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Posts on Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Who is Nan Whaley? Dayton mayor
rises with criticism of President Trump
Posted by NorthernDog 8/7/2019 11:35:51 PM Post Reply
As the residents of Dayton, Ohio, grapple with a mass shooting that killed nine and injured 27 last weekend, the city's mayor has been outspoken critic of President Donald Trump's response to the tragedy. On Tuesday, Mayor Nan Whaley described Trump's rhetoric as painful to many in her community ahead of the president's scheduled visit. "I'm disappointed with his remarks," Whaley said. "He mentioned gun issues one time. I think watching the president over the last few years on the issue of guns, I'm not sure he knows what he believes." The 43-year-old Democrat also took a jab at Trump
Dems want Trump to
cancel upcoming NH rally
Posted by NHChemist 8/7/2019 10:57:59 PM Post Reply
Political infighting in the wake of two mass murders wore on as Democratic presidential candidate Cory Booker’s campaign called on President Trump to cancel his planned New Hampshire rally next week and to focus on getting gun control legislation through Congress. “What’s overwhelmingly clear is that Trump coming to New Hampshire will only stoke further dangerous acts and threaten Americans’ safety. Our country deserves better in the Oval Office,” said Erin Turmelle, Booker’s New Hampshire campaign director, on Tuesday. Turmelle said Trump’s rally on Aug. 15 at SNHU Arena in Manchester will fan flames of intolerance and the state should be spared of that right now.
Remember Mueller’s Peculiar 9-Minute
Press Conference In May? There Was
A Reason For It
Posted by earlybird 8/7/2019 9:40:42 PM Post Reply
In a little noticed exchange during former special counsel Robert Mueller’s testimony before the House Judiciary Committee last month, Rep. Tom McClintock (R-CA) tried to determine why he had held his peculiar press conference on May 29th. (Snip) “Did your May 29th press conference have anything to do with the fact that the previous day, the judge threatened to hold your prosecutors in contempt for misrepresenting evidence?” Mueller replied, “No.”(Snip)If this is proven to be true, then Mueller may have perjured himself when he told Rep. McClintock (under oath) that the hearing held on May 28 had nothing to do with his press conference the following day.
Bernie Sanders pledges to reveal
info on aliens if he wins in 2020
Posted by NorthernDog 8/7/2019 9:15:14 PM Post Reply
Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., pledged that as president he would disclose government information about aliens and unidentified flying objects. Sanders, one of the leading 2020 Democrats, told podcast host Joe Rogan on Tuesday that his wife would "demand" he tell people about the mysterious phenomena. “Well I tell you, my wife would demand I let you know," he told Rogan who asked whether Sanders would disclose that information. When Rogan asked whether his wife was a UFO nut, he said she wasn't but said she has previously asked him about the information he might have as a senator. “No, she’s
Census Bureau Seeks to Hire Non-U.S.
Citizens Ahead of 2020
Posted by earlybird 8/7/2019 8:11:02 PM Post Reply
THE CENSUS BUREAU IS pursuing a legal loophole that its officials believe would allow them to temporarily hire non-U.S. citizens as part of its efforts to reach populations that are difficult to count, including in non-English speaking and immigrant communities. People employed by the Census Bureau, including those hired temporarily, are considered federal employees and are legally required to be U.S. citizens. Specifically, the annual Appropriations Act prohibits the use of appropriated funds to employ noncitizens within the U.S. Some exceptions exist, however, that allow the agency to hire translators temporarily, as well as to hire people admitted to the U.S.
Hollywood Film Depicts Trump Supporters
Being Hunted for Sport by Liberals
Posted by Tianne 8/7/2019 7:56:28 PM Post Reply
Kathy Griffin claims she can’t get work following her photoshoot with a decapitated and bloody Trump head, but don’t let that fool you. Hollywood clearly still likes the idea of promoting violence against people who aren’t good and obedient leftists, because Universal Pictures is set to release a thriller called The Hunt on September 27, which features left-wing “elites” hunting Trump supporters for sport.
Report: Dayton Shooter ‘Definitely Leaned
to the Left,’ Talked About Shooting up Bars
Posted by earlybird 8/7/2019 6:56:50 PM Post Reply
The Dayton Daily News reported Monday evening that the gunman who carried out a mass shooting early Sunday morning “definitely leaned to the left” politically and had talked to friends recently about shooting up local bars. On Sunday evening, Breitbart News reported that Twitter had suspended an account reportedly linked to the shooter. The account had tweeted in support of socialism, in favor of Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), against President Donald Trump, and against Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). In a new report, the Dayton Daily News confirms that the shooter, who killed nine people and wounded over two dozen, was left-wing —
Report: Gen. Hyten’s Sexual Assault
Accuser Has History of Unsubstantiated Claims
Posted by earlybird 8/7/2019 6:45:56 PM Post Reply
An Army colonel who accused President Trump’s nominee for vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Air Force Gen. John Hyten, of sexual assault has a history of making unsubstantiated claims against supervisors she claims slighted her, according to a recent report. (Snip) an Air Force investigation found no merit to “dozens” of other unsubstantiated claims made by Army Col. Kathryn Spletstoser in the last couple of years levied against supervisors. The investigation reportedly also showed that colleagues of Spletstoser said she had “anger issues, bullied subordinates, and had an incredibly foul mouth.” Spletstoser levied three dozen other claims against Hyten and other superiors after she was fired
Canadian Police find bodies believed to
be teens wanted for 3 murders
Posted by earlybird 8/7/2019 6:32:42 PM Post Reply
Two bodies believed to be the teens wanted for killing three people on remote Canadian roads last month have been found, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police announced Wednesday afternoon. Police have been on a manhunt searching for Kam McLeod and Bryer Schmegelsky over the past two weeks.(SnipAccording to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, officers found a critical piece of evidence linked to the suspects that was located along the shoreline of the Nelson River. From there they followed that lead to find the bodies "in a dense brush, within 1 kilometer from where the items were found." Officers said this was 8 kilometers (almost 5 miles)
President Trump thanks OAN for report on
alleged Ohio shooter’s political leanings
Posted by Imright 8/7/2019 5:51:58 PM Post Reply
President Trump recently thanked One America News for its coverage on the alleged Dayton, Ohio shooter. This comes after a report acknowledging the fact that the gunman had “a history of supporting political figures like Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and Antifa.” The president noted most news outlets have purposefully omitted the Ohio shooter’s political leanings now that it appears he had liberal and anti-Trump beliefs.
U.S. Moves to Ban Huawei
From Government Contracts
Posted by LittleHoodedMonk 8/7/2019 5:45:02 PM Post Reply
The Trump administration on Wednesday took a tactical step in its trade confrontation with China, by releasing a rule that restricts government agencies from doing business with Huawei, the giant Chinese maker of telecommunications equipment and smartphones. The prohibition was mandated by Congress as part of a broader defense bill signed into law last year. It covers direct purchases of telecom gear and video surveillance equipment and services. And it extends to other Chinese companies that, like Huawei, have raised security concerns inside the American government, including the telecom equipment maker ZTE and Hikvision, which develops facial-recognition technology.
Trump Tweets About Dayton Visit, Says
News Conference Afterward By
Ohio Lawmakers Was ‘A Fraud'
Posted by Imright 8/7/2019 5:36:17 PM Post Reply
President Donald Trump tweeted he had “a warm & wonderful visit” in Dayton, Ohio, Wednesday and also hit back at the allegedly “fraud” news conference Ohio Sen. Sherrod Brown and Mayor Nan Whaley held.Trump visited Dayton following a shooting Sunday morning that killed nine people and injured 27 others. He did not speak to press but visited survivors in the hospital and spoke to Brown and Whaley, both Democrats who said they didn’t hold much hope for change following the meeting.Trump tweeted the news conference was “a fraud” and said Brown and Whaley misrepresented what happened at the hospital.
Sen. Sherrod Brown along side Dayton
mayor shamefully turns Trump visit into
a political weapon
Posted by Imright 8/7/2019 5:31:02 PM Post Reply
Leftist don’t seem to actually be listening to President Donald Trump’s words because they are painting him as a villain in the aftermath of the Dayton, Ohio and El Paso, Texas mass shootings. This is despite the fact that the president has condemned hate, said he is open to new gun legislation and called for unity in the aftermath of the disasters. In a press conference following the president’s Wednesday visit to Dayton, Ohio, Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) and Dayton Mayor Nan Whaley went fairly political and didn’t seem to be giving the president much credit.
ICE agents detain 680 illegal
immigrants at 7 Mississippi worksites
Posted by LittleHoodedMonk 8/7/2019 5:07:26 PM Post Reply
(Video) - Canton, MS - Homeland Security agents descended upon several sites Wednesday in Mississippi, including Peco Foods in Canton. “After speaking with the agents, I now know that they are identifying illegal immigrants, versus those who are legal, and rounding them up, putting them in buses and carrying them away,” said Canton Mayor William Truly. (Snip) About 680 illegal immigrants were detained during the operation, which federal officials said was the largest single-state worksite enforcement action in the nation. "HSI’s worksite enforcement efforts are equally focused on aliens who unlawfully seek work in the U.S. as well as the employers who knowingly hire them,"
Never Trump quandary: When you
want Trump to lose but can't
bear his Democratic opponents
Posted by StormCnter 8/7/2019 4:49:34 PM Post Reply
The Democratic debates have been hard on Never Trumpers. The small but vocal group of Republicans and former Republicans who oppose President Trump has watched in horror as Democrats veered leftward, embracing "Medicare-for-all," virtually open borders, sky-high taxes, and other positions no conservative could ever accept. The Never Trumpers see disaster coming in the form of the president winning reelection over a Democrat who moved too far left for the American voter. So they issue warnings. The Democrats' performance in the most recent debate was "worse than farcical," the New York Times' Bret Stephens wrote. "It's tragic. It will make the Trump campaign's job
Democrat despair has America in the crosshairs of violently ill extremists replies
Posted by jeb184 8/7/2019 4:40:14 PM Post Reply
America has seen three young men pull out guns and kill people. The alleged gunmen were “lone-wolf” killers. All three attacked innocents with high-power rifles. Combined the three men killed 34 people and injured dozens more. All three young men were white. But they were also Democrats. Socialists. Leftists. White Supremacists. Anti-Immigrant. Environmental extremists. They were not one thing. However, they were all mentally ill, exhibiting a desensitivity to violence. A desensitivity wrought by violent movies, music, video games, and angry politicians spewing hate-speak towards the one person we should all respect – The President.
A letter to our subscribers,
from the New York Times
Posted by StormCnter 8/7/2019 4:32:26 PM Post Reply
Dear Valued Subscriber, For a mere $39.99 a month, about what you pay your Guatemalan nanny, you depend on us for thought-provoking personal reassurance, award-winning arrogance, hard-hitting sycophancy, and up-to-the-minute coverage of Orange Man – who is very, very bad. The New York Times remains the world’s most prestigious Viewpoint Validation Service because we understand the crippling emptiness permeating the wealthy liberal soul – we are that emptiness – and you entrust us to make you feel good, smart and worthy every day.
Joaquin Castro outed his own donors
in bid to shame Trump supporters
Posted by StormCnter 8/7/2019 4:28:31 PM Post Reply
Trump donors whose names and employers were posted in a highly controversial tweet by Democratic Rep. Joaquin Castro blasted the Texas congressman on Wednesday for what they described as a “ridiculous” stunt and, in interviews with Fox News, rejected his claim that they are “fueling a campaign of hate” against Hispanics. One of those Trump donors even revealed he's also been a supporter of local Democratic lawmakers—including Castro himself. Wayne Harwell, the owner of a local real estate development company whose name appeared on the list Castro shared on Monday night, told Fox News in a phone interview that he donated money to Castro’s congressional campaign.
Star Wars Is Struggling to Win
Over the Next Generation of Kids
Posted by LittleHoodedMonk 8/7/2019 4:25:20 PM Post Reply
It’s hard to say this, as someone who grew up pretending to be Han Solo battling Darth Vader and his stormtroopers to rescue Princess Leia. But it must be said: Kids might not be into Star Wars anymore. Walt Disney Co.’s underwhelming theme-park attendance last quarter was the latest sign that the intergalactic saga isn’t resonating for younger generations raised on Iron Man and Fortnite. Chief Executive Officer Bob Iger was so sure fans would be blasting through the door that he had instituted a reservation system for visitors to enter Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge, the new attraction at Disneyland. It turned out not to be necessary.
NRA donor files class action suit;
claims VP LaPierre blew $275K on
suits, $243K on 'luxury travel'
Posted by Ribicon 8/7/2019 4:20:14 PM Post Reply
A major NRA donor is suing the gun-rights organization for fraud, accusing the NRA of improperly using donations it solicited from its members over the past four years for purposes unrelated to its “core mission,” such as expensive clothing and trips for CEO Wayne LaPierre. David Dell’Aquila of Nashville filed the class action lawsuit late Tuesday in federal court in Tennessee. It names Mr. LaPierre, the NRA, and the NRA’s associated charitable foundation as defendants. “In their solicitations, Defendants alleged that the donations would be used for gun safety education; to promote shooting sports and hunter safety; to foster wildlife conservation; and to protect gun ownership
NRA planned to buy a $6million mansion
in Dallas for chief Wayne LaPierre last
year, leaked records from the New York
Attorney General's office show
Posted by Ribicon 8/7/2019 4:12:37 PM Post Reply
The National Rifle Association planned to purchase a $6million mansion in Dallas for its chief executive Wayne LaPierre last year, newly leaked records have revealed. Discussions about the property acquisition, which ultimately did not happen, are reportedly under scrutiny by New York officials conducting an ongoing investigation into the gun-lobby's tax exempt status and allegations of financial misconduct. Two people familiar with the records told The Washington Post that the NRA wired tens of thousands of dollars to a corporate entity that was going to be making the purchase in 2018.(Snip) It featured a 10,000-square-foot French mansion with four bedrooms
Russia reveals its new 'Hunter' stealth combat
drone capable of flying from Moscow to London
and back... that looks suspiciously like a US
Lockheed craft unveiled 12 years ago
Posted by LittleHoodedMonk 8/7/2019 3:43:03 PM Post Reply
Russia's defence chiefs have unveiled a new stealth combat drone which they say is capable of flying from Moscow to London and back in a single mission. A Kremlin propaganda video shows the Sukhoi-made Okhotnik, meaning Hunter, on its maiden 20-minute flight. A special coating makes the unmanned flying vehicle 'almost undetectable', the Russian military claims. The new gadget looks similar to a U.S. Air Force drone manufactured by Lockheed Martin which was introduced as long ago as 2007. However, it is considered a breakthrough in Russia compared to the unmanned aerial vehicles which Moscow has previously developed.
Europeans More Concerned About
Immigration Than Climate Change,
Despite Massive Media Attention
Posted by earlybird 8/7/2019 3:36:51 PM Post Reply
Immigration has possibly caused more fractious discord at the heart of the European Union than any other topic apart from Brexit, and it is a preoccupation shared by the citizens of Europe who say it is the most important issue facing the EU in 2019. The European Commission’s Eurobarometer survey, a twice-annually inquiry into the opinions of over 27,000 Europeans asked people in 33 countries what their main concerns were for the European Union, and found worries over immigration to be the clear winner. Some 34 per cent of Europeans said immigration was one of their top concerns in 2019, putting the issue comfortably ahead
Rare, potentially deadly mosquito-borne
disease found in Delaware
Posted by earlybird 8/7/2019 3:21:43 PM Post Reply
WILMINGTON, Delaware -- Health officials in Delaware are alerting residents that a rare, potentially deadly disease spread by mosquitoes has been detected in the state. Delaware's Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control reports that Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE), known as Triple E, was found at what officials call sentinel chicken stations in southwestern New Castle County, east-central Kent County, and southeastern Sussex County. The Delaware Division of Public Health Laboratory reported to DNREC that four chickens recently tested positive for EEE from stations monitored by Mosquito Control. (Snip)"Eastern Equine Encephalitis is a rare, potentially fatal viral disease spread by mosquitoes that can affect both people and horses,
Texas to loosen firearm laws, allowing
guns in churches and on school grounds
Posted by LittleHoodedMonk 8/7/2019 2:00:06 PM Post Reply
A series of new firearm laws will go into effect in Texas next month — further loosening gun restrictions in a state that’s had four of the 10 deadliest mass shootings in modern US history. The laws — passed before a gunman massacred 22 people and injured dozens in El Paso last weekend — will make it easier to have guns in a state with some of the most lax weapons restrictions in the nation. Here are the key firearm laws going into effect on September 1: Weapons on school grounds - House Bill 1143 says a school district cannot prohibit licensed gun owners,
Elizabeth Warren unveils $85 billion proposal
to guarantee high-speed internet access
Posted by NorthernDog 8/7/2019 1:44:38 PM Post Reply
Democratic presidential hopeful Elizabeth Warren unveiled a proposal to guarantee universal high-speed internet access on Wednesday as part of a new plan to invest in rural communities. “I will make sure every home in America has a fiber broadband connection at a price families can afford,” the senator from Massachusetts wrote in a post on the blogging platform Medium. “That means publicly-owned and operated networks — and no giant [internet service providers] running away with taxpayer dollars.” Warren said she would create a federal Office of Broadband Access to manage an $85 billion grant program. The grants would be awarded
White House to meet with
internet companies after shootings
Posted by LittleHoodedMonk 8/7/2019 1:39:34 PM Post Reply
The White House has invited internet and technology companies for a roundtable discussion on violent online extremism on Friday, as the Trump administration comes under growing pressure to deter mass shootings tied to internet-fueled racism. The meeting will include "senior administration officials along with representatives of a range of companies," according to a White House spokesperson, who did not name who will take part. (Snip) "We must recognize that the internet has provided a dangerous avenue to radicalize disturbed minds and perform demented acts," Trump said. "We must shine light on the dark recesses of the internet and stop mass murders before they start."
Dayton - El Paso: Where is Pelosi's expression of unity? #TheyAreTheHate replies
Posted by BigAlPeoplesPal 8/7/2019 1:23:10 PM Post Reply
President Donald J. Trump and First Lady Melania Trump are traveling to Dayton, Ohio, and El Paso, Texas, where mass shootings over the weekend claimed more than 30 lives and injured dozens more. The President is calling for the country to come together, for bipartisan action to confront gun violence. He has condemned the scourge of white supremacy. So why is the only voice coming from the Democrats the political rants of Beto O’Rourke, Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren? Why is Joaquin Castro not being censored by Democrats for doxxing contributors to the Trump campaign.
Dayton shooter was armed counter-protester
at KKK rally earlier this year: report
Posted by Imright 8/7/2019 12:54:26 PM Post Reply
Dayton mass shooter Connor Betts was reportedly spotted carrying a gun and protesting at a Ku Klux Klan rally earlier this year.The 24-year-old was among the 500 to 600 counter-protesters who attended the May 25 event in opposition of the KKK, according to the Dayton Daily News.He spoke briefly with a reporter — wielding a semi-automatic, AR-style gun similar to the one he used in this past weekend’s shooting, the newspaper says. Betts was wearing sunglasses and a bandanna at the time, which reportedly covered his face. There were only nine KKK members in attendance for the rally. Betts, a registered Democrat who was said to have been pro-gun control,
It Begins: “Death Camps to All Trump
Supporters” Fliers Posted in New York City
Posted by Imright 8/7/2019 12:50:27 PM Post Reply
New York City– Fliers were posted on Tuesday calling for “Death Camps to all Trump Supporters.”New York City is increasingly intolerant of conservative beliefs.New York City is becoming more communist by the day.(Tweet/Photo) Summit News reported: The photos were taken by a member of the Shock Theater collective, a group that lays on haunted house tours and horror scenarios, but the company said it was not responsible for creating or posting the fliers.
Igniting Civil War replies
Posted by earlybird 8/7/2019 12:46:17 PM Post Reply
Government sponsorship of violence against opponents or complacency in the face of incitement to violence is a powerful tool of political repression. Regimes such as Cuba, Venezuela, Iran, Nicaragua, China, and other tyrannies have used such tactics to great effect. When mobs attack anti-government demonstrators, for example, the police either disappear or stand by watching. In American cities run by Democrats and on the U.S. college and university campuses, the authorities increasingly have been standing by as radicals do the dirty work of beating up or silencing conservatives. In societies riven by mutual hate, the people who control the police and public communications make all the difference.
Woman puts octopus on her face for
photo in Washington. It didn’t end well
Posted by LittleHoodedMonk 8/7/2019 12:30:45 PM Post Reply
(Video) What a Washington woman hoped would make a great photo for a competition won her hospital admittance, instead. A fisherman caught a young giant Pacific octopus while Jamie Bisceglia was participating in a fishing derby on Friday, KING5 reported. She asked her fellow angler if she could have the octopus for a photo to submit to a contest and ultimately eat for dinner. The fisherman agreed and Bisceglia decided to put the octopus on her face for the photo, but that’s when things took a turn for the worse, according to a Facebook post. It bit her face.
Could the INCEL Community
be Propelling Mass Shooters?
Posted by tisHimself 8/7/2019 12:24:56 PM Post Reply
The press is awash with speculation about the motives of mass shooters in the wake of the recent massacres in public spaces by lone gunmen over the weekend. I believe many people are missing a relevant point when discussing what happened in El Paso and Dayton, the latter of which is my home, and why some people become mass shooters. I live approximately 3 miles from the Oregon district of downtown Dayton, the location of Connor Betts’ insane shooting rampage
Triggering On A New Level: Video
Of Democratic Socialists Of America
Convention Goes Viral
Posted by Imright 8/7/2019 12:02:39 PM Post Reply
The "triggering" hit new levels during the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) National Convention in Georgia this past weekend. In leaked clips of the event, Democratic Socialists lash out at each other for various offenses, such as using "gendered language" and "whispering." Adding to the bizarre nature of the event, which comes off as a satirical skit being laid on a bit too thick, members of DSA whine about what triggers them by first announcing a "point of personal privilege."
Gibson's Bakery owner announces cancer
diagnosis, says Oberlin College is trying to
wait him out (UPDATED/VIDEO)
Posted by Harlowe 8/7/2019 11:43:09 AM Post Reply
Gibson’s Bakery co-owner David Gibson is fighting pancreatic cancer, he announced in a video posted Tuesday to the bakery’s Facebook page. He also said he believes Oberlin College is trying to wait until he and his 91-year-old father are dead as the two sides continue to battle in court in a case that resulted in the largest monetary award for libel in Ohio history. Doing so wouldn’t absolve the college of having to pay if it loses or exhausts all its appeals, according to an experienced First Amendment attorney who has been following the case.
‘Stop hate and racism, starting
with yourself’: Catholic archbishop hits out at Trump
Posted by M2 8/7/2019 11:36:13 AM Post Reply
Archbishop Gustavo Garcia-Siller of San Antonio, one of the highest ranking Mexican American Catholic leaders in the country, was left in shock on Saturday when he heard about the mass shooting in El Paso that killed at least 22 people in his state. Garcia-Siller said there was “no justifiable explanation for such scenes of horror.” But what was clear to the archbishop, who recently supported migrants and asylum seekers crossing the southern border, was that President Trump’s “invasion” rhetoric against Hispanics, language echoed in a manifesto police believe was posted by the alleged El Paso gunman, helped create a climate that led to the tragedy. The 62-year-old archbishop
Joaquin Castro facing backlash from all
sides for posting Trump donor information
Posted by M2 8/7/2019 11:30:32 AM Post Reply
Democratic Rep. Joaquin Castro is facing a mounting backlash -- and not just from Republicans -- for posting the names and employers of dozens of Trump campaign donors in the San Antonio area, even as the Texas congressman defends his actions. Prominent figures from outlets including MSNBC and The New York Times have called out Castro for the potentially dangerous post. “This is dangerous, by any campaign,” Times reporter Maggie Haberman tweeted in response to a post from the Washington Examiner’s David Drucker. Haberman specifically said she did not want to retweet the image herself “because I don’t want to put these people’s names in my feed.”
White House to host roundtable on online
extremism after mass shootings
Posted by M2 8/7/2019 11:29:00 AM Post Reply
The White House will host a meeting about online extremism with an array of tech and internet companies this week after a mass shooting in El Paso, Texas, was linked to an anti-immigrant manifesto posted online. The meeting will come days after Trump called for the Department of Justice (DOJ) to work closely with social media companies to identify potential mass shooters based on their online footprints. "The White House has invited internet and technology companies for a discussion on violent extremism online," White House spokesman Judd Deere said in a statement.
Democrats at a crossroads:
Is go big or go home really the
right strategy for 2020?
Posted by M2 8/7/2019 11:25:07 AM Post Reply
Democratic candidates for president are having a difficult time these days grabbing public attention to distinguish themselves from each other. With 40 wannabes on the debate stage — or was it only 20? — no one gets much time to do more than utter glib sound bites. Not counting several months of warmups and rumors, U.S. presidential campaigns now drone on for about 22 months, almost half a presidential term. That’s great for TV ad revenues in Iowa and New Hampshire. But such prolonged political marathons provide little evidence of a better outcome than those countries that manage national democratic leadership selections in six weeks.
Donald Trump Jr. Compares Joaquin
Castro’s Donor Tweet to Dayton
Shooter’s Hit List
Posted by PageTurner 8/7/2019 11:24:36 AM Post Reply
Donald Trump Jr. told Fox & Friends on Wednesday that the publicly available list of Trump donors that Rep. Joaquin Castro (D-TX) shared on Twitter is the same thing as the hit list the Dayton shooter created in high school. Appearing on his father’s favorite morning program, the presidential son complained about the amount of criticism that his dad has received in the wake of the mass shootings in El Paso and Dayton. After saying nothing the president does will satisfy his critics, Trump Jr. brought up Castro, who was blasted by the right this week for sharing a list of his constituents who gave the maximum donation to Trump.
Today in hate replies
Posted by earlybird 8/7/2019 11:24:13 AM Post Reply
After denouncing hate on Sunday, Democrats went back on Monday to calling for violence against conservatives. In Kentucky, Mitch McConnell is convalescing at home after breaking a shoulder. Nancy's Army went to his house to harass him. He's 77. The New York Post reported, "Gun control supporters stood outside Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s home in Kentucky on Sunday night — protesting and hurling death threats at him — while broadcasting on Facebook Live. "'Murder Turtle!’ (Snip). "'The b**ch home — we keep seeing the lights go on and off,' another says. 'This hoe really thought he was going to get ready to be at home
Rep. Castro says it is not his intention
for Texas Trump supporters to be harassed
Posted by PageTurner 8/7/2019 11:20:18 AM Post Reply
Texas Rep. Joaquin Castro, the brother of 2020 presidential candidate Julián Castro, defended his decision to post the names of San Antonio residents who donated the maximum amount allowed to President Trump on his campaign's Twitter account. The maximum donation is $2,800 each for federal primary and general election campaigns. Election law states individuals who donate over $200 to these campaigns report to the Federal Election Commission. Castro told MSNBC it is not his intention for the Trump supporters to be harassed or their businesses be boycotted. "Like I said, my post was actually as a San Antonian, my family has been here since 1922. It was a lament," Castro said.
Trump worries Harry Reid replies
Posted by earlybird 8/7/2019 11:19:44 AM Post Reply
Harry Reid spoke to Sam Stein of the Daily Beast. It was partly comical (Reid magnanimously blamed Republicans and President Donald John Trump equally for all the woes in Washington) but mainly pathetically desperate. Reid said, "I'm pretty damn worried. Anybody that thinks he's going to be beaten easily is wrong. As sad as it is. As hard as it is for me to say this: don’t count that man out." His concern about President Donald John Trump likely stems from Reid's inability to control him. Reid is best known for libeling Mitt Romney as a tax cheat. Reid later acknowledged he lied and was unapologetic.
Trump complains of double standard in
shooting response, cites apparent
liberal views of Ohio gunman
Posted by M2 8/7/2019 11:18:56 AM Post Reply
President Trump on Wednesday complained of a double standard in the political response to the mass shootings over the weekend -- as he headed to the sites of those tragedies to pay his respects and offer support for victims and law enforcement. Trump’s visits to El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio are likely to be tense, emotional and politically charged as he visits the sites where 31 people were killed and dozens more injured in two shootings. "It's a terrific opportunity really to congratulate some of the police and law enforcement, the job they've done is incredible, really incredible," he said. Democrats and media pundits have cited reports that the El Paso
MAGAnomics – An Incredible Team,
Delivering Astonishing Results….
Posted by earlybird 8/7/2019 11:17:17 AM Post Reply
CTH writes a great deal about President Trump’s economic policies, and how those policies are reversing the decades-long erosion of the middle-class. Factually, substantively and empirically the workers of America are gaining ground. (Snip) The execution of a broad-based economic and global trade reset is underway. Today’s economic results, the growing strength of our U.S. economy, is a testament to the success of MAGAnomic policy being delivered. These results, when fully realized, will secure our economic future and last for generations. (Snip)The team of Secretary Mnuchin, Secretary Ross, USTR Lighthizer, Trade and Manufacturing advisor Navarro and NEC Director Larry Kudlow, face a scale of opposition
Wilbur Ross Hits Chinese Cabinet
Manufacturers With $4.4 Billion
Countervailing Duty – Beijing Caught
W/ Stunning 200%+ Subsidy Rate
For Chinese Companies…
Posted by earlybird 8/7/2019 11:12:26 AM Post Reply
Wow. Go Wilburine! U.S. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross has slapped a whopping $4.4 billion countervailing duty on Chinese cabinet manufacturers. The rate of manufacturing subsidy identified within the ‘wood cabinet‘ study shows a massive 229% subsidy rate via discounted land, free lumber, electricity, raw materials, direct grants from government and discounted loans from Chinese banks to enhance export incentives.The current study and duty only applies to wood cabinets and vanities, but if you ever wondered how come Chinese furniture is so cheap, well, it’s not a stretch to consider those same subsidy rates likely apply to their household furniture and wood products.
Mayor Lori Lightfoot rips Ivanka
Trump’s comments about Chicago’s
deadly weekend: ‘I’m not going to
be distracted by nonsense tweets’
Posted by PageTurner 8/7/2019 11:09:55 AM Post Reply
CHICAGO - Before her inauguration as Chicago's mayor, Lori Lightfoot visited the White House to meet with Ivanka Trump and begin building a relationship that she hoped could lead to help in solving some of the city's deepest problems. But this week, Lightfoot engaged in a public battle of words with the president's powerful daughter, who in a series of tweets on Tuesday drew attention to the city's gun violence and provoked an angry response from Chicago's mayor. Early Tuesday, Ivanka Trump drew renewed national attention to Chicago's problems with gun violence by writing, "As we grieve over the evil mass shootings
Dayton shooter Connor Betts may
be antifa’s first mass killer
Posted by mc squared 8/7/2019 10:24:42 AM Post Reply
Over the weekend, America suffered two mass shootings within hours of one another, in El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio. These followed another mass shooting in Gilroy, Calif., a week earlier. The alleged perpetrators of the attacks were young, “lone-wolf” gunmen. All three carried out carnage against innocents using high-power rifles. All told, Santino ­Legan (Gilroy), Patrick Crusius (El Paso) and Connor Betts (Dayton) killed 34 people and injured dozens more. While the attacks are similar, the response from liberals and leftists has been anything but.
Marianne Williamson details plan to pay up
to $500 billion in reparations for slavery
Posted by Ribicon 8/7/2019 10:12:32 AM Post Reply
Democratic presidential hopeful Marianne Williamson on Wednesday laid out more details in her plan to pay out financial reparations for slavery in the U.S., saying a council made up of black leaders should oversee a payout of between $200 billion and $500 billion. “When it comes to paying reparations for slavery, on an emotional, psychological and spiritual level, we cannot afford not to,” said Ms. Williamson, an author and self-help expert. “Until we do, this cycle of violence that began in the 1600s and continues to this day will continue to haunt our psyche.” Ms. Williamson called for setting up a council
Free Speech on the Internet
Continues to Confuse Everyone
Posted by M2 8/7/2019 10:06:48 AM Post Reply
There's a lot of weird and bad information these days about the federal law known as Section 230. The New York Times even put out an op-ed trying to fight the common myth that social media companies are "platforms" that lose legal protections provided by Section 230 if they start making editorial decisions like "publishers." (In reality, the law makes no distinction and requires no such neutrality.) Nonetheless, the Times has started spreading its own extremely misguided analysis of the law. So misguided that the paper was forced to issue a correction, after running a headline on the front page of Tuesday's business section claiming that Section
NBC News contributor raises suspicions over
Trump's order to fly US flags half-staff
until Aug. 8
Posted by DVC 8/7/2019 10:05:56 AM Post Reply
NBC News contributor Frank Figliuzzi said Tuesday that President Trump’s decision to fly American flags half-staff until Aug. 8-- in response to the El Paso and Dayton mass shootings-- could be seen by white supremacists as a nod to Adolf Hitler. Figliuzzi, a former FBI assistant director for counterintelligence, made the claim during an MSNBC broadcast with Brian Williams. Trump issued the order on Sunday “as a mark of solemn respect” for the victims of the shootings. “The president’s either getting really good advice and rejecting it, or he’s getting really bad advice," he said. "We have to understand the adversary and the threat we’re dealing with,
NYC Businesses Cut Staff,
Raise Prices Due to $15 Minimum Wage
Posted by M2 8/7/2019 10:02:49 AM Post Reply
The $15 minimum wage has forced some business owners in New York City to cut staff and raise their prices. Susannah Koteen, the owner of Lido Restaurant in Harlem, said the minimum wage has directly impacted her business, and she worries that it could get worse as time goes by. “What it really forces you to do is make sure that nobody works more than 40 hours,” Koteen told reporters. “You can only cut back so many people before the service starts to suffer.” Thomas Grech, president of the Queens Chamber of Commerce, said he has seen an increase in small-business closures since the $15 minimum wage was implemented
Neither Left nor Right
Has Proper Remedy
for America’s Illness
Posted by tisHimself 8/7/2019 9:56:07 AM Post Reply
America is sick. Just about everybody recognizes it, and we didn’t need two more mass shootings to convince anybody of anything. Most Americans think the country is on the wrong track, despite a roaring economy. You can blame Donald Trump, but Americans have been unsatisfied with the country’s direction for most of the last two decades.
Florida governor gives Jeffrey Epstein
case to state law enforcement
Posted by M2 8/7/2019 9:55:02 AM Post Reply
Florida's governor is asking state law enforcement officials to take over a criminal investigation of irregularities in the handling of convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein. At Palm Beach County Sheriff Ric Bradshaw's request, Gov. Ron DeSantis on Tuesday ordered the Florida Department of Law Enforcement to review a work release program that allowed Epstein to visit his office while staying at the county jail a decade ago. DeSantis also requested an inquiry into other irregularities. Last month, Bradshaw opened criminal and internal affairs investigations into Epstein's 13-month stay at the Palm Beach County stockade. Epstein pleaded guilty in 2008 to prostitution-related charges involving underage girls. Epstein was allowed to spend most
Durham and Graham obtained
deposition of Clinton 'dirt' tipster
Joseph Mifsud
Posted by M2 8/7/2019 9:48:21 AM Post Reply
U.S. Attorney John Durham and Sen. Lindsey Graham, leading separate inquiries into the origins of the Trump-Russia investigation, have obtained an audio deposition of Joseph Mifsud, the mysterious Maltese academic who claimed Russia had “dirt” on Hillary Clinton. The revelation about Mifsud came from The Hill’s John Solomon, who spoke with Sean Hannity on Fox News last Thursday. Solomon’s widely reported bombshell last week was that Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz had criminally referred former FBI James Comey to the DOJ because of his alleged leaking of classified information in his memos and a lack of candor with investigators, but the DOJ declined prosecution. But this tidbit about
Warning: How the
VA 'Red-Flags' Patriots
Posted by M2 8/7/2019 9:41:12 AM Post Reply
Gun-grabbing crisis vultures just can't let the latest mass shootings go to waste. "Red flag" laws are now all the rage in the Beltway as the magic pill to prevent homicidal maniacs from wreaking havoc on the nation. Even President Donald Trump has endorsed the idea of preemptively confiscating people's firearms if they are deemed a "threat." But if you want to know how this American version of China's social credit system would work in practice, let me remind you of how Veterans Affairs recklessly red-flags "disruptive" citizens without due process, transparency or accountability in the name of "safety." Government bureaucrats routinely deprive our nation's heroes of
Democrats outnumber Republicans
in longtime GOP stronghold Orange County
Posted by M2 8/7/2019 9:39:01 AM Post Reply
Democrats outnumber Republicans in Orange County, California for the first time in decades. The region, a longtime Republican bastion, now has more Democrats than Republicans, according to data released Wednesday by the county registrar. There are now 547,458 Democrats compared to 547,369 Republicans who are registered to vote in Orange County. The last time Democrats outnumbered Republicans was in 1978. The county, where Richard Nixon was born and raised and which helped fuel Ronald Reagan’s political rise, has been swaying left in recent years. Democratic candidates won four Republican-held congressional seats in Orange County in the 2018 midterm elections. Hillary Clinton beat President Trump there in the 2016 presidential election. Democratic leaders connected
Weaponizing the dead of El Paso and Dayton replies
Posted by Garnet 8/7/2019 9:38:49 AM Post Reply
Those angry loner white boys with guns, this time in El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio, have again erupted on the body politic. And those with eyes to see are reminded that the American culture is ill.But what of the mass shootings in Chicago, the 55 people shot over the weekend, with seven hit near a park and then eight more not far away? You might think these are “mass shootings” too, but, in political/media terms, they’re not treated as such. The victims, and in all likelihood the shooters, are black. And Democratic politicians find no political advantage in weaponizing the victims of everyday street violence in a Democratic town.
Monica Lewinsky to produce American
Crime Story drama about Clinton scandal
Posted by M2 8/7/2019 9:32:36 AM Post Reply
Monica Lewinsky is among the producers on a new series of American Crime Story focusing on the Bill Clinton sex scandal. Titled Impeachment: American Crime Story, the Ryan Murphy-helmed anthology drama will recount the notorious affair between the then US president Clinton and former White House intern Lewinsky, and the subsequent impeachment proceedings called against him by the US House of Representatives. Booksmart star Beanie Feldstein will star as Lewinsky, with Sarah Paulson playing Linda Tripp, the civil servant who secretly recorded phone calls the 22-year-old made about her affair with Clinton, who was 27 years her senior.
A Fusion GPS nexus in Julian Castro,
Joaquin Castro, and the doxxing of
small Trump donors?
Posted by PageTurner 8/7/2019 9:10:15 AM Post Reply
San Antonio's got some former mayor now running for president, a guy whose brother is now specially targeting San Antonio's own citizens for doxxing because they donated to President Trump. According to the Federalist: On Monday night, Democratic Texas Rep. Joaquin Castro posted the names and employers of 44 San Antonio residents who donated to President Trump’s reelection bid. Castro, the brother of presidential candidate Julian Castro, wrote in a Twitter post that “Their contributions are fueling a campaign of hate that labels Hispanic immigrants
Democrats exploiting mass shootings
for political gain have forgotten
the lessons of the Wellstone funeral
Posted by Magnante 8/7/2019 9:08:00 AM Post Reply
With President Trump visiting Dayton, Ohio and El Paso, Texas today to pay his respect to the victims of two mass shootings, Democrats are in serious danger of overplaying their hands and alienating the centrist voters (snip) Vice President Cheney, the presiding officer of the Senate, announced his plan to attend, only to be told by Wellstone’s surviving sons that he was not welcome, much as President Trump has been told by some politicians and activists to stay away from El Paso. Cheney, respecting the wishes of the family, did not attend, possibly avoiding some ugliness. The memorial service degenerated into a political rally
The real cause of the shootings replies
Posted by Magnante 8/7/2019 9:02:44 AM Post Reply
The aftermath of the terrible recent shootings surprised no one. (snip) we actually know quite a bit about why these disturbed men become mass shooters, and it has nothing to do with their politics. Researchers, for example, have found that something like 60% of mass shooters had a mental illness. The Secret Service puts the number at 67%. (Unfortunately, the politically correct American Psychiatric Association likes to downplay these numbers, lest we "stigmatize" the mentally ill.)
What Republicans and
Democrats can
do to fix our health care
Posted by tisHimself 8/7/2019 8:41:11 AM Post Reply
Anyone watching the most recent round of Democratic presidential primary debates should recognize that in both the first and second sets of debates, all the candidates worked from the assumption that Americans face a binary choice: government-run health care or private health insurance. Republican responses to the debates made the same assumption. Big Brother or Big Insurance — love one, hate the other. That's the anemic range of health care messaging to expect from Democrats and establishment Republicans alike. The problem? Both sides are wrong —
Suspect charged with murder after victim
in bank robbery-turned-carjacking found
dead in Valrico, deputies say
Posted by Hazymac 8/7/2019 8:40:33 AM Post Reply
VALRICO — A 68-year-old man who was carjacked at gunpoint after a bank robbery Tuesday morning was found dead hours later, according to the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office. Mathew Korattiyil was last seen being pushed into his white Lexus SUV by the man accused of robbing the CenterState Bank, 1815 E Brandon Blvd., at about 10:30 a.m. A search was launched, and after a high-speed chase and crash, deputies knocked the stolen SUV off the road and captured the alleged bank robber, James Hanson Jr., 39. But Korattiyil wasn’t inside the vehicle, so the search continued. Then at 4 p.m., deputies announced that he was found dead at Sacred Heart Knanaya Catholic Community Center
Biden Says As President He Would
Come For 'Assault Weapons'
Posted by Imright 8/7/2019 7:56:55 AM Post Reply
Democrats want to come for your guns and they aren’t hiding it anymore. Former Vice President Joe Biden said as much on CNN Monday with Anderson Cooper.Discussing his support for a national buyback program of “assault weapons,” the Democratic presidential candidate said that if elected, he is “going to come” for them. “So to gun owners out there who say well, a Biden administration means they’re going to come for my guns,” Cooper said to Biden, who interjected: “Bingo. You’re right if you have an assault weapon.” “The fact of the matter is they should be illegal, period,” he added.
Biden on America under Trump:
‘It’s about hate, hate, hate’
Posted by Imright 8/7/2019 7:50:52 AM Post Reply
Joe Biden continued to tear into President Trump at a Tuesday fundraiser in Aspen, Colorado, accusing him of fomenting a culture of hate. “I never had the expectation that President Trump would be a good president, but I had no idea that he would be as banal, mean and as bad as he is," Biden, 76, said during a 26-minute speech at the dinner, where donors paid between $1,000 and $2,800 to attend, according to pool reports. "It's about hate, hate, hate," Biden continued. “We have to rip it out. We have to rip it up. Because if we don’t, it will fundamentally change who we are. Who we are.
Murder, it’s a Democrat thing replies
Posted by Imright 8/7/2019 7:46:36 AM Post Reply
With leftists seeking to blame the El Paso shooting on President Trump, guns, white people and whatever other boogieman will help score political points, a simple fact should be understood: Murder is a Democrat thing. We can start with the striking statistic that 68 percent of all homicides occur in just certain parts of 5 percent of America's counties — and all, or virtually all, of these are Democrat areas. Also striking is Democrats' devolution on prenatal infanticide. The line always was, though the savvy never believed it, "We want abortion to be safe, legal and rare." Leftists also insisted that "we don't really know when life begins" or
Owner of infamous website
8chan called before U.S. Congress
Posted by M2 8/7/2019 7:02:02 AM Post Reply
Online message board 8chan’s fortunes worsened on Tuesday, as it was once again made homeless by a technical services provider and its owner was called to testify to the U.S. Congress after 8chan was linked to a weekend mass shooting in El Paso, Texas. The House of Representatives Homeland Security Committee demanded that owner Jim Watkins, an American living in the Philippines, testify about 8chan’s efforts to tackle “the proliferation of extremist content, including white supremacist content.” The committee’s Democratic chairman, Bennie Thompson, and Mike Rogers, its ranking Republican, sent a letter to Watkins to appear, calling the El Paso massacre “at least the third act of supremacist violence
Texas congressman who tweeted names
of Trump donors accused of ‘encouraging violence’
Posted by M2 8/7/2019 6:57:28 AM Post Reply
The 44 names Texas congressman Joaquin Castro tweeted have at least two things in common: they are all constituents in his district and moreover, they all donated the maximum amount to Donald Trump’s campaign this year. The Democrat brother of presidential hopeful Julián Castro said the people listed – including retirees, business owners and other individuals whose names are public record – were “fuelling a campaign of hate.” He wrote: “Sad to see so many San Antonians as 2019 maximum donors to Donald Trump – the owner of ⁦@BillMillerBarBQ⁩, owner of the ⁦@HistoricPearl, realtor Phyllis Browning, etc. Their contributions are fuelling a campaign of hate that labels Hispanic immigrants as invaders.”
Biden Says Trump’s Words Not So
Different From El Paso Shooter’s
Posted by M2 8/7/2019 6:54:23 AM Post Reply
President Donald Trump has encouraged white supremacy to come out of the shadows, Democratic presidential front-runner Joe Biden will say Wednesday, adding that there’s very little that distances Trump’s rhetoric from the anti-immigrant screeds of mass shooters like the suspect in the recent El Paso, Texas, attack. “How far is it from Trump’s saying this ‘is an invasion’ to the shooter in El Paso declaring ‘his attack is a response to the Hispanic invasion of Texas?’ Not far at all,” Biden plans to say during a campaign stop in Iowa, according to excerpts of his prepared remarks provided by his campaign.
Dear God, Are You There? replies
Posted by M2 8/7/2019 6:51:54 AM Post Reply
Dear God, This letter was prompted by the 22 precious lives taken in El Paso on August 3, 2019, by a 21-year-old white supremacist gunman. He told investigators that he wanted to kill as many Mexicans as possible — people who Donald Trump, in his campaign for the office of president, described as criminals “bringing drugs” and “bringing crime,” and as “rapists.” Just hours after I sat down to write, I heard about the horrible killings of nine more people, this time in Dayton, Ohio, carried out by a 22-year-old white male gunman. How much can any of us take? We are failing ourselves. We are not asking the right questions
Biden says Trump's `toxic tongue'
linked to U.S. mass shootings
Posted by M2 8/7/2019 6:44:14 AM Post Reply
Democratic presidential front-runner and former U.S. Vice President Joe Biden accused President Donald Trump of fuelling the white supremacy that’s blamed for several mass shootings in the United States, according to a speech Biden was due to deliver on Wednesday. Biden, 76, was scheduled to speak in Iowa after back-to-back mass shootings this past weekend in the United States. In the first, on Saturday, a gunman killed 22 people in El Paso, a Texas city on the border with Mexico. Law enforcement agencies say he apparently was driven by hatred for Hispanics. In the second mass shooting, a gunman in Dayton, Ohio, killed nine people,
The Reflex toward Illiberal Democracy replies
Posted by M2 8/7/2019 6:39:35 AM Post Reply
There’s always an emergency, it seems, to justify the Left’s rush to tyranny. There are two rules for illiberal democracy. The first rule is that during an emergency certain illiberal and anti-democratic measures are necessary to ensure public safety, national security, and the practice of democracy itself. The second rule is that there is always an emergency. With the horrifying massacres in El Paso and Dayton, political entrepreneurs already are taking recourse to the tenets of illiberal democracy. But because this is the United States, and the most powerful nation in the world is governed by criminals, miscreants, and morons, illiberal democracy is not the scoundrels’ last recourse — it is their first recourse.
The Obamacare ‘Experts’
Are Wrong Again
Posted by PageTurner 8/7/2019 5:38:38 AM Post Reply
When President Trump announced plans to provide beleaguered health insurance consumers a cheaper alternative to Obamacare, critics decried it as “sabotage.” It would, they said, destabilize Obamacare exchanges and drive up premiums, while ripping consumers off. It turns out that, like everything else about Obamacare, these predictions were dead wrong. Until Obamacare started up in 2014, short-term insurance plans were a niche market that mainly served those between jobs. As the name suggests, these plans were meant to be held only for short periods, and there were limits on whether or how you could renew them. This market exploded after Obamacare went into effect,
2020 Democrats get desperate
after El Paso shooting
Posted by Pluperfect 8/7/2019 5:26:17 AM Post Reply
The national media are never going to like anything about President Trump, so it doesn’t matter that they’re panning his pitch-perfect remarks Monday at the White House on the two mass shootings that took place over the weekend. While they’re busy searching their hearts for yet more reasons to hate Trump, they're missing the 2020 Democratic presidential candidates make complete asses of themselves as they try to out-grieve and out-outrage one another. Former Rep. Beto O’Rourke of Texas, struggling with 3% national support, nearly came apart at the seams on Monday when a reporter asked an innocuous question about how Trump should respond to the shooting in El Paso.
Dan Rather calls on journalists
to report what Trump 'really
believes,' not what he says
Posted by Pluperfect 8/7/2019 5:22:10 AM Post Reply
Former “CBS Evening News” anchor Dan Rather on Monday advised fellow journalists to report on what President Trump “really believes” rather than what he says during prepared speeches and on Twitter. “To my fellow members of the press, I suggest we refrain from quoting the president’s words from prepared speeches into headlines and tweets without context,” the veteran broadcaster tweeted to his 694,000 followers. “He sometimes says the right thing. The real questions are what he does and what he really believes.” Mr. Rather expanded on the thought later Monday on “CNN Tonight” with Don Lemon, arguing that Mr. Trump is a racist and that journalists have a duty
Now in charge, Pritzker, Lightfoot on
the hot seat for Chicago violence
Posted by Pluperfect 8/7/2019 5:18:45 AM Post Reply
A year ago this week, then-candidate for governor J.B. Pritzker heaped blame on then-Gov. Bruce Rauner for an uptick in Chicago violence. Stalemate over the state budget had reduced funding for social service programs, resulting in increased violence across the city, Pritzker alleged. If Pritzker were in charge, he would speed resources to violence interruption programs, he said at the time. It was August and more than 70 people had been shot with 12 killed over a single weekend. Rauner was ultimately in charge. What about now? Is Rauner, or President Donald Trump for that matter, to blame for the city’s chronic violence epidemic?
A New Low for Democrats? replies
Posted by Pluperfect 8/7/2019 5:08:10 AM Post Reply
The Democratic Party has descended into a maelstrom of hate. I’ve been around for a while, and I have never seen anything like it. Whenever you think they can’t sink lower, they do. Here are two news items, just from today. A gang of Democrats besieged Mitch McConnell’s house and called for him to be murdered: Far-left demonstrators appeared at Mitch McConnell’s home in Louisville on Monday night and protested the 77-year-old who is recovering from a broken shoulder after he fell. A short clip of the protesters was posted to Twitter by Ben Goldey, a life-long Kentuckian.
Mass Shootings in Gun-Free Zones replies
Posted by MissMolly 8/7/2019 5:03:31 AM Post Reply
Consider this excerpt from the “manifesto” issued by the shooter who murdered 22 people Saturday in an El Paso, Texas, Walmart store: Remember: it is not cowardly to pick low hanging fruit. AKA (sic) Don’t attack heavily guarded areas to fulfll (sic) your super soldier COD [Call of Duty first person shooter video game] fantasy. Attack low security targets. Even though you might out gun a security guard or police man, they likely beat you in armor, training and numbers. Do not throw away your life on an unnecessarily dangerous target. If a target seems too hot, live to fight another day.
“I Cannot Believe These Monsters”–Sister
of El Paso Mass Shooting Victims Blasts
“Evil” Politicians for Not Welcoming
President Trump
Posted by Imright 8/7/2019 5:02:44 AM Post Reply
Vibora (Deborah) Anchondo lost a brother and a sister-in-law in the deadly mass shooting at the El Paso Walmart on Saturday. (Photo) Andre was killed when he shielded his wife and two-month-old son from the killer’s gunfire.Jordan was also killed while protecting her newborn baby. There is a Go-Fundme campaign running to raise money for their surviving children.On Tuesday Deborah posted a note on Facebook BLASTING the local Democratic leaders who had the gall to say the President of the United States was not welcome in the city this week.
If conservatives want to keep
their guns, they’re going to have
to find a way to stop mass shootings
Posted by MissMolly 8/7/2019 5:00:11 AM Post Reply
When it comes to gun control, conservatives have been fortunate in their enemies. Every time there is a mass shooting, the left renews its calls for gun control, but it spends a great deal of energy on futile and ahistorical arguments about the wording of the Second Amendment, or making hackle-raising, invidious comparisons with Europe. And when it comes time to actually suggest what should be done, Democrats generally suggest policies recycled from the 1994 crime bill, such as background checks and a ban on assault weapons. There’s little evidence that these policies did anything to curb gun violence the first time
When will journalists and other Democrats
tell the truth about the tax cuts
and the economy as a whole?
Posted by Imright 8/7/2019 4:50:50 AM Post Reply
While the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) and other experts routinely underestimate the costs of government spending programs by huge amounts, they severely underestimate receipts and economic results when there are across the board tax cuts. The data are readily available, and they show that after the Reagan and Bush major tax cuts, the economy improved rapidly – and tax receipts shot up. Yet in all projections the CBO assumes receipts will go down and the economy won’t expand much because of the cuts. CBO said that the Trump tax cuts would cost the government $1.5 Trillion over ten years, but revenues are already rising
14 FBI Officials Leaked to the Media, Only
Four Were Fired, Judicial Watch Reveals
Posted by MissMolly 8/7/2019 4:48:10 AM Post Reply
On Tuesday, Judicial Watch announced it had received records showing that the FBI referred 14 employees to the Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) for leaking sensitive or classified information. Of those 14 employees, only four were fired. "No wonder the FBI was leaking so profusely. Collectively, these documents show a show lenient treatment for evident criminal activity. Only four of the 14 employees found to have made an unauthorized disclosure were dismissed from the FBI," Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said in a statement. "And even though Andrew McCabe was fired and referred for a criminal investigation for his leak, no prosecution has taken place." During the early years
FX’s next ‘American Crime Story’
is about Bill Clinton’s sex scandal
Posted by MissMolly 8/7/2019 4:43:45 AM Post Reply
FX unveiled today that its third season of the award-winning limited series franchise “American Crime Story” will center on the sex scandal that rocked the presidency of Bill Clinton. Sarah Paulson, after winning a best actress limited Primetime Emmy for her turn as Marcia Clark in “American Crime Story: The People v. O.J. Simpson,” will return to the anthology as Linda Tripp, while Beanie Feldstein will play Monica Lewinsky with Annaleigh Ashford as Paula Jones. Lewinsky will also be a producer on the limited series. Production begins on the Fox 21 Television Studios/FX Production in February with the third season premiering Sunday, Sept. 27, 2020 at 10 p.m.
To stop more shootings, stop
erasing criminal records of
juveniles prone to violence
Posted by Pluperfect 8/7/2019 4:34:01 AM Post Reply
The mass shooter in Dayton, Ohio who was killed by police early Sunday after he shot nine people to death and wounded more than a dozen fit the now-familiar profile of the troubled youth with a well-documented history of threats dating back to high school. The Dayton gunman had a "kill list" and had interacted with law enforcement as a minor, authorities said. Similarly, the man charged with killing 17 people and wounding 17 others at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla., last year was also well known to high school counselors and local police before he turned 18, police said.
Conservative Activist Cleans 12 Tons of
Trash From Baltimore Streets With
200 Volunteers
Posted by Imright 8/7/2019 4:29:26 AM Post Reply
Some 200 volunteers combed through the streets of northwest Baltimore on Aug. 5, cleaning up trash and weeds in an “Americans Helping Americans” event organized by conservative activist Scott Presler.Starting at 7 a.m. at the corner of North Fulton Avenue and Westwood Avenue, the volunteers spread through the surrounding blocks. By 8 p.m. they had collected over 12 tons of trash—destination junkyard.Many locals expressed gratitude to the participants, and some joined in, Presler said in a phone call.
Nadler slammed for 'harassment' after
fresh Kavanaugh doc requests
Posted by Pluperfect 8/7/2019 4:28:59 AM Post Reply
The top Republican on the House Judiciary Committee on Tuesday accused the panel's Democratic chairman, Rep. Jerry Nadler, of "harassment" and unethical conduct, after Nadler moved to seek records from Supreme Court Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh's time in the George W. Bush administration. Nadler's request came days after a liberal lion of the high court, Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, defended Kavanaugh as a "very decent, very smart individual," and long after progressive activists have largely moved on to other matters. Rep. Doug Collins, R-Ga., said in a statement that Nadler's request is so "far outside the scope of judicial ethics, it’s harassment."
Nicolle Wallace Apologizes for Saying Trump
Is ‘Talking About Exterminating Latinos’
Posted by cThree 8/7/2019 4:02:55 AM Post Reply
On Tuesday night, failed McCain/Palin campaign official, former Republican, and MSNBC’s Deadline: White House host Nicolle Wallace apologized for claiming during Monday’s show that President Donald Trump has been “talking about exterminating Latinos.” Wallace’s comments were first flagged by our very own contributing writer Mark Finkelstein. First, here's the apology that Wallace issued on Twitter: (Snip) Of course, as evidenced above, she couldn’t just say she was “sorry” without attacking the President. What an ailment Trump Derangement Syndrome must be!
MSNBC host apologizes after guest said
'natural conclusion' of Trump's rhetoric could
lead to an 'extermination' of Latinos
Posted by Imright 8/7/2019 3:59:16 AM Post Reply
MSNBC host Nicolle Wallace issued an apology Tuesday evening over remarks made during a panel discussion stemming from a guest's suggestion that President Trump has been "talking about exterminating Latinos."On Monday, Wallace led a conversation where USA Today opinion columnist Raul Reyes slammed Trump's remarks condemning white supremacy since he had "basically declared open season on Latinos" during his entire presidency.He then listed examples of Trump's rhetoric towards Latinos and illegal immigrants like describing the caravan that was heading to the U.S. southern border as an "infestation.""What do you do with an infestation? With an infestation, the natural conclusion
MSNBC's Nicolle Wallace echoes
false claim that
Trump talks of 'exterminating Latinos'
Posted by tisHimself 8/7/2019 3:31:51 AM Post Reply
MSNBC‘S Nicolle Wallace falsely told viewers on Tuesday that President Trump talks of “exterminating Latinos” from his bully pulpit. The president may have rolled out his Latinos For Trump initiative in Florida in June, but that did not stop the pundit and MSNBC contributor Raul Reyes from attributing genocidal ambitions to the man
Trump Goes After O'Rourke: Beto Is 'a Phony
Name to Indicate Hispanic Heritage'
Posted by MichaelvdGalien 8/7/2019 2:59:50 AM Post Reply
After the mass shooting in El Paso, Texas, Democratic presidential candidate -- and failed senatorial candidate -- Beto O'Rourke opened the attack on President Trump, basically blaming him for this terrible tragedy. The shooter in El Paso was a rightwing extremist. According to O'Rourke, President Trump encourages white supremacists and may even be one of them. And so, he is responsible for this mass murder. For example, this is one of his tweets following the horrific crime...
A staunch liberal Democrat wavers in reaction
to the recent rhetoric of her party
Posted by DVC 8/7/2019 1:10:15 AM Post Reply
Miners used to carry canaries in cages into mines to warn of the presence of harmful gases. I don't know if the metaphor is fully apt, but I think I was with a canary for the Democratic Party the other day. An old friend of mine, who is a passionate liberal and staunch Democrat, called me up on my birthday, and we met to spend some time together. Our friendship has survived several fights over politics, even ones where one of us — not saying which one — walked out on the other from a restaurant or a coffee shop, going back to the days when George W. Bush was president.
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