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The Dangerous Invective against Trump

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Posted By: Pluperfect, 8/2/2019 4:55:35 AM

Former vice president and current presidential candidate Joe Biden has bragged on two occasions that he would like to beat up President Donald Trump. In March 2018, Biden huffed, “They asked me would I like to debate this gentleman, and I said no. I said, ‘If we were in high school, I’d take him behind the gym and beat the hell out of him.’” Biden’s tough-guy braggadocio was apparently no slip. A year later, he doubled down on his physical threats. “The idea that I’d be intimidated by Donald Trump? . . . He’s the bully that I’ve always stood up to. He’s the bully

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Paperpuncher 8/2/2019 7:22:16 AM (No. 140469)
VDH is my favorite. Ge gets to the point and speaks in common language. He is also very pro Trump. To the point of the article, isn't threatening the President a crime? I have not seen a single person prosecuted yet and there should be a bunch load sitting behind bars. I am not just talking celebrities. There ares some real lefty whacks out there that have made very serious threats. Have not hear a peep about any prosecutions.
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Reply 2 - Posted by: Blue-Z-Anna 8/2/2019 7:38:45 AM (No. 140479)
Trump is a scratch golfer and as big as a brown bear. In a caged match my money is on Trump regardless of which liberal softig steps up. Although I hear Kamala-Toe has a wicked jab and is 'light when on her feet'.
21 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Rinktum 8/2/2019 7:54:55 AM (No. 140491)
Excellent article, as usual. I am disturbed by the vicious and violent language used to assault this President. I can imagine that it won’t be long before some kook who listens to these reckless violent invectives and acts upon them. The media would immediately blame the President for any assault against him by declaring, he had it coming. It is clear that democrats don’t care if they are stoking the fires of assassination. In fact, I believe they would welcome it. Not one democrat has called for moderation of the violent hate speech directed at President Trump which tells me they want it to continue. The depths of the violent depravity of the left is not comprehensible to reasonable people. The atmosphere created by the left in this country is dangerous and irresponsible. The violent political discourse by the left in this country is terrifying because it has become commonplace. They justify their verbal violence because they loathe this President and want him eliminated by any means possible and do not care that they may encourage someone to act out on their evil braggadocio. President Trump is standing in the breach between freedom and tyranny. He has exposed the gross corruption that permeates our government and those perpetrators are determined to destroy him. They know that if they can get rid of him, no one will ever take them on again. The message will have been sent and received. Thank God that there are millions of people praying for his health and safety. He needs and deserves our prayers as do anyone else who stands with him in this fight.
88 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: mobyclik 8/2/2019 8:07:32 AM (No. 140499)
A thousand 'Like' clicks for post #3. I could NEVER state it any better. Huge Kudos to the writer.
30 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: jeffkinnh 8/2/2019 8:21:12 AM (No. 140507)
"No insult seems too petty for Trump to ignore." Nor should it be ignored. This is how the Left operates, a steady drop of corrosive acid eating away at the foundations of our Country and society. Politely ignoring it leads to eventual collapse due to the slow damage. It must be confronted.
43 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: Strike3 8/2/2019 8:33:15 AM (No. 140511)
Hmmmm, they let the bloody beheading pass but now the excitement is over a few punches? I guess it causes a couple of democrats to get a few unearned points for courage, like whistling past the graveyard? None of it is acceptable except in the case of Obama who actually earned a size 12 up the backside.
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Reply 7 - Posted by: Dodge Boy 8/2/2019 8:54:58 AM (No. 140543)
If you browse Twitter, there are nearly 200 death threats posted in reference to the President. The Hollywood crowd has certainly contributed. After the President is re-elected, he must be protected at all times. Given the mental health crisis in America, there are many many crazies who could be recruited by the left to carry out a hit. Simply for the glory of getting themselves in the history books. As VDH points out, the msm's narrative would be, "he had it coming" and would claim successful Russian meddling. How sad is this for what was supposed to be the most civilized nation on earth. May the Almighty God continue to protect the President of the United States from America's evil from within.
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Reply 8 - Posted by: VietVet68 8/2/2019 9:08:48 AM (No. 140572)
The left sees it as perfectly acceptable to make threatening comments about any conservatives without fear of reprisal....until President Trump came along. When the shoe is on the other foot and they're attacked they run for the nearest "Safe Space" where, conveniently, there are permanently stationed MSNBC and CNN personnel available to spread the word about the latest peccadillo from the right.
17 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: Nevadadad46 8/2/2019 9:34:49 AM (No. 140598)
Hahaha. In my life I have found the toughest, 'most likely to kick you butt" guys never bragged about their manly fighting prowess. The quiet ones, the average ones, the most self confident ones were the ones you really had to watch out for. They never looked for trouble or bragged. But, if you did a dirty deed to them, they met you at just the least expected places and and dealt with you. I was always in awe of them and did my best to emulate them. This Biden creep shows how mealy-mouthed he is when he is on the View and is faced down by others constantly. Trump would make mince-meat out of him in any debate.
14 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: hershey 8/2/2019 9:56:07 AM (No. 140618)
The saddest part is if any Republican/conservative had spoken like this about Obama, they would be rotting in some CIA rendition center...but with democraps, it's just another day....Trump ought to take these arseholes on and kick their butts...
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Reply 11 - Posted by: bigfatslob 8/2/2019 10:03:31 AM (No. 140623)
Biden is a constant joke. Corey Booker is a bug eyed hipster with the manliness of a paper cup so who's afraid of two bozo losers? I sat for eight long years of the reign of terror from Obama ignoring him and turning off my television when he was on. I never wished harm to him because he would become a saint to the left and streets, parks, mountains and cities would be named after him. I wanted Obama safe and out of the way like he is now. I am appalled at the viciousness from the left and know they would act out on me the same way these idiots should be taken seriously.
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Reply 12 - Posted by: mc squared 8/2/2019 10:15:37 AM (No. 140637)
Hanson wrote: the current climate is becoming scary. I can see a 'Chicago '68 portrayed throughout the country during the conventions. I hope the Pubbies pick somewhere the police are allowed to do their jobs.
11 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: Franz 8/2/2019 10:19:50 AM (No. 140642)
The Progressives/Democrats have tried every thing to "assassinate" President Trump politically, I am afraid one of these crazies or their sycophants will literally try to assassinate him. President Trump needs our prayers.
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Reply 14 - Posted by: zzzghy 8/2/2019 10:26:55 AM (No. 140646)
Spartacus is a burnt-marshmallow sissy and sloe-joe is a doddering old leering freak. They are obviously not a physical threat but both are evidently stirring up some of their dangerous crazies. How is this not a crime?
16 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: saguni 8/2/2019 11:15:29 AM (No. 140708)
FTA: No insult seems too petty for Trump to ignore. President Donald J. Trump does not start anything. He is a counter-puncher, he has not said a single thing about anyone who leaves him alone. He is no "Jack Reacher" who, according to the novels, likes to get his punch "back" in first. The New York Times has a list of about 600 people Trump has insulted, all of whom had insulted Trump first, I would give odds that it has fewer minorities than the general population.
7 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: Timber Queen 8/2/2019 12:13:53 PM (No. 140816)
Every day I join tens of millions of fellow Americans in prayer for the safety and well being of our dear President, his family and all who work with him to defend our country against her seditious children. The only Dim candidate who's truthfully expressed the existential threat is New Age Marianne; she at least recognizes the dark forces of evil working against our nation, although still clueless she is a handmaiden of those forces. Evil never rests, but neither does God. I firmly believe Donald J. Trump was created to lead the defense and restoration of America's founding under the protection of our Almighty Father. By their fruits you shall know who has life with Christ. President Trump is not the only one fighting. Following his example, the Army of the Deplorables are initiating skirmishes on the front lines; the town that fought back against their city council dropping the Pledge before meetings and many more instances of public pushback. With prayer and the grace of God, we will prevail over the darkness. I trust Trump. I trust God. MAGA - St. Michael the Archangel defend us in battle...
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Reply 17 - Posted by: little guy 8/2/2019 12:27:13 PM (No. 140836)
I challenge anyone on this site to produce a video of Donald J. Trump ever, as President or before, threatening anyone with a punch or violence of any kind. Never happened as that's not his style. Period. The Left thinks it's "funny" to not only threaten our POTUS but us, his supporters, as well. Proving their stupidity as we are the ones with the weapons. You just know that soon the wrong person wearing a MAGA hat is going to be attacked while packing heat. It won't end pretty. If anyone dared to treat Obummer like they treat Trump, the FBI would be at their house in a New York minute.
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Reply 18 - Posted by: Deltadawn 8/2/2019 12:47:07 PM (No. 140857)
Rather than addressing the actual threats or the violence, maybe we should examine the reason for it. What is the purpose of the threats of physical violence and in some cases the actual violence against conservatives?? This movement generating this violence was spawned by the "peaceful socialistic anti-war protesters" on the left from my college years (48 years ago). Have they become so desperate in their cause that their frustration is leading to striking out violently??(tsk, tsk) Are they so afraid the conservative right is winning with their common sense and reason?? Do they honestly think that violence will force conservatives to agree with them?? Are they becoming violent because they have no reasonable arguments against Conservatism??? I think that may be the answer.
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Reply 19 - Posted by: Wexfordcounty 8/2/2019 1:35:29 PM (No. 140915)
2 thoughts on Corey Booker in particular: Hey, Corey, great way to dispel the myth of the violence-prone Black man. Also, you seem fixated on a guy's physical appearance. Now, why would that be, I wonder.
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Reply 20 - Posted by: KatinaDenniston 8/2/2019 3:13:57 PM (No. 141027)
I am making a good salary from home $1200-$2500/week , which is amazing, under a year back I was jobless in a horrible economy. I thank God every day I was blessed with these instructions and now it's my duty to pay it forward and share it with Everyone, Here is what I do..............
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Reply 21 - Posted by: dbdiva 8/2/2019 5:45:23 PM (No. 141151)
Thank you #16; I pray for the President every morning and I also believe that God's hand was involved in the 2016 election. How else can we explain how he left 16 other Republicans in the dust? I consider that a miracle. Donald Trump was specifically chosen for "such a time as this". I don't think I could ever thank the Lord enough for thwarting HRC in 2016. Since I know that the Lord was in the middle of choosing our President I know that he will also keep him safe. OT - has anyone reported katina denniston @ #20?
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Paris climate treaty
puts America last
9 replies
Posted by Pluperfect 11/27/2020 4:40:56 AM Post Reply
Here we are in the midst of a once-in-a-half-century pandemic, with the economy flattened, millions of people unemployed, and unrest on the streets of our cities. And President-elect Joe Biden says that one of his highest priorities as president will be to reenter the Paris climate accord. President Trump kept his "put America first" promise and pulled the United States out of this Obama-era treaty. Biden wants us back in. Why? Paris is an unmitigated failure. You don't have to take my word for it. National Geographic, a supporter of climate change action, recently ran the numbers and admitted in its recent headline: "Most countries aren't hitting 2030 climate goals."
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Posted by Pluperfect 11/27/2020 4:35:12 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Pluperfect 11/27/2020 4:30:52 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Pluperfect 11/27/2020 4:27:11 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Pluperfect 11/27/2020 4:21:41 AM Post Reply
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Implications of the Flynn Pardon 11 replies
Posted by Pluperfect 11/26/2020 4:51:29 AM Post Reply
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2 replies
Posted by Pluperfect 11/26/2020 4:24:19 AM Post Reply
The first Thanksgiving in the New World was celebrated in 1621, nearly a year after the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth. In 1789, George Washington became the first of many US presidents to formally proclaim a day of “public thanksgiving and prayer”: I do recommend and assign Thursday, the 26th day of November next, to be devoted by the people of these States to the service of that great and glorious Being who is the beneficent author of all the good that was, that is, or that will be; that we may then all unite in rendering unto Him
Go Ahead and Celebrate Thanksgiving 7 replies
Posted by Pluperfect 11/26/2020 4:16:49 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Pluperfect 11/26/2020 4:10:43 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Pluperfect 11/26/2020 4:05:51 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Pluperfect 11/25/2020 4:30:03 AM Post Reply
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Joe Biden's Obama retreads 3 replies
Posted by Pluperfect 11/25/2020 4:26:40 AM Post Reply
Are furbished product is seldom as desirable as a brand-new one. Joe Biden must be assuming Americans can’t tell the difference. Even as President Trump battles uphill to overturn the results of the recent presidential election, faces familiar during the earlier Age of Obama are reappearing in President-elect-apparent Biden’s pantheon of power. The looming Biden era promises to be Obama 3.0 — Hillary Clinton in 2016 was to be Obama 2.0, but new models don’t always live up to the original (see Windows Vista). Jen Psaki, communications director for the Obama White House and now filling a similar role during the nomination process, describes the emerging Biden brand:
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Posted by Calvinesq 3/8/2021 10:37:51 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 3/8/2021 9:11:10 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 3/8/2021 11:38:50 PM Post Reply
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Posted by FlyRight 3/8/2021 5:28:52 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Ribicon 3/8/2021 8:37:17 PM Post Reply
President Biden on Monday seemed to forget Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin’s name at a White House event—calling the Pentagon chief “the guy who runs that outfit over there.” Biden was announcing the nomination of two female generals to lead US military combatant commands. “And I want to thank the sec—the, the, ah former general. I keep calling him general, but my, my—the guy who runs that outfit over there,” Biden said.(Snip) Earlier at the event, Biden mentioned the Defense Department leader by his name, “Secretary Austin,” while appearing to read from a teleprompter.
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27 replies
Posted by Imright 3/8/2021 8:21:02 AM Post Reply
The Royal Family was left reeling this morning after Meghan Markle tearfully revealed that the stress of royal life made her suicidal when she was five months pregnant, claimed Archie was denied the title of prince because he is mixed-race and said Kate Middleton made her cry before she married Harry in a bombshell interview with Oprah Winfrey.The couple also chose to reveal that they are having a baby girl to the tens of millions of people watching the CBS show broadcast in the US before accusing the Royal Family of racism and revealing the deep rift 'Megxit' has caused with Prince Charles and Prince William.
Meghan Markle openly
accuses the Royals
of racism
26 replies
Posted by Magnante 3/8/2021 5:26:07 AM Post Reply
I’m probably second to none in my dislike for Meghan Markle. There’s something unattractive about a mature woman marrying into the British Royal family with one of the world’s most expensive weddings, hanging out with the Queen, living in insane luxury…and then whining non-stop about the horror of her life. There’s something even less appealing when that woman accuses the Royal family of race hatred. And the problem is that, when it comes to that left-wing diva, Meghan Markle, it’s hard to believe most of what she says. After weeks of hype, CBS finally televised Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s interview with Oprah.
Watch: John Solomon Gives Stunning Update
in Durham’s ‘Russiagate’ Investigation
24 replies
Posted by Imright 3/8/2021 4:56:55 PM Post Reply
Without question, the vast majority of Americans who support former President Donald Trump were angry and frustrated throughout 2020 passed with barely a mention of then-U.S. Attorney John Durham’s criminal investigation into the FBI’s fraudulent “Russiagate” counterterrorism operation directed at his 2016 campaign.In the weeks before the November election, word got out that then-Attorney General William Barr wasn’t going to announce any indictments or even a report on Durham’s investigation because he did not want to influence the outcome.So far, in fact, the only indictment to come out of the Durham probe is that of former FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith, who essentially got a slap on the wrist
Democrats renew calls to remove
J. Edgar Hoover's name from FBI building
24 replies
Posted by Ribicon 3/8/2021 2:56:29 PM Post Reply
Rep. Steve Cohen vowed to renew the push to remove former FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover’s name from the bureau’s downtown Washington headquarters, according to an interview released Monday. Appearing on Yahoo! News’ Skullduggery podcast, the Tennessee Democrat said the effort is getting a fresh look after the release of a new movie highlighting the FBI’s secret program to discredit civil rights activists. The Washington Times in 2019 first reported Democrats’ bid to strip the longtime FBI director’s name from the bureau’s headquarters. Mr. Cohen said the impetus to revive the bid is the new movie, “Judas and the Black Messiah.” The movie details
Jill Biden, the Meghan Markle
in the WH, is egregiously
guilty of elder abuse
23 replies
Posted by Magnante 3/9/2021 4:40:38 AM Post Reply
“There must have been a moment, at the beginning, when we could have said –-no. But somehow we missed it.” Tom Stoppard The millions of Americans who were paying attention throughout the 2020 election campaign all became painfully aware of the fact that Joe Biden’s cognitive abilities were slipping and slipping fast. His wife, as the person closest to him, should have been the one to call the campaign quits in order to reduce stress on the man. Instead, apparently so anxious to become the First Lady by any means necessary, Mrs. Biden continued to push her failing husband’s campaign forward as if he were mentally qualified.
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