´Seattle Is Dying´ because Liberalism Is Killing It
American Thinker,
Trevor Thomas
Original Article
Posted By: Magnante,
4/1/2019 10:18:57 AM
If you haven´t seen the KOMO News special Seattle Is Dying, you need to. (Watch it here.) The hour-long show does a sound job of depicting the ugly decline of one of the most beautiful places in America. However, the piece misses the forest for the nasty, dirty, twisted trees. Part of the root of the problem in Seattle is political, but Seattle Is Dying virtually ignores the liberal politics behind Seattle´s foul decline.
Reply 1 - Posted by:
trackman999 4/1/2019 10:20:58 AM (No. 19870)
Not surprising. With their so called good intentions, libs have a track record of destroying everything they control.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
Italiano 4/1/2019 10:30:36 AM (No. 19852)
"_______ Is Dying´ because
Liberalism Is Killing It."
Fill in the blank. What isn´t?
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We spent 3 days there regarding a potential job, and I could not get away fast enough! Any major company that wants to send their employees there is irresponsible.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
Chuzzles 4/1/2019 11:07:43 AM (No. 19867)
Since I know that is the root of their withering on the vine, I don´t plan to watch such dishonest reporting. If they can´t cover the truth, why bother. My daughter lives there and there are many places she would love to go, but she refuses, thanks to the homeless problem and the addicts and filth.
Plus the only thing the liberal City Hall will do is either raise or add more fees. IMO, I think they are dying even faster than their sister San Francisco.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
southernboy 4/1/2019 11:23:27 AM (No. 19871)
Ask the citizens who voted this mess into City Hall!
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
sw penn 4/1/2019 11:32:23 AM (No. 19851)
When the people have had enough
they will change it.
The pendulum swings.
Left, right, left, right.
When politicians try to push or hold the pendulum
the inertia becomes increasingly potent.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
VietVet68 4/1/2019 11:41:50 AM (No. 19863)
The citizens of Seattle do have some options available to them. First.. is to elect a republican mayor who will be strong on "Quality of life " crimes...Rudy Giuliani can show them how to do that.
Second...Use the police force to actually "police" the homeless for the crimes they commit.
Will this happen, I doubt it. Seattle liberals would rather slip-slide in homeless feces every day than elect a republican. Too bad, another liberal city bites the dust in its quest to rival the worst Venezuela has to offer.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
raspberry 4/1/2019 12:08:25 PM (No. 19865)
Socialists destroy every thing they touch.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
Smart11344 4/1/2019 12:22:50 PM (No. 19860)
I have lived in Seattle since 1958. Old enough to vote in 1965 (21). I don´t think there has been more than a couple of times I have voted for any city, county or state position that "my" candidate won. Republicans don´t have a chance in this state.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
jeffkinnh 4/1/2019 12:23:35 PM (No. 19872)
I will guarantee that many of the people that vote for the liberal government are not affected by the problems outlined in the article. Such voters are outside the areas that have these problems. People living in the areas impacted have mostly been brainwashed into believing that government is the only solution for such problems and that homeless drug addicts can be "helped". Most cannot or at least not immediately or simply no matter how much money is thrown at the problem. All the money and support and tolerance does is attract more addicted people.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
Clinger 4/1/2019 12:32:17 PM (No. 19862)
How is it that our Democratic Socialists can think that they have the magic answer to socialism´s serial colossal catastrophic failure when our very own American socialists fail breaking everything they touch just like all other socialists everywhere?
My answer: they don´t care. As long as socialism works for them they don´t care what it does to the little people.
We are all capitalists but there is a monumental difference between we open capitalists and the closeted ones. We are willing to compete in an open capitalist system with and for everyone and they don´t want fair competition. They want to act in their own self interest and not allow you and I to also do so. They want a tilted field favoring the party elites and we equal opportunity and justice for all.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
Nevadadad46 4/1/2019 12:48:33 PM (No. 19858)
Some leftists, (Some!) are finding out liberalism is social insanity. It is delusional, it is paranoid and it is sociopathic. By its very nature, it is self-destructive- it is socially suicidal. That is why is destroyed every human endeavor it touches. In the days when it mattered the most to avoid such thinking, liberals were routinely executed, sometimes in the most horrible ways possible, in public squares. The old timers understood how utterly disastrous such thinking could be.
Please take note of the ending for some of the first known liberals- the martyrdoms of the "Saints". Such nonsense did not work in the face of the Barbarians- it got whole nations slaughtered very quickly. And today, we have some of the worst barbarians among us that history ever displayed. And liberals keep right on bringing them into our communities.
Think about that, folks!
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
belwhatter 4/1/2019 1:09:23 PM (No. 19857)
The symbiotic circle of mindless voters and wealthy power brokers is the chain that binds these modern Sodom and Gomorrah big cities in dirt and human degradation. There are multiple causes, too many to list, but which boil down to poor personal choices. When people lose sight of the rules of life, perdition snd destruction follow as surely day follows night.
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
legalart 4/1/2019 1:15:44 PM (No. 19873)
I do not feel sorry for anyone living in the city. No one wants to take responsibility for what they have done to the place. The homeless roam and grow in numbers because they are allowed to live a life without rules; a large % of the homeless refuse to check themselves into a shelter or a program where they will have to comply with house rules; I volunteered for 9 years with homeless shelters/soup kitchens, and the homeless themselves would tell me they didn´t want anyone telling them what to do.
Then the citizens of the city who place the useless politicians in office, do not take responsibility either for the consequences of their votes. Their demands are a joke because their belief system is directly responsible for their woes. It hasn´t dawned on them that the laws of nature do not allow unbridled, freewheeling human beings to succeed; it always turns ugly. Abandoning moral - and legal - absolutes to create utopia will lead them to ruin.
I cannot feel any sympathy. And I don´t think it will improve: the hole they´ve dug is too deep.
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
Krause 4/1/2019 1:37:19 PM (No. 19868)
Trump would clean that city up in 30 days. But life long democrats a would never vote for him, or a republican.....for some reason or another.
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
zephyrgirl 4/1/2019 1:44:45 PM (No. 19854)
It is called cognitive dissonance - the people who vote in democrats never connect the hot mess their cities have become with the people they elected.
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
DVC 4/1/2019 2:03:12 PM (No. 19869)
Leftists like a dystopian Midas have the Merde Touch.
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Reply 18 - Posted by:
TXknitter 4/1/2019 2:22:29 PM (No. 19864)
All Washington state has known forever were wimpy, weak-kneed type Republicans. Young people have never seen any church or conservative leader stand up to the left in any significant way. Several generations have no clue what traditional, boldly America-loving leadership looks or sounds like. Make no mistake, quite a few other states going in same direction only at different speeds. Oregon is just as bad.
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Reply 19 - Posted by:
Grounded 4/1/2019 2:27:15 PM (No. 19875)
Our fair city is slowly tilting ever leftward and the same pathologies and dysfunctions that afflict LA and San Francisco and Seattle and Portland are taking root here. We have supposedly non-partisan city elections, a joke, but the mayor and a majority of the City Council are currently liberal ´rats, and they are governing accordingly. The cops are handcuffed by fed decrees; taxes keep going up; ditto violent crime and property crimes; ever more burdensome regulations; sanctuary city status; Green initiatives; and beatification of the homeless squatters are increasingly corrupting the quality of life for normal people.
Plus the education system only graduates about 2/3 of its students and a lot of the graduates are functionally illiterate. But the administrators, and there area buttload of them, enjoy big salaries and cushy offices while the schools are falling apart.
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Reply 20 - Posted by:
HotRod 4/1/2019 2:36:04 PM (No. 19856)
I suspect there is enough voting fraud in Seattle to prevent any meaningful Republican gains. Just look how well the democrats conceal and get away with it on a national scale. Local elections would be a piece of cake!
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Now that the evidence is absolutely overwhelming that modern leftism ruins everything it touches, HOW do people still vote for it???
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Reply 22 - Posted by:
RayLRiv 4/1/2019 3:59:24 PM (No. 19876)
Don´t care what happens to Seattle. Sorry - I just don´t. They made their bed, let them lie in it.
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Reply 23 - Posted by:
Tennman 4/1/2019 4:58:33 PM (No. 19855)
But even worse they´re spreading their diseases to the surrounding areas like a cancer.
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Reply 24 - Posted by:
F15 Gork 4/1/2019 6:21:49 PM (No. 19853)
Gone too far - cannot be fixed.
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Reply 25 - Posted by:
watashiyo 4/2/2019 12:07:20 AM (No. 19874)
Been there. Got off the train at King and greeted by rows of homeless tents along the sidewalk. Entered MacDonalds for lunch, and half was filled with homeless having coffee and few smoking joints. Unlike a dozen years ago, these homeless are not begging for money in the sidewalk. They´re just hanging around interacting with others like them and few dealing drugs openly. ....don´t think I´ll ever return to the city of despair to see the desolates slowly killing themselves off.
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Reply 26 - Posted by:
Trigger2 4/2/2019 5:57:39 AM (No. 19866)
Libtards destroyed SF so why not Seattle? Both places are now Venezuela. Get out while you can but don´t bring your destruction politics with you.
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