn’t think that the rules apply to its leading members. Yesterday, Americans learned that, lockdown or not,
In the Spirit of Tocqueville replies
Posted by MissMolly 4/8/2020 5:06:03 AM Post Reply
The most remarkable thing about the arrival of the Samaritans Purse disaster-relief organization in Central Park is that it is not seen as remarkable. A nondenominational Christian group led by the Reverend Franklin Graham, Billy Graham’s son, Samaritans Purse set up a field hospital of tents to treat Covid-19 patients overflowing from nearby Mount Sinai Hospital, which itself started as a Jewish communal institution and still makes special accommodations for the Orthodox. We should not be surprised that Samaritans Purse exists and was poised to spring into action, or by the fact that a hospital with different religious roots would be open to working with it. American civil society,
Navy Secretary Thomas Modly
has resigned, but we need to hear from
Rear Adm. Stu Baker on Capt. Brett Crozier
Posted by MissMolly 4/8/2020 4:51:18 AM Post Reply
Following acting Navy Secretary Thomas Modly's resignation, we must get to the full truth of what actually happened with Capt. Brett Crozier's firing. The person we most urgently need to hear from is Rear Adm. Stu Baker. More on that in a moment. First, some context. Last week, Crozier was relieved of command of the USS Theodore Roosevelt aircraft carrier after he sent an unclassified, urgent email begging Navy leaders to allow him to dock at Guam. Crozier's concern was a growing onboard outbreak of the coronavirus. The email then leaked to the San Francisco Chronicle, causing major embarrassment to the Navy. Modly then fired Crozier,
No, Utopian Centrism Will Not
Save Us From the Coronavirus
Posted by tisHimself 4/8/2020 4:42:24 AM Post Reply
You knew somebody had to propose this as a response to the coronavirus pandemic, and if you had three guesses about the identity of the author you might well have nailed it. Yes, New York Times columnist and noted promoter of utopian centrism Thomas Friedman has suggested that at the 2020 Democratic National Convention Joe Biden name a “national unity cabinet” to signal an end to the bad old “hyperpartisanship” of the previous era. Unfortunately, Friedman’s opening pitch sounds a bit more like a bipartisan, mutual self-protection scheme than a plea for genuine unity:
Domestic Violence Is Another Real
Human Cost Of Stay-At-Home Orders
Posted by MissMolly 4/8/2020 4:40:42 AM Post Reply
As governors around the country release executive orders to shelter-in-place, many are bracing for the irreparable harm caused by closing businesses and keeping people at home. The job loss numbers are expected to be as high as 47 million with unemployment at 31 percent when all is said and done. But lawmakers must also consider the secondary effects of containing the virus. Every measure taken to decrease risk of the virus spreading increases risk in other areas, such as domestic violence. This is the reality and burden of leadership. The longer local economies are shut down and people are out of work and afraid
Britain needs Boris, the extraordinary
man I’ve known for 35 years
Posted by Pluperfect 4/8/2020 4:36:47 AM Post Reply
As I write, Boris Johnson is in intensive care at St Thomas’s Hospital, battling with coronavirus. For someone with such an unwavering belief in his own destiny, this must be profoundly difficult. He is a man who’s beaten the odds over and over: to become mayor of London in a Labour city, to lead the Leave campaign to victory in the teeth of overwhelming opposition, to become prime minister in spite of all his personal baggage, and then to win the largest Conservative majority since 1987. Here is a man who cannot stare into the jaws of defeat without grabbing hold of victory with both hands.
WHO Failed replies
Posted by Pluperfect 4/8/2020 4:25:03 AM Post Reply
Since its inception 112 years ago almost to the day, the World Health Organization (WHO) has been credited with the eradication of smallpox and the near eradication of other devastating illnesses, including leprosy and river blindness. This record of success makes the current corruption of the organization all the more shameful. On December 30, Chinese doctor Li Wenliang warned colleagues about the outbreak of an illness resembling severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), which sparked a pandemic in 2003. Public-health officials rely on the acuity of doctors like Li, whose early warnings prevent the spread of deadly diseases. But Chinese authorities didn’t reward Li; they summoned him
Durham’s On the Way replies
Posted by Pluperfect 4/8/2020 4:20:18 AM Post Reply
Washington- If you were reading the Wall Street Journal late last week, you might have noticed a story about a federal prosecutor, John Durham, from Connecticut. He is the man that Attorney General William Barr tapped a year ago to look into irregularities allegedly committed surrounding the 2016 election, possibly by high-ranking officials in our intelligence community. All of America is absorbed with the coronavirus pandemic. I am, too, but there are other matters of great import to be decided before this year is out. Durham’s investigation is one of them. According to the Journal, when Durham became anxious about canceled flights to Washington, he personally drove
Finally, justice for George Cardinal Pell replies
Posted by MissMolly 4/8/2020 4:16:28 AM Post Reply
Thank God. Cardinal George Pell has been exonerated. Justice has been done at last. A good priest, falsely accused and railroaded through a politically motivated police investigation and an unfair trial, can walk free during Holy Week. An innocent man persecuted as the reviled scapegoat for all the sins of the Catholic Church is free of the most disgusting and implausible charges of child rape after Australia’s highest court Tuesday dismissed the convictions against the Vatican’s former chief financial officer.
New York Magazine has a
recommendation to improve
Biden’s podcast: Less Biden
Posted by MissMolly 4/8/2020 4:11:37 AM Post Reply
New York Magazine’s Will Leitch is rooting for Biden to win the 2020 election, but that doesn’t mean he can ignore the obvious: Biden’s podcast is really terrible. Leitch writes that he has found it nearly impossible to get through the two episodes that exist thus far and says the fact that the podcast is so bad worries him. If the leading Democratic contender can’t manage a podcast, how can he possibly win an election?
Appeals court allows Texas to ban most
abortions during coronavirus pandemic
Posted by MissMolly 4/8/2020 4:06:44 AM Post Reply
A federal appeals court ruled 2-1 on Tuesday to allow Texas to block most abortion services during the coronavirus pandemic. Texas Gov. Greg Abbott ordered health care facilities on March 22 to postpone all procedures deemed “not medically necessary” as the state geared up for an influx of patients suffering from COVID-19. One day later, Texas Attorney General (AG) Ken Paxton said that abortions should not be performed unless the mother’s life is in danger, as the order -- set to expire April 21 -- should be interpreted to cover abortion clinics. As a result, Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas said they had canceled hundreds of abortions.
Birx says government is classifying
all deaths of patients with coronavirus as
'COVID-19' deaths, regardless of cause
Posted by MissMolly 4/8/2020 4:01:55 AM Post Reply
The federal government is classifying the deaths of patients infected with the coronavirus as COVID-19 deaths, regardless of any underlying health issues that could have contributed to the loss of someone's life. Dr. Deborah Birx, the response coordinator for the White House coronavirus task force, said the federal government is continuing to count the suspected COVID-19 deaths, despite other nations doing the opposite. "There are other countries that if you had a pre-existing condition, and let's say the virus caused you to go to the ICU [intensive care unit] and then have a heart or kidney problem," she said during a Tuesday news briefing at the White House. "Some countries are recording
California governor planning coronavirus
aid for illegal immigrants
Posted by PageTurner 4/8/2020 3:55:00 AM Post Reply
California Gov. Gavin Newsom and the state Legislature are working on a coronavirus aid plan for the state’s illegal immigrants and others not covered by the federal government’s $2.2 trillion relief package. Newsom, a Democrat, disclosed the plans Tuesday, according to The Associated Press. “Californians care deeply about undocumented residents in this state,” the governor, a former mayor of San Francisco, said. But some California Republicans have spoken out against the plan. “I see the state of California and its budget as a house of cards and with this coronavirus-induced recession, I’m just trying to figure out where the money would come from,” state Sen. John Moorlach, a Republican
Howard Dean says he's boycotting MSNBC
appearances until network stops airing
Trump pressers
Posted by Imright 4/8/2020 12:20:56 AM Post Reply
Former Democratic National Committee (DNC) chair Howard Dean has taken a stance against MSNBC, vowing not to appear on the network unless it skips President Trump's daily coronavirus press briefings.There has been a growing chorus of critics who are calling on media outlets not to air the White House briefings live, accusing the president of "misinformation" and "lying," and condemning his attacks on reporters, as well as his ongoing praise for the anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for the virus.Dean took to Twitter on Tuesday to challenge the network and urged others to join him.
"This Man is My Father" - Dr. Marc Siegel
Defends the Hydroxychloroquine Treatment
for Coronavirus with the Most Moving Story
Imaginable (Video)
Posted by Imright 4/8/2020 12:14:48 AM Post Reply
Dr. Marc Siegel, FOX News Medical Correspondent joined Tucker Carlson on Tuesday night to discuss the hydroxychloroquine treatment for the coronavirus.Several studies have shown tremendous success with hydroxychloroquine and Z-Paks to treat the virus.Dr. Marc Siegel ended the segment with this moving testimonial. Dr. Siegel: Tucker, I want to tell you about a 96-year-old man in Florida who one night, “I don’t think I’m going to make it. I feel very weak.The end is coming. I’m coughing. I’m short of breath. I can’t get up from the couch.” The next day he was on hydroxychloroquine and antibiotics per his cardiologist.
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