The Yellow Jackets revolt and the Future of America
Sarah Hoyt
Original Article
Posted By: Madinmaryland,
3/23/2019 12:28:28 PM
The media has been so quiet on the Yellow Jackets in France that you could be excused for thinking my title refers to some kind of invasion by weird wasps. Well, for the record, it doesn’t. It refers to the ongoing revolt in France by various groups but mostly, honestly, middle aged, middle class people who have just had middle-class enough and are now setting fires to things and making life hell in the ritzy districts of Paris (and elsewhere.)
Reply 1 - Posted by:
Italiano 3/23/2019 12:44:29 PM (No. 10412)
"I know a lot of us are ambivalent about the Yellow Jackets."
Not all of us, not by a long shot.
Precursor. Keep pushing, Democrats.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
mc squared 3/23/2019 2:01:57 PM (No. 10411)
...Also we are armed
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
red1066 3/23/2019 2:28:05 PM (No. 10416)
France requires all motors vehicles to have at least two yellow vests in the car in case the car breaks down on the road. Hence the yellow vests. The taxes and the laws have finally gone too far for the middle class French people, and they´re PO´d. Now I´m waiting for the remaining middle class of this country to take to the street.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
Rumblehog 3/23/2019 3:04:14 PM (No. 10414)
As I´ve been saying here for years, based on my journeys around the globe, I detected the populist uprising everywhere, hence the fascination with Donald Trump and the American awakening. What is happening in France is what French people do, and they won´t stop until the upheaval against "professional politicians" is complete, taxes reduced, and immigrants deported.
Next to experience this will be Germany, where their jack-booted leadership labels any dissent as "neo-Nazi, right wing extremist" and bans them from public debate. They will pay for that mistake.
After that, and bubbling heavily right now with Brexit, will be Great Britain, who longs for the identity and glory of the once great Empire.
The world is awakening to the madness of professional politicians; born, bred, and groomed to "rule" over a sovereign people as their "elected representatives."
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
geoguy 3/23/2019 3:33:41 PM (No. 10413)
Poster number four thank you for your insight. I hope you’re right. I’d like to know is when will we get at people like Soros.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
DVC 3/24/2019 3:51:46 AM (No. 10415)
We are the ONLY population of any size on the planet who is well armed, all the rest are essentially thinly armed at best or pretty much unarmed. Canada is moderately well armed, but they have been removing semiautos for a while, and severely limiting handguns, too.
In RSA, they are steadily disarming the whites there, too. they have been disarming Australia, and now NZ. the Brits have no legal handguns, few legal semiauto rifles, and repeating shotguns. Double barreled shotguns and bolt action rifles are still available to ordinary folks.
The Globalists have decided to tighten the noose, and have put in place truly draconian small arms controls on all international trade. Can´t have those darned "great unwashed" having access to small arms, can we?
The EU is busily totally disenfranchising all of Europe, bypassing the national governments, steadily making them more and more impotent against the power of Brussels.
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Excellent article. She has a wonderful way with words.