Trump Signs Executive Order To Protect
Second Amendment Rights
Tampa Free Press,
Mike Jenkins
Original Article
Posted By: sunset,
2/7/2025 8:13:40 PM
President Donald Trump has signed an executive order aimed at safeguarding the Second Amendment rights of American citizens. The order, titled Protecting Second Amendment Rights, directs the Attorney General to review and address potential infringements on the right to keep and bear arms that may have occurred during the Biden administration. In the order, President Trump emphasized the foundational importance of the Second Amendment, calling it “an indispensable safeguard of security and liberty.” He stated that the right to bear arms is essential for protecting families, preserving freedoms, and maintaining all other rights enshrined in the Constitution.
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Reply 1 - Posted by:
Rat Patrol 2/7/2025 8:18:50 PM (No. 1891804)
God Bless President Trump..
47 people like this.
Reply 2 - Posted by:
chumley 2/7/2025 8:20:42 PM (No. 1891806)
Some gun control weenie in the article said we need common sense gun laws. What is common sense? Oh, right. Common sense is what I have and anyone who disagrees with me doesn't.
This is a nice gesture by the president but not sure it will go anywhere. We already have the 2nd Amendment and look at all the ways they have circumvented that.
18 people like this.
Reply 3 - Posted by:
red1066 2/7/2025 9:58:22 PM (No. 1891847)
If the Supreme Court did its job, Trump wouldn't need an executive order to protect the second amendment of citizens.
34 people like this.
Reply 4 - Posted by:
DVC 2/7/2025 11:40:31 PM (No. 1891869)
Re #3, the Supreme Court has been massively rolling back gun control for 15 years. Have you not been seeing this?
11 people like this.
Reply 5 - Posted by:
Dr. Constant 2/8/2025 12:14:24 AM (No. 1891880)
If he really wanted to pick a fight he should sign an EO that forces Concealed Carry reciprocity.
Holy cow, the Democrats would forget about DOGE in a hurry
27 people like this.
Reply 6 - Posted by:
5 handicap 2/8/2025 6:13:30 AM (No. 1891955)
It would have been nice had he included a provision that allows one to hunt down and open up the perverted garbage who fingers your wife's lingerei during a search of your home.
8 people like this.
Reply 7 - Posted by:
Strike3 2/8/2025 6:35:33 AM (No. 1891969)
The Second Amendment ultimately protects itself, unless you let them meddle with it.
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One action should be to eliminate the ATF's illegally maintained gun registry consisting of computerized out of business FFL records.
19 people like this.
Reply 9 - Posted by:
bpl40 2/8/2025 8:45:08 AM (No. 1892058)
"Common sense gun laws" are code words for negating the Second Amendment without changing the Constitution. Don't fall for it!
16 people like this.
Reply 10 - Posted by:
Trump Won 2/8/2025 8:46:47 AM (No. 1892059)
Coming soon to a blue state near you; concealed carry reciprocity in all 50 states.
14 people like this.
Reply 11 - Posted by:
franq 2/8/2025 8:54:22 AM (No. 1892062)
Let's be careful... there's a fine line regarding state's rights. Would you want a Leftist President (God forbid there are any more) mandating EV quotas across the country? The knife can cut both ways.
2 people like this.
Reply 12 - Posted by:
red1066 2/8/2025 9:02:44 AM (No. 1892067)
#4. I live in Maryland and while other states have tried to enact the same type of restrictive gun laws that Maryland has and have been shot down by the Supreme Court, Maryland seems to have slipped under the radar as far as the Supreme Court is concerned.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
Zigrid 2/8/2025 10:34:21 AM (No. 1892111)
Oh baby...this one's for me...I'm a very good shot...and take seriously my rights to defend my family from harm.....I'm like JDVance's Mama...who had 19 guns hidden in her house....just in case...I love that story because...WE women have been called on many times to defend our families and some photo op democrat---bleeding heart liberal trying to take my right every time an unfortunate shooting happens is done....thank God for President Trump...
8 people like this.
Reply 14 - Posted by:
kono 2/8/2025 10:56:17 AM (No. 1892127)
But we already have something far more authoritative and durable than an EO to protect those rights -- it's called a CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT. The 2nd Amendment is their best protection.
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
DVC 2/8/2025 11:32:13 AM (No. 1892155)
Re #12, perhaps you haven't noted that Marylandwas forced to abandon the "may issue" CCW which was really "almost never issue" laws for CCW permits, and switch to "shall issue", forced by the Bruen SCOTUS decision. Pass a background check and probably training Maryland and you SHALL get your permit. Unless there is some specific, objective restriction, like a felony conviction, or underage, etc., the permits "shall be issued".
Maryland still has a hell of a lot of gun laws, but many are under challenge as violating the 2nd Amendment, after Bruen. Many of those laws will eventually be found to be unconstitutional due to the new test requirements of Bruen.
But, you can get a CCW today in Maryland, where it was nearly impossible a couple of years ago. Bit by bit, the 2nd Amendment is restored. Our rights were removed over decades of time, it will, unfortunately, not unwind in a month or a year.
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
Encore 2/8/2025 11:52:42 AM (No. 1892169)
Just keep the BATF from trying to make their own laws! They’re not in any way, shape or form a part of the legislature. Dump ‘em.
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
JimBob 2/8/2025 12:54:36 PM (No. 1892211)
THANK YOU, President Trump!
The 2nd Amendment is what it is, but I applaud President Trump directing the Fed legal weenies working to Reinforce the 2nd Amendment, rather than working to Undermine it!
4 people like this.
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