Rush: Four Years On,
Mark Steyn
Original Article
Posted By: mc squared,
2/17/2025 2:29:34 PM
Four years ago today, just about this time, I was pottering about getting ready to guest-host The Rush Limbaugh Show when the telephone rang. It was Kraig Kitchin, his longtime friend (and head of the network that distributed his show), calling to break the news that Rush had died earlier that morning.
Post-Limbaugh talk radio seems smaller to me than it once did - not just because Rush had a big personality, but because he managed to fit the flotsam and jetsam of the news cycle into the big picture.
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Reply 1 - Posted by:
Older Lady 2/17/2025 2:39:46 PM (No. 1898005)
I still miss him. No one will ever actually take his place because he was one of a kind.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
vrb8m 2/17/2025 2:49:48 PM (No. 1898008)
Thank you for posting. I'm looking forward to listening when I finish working today. I miss the irreplaceable Rush every single day. My, but wouldn't he be having a field day with the state of things across the fruited plain...
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Thanks for posting. Rush was indispensable in the fight for freedom.
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Funny, to me it seems much longer than 4 years ago.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
former lurker 2/17/2025 3:02:53 PM (No. 1898015)
Without Rush there would not be a President Trump. His show was the campfire we gathered around to hear the way things should be. It was there that we found out that we were not alone and that help was on its way. How he would have enjoyed the last three weeks! RIP
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
Red Ghost 2/17/2025 3:14:55 PM (No. 1898021)
I think about Rush Limbaugh nearly everyday at noon, here on the east coast. No one will ever replace him. He was especially missed over the four brutal years of the Biden regime. I often think what he would thought about those terrible, terrible years. My husband and I talk quite a bit now that Trump is back, what would Rush have made of all of this.
I was very disappointed that Mark Steyn did not replace Rush. While not Rush, he would have been great. And the guys that did replace him, are really a varsity team. Not in the same league certainly as Rush, but Steyn as well.
I know that Rush is looking down from Heaven, thoroughly enjoying Trump 47 and helping along with the other angels and God, to guide and protect our beloved President Trump.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
wilarrbie 2/17/2025 3:16:39 PM (No. 1898023)
As a long-time listener, his observations and commentary helped form my own way of understanding of our political machinery. I truly miss his ability to point out how the sausage is made, and how Media packages it for our consumption. I suspect he's been able to observe the ongoing doings of his beloved country from a loftier position. As for his replacements, yes, none inspire like Rush, but I wonder what became of Bo Snerdly (James Golden)? Was he ever considered to fill those mighty big shoes? Mighta been a better choice that the trivial tag-team now.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
Italiano 2/17/2025 3:19:25 PM (No. 1898026)
Can you imagine the Shanklin parodies that we'd have been treated to during the Biden/Harris four-year nightmare?
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
red1066 2/17/2025 3:38:24 PM (No. 1898039)
I'm with #4. Has it only been four years? Feels like twice as long. I keep waiting for the show's song to begin. I have about ten minutes of a Rush show on a video recorded back during the Bork hearings. It's nice just hearing his voice on occasion.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
john56 2/17/2025 3:46:20 PM (No. 1898044)
Happy 4th anniversary of the debut of the EIHB (Excellence in Heavenly Broadcasting Network) with talent on loan from God at 12-3 Celestial Time! Some day, we can join the great Rush Room in the Sky.
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What the left never understood was that Rush verbalized how we felt and what we thought, and it was bliss.
They always thought we were told what to think by Rush. But he simply validated us.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
Gallo3 2/17/2025 4:48:02 PM (No. 1898073)
When people attempt to compare Rush with the good radio people left today, it is always forgotten that Rush was a Highly-Trained Broadcast Professional. He set up a mock broadcast booth in his folks' home when he was very young. By the time his show went nationwide in 1988, he had put in hours and hours and years of broadcasting. Was not and is not possible for anyone to approach that level of Excellence In Broadcasting. Ever.
God truly broke the mold, but his influence today on our dear country is profound. Heard his first nationwide show in 1988, and rarely ever missed his show for the rest of his time.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
m1n0uche19 2/17/2025 4:54:25 PM (No. 1898076)
I have a brilliant idea! Elon ought to create an AI Rush, program every radio broadcast, book, article, etc. ever done by Rush. It would be like GROK. Ask it any question and it would answer as Rush would have answered. It could be called "What would Rush say".
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
mc squared 2/17/2025 5:34:47 PM (No. 1898101)
I was a very early listener when he was started on WABC in NY. He was like family to me.
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
DanvilleBill 2/17/2025 6:01:03 PM (No. 1898114)
The day after Rush passed away, I threw my radio in the trash.
It served no further purpose.
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
padiva 2/17/2025 6:01:40 PM (No. 1898116)
#7 James Golden (Bo Snerdley) is alive and well.
He wrote a great book Rush On The Radio in 2021.
He has a radio show out of NYC 77WABC. It's 4-5PM M-F and 7-10AM on Saturdays. The editor from the Limbaugh Letter joins him frequently.
The radio show is different but just as intellectually stimulating.
His website is
He has a caller who thought that the UN should move to Gaza.
Also once or twice a day, he sends an email blast called 'BS Alert'.
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
crashnburn 2/17/2025 6:11:41 PM (No. 1898125)
I always liked Mark Steyn guest hosting more than Rush. However, w/o Rush, I never would have even known about Mark.
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Reply 18 - Posted by:
JimBob 2/17/2025 6:29:03 PM (No. 1898136)
On my wall, I have a framed print of Jon McNaughton's portrait of Rush, with the words
"The Talent On Loan From God Has Returned Home. Thank You Rush, for Everything."
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Reply 19 - Posted by:
zephyrgirl 2/17/2025 6:29:40 PM (No. 1898137)
I've always thought that Rush died of a broken heart after the travesty of the 2020 election. Whether it was cheating or the country turning against Trump, it must have had an effect on Rush's will to live. Rest in peace, dear Rush. I will miss you until my dying day.
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Reply 20 - Posted by:
udanja99 2/17/2025 6:44:53 PM (No. 1898148)
Thirty year avid listener here. Earlier today I re-watched the SOTU video when PDT awarded Rush the Medal of Freedom. For some reason my tear ducts went a little nuts. I never got through as a caller but hope to meet up with him one of these days. As others have said in the past, he was the best friend that I never met. I’ll probably miss him for the rest of my life but it’s nice to know that we have him as a guardian angel.
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I miss Rush. He was one-of-a-kind. I've never gone back to listening to talk radio.
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Reply 22 - Posted by:
TCloud 2/17/2025 8:03:20 PM (No. 1898186)
Rush Limbaugh! A Template for a THOUSAND CLONES! Made my day!
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Reply 23 - Posted by:
JHHolliday 2/17/2025 8:34:25 PM (No. 1898202)
We can never replace him. There are some good ones out there, but he was one of a kind. Maybe, just maybe, someone will come along that is a near match for his intelligence and humor.
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Reply 24 - Posted by:
nwcudagal 2/18/2025 6:17:07 AM (No. 1898427)
I still can recall his last broadcast; brings tears to my eyes.
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I don't even turn the radio on anymore. Rush did the country unimaginable good when we needed it. No one has taken his place and probably never will.