Al Green Tries to Justify His Tantrum
During Trump’s Speech
PJ Media,
Matt Margolis
Original Article
Posted By: Hazymac,
3/5/2025 6:25:36 AM
If you watched Trump’s speech to a joint session of Congress Tuesday evening, you know that Democrats behaved like children, and Rep. Al Green (D-Texas) was so disruptive that House Speaker Mike Johnson had him forcibly removed from the chamber.
Speaking to reporters after the incident, Green doubled down on his disruptive behavior and, of course, defended his childish actions.
“The president said he had a mandate, and I was making it clear to the president that he has no mandate to cut Medicaid,” Green said. “I have people who are very fearful. These are poor people, and they have only Medicaid in their lives
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Reply 1 - Posted by:
PChristopher 3/5/2025 6:31:34 AM (No. 1908730)
Green disgusts me. He's an absolutely sad excuse for a human being.
60 people like this.
Reply 2 - Posted by:
valinva 3/5/2025 6:33:16 AM (No. 1908731)
I have never seen anything indicating that Trump is cutting Medicaid. Am I missing something?
74 people like this.
Reply 3 - Posted by:
Hazymac 3/5/2025 6:41:31 AM (No. 1908737)
There's a good place for Green's cane. Shove it in there firmly. Make it disappear. Nice thumb by Vice President Vance.
42 people like this.
Reply 4 - Posted by:
Lazyman 3/5/2025 6:54:59 AM (No. 1908744)
At least he didn't assault anyone on the way out.
21 people like this.
Reply 5 - Posted by:
Strike3 3/5/2025 7:10:37 AM (No. 1908753)
Maybe those "poor people" should get off the drugs and start taking care of their children. I am sick of financing the neglect and incompetence of others.
40 people like this.
Reply 6 - Posted by:
Catfur27 3/5/2025 7:13:01 AM (No. 1908758)
...the "cuts to medicaid" are cutting waste and fraud.... yet the dems LIE ...BIG surprise
42 people like this.
Reply 7 - Posted by:
hershey 3/5/2025 7:13:49 AM (No. 1908759)
What a waste of protoplasm...and I can only blame the idiots who keep putting him back in office...they have to be worse than him...but then...maybe not....
21 people like this.
Reply 8 - Posted by:
jeffkinnh 3/5/2025 7:23:19 AM (No. 1908765)
There is waste and fraud riddled throughout government, placed there deliberately by the dems to act as a slush fund for their causes. So, maybe some of that, imbedded in Medicaid, might be cleaned up. That doesn't threaten payments to legitimate Medicaid recipients. The administration has unambiguously stated that Medicaid and Social Security are NOT on the chopping block.
Green, like most dems, is an obnoxious, lying idiot.
44 people like this.
Reply 9 - Posted by:
mifla 3/5/2025 7:56:59 AM (No. 1908783)
If Harris had gotten the votes Trump received, he would be screaming mandate.
11 people like this.
Reply 10 - Posted by:
broken01 3/5/2025 7:59:44 AM (No. 1908786)
Al (Wolfman Jack) Green is just another one of the democrat brainiacs that make up the racist organization known as the Congressional Black Caucus.
18 people like this.
Reply 11 - Posted by:
PostAway 3/5/2025 8:03:10 AM (No. 1908787)
Green got the sound bite he wanted and it was the only reason he went to the speech at all. Look for it on his website and again during campaign season. In reality, he was protesting the end of payments to 120-360 year olds and his opponents should not forget that in their ads.
19 people like this.
Reply 12 - Posted by:
EJKrausJr 3/5/2025 8:09:30 AM (No. 1908790)
Hey Al, if there is fraud and waste in Medicaid, it will be found and removed. If unauthorized individuals are receiving Medicaid, they will be found and removed from the Medicaid roles. BTW, Al, you are dumber than AOC, and that takes a lot of dumb.
28 people like this.
Reply 13 - Posted by:
Dodge Boy 3/5/2025 8:28:01 AM (No. 1908805)
Greenie, you really blew it, pal. And where was your little pickle ball paddle that your other members had.
9 people like this.
Reply 14 - Posted by:
Safari Man 3/5/2025 8:39:34 AM (No. 1908811)
He's every dimocrat. By rights he should be removed from congress, and if the dims had a shred of decency they would handle the situation. But the problem is, they are ALL just like him. One can only hope that the dimocrat voters will see this behavior and realize what they are voting for. Again, even their voters are just like him, they like what they see in Green.
10 people like this.
Reply 15 - Posted by:
sunshinehorses 3/5/2025 8:40:09 AM (No. 1908812)
The only cuts I have heard of are for waste and spending and to REMOVE ILLEGALS from the program.
15 people like this.
Reply 16 - Posted by:
Krause 3/5/2025 8:43:56 AM (No. 1908815)
It is also believed that there a lot of able-bodied men on Medicaid, instead of working.
7 people like this.
Reply 17 - Posted by:
red1066 3/5/2025 9:00:14 AM (No. 1908827)
I've never heard that Trump was cutting Medicaid. Perhaps he might cut it to those who are receiving it illegally, much like those on Social Security.
9 people like this.
Reply 18 - Posted by:
whyyeseyec 3/5/2025 9:06:31 AM (No. 1908835)
The reason 'your people' are fearful, Mr Green, is because your political party keeps lying to them. Trump is not cutting Medicaid/Medicare or Social Security. He's eliminating the waste, fraud and theft taking place. That is what has you in a tizzy.
12 people like this.
Reply 19 - Posted by:
homefry 3/5/2025 9:46:10 AM (No. 1908867)
He should sing, Let's stay together and then shut the heck up.
2 people like this.
Reply 20 - Posted by:
Italiano 3/5/2025 9:58:14 AM (No. 1908875)
Al Green and Jasmine Crockett, the new faces of the Democrat Party. Keep the out there front and center, yapping away, all the way to the midterms.
6 people like this.
Reply 21 - Posted by:
bighambone 3/5/2025 10:06:14 AM (No. 1908876)
Green was just annunciating the old liberal Democrat fraudulent tactic of trying to scare poor and elderly people that the Republicans, and now Trump, will take away their Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security benefits. Trump has never indicated that he intends to do any of that, except he has said that he is looking into fraudulent payments made by the US Government to ineligible people, and in fact has called for future Social Security payments to be exempt from Federal Income Tax, which effectively would raise up the bottom line Social Security payments to Social Security recipients who would no longer have to pay Federal Income Tax, or State Income Tax in a lot of cases, on their Social Security benefits. Common sense will tell you that if the Congress passes Trump proposal to exempt Social Security benefits, it will scare the heck out of the leftist and progressive Democrats who sat on their butts last evening as Trump announced his proposals to exempt and or to lower Federal Taxes.
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Reply 22 - Posted by:
oldmagnolia 3/5/2025 10:16:25 AM (No. 1908881)
Another demoRat mantra: the republicans will cut Medicaid, Medicare and Social Security. Who are the ones that did it: DemoRat Lyndon Johnson, who transferred the Social Security fund to the General fund to pay for his "Great Society" welfare state.
3 people like this.
Reply 23 - Posted by:
mc squared 3/5/2025 10:42:47 AM (No. 1908901)
Things are improving: no Democrats pulled the fire alarm.
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Reply 24 - Posted by:
rytwng 3/5/2025 11:16:17 AM (No. 1908922)
Another dumb
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Reply 25 - Posted by:
anniebc 3/5/2025 1:23:22 PM (No. 1909029)
They should have shipped him swiftly to Guam.
1 person likes this.
Reply 26 - Posted by:
Harlowe 3/5/2025 5:29:09 PM (No. 1909161)
#2~ The alleged/assumed cutting of Medicaid benefits may stem from Democrats knowing that “millions of illegal aliens Millions of illegal aliens have been given an on-ramp to Medicaid due to actions by the Biden-Harris administration, a new study by the Foundation for Government Accountability says” while most Americans may not be aware of that fact.
Newly appointed Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., has said “Medicaid spending has skyrocketed in recent years ... and no other nation in the world has what we have here.”
All states pay hospitals to provide emergency services to some unauthorized residents in emergency rooms, a program known as Emergency Medicaid. About a dozen states have extended coverage for only prenatal care for such people. Full state-provided health insurance coverage is much less common, but increasing. (Snip)
Millions of illegal aliens have been given an on-ramp to Medicaid due to actions by the Biden-Harris administration, a new study by the Foundation for Government Accountability says. (Snip)
WASHINGTON, D.C. – This week, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released its analysis of the cost to taxpayers of Vice President Kamala Harris’ open border agenda on the Medicaid program. CBO estimates that the Biden-Harris Administration’s open border agenda cost federal and state taxpayers more than $16.2 billion to provide Medicaid-funded emergency services to illegal aliens since taking office. This is a staggering increase of 124% compared to the same period under the Trump Administration. (Snip)
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Reply 27 - Posted by:
kono 3/5/2025 6:05:12 PM (No. 1909185)
Loved the satirical post saying honorary Secret Service agent A.J. beat Green down with his prop cane in the hallway after the latter resisted arrest.
I hope Agent A.J. absolutely excels in the service.
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