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How long has Mueller known there was no Trump-Russia collusion?

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Posted By: Toledo, 3/29/2019 9:17:45 AM

Almost from the start, Democrats and their media echo chamber have moved the goal posts on collusion. The original allegation – the political narrative that the Clinton campaign, through Obama administration alchemy, honed into a counterintelligence investigation – was that that the Trump campaign was complicit in Russia’s “cyberespionage” attacks on the 2016 election. But there was no evidence that candidate Trump and his surrogates had anything to do with the Kremlin’s hacking and propaganda schemes. And no supporting logic. The Russians are very good at espionage. They neither needed nor wanted American help,

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Pepper Tree 3/29/2019 9:28:02 AM (No. 16790)
How long has Mueller known Trump did not Collude with Russia? My estimate is about three sentences into reading that stupid “dosier.”
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Reply 2 - Posted by: Rumblehog 3/29/2019 9:33:15 AM (No. 16793)
Q: How long has Mueller known there
was no Trump-Russia collusion?

A: Before he pocketed $3 million in taxpayer money for his "services" in the investigation.
40 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: bubby 3/29/2019 9:50:09 AM (No. 16801)
Before he became Special Counsel! He was supposed to create collusion but the dirty intelligence spooks left too much incriminating evidence that was discovered during the IG investigation to allow Mueller to do that without it looking like a setup. So Mueller dragged it out helping Democrats retake the House. He assumed the Democrats would also retake the Senate but President Trump with some Providential help stopped that! Godspeed President Trump!
54 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: 3XALADY 3/29/2019 10:21:08 AM (No. 16799)
Saw Rush on Hannity last night. He says Mule Face knew at least 18 months ago, probably earlier. But we know that.
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Reply 5 - Posted by: JackBurton 3/29/2019 10:33:02 AM (No. 16800)
Within 48 hours of the investigation into the ´outing of Valerie Plame´ it should have been known that there was no violation of the law protecting an NOC´s status from being revealed because her lapse in NOC status was beyond the stated time limit. Yet the ´investigation´, with the same tactics of perjury traps, continued for, what?, 18 months?

I´m guessing Mueller, with half a brain, knew from the start that there were no legs to ´collusion´, was in on the conspiracy, and just tried to ride that horse as far as it would go.
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Reply 6 - Posted by: Ida Lou Pino 3/29/2019 10:45:14 AM (No. 16787)
NeverTrumper Andy Panderer suddenly gets religion.

Pfooey, Andy - - I´m not buying it!
16 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: bigfatslob 3/29/2019 10:52:00 AM (No. 16791)
How long did Mueller know there was no Russian collusion by Donald Trump? From Day one I suspect. Mueller had to clean up the ´kitty litter´ that the spooks left behind and make some cash while doing it.
42 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: Clinger 3/29/2019 11:01:34 AM (No. 16788)
Given Mueller´s ties to the corruption and outright treason the investigation was meant to distract from, I would count his knowledge in days before the investigation was launched.
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Reply 9 - Posted by: MattMusson 3/29/2019 11:04:59 AM (No. 16796)
Since BEFORE the MidTerms.
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Reply 10 - Posted by: BillW. 3/29/2019 11:09:21 AM (No. 16794)
The Deep State´s corrupt politicians and career government workers--Mueller included--know their personal gravy trains remain unaffected by changing administrations.

President Trump knew that going in, and made fools and liars of them all.

He HAD to pay.

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Reply 11 - Posted by: fayebeck 3/29/2019 11:22:43 AM (No. 16795)
#1 you mean the "bought and paid for dosier"?
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Reply 12 - Posted by: JimBob 3/29/2019 11:56:27 AM (No. 16789)
Mueller most likely knew within HOURS that it was a setup.
Like the Valery Plame false ´outing´ (where investigators knew within ONE DAY that Richard Armitage was ´the source´, the Process is the Punishment.
Remember the Anthrax scare? Remember how researcher Steven Hatfill was ruined, then the ‘powers-that-be’ figured out that Hatfill was innocent?
THAT was Mueller at work. Destroying people by using ´leaks´ and underhanded methods.
If Mueller had found anything on Trump, it would have leaked within minutes, if not hours, and would have been the biggest media Circus.... EVER.
No, the Process is the Punishment.
First goal was to ´dirty up´ President Trump and all the Republicans, so the ´Rats could take back the Congress.
Second goal was to put anyone associated with President Trump under a microscope and prosecute them ´to the hilt´ for ANYTHING that they did in their entire lives.
Associated with that was to grant immunity to any ´Rat who (like Podesta) had been doing the exact same thing.
Third, after removing as many of Trump´s allies as they could, was to try to remove President Trump from office if possible.
Fourth was to Obscure, Cover Up, and BURY any news of the ´Rat illegal activities.... the Uranium One scandal where they sold 1/5 of the accessible US uranium ore to a Russian company, the Benghazi scandal (Who knows what the HildeBeast was doing that led to Ambassador Stevens being murdered?), the HildeBeast ´Private Server´ scandal, the HildeBeast ´Pay-to-Play´ scandal, and other scandals too numerous to mention.
Many of the goals were achieved.
But.... President Trump is a COUNTER-PUNCHER.
The Deep State ´Rats have made him angry, and there is a good chance that he will direct the Justice Department to Go After Them, and CLEAN THEIR CLOCKS!
I sure hope so!
40 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: ginadee 3/29/2019 12:35:51 PM (No. 16786)
He stuck it out long enough to get as much money in his pocket as he dared to.
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Reply 14 - Posted by: bighambone 3/29/2019 1:13:28 PM (No. 16803)
Robert Mueller knew that there was “no there, there” from the get-go when it came to President Trump and his campaign “colluding” with the Russians to steal the election from Hillary Clinton, and that the so-called “dossier” was bogus opposition research created and paid for by Clinton and her political operatives.

The reason that the Mueller Investigation came about was that the politicized top rank of James Comey connected FBI super bureaucrats became unhinged after Trump fired Comey, and in “collusion” with Comey initiated both a new FBI counterintelligence investigation targeting Trump, and the appointment of a Special Counsel with the motive of eventually charging Trump with obstruction of justice for firing their bureaucratic rabbi Comey.

In that respect anyone who has been paying attention to Comey’s improper interference in presidential politics before the election knows that if Clinton had won the election there is a 99.9% chance that a President Clinton would have immediately fired Comey with the leftist and liberal Democrats in Congress cheering her on.

This whole very expensive politically charged bureaucratic corruption, both to the country, and a lot of people associated with Trump, is a perfect example as to how the DC “deep state” works to protect itself, and as such is a prime reason why Trump was elected.

Beyond that, the Russians have to be laughing their butts off as to the damage that this highly politically charged fiasco has done to the ability of the Trump Administration to effectively deal and negotiate with important foreign leaders, and to the reputation of the USA around the world.
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Reply 15 - Posted by: DVC 3/29/2019 1:54:12 PM (No. 16797)
Very telling that they didn´t do another extension of the illegally obtained FISA warrant after Sept 2017, so they knew then, and Mueller was apparently unwilling to put his name on a clearly fraudulent, criminal assertion before the court.

This is where the first indictments should originate. Clearly the FISA process was fraudulent and criminally so. Rosenstein and more should go to prison for that.
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Reply 16 - Posted by: Heraclitus 3/29/2019 2:00:48 PM (No. 16802)
He knew well in advance of the 2016 elections.

I was going to say that a brief "investigation" would have given fodder to the Democrats to claim the fix was in. But then, the Democrats are saying that anyway. They simply were not going to accept any determination other than total condemnation and the death sentence.

Then they´d aim at the Pence and the entire Trump family.

Sad and dangerous is the Democrat Party´s descent into derangement, along with most of the entertainment crowd, and celebrated in the media.

Our Republic remains in great peril.
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Reply 17 - Posted by: Grounded 3/29/2019 2:47:01 PM (No. 16798)
How long is a mayfly´s life cycle? That´s about how long it took to solve the collusion mystery.
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Reply 18 - Posted by: jeffkinnh 3/29/2019 5:02:35 PM (No. 16792)
"When during their exhaustive 22-month investigation did prosecutors realize they had no case? I put it at no later than the end of 2017. I suspect it was in the early autumn."

And, as others have commented, maybe from the beginning. The thinking might have been that if they stirred the pot enough they could gin up something. They thought Trump was stupid and would do something that could be labeled obstruction. But he didn´t.

So we have at least 14 months of a fake-from-the-start investigation trying to come up with a raison d´etre. They failed in that as well.

"Why?" is not only the question for the added time but for the investigation, for which there was never a crime for a basis, as well.

The answer is, the dems, the media, the Deep State, Never Trumpers, and RINOs wanted it to cripple Trump and cover up their illegal actions before the election.

We need to pin the tail on the donkey and spotlight it.
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Posted by Magnante 3/8/2021 5:26:07 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Magnante 3/9/2021 4:40:38 AM Post Reply
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