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Hunter Biden, Beset by Legal Woes, Flees
to... South Africa?

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Posted By: mc squared, 3/16/2025 10:36:14 AM

Poor Hunter Biden. First, his meal ticket father leaves office and disappears from public view (for which blessing many of us are breathing a sigh of relief), then his California house burns up, along with a bunch of his "priceless" art. The guy just can't catch a break. On Saturday, we learned that Hunter's woes are worsening. He was facing an uncomfortable deposition in California, but a kindly judge allowed that case to be dismissed as Hunter's too broke to continue. So now the poverty-stricken former First Son has jetted off to Cape Town, South Africa, accompanied by his Secret Service retinue, to suffer from his poverty


It ain't easy for a retired, starving artist to survive. And all that unsold art!

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Jesuslover54 3/16/2025 10:43:07 AM (No. 1915418)
The perfect bum.
16 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: 3XALADY 3/16/2025 10:46:38 AM (No. 1915422)
Taxpayers are paying his security to loll around in South Africa?
31 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Hazymac 3/16/2025 10:48:18 AM (No. 1915424)
FTA: (W)hy does the ne'er-do-well son of a former president have Secret Service protection? "The scandal-prone 55-year-old son of Joe Biden does not qualify for statutory Secret Service protection, which only applies to former presidents’ children aged under 16, per the Former Presidents Protection Act (codified in 18 USC, Section 3056). But Biden issued an executive memorandum before he left the presidency indefinitely extending Secret Service protection for his son, according to Trump administration sources." This is something that, honestly, should be undone. Anything put in place by an executive memorandum, we presume, can be undone by an executive memorandum. Yep. Undo it now. Rat now.
47 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: DVC 3/16/2025 10:55:52 AM (No. 1915427)
Without a SS team to protect his worthless butt, he'd be in danger, but maybe still in danger. Perhaps we'll be lucky and he won't ever come back.
16 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: FJB 3/16/2025 11:01:12 AM (No. 1915429)
Maybe Spanky will be murdered by one of those White-hating South Afrocritters. In fact, they do us all a favor.
14 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: Hermit_Crab 3/16/2025 11:14:30 AM (No. 1915439)
The Biden Crime family probably has millions stashed in a corrupt South African Bank and Hunter is probably there to pick some of it up and sneak it back in for his 'living expenses' now that the bribes to Daddy have slowed down.
27 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: jimincalif 3/16/2025 11:26:38 AM (No. 1915449)
South Africa? Not a lot of white folk fleeing to SA these days. I guess even Ukraine is done with Hunter.
24 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: earlybird 3/16/2025 12:04:20 PM (No. 1915470)
Believe his wife is from there.
9 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: Namma 3/16/2025 12:07:13 PM (No. 1915472)
Dummy. Whitt is being killed in SA. I want to know if the memorandum for SS was signed with the auto pen. Cancel it.
13 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: msliberty1937 3/16/2025 12:20:42 PM (No. 1915475)
Do we know (or care)? Who owns his CA house? Did it burn completely as as been reported? Can he collect insurance on his burned up art? What company was conned into insuring it? Is he still paying child support for any of his kids? Alimony? Only semi interested because we can't let this loathsome family quietly fall off the radar. There has to be some serious comeuppance.
9 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: Petronius 3/16/2025 1:18:55 PM (No. 1915502)
You can be certain that this "executive memorandum" was written by the same person the White House cocaine belonged to and was signed by auto-pen.
8 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: MickTurn 3/16/2025 1:27:53 PM (No. 1915510)
Just in time for the White Purge. Good thinking Moron!
10 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: Subsuburban 3/16/2025 3:16:24 PM (No. 1915547)
Hunter Biden is NOT entitled to Secret Service protection! Children of former Presidents are entitled to SS protection up until age 16 and last I checked, Hunter was chronologically (not mentally) well beyond that age. Somebody needs to recall his detail, stat!
8 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: danu 3/16/2025 3:20:03 PM (No. 1915551)
-10- the palisades fire tales of grunter seem to be another pack of fjb lies. the house was a rental; last we heard, it had not burned. however joe's bagman did get special treatment of some description from ca's marxista regime..
6 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: 3XALADY 3/16/2025 4:08:26 PM (No. 1915562)
Yep, his house was a rental. It is not our problem if he is in danger. If we were walking where he is walking, we would be in danger, too. Pay attention, Huncher! I have no sympathy for any of the grifters.
4 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: JimBob 3/16/2025 5:49:31 PM (No. 1915608)
Having read about bits and pieces of the Huncher's history, I would not be surprised if there were a good number of unsavory people, scattered around the globe, that Huncher 'owes'; owes a favor, owes some (a few hundred grand here and there) cash. I wonder.... if his Secret Service detail is withdrawn, will the 'collection agents' of some of these people come calling?
2 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: rochow 3/16/2025 10:08:01 PM (No. 1915718)
This junkie is not entitled to SS agent protection. Furthermore, his house did not burn down. Thank goodness, he or the rest of this trashy family never, ever lie!
1 person likes this.

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Hunter Biden, Beset by Legal Woes, Flees
to... South Africa?
17 replies
Posted by mc squared 3/16/2025 10:36:14 AM Post Reply
Poor Hunter Biden. First, his meal ticket father leaves office and disappears from public view (for which blessing many of us are breathing a sigh of relief), then his California house burns up, along with a bunch of his "priceless" art. The guy just can't catch a break. On Saturday, we learned that Hunter's woes are worsening. He was facing an uncomfortable deposition in California, but a kindly judge allowed that case to be dismissed as Hunter's too broke to continue. So now the poverty-stricken former First Son has jetted off to Cape Town, South Africa, accompanied by his Secret Service retinue, to suffer from his poverty
Deranged anti-Elon Musk dad scrawls swastika
on NYC Cybertruck in broad daylight —
leaving Jewish owner stunned: ‘I feel
myself burning inside’
16 replies
Posted by mc squared 3/15/2025 1:15:32 PM Post Reply
A deranged, anti-Elon Musk dad scrawled a swastika on the side of a Cybertruck in Brooklyn in a brazen attack committed right in front of The Post. The lefty loon was so triggered by the $80,000 electric Tesla truck parked on Washington Avenue in Prospect Heights that he double-parked his Subaru – with two car seats in the back – burst out, and defaced the car. The Cybertruck’s owner Avi Ben Hamo, who is Jewish, was stunned. “I feel myself burning inside,” Ben Hamo said. Back in his Subaru, the hateful vandal tried to speed off — but Ben Hamo, who watched the attack from the sidewalk across the street,
Maher: Biden Was ‘Just Funneling’
Green Money to Groups that Didn’t Deserve It
8 replies
Posted by mc squared 3/15/2025 12:24:48 PM Post Reply
During the online “Overtime” segment of Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” host Bill Maher said that environmental money spent by the Biden administration in its final days was “just funneling money to people who are not solving the problem.” And the groups that got the money “were not really environmental groups and they had no experience in doing it.” While discussing the federal Department of Education, Maher said that while the department likely does some good things, “it also looks like some of these places are just funneling money to people who are not solving the problem.”
Biden sources suspect key aide may have
abused autopen as Trump’s ‘far more
restrictive’ signing rules revealed
20 replies
Posted by mc squared 3/14/2025 2:26:23 PM Post Reply
A key aide to former President Joe Biden may have exceeded their authority by liberally using an autopen to sign official documents, according to two former White House sources, as President Trump’s aides have set up “far more restrictive” rules governing the use of the mechanical device. A document obtained by The Post outlines the narrow set of circumstances in which Trump’s signature can be affixed to documents, following controversy this week kicked off by a Heritage Foundation analysis of Biden signatures on various records, including last-minute pardons. A small group of officials under both Biden and Trump have been delegated the power to get documents “signed” robotically,
This State Mental Health Advisory Board
Member Identifies As a Turtle and I Have Questions
17 replies
Posted by mc squared 3/13/2025 5:46:13 PM Post Reply
This is going to be a shell of a story. A member of Oregon’s Health Authority (OHA), an advisory board that deals with mental health policy, identified as a turtle during a recent state panel meeting. J.D. Holt, who also goes by “J.D. Terrapin” on Facebook, opened her remarks by saying, “Hello everybody, it's JD. I use they, them and turtle for my pronouns. I'm in the Springfield-Eugene area and I get to be part of the council.” No seriously, I’m not making that up. It really happened. See? It’s on video. The council was appointed by OHA Director Sejal Hathi and was created to consult with Oregon’s government on mental health policies,
1st person arrested under Florida’s
new immigration law is in a Brevard County jail
4 replies
Posted by mc squared 3/13/2025 11:41:42 AM Post Reply
The first person arrested under Florida’s new immigration law is in the Brevard County jail. The state Board of Immigration Enforcement posted on X last night that Felipe Hernandez-Chavarin was arrested for trespassing and for re-entering the United States illegally. An arrest report says a Fish and Wildlife officer saw Hernandez-Chavarin enter a locked gate with a ‘no trespassing’ sign next to it at Willowbrook Farms in Palm Bay on Tuesday. The officer said Hernandez-Chavarin was there to catch fish with a net in the farm’s canals. Once at the jail, the Brevard County Sheriff’s Office confirmed he had also been deported from the U.S. in 2019, so the illegal re-entry charge was added.
Randi Weingarten deserves the fury of
parents across the nation
21 replies
Posted by mc squared 3/13/2025 11:15:49 AM Post Reply
American Federation of Teachers honcho Randi Weingarten’s sudden outrage over Team Trump’s plan to abolish the federal Department of Education is simply about losing her own power and influence — not any risk to the kids. America’s “competitors — and adversaries — are no doubt cheering President Donald Trump’s plan to dismantle the U.S. Department of Education,” Weingarten asserts in an MSNBC column, pretending the DOE “helps give all children in the United States access to the great public school education they deserve.” [snip] “A gutted department would mean fewer teachers, more crowded classrooms and increased mental health and behavioral challenges for students,” she lies.
Tim Walz Barrels Toward 2028 With Deranged
Trump Rant, Manages to Expose Himself
in the Process
19 replies
Posted by mc squared 3/13/2025 10:35:42 AM Post Reply
If failed vice-presidential candidate and current Gov. Tim Walz (D-MN) made his intention to run in 2028 any clearer, it'd require him to rip his shirt off and paint it on his chest. He's clearly working toward a presidential run after faceplanting with Kamala Harris, and his strategy appears to be shouting and screaming his way to the nomination. I'm less than convinced that will pay off for him, but here we go. America's finger-wagger-in-chief is on the case of Department of Education cuts, and he's furious at President Donald Trump about it.
Welcome to Post-Democracy 4 replies
Posted by mc squared 3/11/2025 10:29:35 AM Post Reply
I've written and talked for some years now about the emerging "Post-Democratic Era". But it has advanced significantly in recent months. On Sunday, Romania's "Central Electoral Bureau" ruled that Călin Georgescu was ineligible to be on the presidential ballot on the grounds that he "doesn't meet the conditions of legality" because he "violated the very obligation to defend democracy, which is based precisely on fair, honest and impartial elections." Mr Georgescu is ahead in all the polls. [snip] The former EU Commissioner Thierry Breton could not restrain himself from boasting about the Eurocrats' ability to overrule the voice of the people:
Sir Keir Kisses Up to Cousins 1 reply
Posted by mc squared 3/9/2025 1:07:50 PM Post Reply
Sammy Woodhouse likes to say, she's so bored with living in Groundhog Day. I know the feeling. Reading today's newspapers is like listening to an oldies station with only fifteen records: things that I first wrote about twenty years ago are presented as stunning new revelations that will knock your socks off - even though my socks fell off circa 2007. Here's the latest - and, as with Sammy's Muslim paedo rape-gangs, it's all down to "cultural sensitivity". Headline from The Daily Telegraph: 'I treat children with life-limiting conditions from cousin marriages – but we can't talk about it'
Here's a 10-Minute Video That Obliterates
the Liberal Media's Protection of Joe Biden
7 replies
Posted by mc squared 3/9/2025 10:48:43 AM Post Reply
We know about the liberal media cover-up regarding Joe Biden’s mental health. It wasn’t a mid-way through his term crisis either. On day one, his staff noticed he was losing his marbles and did whatever they could to hide this from the public. Toward the end, it was clear to voters that Biden had retreated into the bunker, the beach, or anywhere that would limit access to the White House Press Corps. Many reporters knew of his condition and said nothing out of fear of helping the Republicans or losing access.
¡Adiós! AOC Aide, an Illegal Immigrant,
Self-Deports to Colombia
23 replies
Posted by mc squared 3/8/2025 12:09:54 PM Post Reply
An illegal immigrant who served as deputy communications director for Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y.) has fled the United States for Colombia, saying he finally has "freedom of movement." Diego de la Vega, who arrived in the United States from Ecuador at age seven and overstayed his visitor's visa, began working for Ocasio-Cortez in October 2022, according to his LinkedIn. Last December, de la Vega left the United States and relocated to Bogotá with his wife, another illegal immigrant, the Substack "Migrant Insider" reported. Ocasio-Cortez praised her former aide on Wednesday, saying he was "amazing" and that "we love him."
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U.S. District Judge James Boasberg Orders
Trump Administration to Halt Deportation
of Illegal Aliens and Narcotrafficking
Gang Members
32 replies
Posted by earlybird 3/16/2025 11:48:05 AM Post Reply
It will not come as a surprise to CTH readers to hear the name Judge James Boasberg associated with efforts to protect the institutional interests of a corrupt DC deep state. Boasberg has a long, very long, and well documented history of protecting the DC apparatus {CTH Archives on Boasberg HERE}. On Saturday, without giving the Trump administration any time to respond, Judge Boasberg issued an immediate temporary restraining order (TRO) blocking DHS,(snip) and ICE from deporting illegal aliens and narcotrafficking gang members belonging to Tren de Aragua (TdA), a designated Foreign Terrorist Organization. Boasberg ordered the flights of criminal gang members to turn around and immediately
Fed judge orders deportation flights carrying
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to US, blocks Trump from invoking Alien
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32 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 3/16/2025 6:50:43 AM Post Reply
A federal judge temporarily blocked President Trump on Saturday from invoking the 18th century Alien Enemies Act to swiftly deport alleged Venezuelan gang members without a hearing – ordering any flights carrying the supposed criminals to turn around. US District judge James Boasberg quickly ordered the Trump administration to halt all removals after the commander in chief signed off on a presidential action invoking the 1798 law – aimed at targeting Venezuelan prison gang Tren de Aragua, The Washington Post reported. The chief judge in the District of Columbia said he heard that “flights are actively departing”
Court Orders Starbucks to Pay $50 Million
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28 replies
Posted by Hazymac 3/16/2025 9:33:23 AM Post Reply
A court ordered Starbucks on Friday to pay $50 million in damages to a delivery driver who was severely burned by spilled beverages, CNN reported. The jury in California sided with Michael Garcia, who was picking up drinks in a drive-through in Los Angeles when he was handed beverages with improperly secured lids. According to the lawsuit filed in the California Superior Court in 2020, he “suffered severe burns, disfigurement, and debilitating nerve damage to his genitals when hot drinks ultimately spilled” on his lap. The lawsuit ultimately accused the coffee chain of breaching its duty of care by not securing the lids, according to the report.
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Posted by NorthernDog 3/16/2025 6:39:00 PM Post Reply
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Posted by 4250Luis 3/16/2025 4:32:36 AM Post Reply
SpaceX’s Crew-10 mission successfully docked at the International Space Station on Sunday morning, setting the stage to finally retrieve the two NASA astronauts who have been stuck in orbit for months. The Space-X space capsule docked at the ISS at 12:05 a.m. EST Sunday morning after lifting off Friday from Florida. Video feed showing Crew-10’s dramatic docking onto the ISS was shared live on X. Astronaut Sunita Williams is seen shortly after the crew docked early Sunday. One camera showed the docking from the perspective of the ISS, with Crew-10 approaching as a cloudy atmosphere over Australia rotates in the background.
Do We Have 677 Unelected Presidents? 21 replies
Posted by Judy W. 3/16/2025 6:44:13 AM Post Reply
There are almost 700 federal district court judges. I say “almost,” because while officially there are 677 of them, some retired judges have taken senior status and may sit from time to time on cases, so the figure is inexact on any given day. Since President Trump was sworn in for a second term, there have been an avalanche of cases seeking relief from executive actions. Last month alone district court judges issued 15 temporary restraining orders. “That’s more nationwide injunctions than there were issued for the first three YEARS of the Biden Administration. District court judges are out of control.“
The Reason Why WH Ignored Judge's
Order Requiring Planeload of Gangbangers
to Turn Around
20 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 3/16/2025 7:32:29 PM Post Reply
As we’ve been reporting, President Trump invoked the 1798 Alien Enemies Act against members of the violent Venezuelan Tren de Aragua gang and promptly put over 200 of them on a plane to be taken to El Salvador. While the flight was still in the air, Chief U.S. District Judge James Boasberg ordered a temporary restraining order preventing the deportation of any Venezuelans—and he also demanded that the plane turn around and return the gangsters to the U.S. (Attorney General Pam Bondi has already appealed the ruling.) The Trump administration ignored the order, however, and the gangbangers were unloaded Sunday
Houthi ban US vessels from Red Sea in
response to Yemen attacks
18 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 3/16/2025 7:49:58 PM Post Reply
The Houthi have said they will ban US vessels from navigation of the southern Red Sea, Arabian Sea, and Gulf Aden, and that it will target US Navy ships in response to US airstrikes on Yemen. US attacks on Yemen on March 15 have claimed 53 lives, according to the Houthi, as US president Trump increased military action to reopen the Red Sea to commercial shipping. Posting on Truth Social, the US president said: “The Houthis have choked off shipping in one of the most important Waterways of the World, grinding vast swaths of Global Commerce to a halt, and attacking the core principle
CAIR Attacks Trump Administration for
‘Racist,’ ‘Islamophobic’ Expulsion
of South African Ambassador
17 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 3/16/2025 5:27:55 PM Post Reply
The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) has slammed the Trump administration’s decision to expel South African Ambassador Ebrahim Rasool, calling it a “racist” and “Islamophobic” act of retaliation for his country’s stance against Israel. On Friday, Secretary of State Marco Rubio declared Rasool “persona non grata” after the ambassador accused President Trump of promoting white supremacy. The South African official’s remarks came a mere week after Trump said the country “is being terrible” to its farmers and announced that farmers seeking to flee for safety reasons “will be invited into the United States of America with a rapid pathway to citizenship.” Rubio made the announcement in a social media post,
Hunter Biden, Beset by Legal Woes, Flees
to... South Africa?
17 replies
Posted by mc squared 3/16/2025 10:36:14 AM Post Reply
Poor Hunter Biden. First, his meal ticket father leaves office and disappears from public view (for which blessing many of us are breathing a sigh of relief), then his California house burns up, along with a bunch of his "priceless" art. The guy just can't catch a break. On Saturday, we learned that Hunter's woes are worsening. He was facing an uncomfortable deposition in California, but a kindly judge allowed that case to be dismissed as Hunter's too broke to continue. So now the poverty-stricken former First Son has jetted off to Cape Town, South Africa, accompanied by his Secret Service retinue, to suffer from his poverty
More Than 250 Tren de Aragua Gang Members
Deported to El Salvador Prison: Rubio
11 replies
Posted by earlybird 3/16/2025 8:08:29 PM Post Reply
Secretary of State Marco Rubio said on March 16 that the Trump administration had sent more than 250 Venezuelans accused of being members of the Tren de Aragua gang to a prison in El Salvador amid an active federal court ruling ordering the deportation flights to cease. Rubio said El Salvador has agreed to hold the gang members “in their very good jails at a fair price that will also save ... taxpayer dollars,” (snip) Salvadoran President Nayib Bukele posted a video to X on March 16 showing agents leading men in handcuffs off a plane at night and into a prison. Prison officials are also shown shaving the prisoners’ heads.
Houthis claim to attack US aircraft carrier,
retaliating for strikes
10 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 3/16/2025 7:19:51 PM Post Reply
The Houthis claimed on Sunday that they targeted the aircraft carrier USS Harry Truman and other vessels in the northern Red Sea with 18 ballistic and cruise missiles and a drone. Military spokesperson Yahya Saree said that the US-led attacks against the Houthis on Saturday comprised of more than 47 airstrikes on seven governorates, with the death toll expected to rise. "The Yemeni Armed Forces will not hesitate to target all American warships in the Red Sea and in the Arabian Sea in retaliation to the aggression against our country," Saree said, vowing the Houthis "will continue to impose a naval blockade on the Israeli enemy and ban its ships
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