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Did COVID Nearly Start a Revolution?

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Posted By: DW626, 3/11/2025 2:49:58 PM

Let’s revisit the tumultuous second half of 2021. Dementia-addled President Joe Biden executed a disastrous retreat from Afghanistan in August that resulted in the killing of thirteen servicemembers. Having spectacularly failed America’s warfighters, he transitioned quickly to the ongoing “fight against COVID.” No cost was too great or burden too onerous in the federal government’s war against microscopic organisms. Billions were funneled to pharmaceutical companies (aka Democrat Party donors) to pay for witch doctors’ experimental elixirs. Billions more were funneled to “news” platforms and “non-governmental” organizations (all on the USAID dole) to push the White House’s preferred COVID narratives and censor dissent.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Lawsy0 3/11/2025 2:59:57 PM (No. 1912795)
I'm searching the attic for my life-size poster of Yosemite Sam, with the thought balloon, "Hell No! I ain't fergittin' it!"
8 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: jasonB 3/11/2025 3:06:02 PM (No. 1912797)
And we're just going to skip right on by "Two weeks to flatten the curve" (well, maybe 3 months, 5, who really knows) and the CARES Act? Sorry guys, just calling Balls and Strikes. Only ONE guy in all of Congress didn't fall for it and DJT keeps wanting to primary him. Why?
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Reply 3 - Posted by: slipstik 3/11/2025 4:22:34 PM (No. 1912804)
We didn't win. Look at excess deaths. Look at reduced fertility. Look at miscarriage rates. We didn't win. The cabal wanted to reduce population AND reduce birth rates for all time by vaxxing children. They did it
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Reply 4 - Posted by: slipstik 3/11/2025 4:53:14 PM (No. 1912809)
#2 WHY? When this "guy" votes against the CR, which he has vowed to do, the DOGE battle against the Democrat grift INDUSTRY screeches to a halt. It's also likely that ICE will step back on throwing out the trash. The "guy" thinks in the small picture, not the big one. So HE is gonna get HIS way by screwing all the rest of us. Just sayin'
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Reply 5 - Posted by: crashnburn 3/11/2025 5:35:13 PM (No. 1912825)
I'm making a long sad, story short. My wife and I got Covid mid-November 2019. We both recovered. I didn't think it would kill me, but I thought I might die with it. Tammy need ZPac to get over her lung infection (I needed an inhaler for a while). In 2021, Tammy decided to get the jab, even though I told her we were immune because we had already had Covid. She had heard too much propaganda on the radio, and didn't want to infect her mother, who was on chemo. She got the jab, and side effects showed up almost immediately. She was eventually diagnosed with CJD, think mad cow for humans, and died 19 months after the kill shot. CJD is a brain wasting disease, and while it was hard for me to watch her deteriorate, it must have been horrible for her, but as far as I can tell, she kept up her spirit throughout the entire ordeal. Hanging is too good for Fraud-Chi, Dr. Scarf, et. al. They need to be strung up by their thumbs and injected with the mmRNA until their bodies look like pincushions! It won't bring Tammy back, but it might send a message to the next would-be tyrants.
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Reply 6 - Posted by: Ashley Brenton 3/11/2025 6:09:44 PM (No. 1912845)
During covid millions of Americans asked if they could continue to live as if they were not afraid. And the answer was "No". People who were vaccinated and theoretically not therefore at risk from the unvaccinated continued to act belligerent. Because what angered them was non-conformity. How dare people not do as they were ordered?
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Did COVID Nearly Start a Revolution? 6 replies
Posted by DW626 3/11/2025 2:49:58 PM Post Reply
Let’s revisit the tumultuous second half of 2021. Dementia-addled President Joe Biden executed a disastrous retreat from Afghanistan in August that resulted in the killing of thirteen servicemembers. Having spectacularly failed America’s warfighters, he transitioned quickly to the ongoing “fight against COVID.” No cost was too great or burden too onerous in the federal government’s war against microscopic organisms. Billions were funneled to pharmaceutical companies (aka Democrat Party donors) to pay for witch doctors’ experimental elixirs. Billions more were funneled to “news” platforms and “non-governmental” organizations (all on the USAID dole) to push the White House’s preferred COVID narratives and censor dissent.
Why Does Dan Crenshaw want to kill Tucker Carlson? 7 replies
Posted by DW626 2/27/2025 12:15:34 PM Post Reply
Last week Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) was interviewed by British journalist Steven Edginton of Britain’s GB News. After the conversation, Edginton mentioned Tucker Carlson, which caused Crenshaw to say the following that was captured on a 'hot mic.' “We’ve talked a lot on Twitter,” referring to the exchanges he and Carlson have traded online, “If I ever meet him, I’ll f*cking kill him.” GB News on X posted the exchange, but the post was eventually deleted. Another X user, perhaps anticipating the deletion of the clip, reposted the video. Georgia Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene asked Crenshaw whether he had threatened Carlson, Crenshaw attempted to ridicule the premise with "Lol, no.”
Revisiting Benghazi 2 replies
Posted by DW626 2/9/2025 9:26:15 PM Post Reply
In this writer’s opinion, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton committed treason surrounding the debacle in Benghazi, Libya on Sept. 11, 2012. In this 1950s, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were executed for treason, for supplying nuclear weapons secrets to the Soviets. Obama, Hillary and possibly several others knowingly provided similar game-changing technology to several of our enemies in bad judgment that amounts to treason.
Trump and DOGE vs. Democrats, the Deep
State, the corporate media, and a lone judge
8 replies
Posted by DW626 2/9/2025 5:17:55 PM Post Reply
The Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE), headed by Elon Musk, has been a godsend. Prior to Trump taking office and the subsequent founding of DOGE, too many Americans were slumbering happily away, not knowing that their government was misusing their tax dollars for culturally insane and politically problematic purposes, and giving them the shaft. This is the Crime of the Century. The corruption and graft run both wide and deep. Those in numerous federal government agencies didn't just squander Americans’ money, they stole their freedom, dignity, and trust in their government
The radioactive Mark Milley 14 replies
Posted by DW626 2/8/2025 3:33:32 PM Post Reply
Poor retired General Mark Milley. In Mark Milley: pardons and mutiny and in General Milley may face consequences after all, I noted Milley appears to have violated multiple articles of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). One—mutiny—carries the death penalty. Fortunately for Milley, Joe Biden’s handlers gave him a preemptive pardon, so no Leavenworth or death. But for someone like Milley, there may be a worse fate. Secretary of Defense Pete Hegseth has ordered a review of Milley’s rank; he could lose a star in retirement.
Fixing the Student Loan Mess 11 replies
Posted by DW626 2/2/2025 11:09:13 AM Post Reply
As the new Trump Administration enters its third week, amidst a vast sea of issues, a huge financial challenge awaits. Anyone paying attention knows that the student loan situation in the U.S. over the last few decades is out of control. Some 46.2 million students have taken out loans, currently averaging $38,000, which most of these borrowers will find difficult to pay back. Loans are necessary for many people because college tuition continues to escalate. With a wave of a hand, the installed Biden-Harris Administration attempted to administer a loan forgiveness program that boggles the imagination and would create an unending debacle
General Milley may face consequences after all 15 replies
Posted by DW626 1/31/2025 11:57:58 PM Post Reply
On January 22, in Mark Milley: pardons and mutiny, I argued a case against General Mark Milly for mutiny, which carries a penalty up to death. Of course, the argument was academic as Milley was given a blanket, preemptive pardon by Joe Biden’s handlers. (snip) Now it appears Milley may face consequences of a sort, if not exactly the consequences he arguably deserves: Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth will announce he is "immediately pulling" retired Gen. Mark Milley's personal security detail and security clearance, multiple senior administration officials tell Fox News.
Transitioning the Federal Workforce into Farmhands 7 replies
Posted by DW626 1/31/2025 11:51:39 PM Post Reply
I was reading one of James Howard Kunstler’s exquisite essays when I stumbled upon a hilarious conversation in his comment section. Discussing President Trump’s turbocharged criminal alien relocation efforts, a reader named Mitch observed, “People keep asking who’s going to man the grills, pick the crops, clean the houses when all the illegals get deported. We have lots of useless government-paid parasites that could fill those jobs nicely. They’re educated, speak English, and currently produce nothing but obstacles.” Bandit replied, “But bureaucrats don’t do work.
Pro-Hamas Foreign Students Are About to
Be Deported
15 replies
Posted by DW626 1/24/2025 2:48:29 PM Post Reply
Within moments of returning to the Oval Office on Monday, President Donald Trump got to work signing a flurry of executive orders. One of them is focused on "protecting the United States from Foreign Terrorists and other national security and public safety threats." "It is the policy of the United States to protect its citizens from aliens who intend to commit terrorist attacks, threaten our national security, espouse hateful ideology, or otherwise exploit the immigration laws for malevolent purposes," the order states. That's bad news for pro-terrorist visas holders causing trouble on college campuses by advocating for terrorist organizations like Hamas.
Mark Milley: pardons and mutiny 13 replies
Posted by DW626 1/22/2025 1:45:45 PM Post Reply
While it’s true pardoned members of Joe Biden’s crime family can be interviewed by the FBI, and lying to an agent is a crime, they don’t have to speak with federal agents. It’s equally true they can be subpoenaed by Congress and may be prosecuted for perjury, but I’m quite sure that like James Comey, Christopher Wray and a variety of other swamp dwellers, they’ll suddenly develop very bad memories. It’s equally likely Former General Mark Milley, also pardoned by Biden’s handlers, will suffer memory loss. There is, however, one consequence, small for most Americans, but large indeed for a perfumed prince of the Pentagon:
Why Nancy Pelosi Can't Say What She Said
About Trump's January 6 Pardons
11 replies
Posted by DW626 1/21/2025 12:25:10 PM Post Reply
Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) flew into a rage over President Donald Trump pardoning and commuting some 1,500 Americans who were ensnared by the FBI’s overreach concerning the January 6 riots. It was an action long foreseen, though liberals need something to whine about, as it’s their only crutch regarding the 2024 elections. The California liberal took to social media to voice her outrage: Tonight, the President announced pardons and commutations of sentences for those who violently attacked the Capitol and law enforcement officers on January 6th.
Another idiotic forecast: Why does anyone
still pay attention to Paul Krugman?
12 replies
Posted by DW626 1/21/2025 11:09:19 AM Post Reply
Former New York Times columnist Paul Krugman, who's famous for predicting that President Trump would bring global recession in 2017, can't stop talking. Now he's now got another forecast for us. Nobel economist Paul Krugman says Trump's policies will leave his blue-collar base feeling 'brutally scammed' The Nobel-winning economist says tariffs and deportations will hurt instead of help the poor. The economist, who won the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences in 2008, criticized the president-elect's plans to raise tariffs and cut taxes during Tuesday's episode of "The Daily Blast with Greg Sargent" podcast. He told The New Republic show that those and other policies would lead to the working class paying higher prices
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‘Scariest Times In My Lifetime’: Bernie
Sanders Says Trump, Musk And Bezos Have
Him Terrified
47 replies
Posted by ConservativeYankee 3/11/2025 8:31:25 PM Post Reply
Independent Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders said during a Tuesday interview that President Donald Trump, Elon Musk and Washington Post owner Jeff Bezos have created the most frightening time period in his 83 years of life. Sanders claimed on “Pod Save America” that all three billionaires have taken actions that have influenced the media landscape in ways that could be dangerous. The Vermont senator said it was “objectively the truth” that their conduct has led to what he considers “the scariest times in [his] lifetime.” “These are, you know, the scariest times in my lifetime … I think that’s objectively the truth.
Rosie O’Donnell Self-Deported to Ireland
After Trump Election: Will Return to U.S.
‘When It’s Safe for All Citizens to
Have Equal Rights’
36 replies
Posted by ConservativeYankee 3/11/2025 8:17:22 PM Post Reply
The decades-long feud between actress and former daytime talk show host Rosie O’Donnell and President Donald Trump just got a little more complicated. “It’s been pretty wonderful, I have to say. The people are so loving and so kind, so welcoming. And I’m very grateful,” O’Donnell said in a TikTok video posted Tuesday, in which the league of Their Own star detailed her move to Ireland before Trump’s inauguration. I was never someone who thought I would move to another country, that’s what I decided would be the best for myself and my 12-year-old child. And here we are,” she said, explaining the move took place on January 15th.
UK, EU and NATO Partners Launch Massive
Wave of Drone Attacks Against Moscow
34 replies
Posted by FL_Absentee_Voter 3/11/2025 2:05:18 AM Post Reply
Approximately 60 drones were launched from Ukraine overnight to attack the Russian capital city of Moscow. This is the largest escalation of drone/missile attacks into Russia so far. The attack comes, predictably, as Secretary of State Marco Rubio, Nat Sec Advisor Mike Waltz and President Trump envoy Steve Witkoff arrive in Saudi Arabia for preliminary face-to-face talks with Ukraine officials. [Snip] 60+ drones launched against Russia’s largest city is intended to draw a major retaliation from Russian President Vladimir Putin, that is what the UK/EU and NATO apparatus want. The Zelenskyy people want Russia to attack Kiev so they can enlarge the scale and scope of U.S. involvement.
Colorado ferret expert now out of a job
due to DOGE cuts worries for the future
of a species she's dedicated her life to
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Posted by NorthernDog 3/11/2025 10:16:49 AM Post Reply
Elon Musk's Department of Government Efficiency, known as DOGE, has been working to eliminate what it considers redundant positions and cut costs. With roughly 200,000 federal workers now out of jobs, many are scrambling to find new employment. But for those who worked for agencies like the National Park Service, U.S. Forest Service, or Fish and Wildlife Service, job opportunities outside of government are slim. Coloradan Tina Jackson's one-year probationary period as a federal employee was set to end on March 10. But three weeks ago, she was let go from the Fish and Wildlife Service team she headed. After
Michelle Obama and her brother to launch
a podcast with weekly guests
29 replies
Posted by snakeoil 3/11/2025 7:03:29 AM Post Reply
NEW YORK (AP) — Michelle Obama and her brother, Craig Robinson, will host a new weekly podcast series starting this month featuring a special guest pulled from the world of entertainment, sports, health and business. “IMO with Michelle Obama & Craig Robinson” will address “everyday questions shaping our lives, relationships and the world around us,” according to a press release. IMO is slang for “in my opinion.” Some of the guests slated to speak to the former first lady and Robinson, the executive director of the National Association of Basketball Coaches, include the actors Issa Rae and Keke Palmer and psychologist Dr. Orna Guralnik.
Whoopi Goldberg Claims Trump Ruined Biden’s
Wonderful Economy Without Once Mentioning
High Prices
18 replies
Posted by ConservativeYankee 3/11/2025 8:24:52 PM Post Reply
“The View” co-host Whoopi Goldberg claimed Tuesday that President Donald Trump ruined former President Joe Biden’s economy without once mentioning high prices or the record high deficit. Goldberg argued that Trump inherited a “very robust” economy, crediting the Biden administration for adding nearly 16 million jobs to the U.S. economy, though she failed to mention this was largely a result of the U.S. recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic. The co-host also did not mention that inflation rose to a peak of 9% during the Biden administration and that the deficit reached record-breaking levels largely due to the previous White House’s high spending.
Oregon governor declares March 10 'Abortion
Provider Appreciation Day': 'Continue
to have your back'
17 replies
Posted by snakeoil 3/11/2025 7:04:40 PM Post Reply
Oregon's governor has signed a proclamation that will make March 10 "Abortion Provider Appreciation Day," in an effort to reaffirm her administration's commitment to "maintaining access to abortion care across the state.""Here in Oregon, we understand that abortion is healthcare, and providers are appreciated and can continue to provide care without interference and intimidation," Governor Tina Kotek said in a statement. "To our providers and to the patients who live in Oregon or have been forced to retreat to our state for care, know that I continue to have your back."
DC begins removing 'Black Lives Matter'
plaza near the White House
17 replies
Posted by snakeoil 3/11/2025 9:47:34 AM Post Reply
WASHINGTON (AP) — Starlette Thomas remembers coming down almost daily to the intersection of 16th and H streets, to protest police brutality and systemic racial iniquities during the summer of 2020. On Monday, the 45-year old Bowie, Maryland resident returned to the site of those protests to mourn the end of Black Lives Matter Plaza. “I needed to be here today. I can’t just let this go away,” Thomas said, as jackhammers began tearing into the giant yellow letters in the street. Thomas discretely secured a chunk of pavement and said holding it made her feel conflicted.
Elissa Slotkin Hammered for Claiming Americans
Are Like Teenagers Before Their 'Brain
Is Fully Formed'
16 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 3/11/2025 7:30:12 PM Post Reply
In what can only be accurately described as a case study in projection, Democrat Senator Elissa Slotkin (MI) said Americans in the Trump era are like teenagers whose brains have yet to fully form. Pot, meet kettle. To complete the irony, Slotkin's comments were made as a guest with the ladies of "The View" on Tuesday morning. "We're about to turn 250 years old, right? We're still pretty young for a country," she explained. "These are, like, our angry teenage years. We are going through this push and pull where we're happy, we're sad." "We want this, we want that, and what do you do when you have a teenager threatening themselves and others?
Ignore the stock market — Wall Street
dealing with painful detox from government
spending addiction
16 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 3/11/2025 5:51:12 AM Post Reply
Wall Street is puking big time, and the sell buttons are working overtime whenever the word “tariff” passes from Donald Trump’s lips. If you listen to the fat cat community long enough, you’d think Trump has been in office four years rather than four weeks, and that a small trade surcharge on a car from Mexico is leading us into economic Armageddon. I’m no fan of tariffs for lots of reasons, including I hate paying too much for stuff, but I’ve also taken enough econ and studied markets long enough to know that they’re not the end of the world as we know it.
Trump to Double Tariffs on Canadian Steel,
Aluminum as Markets Reel
15 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 3/11/2025 11:12:14 AM Post Reply
President Donald Trump announced Tuesday his plan to double tariffs on Canadian steel and aluminum despite negative market reactions to the trade war. “have instructed my Secretary of Commerce to add an ADDITIONAL 25% Tariff, to 50%, on all STEEL and ALUMINUM COMING INTO THE UNITED STATES FROM CANADA, ONE OF THE HIGHEST TARIFFING NATIONS ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD. This will go into effect TOMORROW MORNING, March 12th,” Trump posted on Truth Social. Markets reacted negatively to Trump’s latest tariffs, with the Dow Jones dropping by nearly 600 points as Wall Street continues to worry about the possibility of a recession. The S&P 500 and Nasdaq both lowered slightly Tuesday
Democratic Rep blows up after Republican
refers to transgender lawmaker as 'mister'
14 replies
Posted by ConservativeYankee 3/11/2025 8:11:14 PM Post Reply
Democratic Massachusetts Rep. Bill Keating had a meltdown on Tuesday, during a House Foreign Affairs subcommittee hearing, after the subcommittee's chairman called transgender Delaware Rep. Sarah McBride "mister." The exchange occurred during a hearing on arms control and U.S. assistance to Europe. The committee's chairman Keith Self cited a Trump administration order that only recognizes and identifies two genders, which is the person's biological gender. Self, a Texas Republican, introduced McBride, who was the first transgender lawmaker elected to Congress, as "the representative from Delaware, Mister McBride." "Thank you madam chair," McBride swiftly responded.
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