Could We Be Witnessing the End of Liberal Media?
PJ Media,
Matt Margpolis
Original Article
Posted By: FlyRight,
2/7/2025 5:01:32 AM
For years, the liberal media has been a dominant force in shaping public opinion; whether parroting the Democratic Party's talking points, attacking conservative figures, or downplaying major scandals that could harm their favored candidates, they had a virtual monopoly in the field of journalism. Things have changed. From the rise of conservative networks and independent journalists, people have more choices now, and it could spell the end of the liberal media. It’s not just me saying it. Jim VandeHei, the co-founder of the USAID-funded Politico, also believes the heyday of left-wing media might finally be over.
And not just because they’re losing the slush fund money.
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Reply 1 - Posted by:
tootall 2/7/2025 7:12:26 AM (No. 1891178)
In economics the term 'Destructive Innnovation' comes to mind.
When Henry Ford made use of the assembly line for production the largest company in the US was the Chicago Buggy Whip Company.
Podcasts and X have changed everything. Thank you Elon. There's still a ton of junk out there to sift through, but it is possible.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
Heraclitus 2/7/2025 7:30:56 AM (No. 1891198)
Margolis pretty exhaustively analyzes the reasons the Left media are withering away.
I have often ended my postings with an exhortation to wake up, the time was running short, we’re careening toward the precipice, understanding that those words were spoken largely to the whirlwind because the lefties (Dem/Left) weren’t coming here, which is part of the reason the gunk still gummed-up the eyes of their understanding.
A couple of huge factors came to mind: Remember when Bill Clinton was whining and complaining that our great Rush had three whole hours every day to get his message out?
It was ridiculous of course, Clinton was a popular POTUS.
However, there followed a myriad of efforts to compete with Rush. Those efforts other than in the big newspapers weren’t financially successful. Actually the papers were also struggling, and new media were adding more competition.
So why wouldn’t the Dems in DC figure out how they could get their hands on some of the billions coming into the Treasury?!? Just speculating on the origins or acceleration of agencies like USAID, and avenues cut out of HHS and others, to sponsor journalism or culture or —good grief! Remember the PSAs? Environmental, health WHO, CDC, on and on ad infinitum!
There appears always to be a carve out for “journalism” “information” deemed essential for “The Peeeople”.
So the money flowed, the good press for Dems and for all those burgeoning departments and agencies and a gazillion lawyers in DC (et alia) to keep the whole operation chugging along.
AND THEN: Donald J. Trump…
It seems to me that the dreadful day in Butler when he came millimeters from death, seemed to sharpen his focus and mission.
A miracle had occurred.
Now the Dems are flabbergasted.
Carry on, DOGE!
Thank you, President Trump.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
Strike3 2/7/2025 7:40:57 AM (No. 1891212)
For me, it ended shortly after the coronation of the Kenyan and the first scolding from his lovely wife. We were told that a skinny, weak, effeminate, communist, gay, intellectually-challenged, pot-smoking student of affirmative action creation, was going to bring America to her senses. How did that work out?
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
jeffkinnh 2/7/2025 8:19:36 AM (No. 1891240)
The media thought no one could touch them, hold them accountable. That may be true for government but they DO have a boss, the American People. Their downfall started when they decided they could tell us what to think, instead of providing information and letting us make up our own minds. They were sneaky about it at first but then became arrogant. Then alternate information streams became available, ones that were better aligned with truth.
Now we know we have been lied to, like a used car salesman trying to sell is a junker. That is all they are to us now.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
JoElla Bee 2/7/2025 8:48:57 AM (No. 1891254)
I see from this and other posts on this subject, that I’m not alone in thinking of our beloved Rush Limbaugh during all of this Winning.
He was very instrumental in making all of this possible. I’m so thankful that President Trump came to power in Rush’s lifetime, and recognized and rewarded him for his part in Making America Great Again. I wish that he was here to see what he always knew was possible. I‘m so thankful for EIB, and all that he did toward this time, and for his established place in American history among other great patriots. Rush is loved and missed much more than I can say!
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
chumley 2/7/2025 9:00:37 AM (No. 1891262)
I remember when the communists tried to get into talk radio. It was pathetic. They tried so hard not to offend anyone and their statements were so full of disclaimers I never figured out what the message was. It was every bit as pathetic as David Hogg's lame attempt at selling pillows to compete with Mike Lindell. back then my day was filled with Rush, G. Gordon Liddy, Michael Reagan and Hannity. It was a good time.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
mifla 2/7/2025 9:12:01 AM (No. 1891275)
One of the key factors in the MSM collapse is that Trump and his allies are holding them accountable for their lies via lawsuits. Throw in the fact that younger folks get their news from social media types, and you have the MSM market share dwindling away.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
anniebc 2/7/2025 9:56:42 AM (No. 1891340)
If we all answer yes, will that make it so even quicker? Hey, as long as it happens. When more people learn about how taxpayer money has been stolen, and we're in trillions of debt for it, the liberal media and all the left will be done. The rats are talking about shutting down the government in March to hurt Trump. I say shut it down along with a lot of media orgs. Start confiscating stolen money from every last one of them, get the prosecutions going, and get the spending right. It can be easily proven that they received money; that part shouldn't take that long; and there's a whole bunch of money allocated to USAID to get it done.
Me too, poster #5.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
DVC 2/7/2025 11:26:17 AM (No. 1891438)
Well, we've wondered how the Enemedia keeps going on with an ever shrinking audience, and we now discovered that evil USAID was funding it. Now that USAID is cut off, maybe they'll actually be subjected to market forces, and without an audience, no money, no Enemedia.
But, NYT is propped up by a Mexican billionaire, Carlos Slim, almost guaranteed funded by the cartels, so who knows what other corrupt, criminal, crooked folks will step in to fund the Enemedia propaganda.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
Ida Lou Pino 2/7/2025 11:42:37 AM (No. 1891451)
Very, very disappointing - - that Matt is still using the beautiful word "liberal" - - to describe communist cretins.
Hey Matt! Wake up! Didn't you read the memo? These evil, corrupt criminals are leftists - - socialists - - communists. They are not "liberal" - - so please - - please stop using that word to describe them!
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
JimBob 2/7/2025 12:04:25 PM (No. 1891462)
First: Rest In Peace, Rush!
I have a framed print of McNaughton's Rush with "The Talent On Loan From God.... Has Been Returned" on my wall.
To me, a good-size chunk of the credit goes to Elon.
Think about it. Before 2016, the 'Rats had a monopoly on all the bigger media outlets, talk radio being the exception.
In 2016, Trump used Twitter to blast a huge wall in the Lamestream Wall of Lies and get his message out. He would Tweet, and the Lamestreams had a compulsion to reply. Trump got his message out, the 'Rats ran the HildeBeast -a widely despised person- and Trump won the election.
In 2020, the 'Rats kicked Trump -and everyone else who did not 'Toe the Leftist Line'- off Twitter, so that huge avenue to get information out was again monopolized by the 'Rats.
Then Elon bought Twitter, renamed it 'X', and brought Trump and the rest of the free-thinkers back on.
Trump again had a big platform to get his message out, and combined with the 'Rats running HeelZup (perhaps the only person more despised than the HildeBeast) Trump won. Just enough Pubbies also won to give them both houses of Congress- and the Rino Ryan from Wisconsin was not Speaker.
Trump has truly 'hit the ground running' and I am hopeful that the Congress will waddle along in his footsteps.
It looks like a lot of people are hearing the truth for the first time, or else they just want to be on the winning side', and as a result the Lying Leftist media is withering away... Finally!
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
DVC 2/7/2025 1:08:31 PM (No. 1891497)
Re references to Rush. I was born the same year as Rush, so his passing is that much more thought provoking. We don't have any idea how long we have on this ride.
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