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Posts on Friday, August 2, 2019

Trump Defying Rules of Aging replies
Posted by Chris Jr. 8/2/2019 11:31:39 PM Post Reply
Something I’ve heard discussed since I was a child in my parent’s family room is how presidents dramatically age while in office. While it is true that everyone “looks” different after four-to-eight years of life, presidents seem to age more dramatically than the rest of us. [Snip] Yet, this president doesn’t seem to be showing the effects. Compare a picture of President Trump in 2015 to one taken in 2019 and you’ll see what I mean. President Trump governs with a clear joie de vivre that seems entirely incompatible with the hate hurled his way since announcing his candidacy. Incredibly, he seems to genuinely enjoy his job.
AOC's top staffers RESIGN: Firebrand
Democrat's Chief of Staff and her
Communications Director announce they
are both leaving her team after a string of
Posted by Maryland_Patriot 8/2/2019 11:26:49 PM Post Reply
Two top members of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's team are leaving the lawmaker's office. Saikat Chakrabarti, 33, her Chief of Staff left on Friday, and Corbin Trent, Director of Communications, is due for a move too. Chakrabarti will work for a nonprofit focused on raising awareness of climate change and trying to further the Green New Deal. Meanwhile Trent has agreed to work throughout August before transitioning across to her 2020 reelection campaign, according to the Intercept. This is the same role he held during her first congressional run in 2018.
Labor Union President
Blasts Democrats for
Globalist Free Trade Agenda
Posted by Chris Jr. 8/2/2019 11:20:36 PM Post Reply
AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka blasted Democrats during a private meeting this week for their globalist free trade agenda where 2020 Democrat presidential primary candidates have continued to embrace the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). [Snip] Trumka effectively begged the DNC to take a pro-worker approach to their economic agenda, though leading 2020 Democrat presidential primary candidates like former Vice President Joe Biden and Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) have vowed to end tariffs on Chinese imports and continue to support multilateral free trade.
Soledad O'Brien insults black people
who support Trump
Posted by PageTurner 8/2/2019 10:54:50 PM Post Reply
Apparently, you can't go to a Trump rally while black without getting insulted by leftists. Washed up actress Bette Midler was the last one we heard from on it, calling black people at Trump rallies "blackground" and that was just a week ago. Now, fourth-rate talking head Soledad O'Brien has picked up the torch to throw out another insult to black people: See, the black people there are just hired mercenaries, hired hands, the help, not people who might actually support Trump. In O'Brien's view, black people are incapable of "thinking for themselves," as Candace Owens puts it, which draws many to support President Trump.
CNN's Chris Cuomo has 2020 take:
The Democratic Party doesn't 'have
its head right'
Posted by Imright 8/2/2019 9:04:05 PM Post Reply
CNN prime time anchor Chris Cuomo said the Democratic Party does not "have its head right" after watching the Democratic presidential debates this week.Late night host Seth Meyers pointed out that 2020 front-runner Joe Biden was cornered into defending the Obama administration's policies on healthcare and immigration. He asked Cuomo if that surprised him. (Video)"No, because I think this party does not have its head right," Cuomo said on NBC's Late Night with Seth Meyers. "I want to do tonight, the questions for the Democrats. My first question is
Calls Amass for DOD Spokeswoman Elissa
Smith To Be Fired Over Trump Criticism
Posted by Imright 8/2/2019 8:57:11 PM Post Reply
Calls for the firing of Department of Defense spokeswoman Elissa Smith, a career official, have ramped up after it was revealed last week that she boosted and shared criticisms of President Donald Trump through her personal Twitter account. The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA), one of the oldest pro-Israel groups in the U.S., has joined the calls for Smith’s firing. (Tweets) “The Zionist Organization of America is urging the U.S. Department of Defense to fire Office of the Secretary of Defense Cyber-Policy spokesperson Elissa Smith for retweeting an outrageous, offensive, absurd tweet
Now, there’s proof: We trust the feds
— and each other — less now
Posted by SurferLad 8/2/2019 7:31:22 PM Post Reply
Finally, some documentation for what you’ve been sensing all along in recent years: Americans have less trust in their government — and each other. [Snip] Then, there’s Congress, which has a chronic approval and distrust problem. And the mainstream media that’s been caught in many malicious distortions and omissions. But new research shows that Americans believe this mounting mistrust is also inhibiting or even prohibiting progress solving some serious social issues. Like democracy, trust is
Nikki Haley scolds Trump for tweet mocking
Elijah Cummings: 'This is so unnecessary'
Posted by Ribicon 8/2/2019 7:11:02 PM Post Reply
Former Republican Gov. Nikki Haley scolded President Trump for a tweet Friday that appeared to mock Rep. Elijah Cummings for an attempted burglary on the congressman’s Baltimore home. Mr. Trump, responding to reports that Mr. Cummings was the victim of an attempted break-in, tweeted Friday morning: “Really bad news! The Baltimore house of Elijah Cummings was robbed. Too bad!” “This is so unnecessary,” responded Ms. Haley, the former governor of South Carolina who served as Mr. Trump’s ambassador to the United Nations from 2017 to 2018. Mr. Trump’s latest tweet is part of an ongoing feud with Mr. Cummings, chairman of
Upheaval: AOC's chief of staff and top
spokesman quit
Posted by earlybird 8/2/2019 6:40:52 PM Post Reply
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's chief of staff Saikat Chakrabarti and communications director Corbin Trent are both leaving her D.C. office. “Saikat has decided to leave the office of Rep. Ocasio-Cortez to work with New Consensus to further develop plans for a Green New Deal,” Trent told the Intercept Friday. “We are extraordinarily grateful for his service to advance a bold agenda and improve the lives of the people in NY-14. From his co-founding of Justice Democrats to his work on the Ocasio-Cortez campaign and in the official office, Saikat’s goal has always been to do whatever he can to help the larger progressive movement,
Black Youth Unemployment Falls to Lowest Level in History replies
Posted by PlayItAgain 8/2/2019 4:51:14 PM Post Reply
The American economy is providing jobs for younger African-Americans at an unprecedented level. In July, the unemployment rate for African-Americans between the ages of 16 and 19 fell to a seasonally adjusted 17.7 percent, the lowest rate since the government began tallying the figures in the early 1970s.
Biden Inc. replies
Posted by MissMolly 8/2/2019 4:37:49 PM Post Reply
The day the Bidens took over Paradigm Global Advisors was a memorable one. In the late summer of 2006 Joe Biden’s son Hunter and Joe’s younger brother, James, purchased the firm. On their first day on the job, they showed up with Joe’s other son, Beau, and two large men and ordered the hedge fund’s chief of compliance to fire its president, according to a Paradigm executive who was present. After the firing, the two large men escorted the fund’s president out of the firm’s midtown Manhattan office, and James Biden laid out his vision for the fund’s future. “Don’t worry about investors,” he said,
Goodbye to one of the last of The Few:
Hero Battle of Britain veteran Archie
McInnes dies hours after celebrating
his 100th birthday
Posted by Imright 8/2/2019 4:32:37 PM Post Reply
A Battle of Britain hero died hours after celebrating his 100th birthday, leaving just five surviving members of 'The Few' who fought in the aerial conflict, his biographer revealed. Flight Lieutenant Archie McInnes finished his pilot training aged 21, was commissioned the next day and went on to fly Hurricanes while fighting for control of the skies over southern England in the Second World War. The World War Two veteran was also on board HMS Victorious as part of the team hunting the German battleship Bismarck, and lost his left arm when he was shot down by a Messerschmitt during the North African campaign in October 1941.
Leahy explodes on Senate floor, rips up
official rules: This is not ‘the Donald
Trump committee’
Posted by ladydawgfan 8/2/2019 4:30:42 PM Post Reply
A Senate Judiciary Committee hearing exploded into chaos on Thursday when ranking member Sen. Pat Leahy (D-VT) went after Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC). Leahy claimed in a fiery rant that Graham and other Republicans were breaking the rules of the Senate. “I’d like to think [the rules] mean something,” Leahy said. “I’d like to think we can rely on them. But even though every Republican and Democrat voted for ’em, these rules are on the verge of becoming meaningless.” In a truly strange moment, Leahy physically ripped up a copy of the rules of the Senate.
Fact check: Does Kamala Harris’
healthcare plan ban employer insurance?
Posted by MissMolly 8/2/2019 4:28:27 PM Post Reply
WASHINGTON Colorado Sen. Michael Bennet claimed at the Democratic debate Wednesday night that Sen. Kamala Harris intends to ban employer-based health insurance. Harris argued that her healthcare proposal, unveiled earlier this week, wouldn’t make anything “illegal.” That is true, but it would ultimately eliminate the way most Americans currently get their health insurance: through their employer. Harris tacitly acknowledged as much, telling Bennet, “It’s time that we separate work from healthcare.” The role of private insurance has become a flashpoint in the 2020 Democratic primary ever since Harris was asked about the issue back at a CNN town hall in January. Read more here:
NASA experts discover the closest Earth-
like planet just 31 light years away
that could be habitable
Posted by Imright 8/2/2019 4:03:07 PM Post Reply
Nasa's planet spotting telescope has uncovered another three planets, which scientists say include the first nearby super-Earth spotted by TESS that could be habitable. The planet, called GJ 357 d, orbits a star around 31 light years away in the so-called habitable zone, an area far enough from its star to not be too hot but close enough to not be too cold. In this region, it is possible for liquid water to exist on the surface of a planet if it is rocky, although further research is needed to work out whether GJ 357 d's atmosphere is dense and warm enough to host liquid water.
Holder tells Dems to stop badmouthing Obama's legacy replies
Posted by jeb184 8/2/2019 4:02:12 PM Post Reply
Eric Holder is upset. He just had to listen to the latest Democrat debate stampeded, in which numerous candidates rigorously trashed some of the politcies of America’s previous president, Barack Hussein Obama. In badmouthing Obama’s legacy, the circus troupe of Democrats now running for president proved its members suffer from severe political forgetfulness. And talk about forgetfulness. In this week’s Democrat presidential debate sweepstakes, candidate after candidate predictably trashed the legacy of a contemporary US president. No, amazingly, it wasn’t Donald John Trump. It was — wait for it — Barack Obama.
CNN Reporter: Obama Exasperated
Over Left-Wing 2020 Candidates
Posted by Imright 8/2/2019 3:49:39 PM Post Reply
CNN reporter Rebecca Buck on Friday said former president Barack Obama is "expressing exasperation" over the Democratic Party's movement to the left.CNN's Newsroom co-host Jim Sciutto mentioned Obama wasn't pleased by criticism from Democratic presidential candidates and asked Buck what she was learning behind the scenes."As you know, Obama has been trying to stay out of this primary as much as possible, keeping quiet, and not making any endorsements even with his former vice president Joe Biden in the race,"
Trump Won’t Let No. 2 Spy Chief Take
Over When Coats Leaves
Posted by earlybird 8/2/2019 3:31:22 PM Post Reply
Updated: President Trump on Friday abruptly dropped his plan to nominate Representative John Ratcliffe as the nation’s top intelligence official. Read the latest. WASHINGTON — The White House is planning to block Sue Gordon, the nation’s No. 2 intelligence official, from rising to the role of acting director of national intelligence when Dan Coats steps down this month, according to people familiar with the Trump administration’s plans. The decision to circumvent Ms. Gordon, who has served as the principal deputy director in the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, will probably upset Republicans and Democrats in the Senate.
New Evidence Unveils Disturbing Facts
about Hillary's Email Scandal
Posted by Hazymac 8/2/2019 2:53:28 PM Post Reply
In breaking news, the American Center for Law and Justice or ACLJ (Jay Sekulow's organization, not related to his role as the President's attorney), has obtained actual copies of the immunity agreements pertaining to Cheryl Mills and Heather Samuelson in the Hillary email scandal. This was a stunning litigation win, hard-fought after years of litigation by the ACLJ attorneys, who were unable to extract the documents through the normal FOIA processes, due to a lack of cooperation by the government. In reviewing what the agreements uncovered, keep in mind that Cheryl Mills was Secretary Clinton's Chief of Staff at the State Department and then bizarrely,
Black man destroys ‘everything is racist’
mantra with hilarious video: ‘This
is how stupid ya’ll sound!’
Posted by Imright 8/2/2019 2:51:59 PM Post Reply
People have nothing but time on their hands in 2019.Need proof?Just look at the amount of time and effort leftists put into trying to make literally everything racist. Ivanka Trump’s dog is racist. Looks like the only real news today is Liberals are saying Ivanka Trumps new dog is a racist that barks "White Power!" No, but seriously wtf. There's no bottom to the intellectual abyss that is Liberalism. Yikes. — Dennis Williams (@RealDennisWill) July 23, 2019 -President Donald Trump is racist. Robots are racist. Cats are racist.
Feeling marginalized by the California
Democratic Party, black women push
for more clout
Posted by Imright 8/2/2019 2:30:57 PM Post Reply
State Sen. Holly Mitchell of Los Angeles looked out at more than a hundred black women gathered for an annual event at the California Democratic Party convention earlier this summer and marveled at the group’s progress.“The first Black Women’s Meetup we could have had in a 7-Eleven ladies’ room; there were that few of us,” Mitchell said, surveying the crowd. “Look at you now.”They had much to celebrate. California Sen. Kamala Harris had launched a front-running bid for president. Democratic victories in the 2018 midterm elections helped refocus attention on black women as a pivotal Democratic voting bloc.
'Treated very unfairly': Trump blasts media
after Ratcliffe withdraws as Trump's spy
chief pick
Posted by Imright 8/2/2019 2:20:35 PM Post Reply
President Trump announced Friday that Rep. John Ratcliffe is no longer his pick to replace Dan Coats as director of national intelligence.“Our great Republican Congressman John Ratcliffe is being treated very unfairly by the LameStream Media. Rather than going through months of slander and libel, I explained to John how miserable it would be for him and his family to deal with these people,” Trump tweeted about the Texas Republican.“John has therefore decided to stay in Congress where he has done such an outstanding job representing the people of Texas, and our Country. I will be announcing my nomination for DNI shortly,”
Man says he was beaten in NYC for
wearing MAGA hat
Posted by mc squared 8/2/2019 2:19:13 PM Post Reply
A New York City art gallery owner says he was viciously beaten in Manhattan by a large group of teens for wearing a "Make America Great Again" hat. Jahangir "John" Turan, 42, says it happened Tuesday evening on Canal Street. He was wearing the MAGA hat that he had purchased earlier in the day at Trump Tower. "I love President Trump. I think he's doing a great job," Turan said. He says the group of about 15 "kids" yelled "F*** Trump" and stomped on him. One of them smashed his head into a scaffold. Turan says he suffered a fracture in his cheek and
Trump Supporters are Sick and Tired
of Being Called 'Racist'
Posted by Imright 8/2/2019 2:13:50 PM Post Reply
There is no debate on race in this campaign. In order for there to be a "debate," there must be give and take on both sides -- point, counterpoint, argument, counterargument. But when Democrats talk about race, it's only to call their political opponent a racist. There is nothing you or any white person can ever say that will be accepted as a legitimate argument. In fact, whatever premise you base your argument on will be rejected out of hand and you will be branded a racist.It's not the lecturing, the hectoring, the constant barrage of exaggerations and untruths.
Bernie Sanders and the real
life lessons of Socialism
Posted by BigAlPeoplesPal 8/2/2019 12:58:07 PM Post Reply
Unapologetic, openly socialist candidate Bernie Sanders is surrounded by controversy and kick-back these days. In the Democrat debate, he found himself playing defense against a plethora of attacks from 2020 Democrat hopefuls. Multiple moderates challenged both Sanders and Elizabeth Warren for going so far left that the election may be lost and handed to Donald Trump. America is not ready to embrace socialism. Defending “big ideas” always sounds like a clever response. Unfortunately, it turns out that Sanders also has difficulty putting into action ideas that are not so big.
Turns out, political momentum is
also political hokum
Posted by SurferLad 8/2/2019 12:42:47 PM Post Reply
With the “Come-One-Come-All” portion of the Democratic primary debate season complete, we are now about to enter the unpredictable Season of Momentum. You can see momentum in a football game. It’s on the scoreboard. But momentum is a squishy thing in politics and political reporting. You can’t see it. You think you can feel it, or want to. During these slow, somnolent summer weeks before the next round of debates in mid-September, political reporters will grow desperate for new narratives when nothing new is actually happening. Candidates are
CNN Host Don Lemon Demonizes Black
Pastor Who Won't Call Trump Racist
Posted by Hazymac 8/2/2019 12:36:40 PM Post Reply
On Tuesday evening, CNN's Don Lemon spoke with Rev. Bill Owens, founder of the Coalition of African-American Pastors (CAAP). Owens had met with Trump earlier that day. Yet it quickly became clear Lemon had no intention of learning anything about the meeting. Lemon, seemingly obsessed with Trump's recent tweets attacking Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.), pressured the pastor to talk about the Cummings tweets, something Owens considered irrelevant. After Owens resolutely refused to condemn Trump as a racist, Lemon launched into personal attacks against him. "What did the president say
Nostalgic Twitter users reveal the items
that remind them of their youth,
including floppy disks and Blockbuster
video- but how many do You remember?
Posted by Imright 8/2/2019 12:31:28 PM Post Reply
Social media users have gone online to share the item that reminds them of their youth, in a nostalgic thread.Kicked off by the viral hashtag #ImOldEnoughToRememberWhen, Twitter users posted pictures of classic items they used from the seventies right through to the noughties, reminiscing over their childhood.One user remembered the weekly Saturday night dash to Blockbuster to rent a video, racking up almost 20,000 retweets and likes. Elsewhere users joked about the technology they had to grapple with, which included fragile floppy disks, the chunky Walkman tape player, and disposable cameras
Four fans unveil 'Trump 2020' banner
at Baltimore Orioles game before security
Ejects them as angry spectators chant
'take it down!'
Posted by Imright 8/2/2019 12:22:53 PM Post Reply
After days of President Donald Trump publicly quarreling with congressman Elijah Cummings and his home city of Baltimore, a 'Trump 2020' banner was unfurled at Thursday's Baltimore Orioles game, resulting in the ejection of four fans who were in violation of stadium policy. Seated in the front row of the upper deck at Camden Yards, the four fans unrolled the banner with the words, 'Keep America Great!' and 'Trump 2020,' in the eighth inning of the Orioles' 11-2 loss to the visiting Toronto Blue Jays. A photo taken by a Baltimore Sun reporter at the game shows the fans unveiling the banner. They were approached by security
Ilhan Omar swipes at Trump with
pic of her and Pelosi in Africa
Posted by Imright 8/2/2019 12:11:02 PM Post Reply
Rep. Ilhan Omar shared photos of her and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi walking through the Door of No Return, a memorial to the slave trade in Ghana.Omar, who fled war-torn Somalia as a child, did not miss a chance to take aim at President Trump and his supporters while on the trip with a Pelosi-led delegation to Ghana's Cape Coast and Elmina Castles.(Snip)"They said 'send her back' but Speaker @SpeakerPelosi didn’t just make arrangements to send me back, she went back with me," Omar said, also referencing an instance in July when Trump supporters chanted "send her back" at a rally.
‘I Want Him Back’; Matthews Declares
Obama Is ‘Still Thrilling to Me,’
Dems Need to Step Up
Posted by Imright 8/2/2019 12:05:32 PM Post Reply
On Thursday night, it appeared as though MSNBC’s Hardball host Chris Matthews was tired from the long hours covering the 2020 Democratic presidential debates as he observed #TBT with riffs about how Barack Obama and his rise are “still thrilling to me” even though “[t]he only thing I've ever had against Obama is when he recedes from us” because “I want him back.”During his A-block panel recapping the debates, Matthews declared that he wanted to talk about “the historic nature of Barack Obama running in '08 and ‘12 was so dramatic, I can understand why people who — of color who don't normally vote,
Barr's Comey decision was the right
call. But this is just the beginning
Posted by Harlowe 8/2/2019 12:02:15 PM Post Reply
The decision not to prosecute former FBI Director James Comey over his deliberate leaks to the media isn’t a sign of weakness or lack of will, but of the professionalism and well-reasoned restraint of President Trump’s Department of Justice. Attorney General Bill Barr’s number one goal since taking the helm at the DOJ has been to restore the impartial and professional ethos that has characterized that agency for more than 200 years.(Snip)Before this “investigation of the investigators” is over, there will undoubtedly be many cases of misconduct that warrant criminal prosecution. Comey’s, however, was not one of them.
DOJ To Release Bruce
Ohr’s FBI Documents
Posted by Imright 8/2/2019 11:57:44 AM Post Reply
The Justice Department will release FBI documents early next week that are related to Bruce Ohr, the Justice Department official who met with dossier author Christopher Steele.In a court filing submitted last Thursday, Justice Department lawyers said the agency will provide FBI notes of interviews conducted with Ohr to Judicial Watch, a conservative watchdog group that sued for the records last year.Justice Department lawyers said the agency had initially determined that the Ohr transcripts, known as 302s, should be withheld in full. But “after further review in conjunction with DOJ’s preparation of its motion for summary judgment, DOJ has decided to release the requested records in part to Plaintiff,
‘That’s an opinion, Juan!’ Fiery debate
on ‘The Five’ when Williams declares
it’s a fact’ Trump is racist
Posted by Imright 8/2/2019 11:29:01 AM Post Reply
Fox News’ Juan Williams set himself up for attack when he declared that “it’s a fact” that President Donald Trump is a racist.A fiery debate erupted on “The Five” Thursday as Williams locked horns with his Fox News colleagues in a discussion about the CNN Democratic debate.(Video: Fox News) Guest Brian Kilmeade spoke about the nature of debate questions from CNN’s Don Lemon as a moderator, contending that his claim that Trump is stoking racism should disqualify him.“I never saw a moderator take such a pointed question, just assumptive question. I liked Rachel Maddow, who obviously is an opinion anchor, moderate,” he said, referring to the MSNBC host
Trump Tweets ‘Really Bad News’ About
Break-In At Elijah Cummings’
Baltimore House
Posted by Imright 8/2/2019 11:24:45 AM Post Reply
After another raucous rally in Ohio Thursday night, in which he worked in some more shots at the far-left "Squad" of Democratic congresswomen and slammed the conditions of Democrat-run cities, President Donald Trump started off Friday with an early morning tweet trolling one of the Democrats with whom he's been in a much-publicized feud, Maryland's Rep. Elijah Cummings. (Video) "Really bad news! The Baltimore house of Elijah Cummings was robbed. Too bad!" Trump tweeted.(Tweet)The trolling social media post comes in response to reports Thursday night that Cummings' house had been robbed hours before Trump first hit him with a pair of blistering tweets
White House: US to sell more of its
‘great beef’ to EU
Posted by M2 8/2/2019 11:03:56 AM Post Reply
The White House’s top economic adviser says the U.S. will be selling more beef to the European Union. President Donald Trump is set to make the announcement Friday afternoon at the White House. Kudlow tells reporters that “America has great beef” and “we get to sell more.” The announcement comes the day after Trump increased pressure on China to reach a trade deal by saying he will impose 10% tariffs Sept. 1 on the remaining $300 billion in Chinese imports he hasn’t already taxed. The European Commission announced in June that it had reached an agreement with the U.S. to allow more hormone-free U.S. beef onto the European market. The agreement could end
Ken Starr: IG Report Will Show How
Trump Probe Began And The "House Of
Cards" Will Collapse
Posted by M2 8/2/2019 10:56:25 AM Post Reply
Former Independent Counsel Ken Starr predicts that DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz and his report will show that there was no Russian collusion or conspiracy. KEN STARR: I think what comes next is the revelation of truth, how it all began. So much of this is going, Bill, to how did this get started? Let's go to Genesis, chapter one. And that again is what leads us right back to Michael Horowitz and his report. And I think where it will lead us -- and this is a predictive judgment and I may be proven wrong -- is that the entire house of cards collapsed. There was no Russian collusion.
Michelle Obama says there’s ‘zero
chance’ she’ll run for president
Posted by M2 8/2/2019 10:51:47 AM Post Reply
Michelle Obama is still resistant to calls for her launch a 2020 bid for president. The former first lady told Amtrak magazine the National there is “zero chance” she will challenge President Trump for the White House, saying there are plenty of other ways she can improve the country without being president. “There are so many ways to improve this country and build a better world, and I keep doing plenty of them, from working with young people to helping families lead healthier lives. But sitting behind the desk in the Oval Office will never be one of them. It’s just not for me,” she said. Obama has long been
Senate Confirms A Slew Of Trump’s Lifetime
Judicial Nominees While Democrats
Are Busy Debating
Posted by earlybird 8/2/2019 10:43:02 AM Post Reply
The Senate confirmed more than a dozen of President Donald Trump's lifetime judicial nominees during the two days that the country was captivated by the latest 2020 Democratic Party presidential debates. "For too long, fairly uncontroversial judicial nominees just like these have been held up and delayed by our Democratic colleagues even when the vacancy qualifies as a judicial emergency," Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said on the Senate floor on Wednesday. "Uncontroversial district judges used to be confirmed promptly in big groups by voice vote." Four federal district court judges were successfully confirmed on Tuesday and another nine were confirmed the following day.
T’was a Nice Republic, While It Lasted replies
Posted by earlybird 8/2/2019 10:33:39 AM Post Reply
On or around 9 a.m. EST, on July 24, 2019, as a gentle breeze wafted over the gingerly groomed Kentucky bluegrass grounds of the National Mall, the great God-Emperor of American Justice himself—Robert Swan Mueller III—descended, like Moses from Mount Sinai or Zeus from Mount Olympus. Downward he came from his lofty perch in the heavenlies, whence the right judgments of his all-knowing, unbiased and perfectly objective mind emanate like piercing UV rays of legal wisdom from the sun itself. Why were we blessed with this spectacular, once in a lifetime visitation, which only a few million eyes have seen?
Andrew Yang: 'I was just telling it
like it is' on climate change
Posted by M2 8/2/2019 10:14:34 AM Post Reply
Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang on Thursday said he was just “telling it like it is” when he suggested at Wednesday’s debate that it was way too late to solve the climate crisis and that people should start looking for higher ground. “My campaign is built around telling it like it is,” he said on CNN. “I wish I could, say, ‘hey, if we get our [act] together, were going to reverse climate change, everything is going to be as it is for us, for our kids,’ but that’s not what the science is saying.” Mr. Yang had said at Wednesday’s debate that “we are 10 years too late.”
Kamala Harris stooped low
to smear Tulsi Gabbard
after getting taken-down
by her in presidential debate
Posted by Magnante 8/2/2019 10:10:14 AM Post Reply
The powers-that-be in the Democrat media complex desperately want Tulsi Gabbard to go away. There are signs everywhere that Kamala Harris is the favored candidate of the media-Democrat establishments, as they have written off Joe Biden as too old, too dumb, and too white and male. And then, seemingly out of nowhere, Tulsi Gabbard showed her up with devastating criticisms in the second round of Democrat presidential debates. (snip) Rather than respond substantively to the issues, Kamala Harris’s campaign resorted to the lowest form of smear – one familiar to supporters of President Trump. It’s “Russia! Russia! Russia!” all over again.
President Trump Shatters
Left-Wing Myths
Posted by Magnante 8/2/2019 10:06:33 AM Post Reply
President Trump is boldly providing much-needed relief to the American people. He is untying us from the bonds of political correctness that have, in un-American fashion, forced Americans to accept liberal myths and farces. He is telling it like it is, showing Americans that their freedom of speech cannot be muzzled by liberal censors or taken away by the left-wing speech and thought police. It’s about time someone, as the President did, stopped all this baloney and labeled Al Sharpton the con-man he has been for decades.
Twitter Mocks Ilhan Omar for Ghana
Photo Op With Pelosi After
Trump's 'Go Back' Comments
Posted by M2 8/2/2019 10:06:32 AM Post Reply
US President Donald Trump caused much uproar last month by urging a handful of Democratic Congresswomen to "go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places which they came from". Freshman Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) took aim at US President Donald Trump on Thursday by sharing a photo of herself and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi in Ghana, having captioned it, "They said 'send her back' but Speaker Pelosi didn't just make arrangement to send me back, she went back with me".
A Fraternity Member Who Had
"A Fascination With Death" Allegedly
Encouraged Five People To Kill Themselves
Posted by M2 8/2/2019 10:02:27 AM Post Reply
A lawsuit alleges a former fraternity member at Truman State University in Kirksville, Missouri, had a “fascination with death” and successfully encouraged five people to kill themselves within a year. The parents of two of the dead men — Alex Mullins, 21, and Joshua Thomas, 18 — are suing Brandon Grossheim for providing “step-by-step” directions for how to carry out the suicides. The 22-year-old was also one of the last people to see each of them alive and was found near their bodies after their deaths, the parents claim. The lawsuit, based on police investigation reports, says that Grossheim told people he saw himself as a “superhero” who gravitated toward
You First, Dude replies
Posted by M2 8/2/2019 10:00:10 AM Post Reply
It has recently come to my attention that there is a movement, or a school of thought, that says: Western classical music is bad — because it is racist, hegemonic, and so forth. This is apparently a going concern, including among professors of musicology! Someone sent me an article headed “It’s Time to Let Classical Music Die” (here). I have two answers: “No.” And “You first.” COMMENTS P.S. I often quote Charles Rosen, the late scholar-pianist, who said, “The death of classical music is perhaps the oldest tradition of classical music” — because, in every generation, people say, “This is it. Classical music is no more.” But it endures
Trump Single-Handedly Changes the
Political Calculus
Posted by earlybird 8/2/2019 8:45:55 AM Post Reply
The two greatest political controversies in the western world in the last several years—the attempt to delegitimize President Trump and the question of Britain’s relations with the European Union—have generated similar reflexes and tactics in the opponents of the president and of Brexit. In the one case as in the other, the initial response of the political establishments in the two countries has been disbelief followed by a tenacious determination to undo the verdict of the voters. There is also an important difference.
Manhattan DA subpoenas Trump Organization
over Stormy Daniels hush-money payments
Posted by ladydawgfan 8/2/2019 8:42:15 AM Post Reply
The Manhattan District Attorney’s Office on Thursday subpoenaed the Trump Organization over hush money payments made to porn star Stormy Daniels in the run-up to the 2016 presidential elections. Manhattan DA Cyrus Vance Jr.’s office picked up the probe just weeks after federal prosecutors announced they’d completed their investigation into the payments, made by former-Trump fixer Michael Cohen. “This is a political hit job,” Marc Mukasey, a lawyer for the organization, told The Post in an email. “Its just harassment of the President, his family, and his business, using subpoenas and leaks as weapons. We will respond as appropriate.”
Prop plane’s highway landing caught on cops
Posted by ladydawgfan 8/2/2019 8:36:49 AM Post Reply
The pilot of a single-engine prop plane threw motorists for a loop Thursday when he made an emergency landing on a Washington State highway — and even stopped at a red light. The wild scene was caught on the dashboard camera of stunned State Trooper Clint Thompson, who made a quick U-turn and followed the airplane as it careened down State Route 7 at 8:15 PST as motorists swerved out of the way. The trooper catches up with the tiny plane as it comes to a halt in front of a traffic light. Police said they later learned that the single-prop KR2 aircraft stalled out,
Woman looked up obituaries, burglarized
homes during funerals: prosecutors
Posted by ladydawgfan 8/2/2019 8:28:06 AM Post Reply
Their loss was allegedly her gain. A Bronx woman is accused of preying on the bereaved — allegedly looking up the obituaries of their dead loved ones online and then burglarizing the homes of the grieving family members while they’re out attending the funeral. Latonia Shelecia Stewart, 26, was arraigned this week on a slew of charges connected to six different break-ins that were reported in Westchester between fall 2017 and spring 2018, according to prosecutors. Her indictment says she targeted people who were attending their spouse’s wake or funeral service.
RFK granddaughter Saoirse Kennedy Hill,
22, found dead at family compound
Posted by earlybird 8/2/2019 8:25:25 AM Post Reply
The 22-year-old granddaughter of Robert F. Kennedy died Thursday at the fabled political family's compound in Hyannisport, Mass., the family said in a statement. Saoirse Kennedy Hill was the daughter of Courtney Kennedy Hill, (Snip)"My depression took root in the beginning of my middle school years and will be with me for the rest of my life," she wrote. (Snip) She added that "someone I knew and loved broke serious sexual boundaries with me," leading her to pretend the incident hadn't happened and attempting suicide.
R. Kelly’s attorney asks that
singer be released from jail
Posted by Hazymac 8/2/2019 8:22:55 AM Post Reply
CHICAGO — An attorney for R. Kelly is asking a federal judge to reconsider his decision to keep the singer behind bars while he awaits trial in a child pornography case in Chicago. The Chicago Sun-Times reports that attorney Steve Greenberg told U.S. District Judge Harry Leinenweber in a court filing that court personnel could monitor Kelly’s activities if he’s place on home confinement. Prosecutors have expressed concerns that Kelly might try to contact witnesses if he’s freed. The charges against Kelly also include coercing minors to engage in sex. He faces similar federal charges in New York. In his motion, Greenberg said that the monitoring
Gillette Loses Billions after
Shaming Men in Ad Campaign
Posted by Hazymac 8/2/2019 8:03:47 AM Post Reply
Earlier this year, Gillette embarked on a bold new advertising campaign. For decades, the company had celebrated masculinity, telling us that being a man is good. But what this new campaign presupposes is: Maybe it isn't? [Video] OUT: The Best a Man Can Get IN: Aren't Men Just the Worst? It's a bold idea, expressly shaming the very market for your product. As I noted at the time: Gillette has learned that in [current year], it's not enough for a company to make a product that people want. It's not enough to make them feel inadequate about themselves, and then sell them the supposed cure for that inadequacy. Consumers,
Can't Any Democrat Remember
Obama’s Plea For Civility After
The Giffords Shooting?
Posted by PageTurner 8/2/2019 7:30:05 AM Post Reply
In January 2011 in Tucson, a 22-year-old schizophrenic murdered a federal judge, a 9-year-old girl and four others, and maimed Democratic Rep. Gabrielle Giffords with a point-black shot into the brain, shooting 19 in all at a constituents gathering outside a supermarket in Giffords’ district. She was his target. Four days later, President Barack Obama visited a packed University of Arizona at Tucson basketball arena and gave what Democrats and Republicans alike praised as possibly the best speech of his presidency. Liberal writer Garry Wills was effusive, reminded “of the lesson of the fallen that Lincoln took from Gettysburg … The sharing of praise for all who suffered and
Joe Biden Dodges on Obama’s Deportations:
Those Conversations Were Private
Posted by M2 8/2/2019 6:52:33 AM Post Reply
Former Vice President Joe Biden dodged questions from debate challenger Mayor Bill de Blasio of New York City on deportations during the second day of CNN’s Democrat debates on Wednesday, saying those conversations were private. The two were debating comprehensive immigration reform when De Blasio was seeking answers from the former vice president on the issue of deportations under the Obama administration. “You were vice president of the United States. I didn’t hear whether you tried to stop them or not, using your power, your influence in the White House. Do you think it was a good idea, or do you think it was
Trump Rips California Democrats For
Destroying San Francisco, Los Angeles
Posted by M2 8/2/2019 6:49:24 AM Post Reply
President Donald Trump addressed a large rally crowd in Cincinnati, Ohio, on Thursday evening, telling them that Democrats had mis-governed many big cities — especially in California. Trump said: The conditions in Nancy Pelosi’s once-great city of San Francisco are deplorable. [Crowd boos] They’re deplorable. Do you remember the word “deplorable”? Crowd: Yeah! Do you remember when Hillary used the word “deplorable” — she used two words. She used “deplorable” and “irredeemable.” And only being a politician for a few years. I said, “What a terrible mistake that she used the word “irredeemable.” But it turned out to be “deplorable.” “Deplorable” was not a good day for Hillary.
Al Sharpton is not a lifelong
fighter for justice
Posted by Pluperfect 8/2/2019 6:16:05 AM Post Reply
President Trump has perfected the art of the undorsement, the ability to get his opponents to beatify whoever and whatever he denigrates. Whether a first-term congresswoman, a quarterback or the city of Baltimore, #resistance to his targeting is futile. Unfortunately, “the enemy of my enemy is my infallible hero” is a terrible approach to politics, aptly demonstrated this week when Trump turned his sights on the public figures who stepped in to defend Baltimore’s honor. Al Sharpton — who should still be seen as a notorious hate figure but has somehow escaped that fate — practically tripped over himself trying to get Trump’s attention.
'Sleepy Joe limped through it': Trump
reviews debate performances
Posted by Imright 8/2/2019 6:13:32 AM Post Reply
President Trump offered his critique of the last two nights of Democratic debates in Detroit while speaking to reporters outside of the White House on Thursday. "I've watched Elizabeth Warren, sometimes referred to as 'Pocahontas,' with her phony ... ancestry that she didn't have ... to me she doesn't have credibility," Trump said of the Massachusetts senator. Warren squared off with Sen. Bernie Sanders during the first night, when both of them were repeatedly challenged by more moderate candidates about their proposals. Trump reiterated his criticism of Warren's claim that she was Native American
Watch: Trump’s Cincinnati Rally
Interrupted by Protesters with ‘F*ck
Border Patrol’ Sign
Posted by Imright 8/2/2019 5:41:40 AM Post Reply
President Donald Trump’s Thursday evening campaign rally in Cincinnati, Ohio, was interrupted by several protesters with signs that read “Immigrants Built America” and “Chinga La Migra” — Spanish for “f**k border patrol.” (Tweet/Video) The protest began as the president spoke about his immigration agenda and building a border wall on the U.S.-Mexico border. A scuffled occurred between the protesters and a Trump supporter, prompting security to escort the former out of the venue, though their ejection took several minutes. “Cincinnati, do you have a Democrat mayor?” President Trump quipped jokingly to the raucous crowd about the length of time it took to get the situation under control.
Why go to the trouble of running for
president to promote ideas that can’t work?
Posted by Pluperfect 8/2/2019 5:37:16 AM Post Reply
“I DON’T understand why anybody goes to all the trouble of running for president of the United States just to talk about what we really can’t do and shouldn’t fight for,” Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) said Tuesday night, in the most notable zinger of July’s Democratic presidential primary debate. “I get a little bit tired of Democrats afraid of big ideas,” Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), the other major candidate on the field’s left wing, piled on. This got us thinking about some big ideas in U.S history. Like, say, amending the Constitution to outlaw liquor. Or sending half a million troops into Vietnam. Or passing a $1.5 trillion tax cut
Nancy Pelosi and Ilhan Omar team
up to slam Trump, in Africa
Posted by Imright 8/2/2019 5:32:14 AM Post Reply
Rep. Ilhan Omar and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi set aside the squabble between The Squad and House leadership — to take a shot at President Trump.“They said ‘send her back’ but Speaker @SpeakerPelosi didn’t just make arrangements to send me back, she went back with me,” Omar tweeted along with a photo of herself and Pelosi smiling hand-in-hand in Ghana, referring to Trump’s controversial tweet that Omar and other progressive lawmakers of color should “go back” to their countries.“So grateful for the honor to return to Mother Africa with the @TheBlackCaucus and commemorate The Year of Return! #Doorofreturn #Ghana,” continued Omar,
Democratic doomsayers replies
Posted by MissMolly 8/2/2019 5:26:37 AM Post Reply
To hear most of the Democratic presidential candidates is to wonder if their role model growing up was Chicken Little. In a time of unprecedented peace and prosperity, arguably at the height of America's power and inarguably at the height of her wealth, they all yell that the sky is falling, while demanding radical solutions to protect the nation from the dragons in their minds. Sen. Bernie Sanders asserted in Tuesday night's debate a need to “transform our economy and our government.” Bill de Blasio went further, calling on his listeners to “restructure society” itself, starting by “tax[ing] the hell out of the wealthy.” Spiritualist Marianne Williamson said,
Baltimore’s Homicide Rate Is
So High, Residents Could Claim U.S.
Asylum If They Weren’t Americans
Posted by MissMolly 8/2/2019 5:20:09 AM Post Reply
People have long misunderstood and misrepresented Baltimore, my cherished hometown, but much of what President Donald Trump said this past weekend about Charm City was right on the nose. The president categorized Baltimore as a “disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess,” which sparked ire among his always-vocal choir of critics but offered no untrue information. The president was responding to longtime Maryland Democratic Rep. Elijah Cummings, whose district includes Baltimore, who had issued an incendiary attack on acting Department of Homeland Security head Kevin McAleenan for conditions on the U.S. southern border. Cummings yelled at McAleenan during a House Oversight hearing, claiming he possessed
Police chief: Non-homeless, non-handicap
man making $1,000/weekend panhandling
Posted by MissMolly 8/2/2019 5:09:28 AM Post Reply
ABILENE, Texas — An Abilene man -- who appears to be homeless and handicap -- is making a good living by panhandling on weekends, according to the police chief. Chief Stan Standridge said the man panhandles every Saturday and Sunday at the intersection of Hwy 83/84 and FM 707. He sits in a wheelchair and the police department has gotten calls from people concerned about the man thinking he's homeless. Standridge said the department's homeless outreach team has been in contact with the man. They learned he is not homeless. Standridge said the man lives in a home in south Abilene.
Wednesday Evening’s Gathering of Vultures replies
Posted by MissMolly 8/2/2019 5:04:35 AM Post Reply
If Tuesday’s installment of the Democratic presidential “debate” was dopey, featuring candidates discussing “dark psychic forces” while others claimed that unworkable environmental proposals could be paid for by merely raising taxes on a few Wall Street fat cats, Wednesday’s sequel was downright depressing. There was near unanimity among the candidates that the world will end by 2030 and that the U.S. is a racist, sexist hell-hole defined by injustice and cruelty. Despite a strong economy and low unemployment, they insisted Americans are hurting. And, 10 years after foisting Obamacare on us, they told us that our health care system must be fixed.
Bill de Blasio makes fliers wait on
tarmac so he can rush to ‘The View’
Posted by Pluperfect 8/2/2019 5:00:08 AM Post Reply
Mayor Bill de Blasio made Delta passengers wait in their seats on the tarmac at LaGuardia Airport for 10 minutes Thursday after flying back from his less-than-stellar performance in the Detroit debate — so that he and his security detail could deplane first. But it wasn’t a pressing matter related to City Hall or the potential firing of Eric Garner chokehold cop Daniel Pantaleo that necessitated the inconvenience to his fellow passengers — de Blasio had to rush off to tape an appearance on ABC’s “The View.” And passengers on Flight 788 were not pleased.
The Dangerous Invective against Trump replies
Posted by Pluperfect 8/2/2019 4:55:35 AM Post Reply
Former vice president and current presidential candidate Joe Biden has bragged on two occasions that he would like to beat up President Donald Trump. In March 2018, Biden huffed, “They asked me would I like to debate this gentleman, and I said no. I said, ‘If we were in high school, I’d take him behind the gym and beat the hell out of him.’” Biden’s tough-guy braggadocio was apparently no slip. A year later, he doubled down on his physical threats. “The idea that I’d be intimidated by Donald Trump? . . . He’s the bully that I’ve always stood up to. He’s the bully
Rep. Will Hurd, only black Republican
in House, won't seek reelection
Posted by Pluperfect 8/2/2019 4:41:01 AM Post Reply
Rep. Will Hurd, R-Texas, the lone black Republican in the House of Representatives, announced Thursday he will not seek reelection. Hurd's pending retirement is the latest in a rash of Texas of them by GOP lawmakers who've decided to leave Congress. "After reflecting on how best to help our country address these challenges, I have made the decision to not seek reelection for the 23rd Congressional District of Texas in order to pursue opportunities outside the halls of Congress to solve problems at the nexus between technology and national security," Hurd said in a statement.
Senate meeting erupts as
Graham clashes with Dems
over asylum bill: 'You're
not going to take my job!'
Posted by Pluperfect 8/2/2019 4:38:23 AM Post Reply
The Senate Judiciary Committee erupted with infighting Thursday as a top Republican lawmaker pushed legislation aimed at crafting new rules for asylum-seekers from Central American countries. The committee eventually approved the bill on a narrow 12-10 vote -- but only after Chairman Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., battled accusations that he was violating Senate rules by taking up the measure after the panel fell one Democrat shy of a quorum at a related meeting last week. “Why even have rules?” Ranking Member Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., asked rhetorically.
Jail time for defiant Ohio lady who
feeds homeless cats
Posted by SurferLad 8/2/2019 3:20:15 AM Post Reply
Finally, authorities in suburban Cleveland are cracking down on an old lady who feeds cats without homes. Now that officials in Garfield Heights have conquered serious crimes, they’re focused on Nancy Segula, a 79-year-old widow who lost her husband two years ago. Segula feeds stray cats, lots of stray cats. and in bad weather she takes some in. She says they need help and comforting them comforts her too. That is, however, against the law in her town. Segula is not alone in those sentiments. Estimates vary
Trump 'surprised' at report that
DOJ won't prosecute Comey
Posted by Ribicon 8/2/2019 1:20:05 AM Post Reply
President Trump said he was surprised by a report that the Justice Department won’t prosecute former FBI Director James B. Comey for allegedly violating laws on handling classified information. “I would frankly be surprised, because what James Comey did was illegal,” Mr. Trump told reporters at the White House. Mr. Trump said he hasn’t spoken to anyone at the Justice Department about the matter. “I haven’t actually heard that,” he said of the report. “I know there’s a lot of things going on. That’s a piece of it, I guess.” The Hill reported Thursday that the Justice Department inspector general’s office referred Mr. Comey for potential prosecution
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