Why do the least-bright people rise to the top?
American Thinker,
Patricia McCarthy
Original Article
Posted By: Magnante,
4/2/2019 10:09:35 AM
For over two years, we have been tormented or delighted, depending on one´s political preference, by the opinions and or declarations avowing President Trump´s guilt with regard to collusion with Russia. (snip) These people, this cabal that set out to undo the 2016 election, absolutely believe they are smarter, better, more entitled, more privileged by birthright than the rest of us. The question is why do they seem to be the least bright people on the public stage?
Reply 1 - Posted by:
pilot222 4/2/2019 10:25:16 AM (No. 20968)
Because stupid uninformed voters vote for stupid lying Democrats , that’s why.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
Toledo 4/2/2019 10:25:44 AM (No. 20972)
Because the least bright people vote them in
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
IowaDad 4/2/2019 10:45:28 AM (No. 20974)
They actually are the brightest people you will ever meet. Talented, extraordinarily hard-working, and totally committed.
The only problem? There´re dumb as two bricks as well, and no teacher or faculty member ever had the courage to tell them.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
zephyrgirl 4/2/2019 10:58:46 AM (No. 20975)
Because intelligent, capable people can make plenty of money in private industry and are too smart to run for public office.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
CallMeHank 4/2/2019 11:07:47 AM (No. 20981)
Physics says they rise to the top because they are lightweights.
But seriously, try this. Over 45 years ago an elderly Dem kingmaker explained to me that "we" don´t let anybody onto the big political stage unless "we" have a big hook to pull them off if they don´t do "our" bidding. He said that "we" provide the vices and/or criminalities to our puppets and document it well, in order to have powerful and effective hooks. And that´s only the beginning of the deals-with-the-devil lined up.
I thought maybe he was just blowing smoke from his fine Cuban cigars, but it seems more believable as time goes by.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
Clinger 4/2/2019 11:27:35 AM (No. 20973)
That’s simple. The only way for a member of the 535 in Congress to become as wealthy as the best and brightest can become in the private sector is through corruption. The brightest are faced with the decision between being a slime ball and trusting their wits in the market. There is a strong correlation between intelligence and criminal behavior. The good and bright people opt for the market.
If it wasn’t for facilitating income outside of the confines of their official pay, who would want the job? When the majority of their income comes from something other than serving us to whom do you think they are beholding? Sometimes its corporate sometimes it’s a foreign entity. We are getting exactly what we are asking for. The more of our money that they can control the more value they can represent to those who pay them and the more they can command. They are capitalists getting rich by selling communism to increase their value as they behave as fascists.
Donald Trump is the answer, someone who doesn’t need to sell us out for his wealth. People getting into politics in their 20’s are thieves. We need to elect the best and brightest who demonstrated that in the private sector and are willing to serve by stepping in in their 50’s 60’s and 70’s.
This is the most important issue of our time.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
doctorfixit 4/2/2019 11:31:39 AM (No. 20969)
Stupidity appeals to a large number of voters. The Senate is chock full of morons like Feinstein and Collins. The same process occurs in the Deep State bureaucracies. The biggest dopes always wind up running the place. Exception - the military, which has a better process for advancing leadership.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
Penny Spencer 4/2/2019 11:33:50 AM (No. 20976)
Because no one with any brains would run for office. What a nightmare!
People who run for office have to be 1. extremely ambitious, 2. very well-funded (owned by special interests), 3. phony as a $3 bill and 4. dumb as dirt.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
HotRod 4/2/2019 11:37:14 AM (No. 20967)
Remember: These are people who think they are smarter and know better than the rest of us. They are on the political left (democrats, socialists, communists) which has a culture of elite, self-appointed superiority.
Consider the democrat nominating process: The democrat voters actually believe they are choosing the nominee when they vote in the primaries. What has been found though, is that voting fraud is committed against democrat voters- not just Republicans!
Look at what happened last time to Bernie Sanders. He was conspired against by the DNC, even though a whole bunch of democrats voted for him. Hillary was the anointed one, and she was going to be the nominee, come Hell or high water! She may have been the nominee anyway, but the DNC made sure by screwing Bernie and his supporters.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
hershey 4/2/2019 11:37:15 AM (No. 20971)
Because you know what floats...
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Because the best and brightest, especially conservatives, do not want to subject themselves and their families to smearing attacks in the media to the point of destruction of career.
Exhibit A: the campaign against Brett Kavanaugh, which fortunately did not succeed, but what a travesty.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
earlybird 4/2/2019 12:56:35 PM (No. 20966)
A veteran of the corporate world, I have long wondered that. What makes it worse is that once they are up there, they are terrified, threatened, by the emergence of anyone with a good, quick, working brain.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
Pepper Tree 4/2/2019 12:57:39 PM (No. 20979)
Why? Because the least-bright people don’t understand the value of anonymity. Being able to shift gears in your life, to grow, retreat, or just move in another direction without comment from strangers is priceless. Ask the next movie star you meet about the worst part of being famous.
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
DVC 4/2/2019 1:25:40 PM (No. 20970)
I am noting the author´s name, this is an excellent commentary. I will watch for more of her work.
FTA:"Donald Trump is the nicest, most authentic real man when compared to the throng of leftist thugs. He may not be the most eloquent of presidential speakers, but he is the real deal, a real man in the true sense of the word; imperfect but in the end selfless, a true patriot and a great President. "
Yes, and so many of his detractors are obvious fools, knaves, thieves and grifters, entirely uninterested in our nation´s success.
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
Franz 4/2/2019 2:19:05 PM (No. 20977)
Elitists always believe they are smarter, better, and superior to everybody else. They are seldom, if ever, right and some are so stupid it is hard to believe that they can manage to walk upright.
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
MNluxiegal 4/2/2019 2:57:57 PM (No. 20978)
The dilemma the Democrats face is actually two-fold. They are not the brightest, and they frequently demonstrate a total lack of wisdom. Since wisdom comes from God, i.e. the Holy Spirit, it is not too surprising the Dems are deficient in that essential virtue. A lack of respect for God and for those who are believers reflects their empty minds and hearts. Anyone who truly believes that God-fearing people are really deplorable, does not merit any graces from the Almighty. The old adage of "there are none so blind, as those who will not see", is reinforced daily by the actions of dimwitted Democrats.
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I have been asking the same question about my Congress critter who was re-elected without any opposition. Follow the money.
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